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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2019
I don't think people are actually believing this leak to be worth considering as true (and if so, I agree, that's really dumb), but I do think they've mostly just jumped on the opportunity for some new discussion. On a broader scale, it was nice to break out of the Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot, Doom Slayer, Bandai Namco lock speculation has been in for a while haha.
I've actually seen a lot of people on Twitter who believe the leak is legit but they probably aren't all that much into Smash speculation I assume.
But yeah, I agree. It's a nice breath of fresh air and it put some rather obscure female characters into the spotlight


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Kind of funny how this person knows about the gender of the next character, meaning they’ve seen it in some form, it can’t tell us who it is. Really puts the validity to test.

Edit: And they know that the character isn't highly requested. How could they be privy to that knowledge without knowing who the character is?
Okay guys listen, don't ask me how I know this but I just walked in on Sakurai taking a :dkmelee: and he told me that the next Smash character is going to have eyes. DON'T TELL ANYONE!!

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
By the way, the "Disappointing leak" said that the Nintendo Direct starts on September 12th which is when the Tokyo Game Show starts.

Taco Cruise

Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2014
Fatmanonice said that VR Plant comes back from Vacation this week (I believe) and they should be able to at least let us know if a Nintendo direct is on the table next week, hopefully we get to know who the 4th fighter pass character is (And I believe time-wise it would be the perfect time to reveal the next fighter)

I have a buddy with ties to Blizzard and I am 99.9999% confident that Tracer won't be in Smash, even though Overwatch is definitely releasing mid October (I think the 16th in USA). I also don't believe the anons that are claiming the next character is a female that will piss people off, they have no source and have done nothing to prove otherwise.

I still think in terms of overall likeliness Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy are good safe bets, and Crash & Doom Slayer are both safer predictions, hence why they appear in so many leaks. I also wouldn't discount Dovakhin from Skyrim, I think they have a great shot too. I'm hoping that Geno is a bonus character or the last character, but I sadly think Geno is less likely than everyone else mentioned just due to all 3 fighters so far being 3rd party and having had no spirits so far. I hope I'm wrong and that he's announced in a week

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
I don't understand how you can't be frustrated over essentially going years of this and being the equivalent of school yard bullying by your peers with the whole 'you almost had it' bit.
Because at the end of the day, smash is a game I enjoy, but not the only one. Neither my happiness nor my satisfaction hinge solely on the inclusion of one character, even if it is the one I'd most like to see. If someone wants to throw ****, then quite honestly, who cares? I'm not really clamoring for their approval in the first place. Nobody's gonna take us seriously anyway if we can't take our lumps like a big boy fandom.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
Okay guys listen, don't ask me how I know this but I just walked in on Sakurai taking a :dkmelee: and he told me that the next Smash character is going to have eyes. DON'T TELL ANYONE!!
could be 2B, who doesn't really look like she has eyes...:ultpacman:
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Taco Cruise

Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2014
Fatmanonice said that VR Plant comes back from Vacation this week (I believe) and they should be able to at least let us know if a Nintendo direct is on the table next week, hopefully we get to know who the 4th fighter pass character is (And I believe time-wise it would be the perfect time to reveal the next fighter)

I have a buddy with ties to Blizzard and I am 99.9999% confident that Tracer won't be in Smash, even though Overwatch is definitely releasing mid October (I think the 16th in USA). I also don't believe the anons that are claiming the next character is a female that will piss people off, they have no source and have done nothing to prove otherwise.

I still think in terms of overall likeliness Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy are good safe bets, and Crash & Doom Slayer are both safer predictions, hence why they appear in so many leaks. I also wouldn't discount Dovakhin from Skyrim, I think they have a great shot too. I'm hoping that Geno is a bonus character or the last character, but I sadly think Geno is less likely than everyone else mentioned just due to all 3 fighters so far being 3rd party and having had no spirits so far. I hope I'm wrong and that he's announced in a week


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I dunno, you're kind of proving my point, there. They have a ballot and years of feedback, so they knew Bomberman was way up there, the Waluigi funposting reigns eternal, and Shovel Knight... I mean, I guess. They put them out there asap to tell all those fans that they have questionable taste. We'll never know the real ballot results but if the truth comes out and Isaac and Shadow weren't in notable positions I'll eat my hat.
I mean, like you said, we don't know the ballot, so we can't really make claims about what they did and why they did it. It doesn't prove your point, they were going to disappoint people with every reveal and the only way to not do that was to front-load literally every Assist Trophy in the game at the game's reveal (which also would have been boring and needlessly de-emphasized a feature of the game that they work hard on). It's also worth pointing out that such a decision would have completely soured many people's perception of the reveal and that's just bad press. It's best to slowly roll out disappointments if you have to give them out so you don't spoil any one thing (and no, November didn't really reveal any more negative assist trophies than the other two Smash focused Directs did). The point being that every Direct was going to disappoint someone. For all we know, they threw the names of characters in a hat and randomly selected them to reveal at certain Directs. Or maybe they just didn't care enough about the super specific group of people who follow Smash speculation so intensely that they're convinced of every little bump in the night meaning something for their character or Smash in general. Like with literally every video game in existence, they knew they couldn't satisfy everyone, so why focus on such elements when you can focus on the positive elements of your game that are created to satisfy people?

Also, "to tell all those fans that they have questionable taste?" That's wholly unnecessary and a little offensive don't you think?


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Not gonna lie, calling Ultimate a bad game solely because of the final two characters in the DLC is really immature.
One of my favorite Thanos quotes:

"I will shred this universe down to it's last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. It is not what is lost but only what it is been given... a grateful universe."

What I'm saying is, would Geno not being in Smash suck the giant, pulsating trouser snake? Heck yeah.
Would getting the likes of PP and certain other characters feel like a kick to the face? I personally think so.
But rather than fixating on what we DON'T have, look at the insane of amount of awesomeness we DO have.

We have Sonic, Snake, Wolf, Ridley, K rool, Cloud, Banjo, Joker, Megaman, Castlevania, several of the most popular pokemon in existence, Incineroar, over 80 characters in total, solid fighting mechanics, thousands of collectibles, INSANELY good balancing considering the sheer size of the roster, competitive online modes (not exactly the best, but the best we've had so far), and likely even more modes on the way. This could easily be the best Smash game we'll ever see, so it's important not to miss out just because of one character. That said, I do sincerely hope that Geno gets in this time around. He deserves to be a part of Smash history and this game, great as it is, will never truly be THE ultimate to me until he is.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2018
Just because a character someone wants doesn't get in or a character someone doesn't want gets in doesn't make the game terrible. We don't play Smash because we want Geno in, we play Smash because we like the games. Us wanting Geno is an after thought, and if someone is playing a game only for a character that could potentially get in, they're playing for the wrong reasons.
I definitely agree, while do want to see geno if he didn't get I would still play Ultimate because it's still such a fun game to play. There's NO WAY I'd just DROP the game entirely if he didn't get in or if it didn't go out with a bang, thats what happened with Mario Tennis Aces with the last dlc being fire piranha plant, and I'm still playing the heck out of that game. If your only going to play games with just a specific character in it then your not really gonna be playing a lot of different games, especially if it's a obscure character.
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Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
The gay is already in your Nintendo games. And it's FABULOUS!!~
Most of the stuff you mentioned in there is played up for comedic purposes but what I was actually referring to was the fact that no one at Nintendo would be caught dead recommending a character in Smash for the sole purpose of "representing LGBT people." That sort of madness is still years away in Japan, