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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Deleted member

Listen I may not be the biggest fan of SNK or their properties but we have to put some amount of respect on their name. SNK has quite a history and the company dates back to the 70's.

Here's just a list of accomplishments just to name a few:

-They created one of the very first side-scrolling shooter games if not the very first side-scrolling shooter game going by the name of "Ozma Wars"
-SNK has made Nintendo exclusive games dating back to the NES
-SNK were one of the biggest Arcade based companies
-It has dozens and dozens of Nintendo games throughout both companies history from the NES to the SNES, Wii, DS, Switch, Etc and even some more exclusives.
-It's one of the biggest Video game companies and has a multitude of former and current subsidiaries.

Of course we want Geno and I would prefer to have Geno but we should be civil about the recent developments cause the company and it's franchises have done a lot for gaming. You may not want an SNK rep and heck I don't want an SNK rep but let's all be civil about it even if we do get an SNK rep we were always theorizing about getting a character from a new company.

These recent developments don't change anything as long as nobody comes out and says Geno won't be the fifth DLC character it doesn't change anything, We were already theorizing about Doom Guy (Bethesda), Crash (Activision), Frisk (Indie), Etc so these recent developments don't change anything and if anything it may help us in the long run as like Geno SNK has always been a "Dark horse" candidate.

We didn't expect an SNK rep and yet we're getting one this goes against recent leaks, Where's Tracer? Where's Ryu Hayabusa? Where's Doom Guy? Nowhere to be seen or for now at least they could very well get in but SNK has always been a dark horse candidate, It's been and was unexpected just like Geno would be. These recent leaks are breakable things can go against recent developments and characters can sprout up from nowhere. Geno can still get in even if it has to be the fifth character or otherwise.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I just want this roller coaster over already...I really wish someone would just give a definitive yes or no.

And I hope like hell that in the future smash bros, Either nintendo, Or sakurai, just tell everyone flat out who's getting in. No more making fans build hype while agonizingly waiting, Looking up constant pieces of evidence for and against their most wanted characters. Just say "these are the dlc characters that will eventually get released."
This is why I'm hoping that a future pass is handled differently or, rather, like how practically every other fighting game does it: announce multiple characters or even everyone at once. "Here's Season 2 and here's everyone coming." I love the trailers but, if they absolutely have to stay, I'd rather them come at the actual release.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Like I'm saying, I don't think this is the end. People were pretty confident in all 16 placeholders being filled by the end of this pass at the beginning but there's no way that #5 is going to fill the remaining 11. People have mentioned echoes and I think that's a strong possibility but there's no way that will be the remaining ten, let alone more than half. That said, realistically speaking, it points to no less than 5 totally original additions so things are still technically open.
I had this thought before and with your speculation + what you have heard at the dinner table, I could see the 2 more "passes" filled out like this:

-The first pass is Sakurai's Picks. Mainly filling out the "history" of video games in Ultimate. As others have said, Banjo is kind of an exception, but Rare was a big part of Nintendo's history.

-The next batch of fighters would be The Echoe's Pass. Five echo fighters to fill out some of the 16 slots without too much work from the team. Shadow, Black Shadow, Protoman come to mind.

-Then the other would be The Fan's Pass/ Spirit's Pass. Basically, what we, the fans, would like to see. Could easily see the fighters being a combination of Geno, BWD, Rayman, Shantae, Rex & Pyra, Isaac, Waluigi and/or whoever.

Deleted member

Wow, actually piss off.

Stop acting like everything the man does is some attack on our fanbase. You need to get over it.
nah go take a look at Splatoon. Look at how the developers treated it, made showings at the tournaments to hand out the awards, supported the competitive scene and gave fans what they want.

Then look at how Smash has been handled in comparison. We're redheaded stepchildren and yet Sakurai is a hero? Talk about an abusive relrelationship


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
nah go take a look at Splatoon. Look at how the developers treated it, made showings at the tournaments to hand out the awards, supported the competitive scene and gave fans what they want.

Then look at how Smash has been handled in comparison. We're redheaded stepchildren and yet Sakurai is a hero? Talk about an abusive relrelationship
What does ANY of that have to do with Geno in Smash?

You're literally projecting right now.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
nah go take a look at Splatoon. Look at how the developers treated it, made showings at the tournaments to hand out the awards, supported the competitive scene and gave fans what they want.

Then look at how Smash has been handled in comparison. We're redheaded stepchildren and yet Sakurai is a hero? Talk about an abusive relrelationship
Look, i'm bummed out too that we're gonna probably get someone underwhelming like Ryu H. as DLC 5, and Geno won't be in Smash, but you oughta calm down


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
Guys, I feel absolutely thrashed right now. These recent developments hurt me a lot only because I just want at least two characters that I like from a visual standpoint. Other than Banjo, none of these other fighters stand out to me. I have to hope and pray that #5 looks visually unique because although these characters sort of stand out, you could blend them with a bunch of other humans and I'd never be able to tell the difference.

I don't care if it's Geno, Rayman, Bandana Dee, or who knows what else, I just want something besides more humans. Especially super realistic ones.
We all had to be prepared for this. I will say that there's a good chance that Ryu Hayabusa isn't the fifth fighter. There's a million 4chan leaks, this isn't the first one to guess Terry Bogard. Seeing how many insiders don't know who the fifth fighter are I doubt this random person knew about the Fighters and their trailer.

Also going out on a limb saying even if Terry Bogard trailer match the 4chan leak I don't think it means anything. I think just about anyone would've thought that if Terry is in they would use the Incineroar trailer for him. It makes too much sense for it to go like that. It's not like predicted the Banjo trailer where I think barely anyone would've guessed that would happen.

Also remember the Dante leak. Some guy leaked so many legit info on Devil May Cry V then say Dante is in Smash Bros and describe the trailer pretty... and that was fake.

Don't take 4chan leak serious.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
We all had to be prepared for this. I will say that there's a good chance that Ryu Hayabusa isn't the fifth fighter. There's a million 4chan leaks, this isn't the first one to guess Terry Bogard. Seeing how many insiders don't know who the fifth fighter are I doubt this random person knew about the Fighters and their trailer.

Also going out on a limb saying even if Terry Bogard trailer match the 4chan leak I don't think it means anything. I think just about anyone would've thought that if Terry is in they would use the Incineroar trailer for him. It makes too much sense for it to go like that. It's not like predicted the Banjo trailer where I think barely anyone would've guessed that would happen.

Also remember the Dante leak. Some guy leaked so many legit info on Devil May Cry V then say Dante is in Smash Bros and describe the trailer pretty... and that was fake.

Don't take 4chan leak serious.
Yeah, I get that but at this point, for me at least, it isn't about Geno. I just want the final character to stand out and not be human. Is that too much to ask? Don't answer that
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Deleted member

What does ANY of that have to do with Geno in Smash?

You're literally projecting right now.
Dang when I said "us" you thought I meant Geno supporters? Yeah, Geno folks have been treated rotten but Smash fans in general are done dirty every time DLC comes around - either they're selling us characters that should have come with the game or they're selling us advertisements. And if we dare to complain well we're entitled or need to calm down. All I can say is lol.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2014
at this point the fact that starlings are nature's own Purina Falcon chow, I'm thinking it's Ryu Hayabusa. We know the disappointing truth, all these people want is closure, like those families in the murder shows.

Sakurai fails us again but everyone will be bowing at his feet as soon as he complains about his arthritis setting in
This is like a child crying about how he can't get all the happy meal toys.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
This is like a child crying about how he can't get all the happy meal toys.
Hey, that used to be me.

Still, there is nothing to cry about. Just because Geno is not in doesn't mean it is the end of the world. He'll still have a chance in getting into the game or the next one.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Yeah, I get that but at this point, for me at least, it isn't about Geno. I just want the final character to stand out and not be human. Is that too much to ask? Don't answer that
I don't think it's unreasonable at all, honestly.

Regardless of character preference or series relevance, part of what makes Smash so unique is how it's a "fighting" game without just humans or animals/creatures that fight like humans. It's part of what makes it so stand-out, and I think it's something it absolutely needs to get more credit for.

The problem is, this isn't the 90s or early 2000s anymore. Mascot-y and non-human characters are a dime a dozen these days, and frankly, not as many people care about em. They aren't as relevant as the use to be. So there's not really as much of an acceptance of them in today's gaming climate- not that they aren't wanted, but it's pretty much just reserved for those who survived the 90s, and indie companies.

All of the series in the Fighter's pass are FANTASTIC. Phenomenal, even. But that doesn't mean they don't blend together with other human characters, because that's just how humans are. Nothing wrong with wanting the mold broken a bit in a series that has proven it can do so.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Hey, that used to be me.

Still, there is nothing to cry about. Just because Geno is not in doesn't mean it is the end of the world. He'll still have a chance in getting into the game or the next one.
This is pretty much where I'm at. Chances of Geno being in this pass are pretty low but the chances of more after the fighter pass are surprisingly good. It also helps that he's yet to be hard deconfirmed like a ton of others.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
This is pretty much where I'm at. Chances of Geno being in this pass are pretty low but the chances of more after the fighter pass are surprisingly good. It also helps that he's yet to be hard deconfirmed like a ton of others.
Out of curiosity, how do you see more after the fighter pass as "surprisingly good?"

most of the time i see people suggest an FP2 the idea is shot down by multiple people saying it wont happen


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2019
I had this thought before and with your speculation + what you have heard at the dinner table, I could see the 2 more "passes" filled out like this:

-The first pass is Sakurai's Picks. Mainly filling out the "history" of video games in Ultimate. As others have said, Banjo is kind of an exception, but Rare was a big part of Nintendo's history.

-The next batch of fighters would be The Echoe's Pass. Five echo fighters to fill out some of the 16 slots without too much work from the team. Shadow, Black Shadow, Protoman come to mind.

-Then the other would be The Fan's Pass/ Spirit's Pass. Basically, what we, the fans, would like to see. Could easily see the fighters being a combination of Geno, BWD, Rayman, Shantae, Rex & Pyra, Isaac, Waluigi and/or whoever.
>Echoes pass
>Booster gets in before Geno as a wario alt
>Geno still gets nothing
>mfw no face


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
The Fighter's Pass just doesn't do it for me, which kind of blows because I had a lot of hopes for it. I get we have one slot left but considering past games and assuming it's the last fighter over all, I'm not expecting Geno or Rayman or anything super outlandish that adds to the Smash Bros theme of "anything goes." Especially when most of these DLC fighters are humans. I'm happy for everyone else but I honestly feel slightly robbed. I'll get over it after I sleep but as of this moment, I'm just kind of upset? Not like "oh my god, Sakurai is horrible" or anything like that. Just disappointed that most of the pass is just kind of "meh" to me. I was hoping for more than just the bear and the bird but I guess I can live with something rather than nothing. I honestly wish they had just announced the fighters, especially since the insiders and leakers just do it ahead of time anyway, so what's even the point of hiding it?

Glad Isabelle was my #7 and Banjo was my #6 but it stinks I couldn't get any of my top 5. This feels like Smash 4, where I was just confused and disappointed with Corrin and Bayonetta. I'm sure I'll be fine after I take a break for a while...
Not to be rude, but the pass IS only 5 characters out of the hundreds of thousands that exist. The likelihood that it would be one that an individual would like is kind not in the individual's favor. The less iconic the less likely the are, and not only is SNK iconic but it's influence on Smash basically guaranteed it a slot the minute 3rd party reps were a thing.

Since the argument was brought up, I could see Geno not coming with a stage. We'd all prefer if he did but I'd be totally okay with him getting the Corrin treatment. I've been arguing since the beginning but Bandana Waddle Dee is another character that this would be perfectly fine for.
HARD disagree. I want the whole kit and kaboodle.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
On the talk of evaluating the DLC as a whole though, am I the only one who was actually really hype about Plant? Mario is by far my favorite Nintendo franchise, particularly the spinoffs and especially the RPGs (TTYD is my favorite game of all time), and not only does a playable Mario baddie feel like something out of the spinoffs, but he's also the only character to reference the RPGs. We have his classic complete screen and Palutena's Guidance referencing Mario RPG, and his side B referencing TTYD. Short of Geno, Plant might be the closest we ever get to a character representing some of Nintendo's most special games, and I think that's really rad.
You're not the only one. I always liked the idea of plant and really enjoy playing as it.


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
Dang when I said "us" you thought I meant Geno supporters? Yeah, Geno folks have been treated rotten but Smash fans in general are done dirty every time DLC comes around - either they're selling us characters that should have come with the game or they're selling us advertisements. And if we dare to complain well we're entitled or need to calm down. All I can say is lol.
I mean, every single character has been pretty good and has had a group of fans who are super happy with them. Terry Bogard is the first time I have had a character I wanted to get into Smash in a long time. Still waiting for Geno but Sakurai really has been playing his cards right if his goal was to introduce brand new and exciting franchises into the game.

Like I said, there are a ton of ways to continue supporting Geno and getting our message across. We don't have to dissolve into nothing but bitter angst and toxicity like other fandoms/groups have over disappointing news.

Not to beat a dead horse constantly but while this isn't an easy road, I am confident that Geno will appear in an official Smash Bros game some day.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
I don't think it's unreasonable at all, honestly.

Regardless of character preference or series relevance, part of what makes Smash so unique is how it's a "fighting" game without just humans or animals/creatures that fight like humans. It's part of what makes it so stand-out, and I think it's something it absolutely needs to get more credit for.

The problem is, this isn't the 90s or early 2000s anymore. Mascot-y and non-human characters are a dime a dozen these days, and frankly, not as many people care about em. They aren't as relevant as the use to be. So there's not really as much of an acceptance of them in today's gaming climate- not that they aren't wanted, but it's pretty much just reserved for those who survived the 90s, and indie companies.

All of the series in the Fighter's pass are FANTASTIC. Phenomenal, even. But that doesn't mean they don't blend together with other human characters, because that's just how humans are. Nothing wrong with wanting the mold broken a bit in a series that has proven it can do so.
Yeah! If I had to pick any new fighters, I would shoot for the more mascot-y and strange! Crash, Spyro, and Rayman feel like really good platformer mascots that would work well in Smash. Geno and Bandana Dee stand out to me! I want some strange fighters up in here! Give me LABO as a fighter!

Also, ForsakenM ForsakenM , I get that. The chances were low. That's why I said one was better than none. You didn't have to remind me what I already said, my dude
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Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
So, in other words, we are in holding on. Barely with the belief that there may be more after the pass. Then that's all she wrote for Ultimate.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
I am still so confused about Nintendo's and Ubisoft's relationship. It seems like they really like working with each other. But all they would commit to is a weird Rabbid x Mario crossover and a png of Rayman in Smash. I would think Rayman would be a lock by now. And I am indifferent towards Rayman.
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Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
Based on the theming, probably not. Number 5 isn't confirmed but all evidence is currently pointing to, like I said, Sakurai's personal picks to not only celebrate video game history but to also work with franchises or companies he's always wanted to work with. As they say, hindsight is 20/20 and we kind of saw evidence of this as far back as Piranha Plant. This is more "Sakurai's pass" than the fans which is why I'm thinking fan picks will be coming later either as individual DLC or even as other passes.
How is Banjo a Sakurai pick? He chose him specifically because of how well he did on the ballot and how popular he is among fans.
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Deleted member

To lighten the mood up a bit I would like to ask a question to all of you since it seems more likely that we're getting another pass or two after this one who would you fill the spots up with? Let's say there were actually two Passes left and so what ten characters would you add? For me it would be:

Pass 2: Spirit Upgrades

Character #1: Geno (Fan-Favorite like Banjo, Sakurai has wanted him since Brawl, Would have a fun and unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #2: Bandanna Dee (Relevant and popular character, Completes the main Kirby cast and one of my friends wants him so I'd be happy for him.)
Character #3: Dixie (First and foremost she wouldn't be an Echo instead she'd have a few moves borrowed from Diddy but mostly be unique like Luigi, She'd complete the DKC cast, She's relevant and popular, She's decently iconic, Etc.)
Character #4: Chorus Kids (A friend of mine wants a Rhythm Heaven rep, I think Rhythm Heaven deserves a rep and more Nintendo franchises represented the better, Chorus Kids could have a unique gimmick, Etc.)
Character #5: Mach Rider (We don't have a Retro rep in the normal sense when we usually have one new Retro character every game, The Grinch leak inspired me on this choice I must admit but this character is someone I never knew I wanted and now they're my preferred retro character, Sakurai mentioned considering them for Melee, Etc.)

Pass 3: The rest
Character #1: Rex/Pyra (Barely missed the boat for Base game and were robbed of their debut but luckily they could make Pass 3, Could have a unique moveset and gimmick, Sakurai would've probably put them in but couldn't, Etc.)
Character #2: Andy (Him and Isaac represent the GBA perfectly and puts that era of Nintendo at a good stop in terms of representation, Could have a unique moveset, More new Nintendo franchises the better, Etc.)
Character #3: Isaac (Last of the five never-evers, As I said with Andy it gives the GBA the perfect representation, Could have a very fun and unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #4: Skull Kid (Zelda needs more diverse representation as a franchise and Skull Kid comes from a fan favorite Zelda game, He could do some really cool stuff like a new gimmick or unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #5: Waluigi (Of course we can't talk about Assist Upgrades and not mention Waluigi he's arguably the face of Assists as a whole, He rounds out the main cast of the Mario games and the plumbers, He could bring a unique stage and moveset, Etc.)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Out of curiosity, how do you see more after the fighter pass as "surprisingly good?"

most of the time i see people suggest an FP2 the idea is shot down by multiple people saying it wont happen
Already explained it. There's currently 11 placeholders in the game's data and Papageno's theory about Amiibos purposely being released in threes seems to be deliberate. One set is Richter, Dark Samus, and Joker. Next is presumably Hero, Banjo, and Terry. Then this leaves #5 by itself, which is pretty weird, suggesting more would be coming with it.

How is Banjo a Sakurai pick? He chose him specifically because of how well he did on the ballot and how popular he is among fans.
I already said Banjo was the exception but can still also be tied into the bigger perspective of video game history, specifically Nintendo's.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
nah go take a look at Splatoon. Look at how the developers treated it, made showings at the tournaments to hand out the awards, supported the competitive scene and gave fans what they want.

Then look at how Smash has been handled in comparison. We're redheaded stepchildren and yet Sakurai is a hero? Talk about an abusive relrelationship
You legitimately have no clue what you're talking about if you're saying this. Inkling, Ridley, Simon Belmont, King K. Rool, Dark Samus, Chrom, Daisy, and Banjo & Kazooie are all character picks designed around satisfying fans. Every single fighter returning to Ultimate? For the fans An actual single player campaign? Fans. Individualized Classic Modes? Fans. Hazard toggle for stages and battlefield forms for them all? Fans.

I'm getting very tired of repeating this list every time someone tries to act like Sakurai "doesn't listen to us" or whatever. Hell, every content update we're getting brand new free modes for crying out loud. Smash is getting every bit of support and more that Splatoon has gotten. Post launch DLC, both paid and free? Check. Support for the competitive scene? Absolutely. Updates and balance patches that address issues? Check (meta is still developing so don't expect everything to be fixed or perfectly balanced in any scenario). Listening to fan feedback across the board? Check. It's also just intrinsically easier to satisfy Splatoon fans because they have significantly fewer expectations and demands from a development team. Not every single weapon addition comes with the added weight of disappointing fans of every other video game character in existence (I'm using hyperbole because that's how some fans act).

There's no abusive relationship here except for the one where you demand everything be your way and refuse to acknowledge that not all of Smash is made exclusively for you. It gets to spend time with fans outside of the "traditional Smash fan base" and appeal to those people too. Yeah, I think Sakurai should absolutely be given commendations for making a game that doesn't exist in today's world and would basically amount to 4 full fighting games in any other context.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
I am still so confused about Nintendo's and Ubisoft's relationship. It seems like they really like working with each other. But all they would commit to is a weird Rabbid x Mario crossover and a png of Rayman in Smash. I would think Rayman would be a lock by now. And I am indifferent towards Rayman.
I agree it is odd that Rayman is continually overlooked and I can understand more why Spyro and Crash haven't gotten in but Rayman seems different. I will say that the Rabbids x Mario game is actually quite amazing though if you like turn based strategy.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
To lighten the mood up a bit I would like to ask a question to all of you since it seems more likely that we're getting another pass or two after this one who would you fill the spots up with? Let's say there were actually two Passes left and so what ten characters would you add? For me it would be:

Pass 2: Spirit Upgrades

Character #1: Geno (Fan-Favorite like Banjo, Sakurai has wanted him since Brawl, Would have a fun and unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #2: Bandanna Dee (Relevant and popular character, Completes the main Kirby cast and one of my friends wants him so I'd be happy for him.)
Character #3: Dixie (First and foremost she wouldn't be an Echo instead she'd have a few moves borrowed from Diddy but mostly be unique like Luigi, She'd complete the DKC cast, She's relevant and popular, She's decently iconic, Etc.)
Character #4: Chorus Kids (A friend of mine wants a Rhythm Heaven rep, I think Rhythm Heaven deserves a rep and more Nintendo franchises represented the better, Chorus Kids could have a unique gimmick, Etc.)
Character #5: Mach Rider (We don't have a Retro rep in the normal sense when we usually have one new Retro character every game, The Grinch leak inspired me on this choice I must admit but this character is someone I never knew I wanted and now they're my preferred retro character, Sakurai mentioned considering them for Melee, Etc.)

Pass 3: The rest
Character #1: Rex/Pyra (Barely missed the boat for Base game and were robbed of their debut but luckily they could make Pass 3, Could have a unique moveset and gimmick, Sakurai would've probably put them in but couldn't, Etc.)
Character #2: Andy (Him and Isaac represent the GBA perfectly and puts that era of Nintendo at a good stop in terms of representation, Could have a unique moveset, More new Nintendo franchises the better, Etc.)
Character #3: Isaac (Last of the five never-evers, As I said with Andy it gives the GBA the perfect representation, Could have a very fun and unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #4: Skull Kid (Zelda needs more diverse representation as a franchise and Skull Kid comes from a fan favorite Zelda game, He could do some really cool stuff like a new gimmick or unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #5: Waluigi (Of course we can't talk about Assist Upgrades and not mention Waluigi he's arguably the face of Assists as a whole, He rounds out the main cast of the Mario games and the plumbers, He could bring a unique stage and moveset, Etc.)
I'd put Shantae and Rayman over Mach Rider and Chrous Kids but that's just me.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
To lighten the mood up a bit I would like to ask a question to all of you since it seems more likely that we're getting another pass or two after this one who would you fill the spots up with? Let's say there were actually two Passes left and so what ten characters would you add? For me it would be:

Pass 2: Spirit Upgrades

Character #1: Geno (Fan-Favorite like Banjo, Sakurai has wanted him since Brawl, Would have a fun and unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #2: Bandanna Dee (Relevant and popular character, Completes the main Kirby cast and one of my friends wants him so I'd be happy for him.)
Character #3: Dixie (First and foremost she wouldn't be an Echo instead she'd have a few moves borrowed from Diddy but mostly be unique like Luigi, She'd complete the DKC cast, She's relevant and popular, She's decently iconic, Etc.)
Character #4: Chorus Kids (A friend of mine wants a Rhythm Heaven rep, I think Rhythm Heaven deserves a rep and more Nintendo franchises represented the better, Chorus Kids could have a unique gimmick, Etc.)
Character #5: Mach Rider (We don't have a Retro rep in the normal sense when we usually have one new Retro character every game, The Grinch leak inspired me on this choice I must admit but this character is someone I never knew I wanted and now they're my preferred retro character, Sakurai mentioned considering them for Melee, Etc.)

Pass 3: The rest
Character #1: Rex/Pyra (Barely missed the boat for Base game and were robbed of their debut but luckily they could make Pass 3, Could have a unique moveset and gimmick, Sakurai would've probably put them in but couldn't, Etc.)
Character #2: Andy (Him and Isaac represent the GBA perfectly and puts that era of Nintendo at a good stop in terms of representation, Could have a unique moveset, More new Nintendo franchises the better, Etc.)
Character #3: Isaac (Last of the five never-evers, As I said with Andy it gives the GBA the perfect representation, Could have a very fun and unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #4: Skull Kid (Zelda needs more diverse representation as a franchise and Skull Kid comes from a fan favorite Zelda game, He could do some really cool stuff like a new gimmick or unique moveset, Etc.)
Character #5: Waluigi (Of course we can't talk about Assist Upgrades and not mention Waluigi he's arguably the face of Assists as a whole, He rounds out the main cast of the Mario games and the plumbers, He could bring a unique stage and moveset, Etc.)
1. Steve
2. Geno
3. Sans & Papyrus
4. Skull Kid
5. Midna
6. Bandana Dee
7. Porky Minch
8. Chorus Kids/Shantae/Mach Rider/Balloon Fighter
9. Gengar
10. Toad


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I'd put Shantae and Rayman over Mach Rider and Chrous Kids but that's just me.
The fact that Mach Rider and Chorus Kids were planned at some point makes me feel like Sakurai would bring them to reality.

Of course, I'd love to see Rayman though


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I agree it is odd that Rayman is continually overlooked and I can understand more why Spyro and Crash haven't gotten in but Rayman seems different. I will say that the Rabbids x Mario game is actually quite amazing though if you like turn based strategy.
Either Ubisoft has more specific requirements for depicting Rayman that make him as playable an issue... or Sakurai just doesn't think he's a priority for the roster. I mean, Rayman is kind of the black sheep of the classic platforming icons compared to like Mario, Sonic, and Crash. He's still semi-successful and above a lot of the other trash ones, but he's also kind of an awkward mascot that died arguably harder than any of these other characters. Sure, Crash died too, but he came roaring back without issue. Rayman had two stellar releases that completely failed to gain traction and seem to have doomed him once again (not to mention getting upstaged by the Rabbids again).

Unrelated to your post, it is a little disappointing that so many people are pushing so hard on the Nintendo side of things when there's an absolute treasure trove of amazing third party IPs and characters that could still be included and make the crossover even bigger. Sora, Crash Bandicoot, Doom Slayer, Tracer, Spyro, Shantae, Travis Touchdown, yes Rayman himself. I get that some people are disappointed that the pass has been entirely third party so far and seems to be destined to be that way... but there's genuinely amazing characters that are worth looking at and including outside of Nintendo too (and honestly, just "course correcting" by upgrading existing characters would be the absolutely most boring route to go. Sure, bring in some upgrades, but it can't just be the most mind-numbing checklist of "character that was somewhat well liked during Ultimate speculation getting upgraded...").


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Here's to hoping Nintendo announces the next Direct tomorrow (to go live on Wednesday), or Wednesday (to go live on Thursday). :nifty:

Deleted member

I'd put Shantae and Rayman over Mach Rider and Chrous Kids but that's just me.
I considered Shantae and Rayman in fact I was going to get rid of Chorus Kids but I think Mach Rider and Chorus Kids both being planned in Melee and Smash 4 is what pushed me to keep them in. Chorus Kids had work done on them and if it wasn't for the 3DS I'm almost certain they would've been in Smash already.

And as for Mach Rider they were also considered but scrapped plus as I said we don't have a normal Retro rep yet. Both being considered but scrapped is what made me keep them and I would find it funny if the "Everyone is Here" motto stuck with those two characters being considered, scrapped but now brought to reality.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
I sometimes forget that Smash is a fighting game and not a platformer. That's why characters like Terry and Joker just don't bode well with me, I guess. Sometimes the best way to play a game is like the source material.
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Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
So from Papageno there apparently some kind of conflict with the SNK character. He's hearing it isn't Terry despite hear from someone else even after hearing Sabi and Verge. Maybe there's some misinformation going around, or maybe... I don't want to say it... but maybe we're getting a Tag Team so it's not just Terry. I refuse to believe this... but it sound so freaking good. Getting Terry, Mai and someone else (I don't know much about SNK characters) would legit be killer.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
Anybody want to hear about my idea on a unique platformer protagonist? DM me if you're interested because I'd love to share a few ideas without totally destroying the thread.

God, I'm tired. May Geno come eventually.
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Smash Cadet
May 12, 2010
Already explained it. There's currently 11 placeholders in the game's data and Papageno's theory about Amiibos purposely being released in threes seems to be deliberate. One set is Richter, Dark Samus, and Joker. Next is presumably Hero, Banjo, and Terry. Then this leaves #5 by itself, which is pretty weird, suggesting more would be coming with it.
It's possible Terry may have a female alt. If so, Hero has a total of 4 alts and Joker has his "player 2" alt... meaning it would still work out to be 3 amiibo per release.

Richter, D. Samus and Joker. Hero, Banjo and Terry. The other 3 Hero alts. And then Fighter #5 with Terry's alt and Joker's player 2 amiibo. Just putting it out there. We'll know soon enough!


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
Already explained it. There's currently 11 placeholders in the game's data and Papageno's theory about Amiibos purposely being released in threes seems to be deliberate. One set is Richter, Dark Samus, and Joker. Next is presumably Hero, Banjo, and Terry. Then this leaves #5 by itself, which is pretty weird, suggesting more would be coming with it.

I already said Banjo was the exception but can still also be tied into the bigger perspective of video game history, specifically Nintendo's.
Fair enough. Personally I feel like you're twisting the rules just to fit this fighter pack "theme" that somehow suggests future fighters passes are likely. The theme was always going to be what Sakurai wants to choose, because it was his decision to make, as long as the characters were on Nintendo's list. But his desires for certain characters (Banjo) aren't necessarily just from series that he personally is a huge fan of, he chose them based on wanting to please those who voted in the ballot.


Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2019
In the corner drinking a frosty with a straw
So from Papageno there apparently some kind of conflict with the SNK character. He's hearing it isn't Terry despite hear from someone else even after hearing Sabi and Verge. Maybe there's some misinformation going around, or maybe... I don't want to say it... but maybe we're getting a Tag Team so it's not just Terry. I refuse to believe this... but it sound so freaking good. Getting Terry, Mai and someone else (I don't know much about SNK characters) would legit be killer.
What if its Bub and Bob from Bubble Bobble
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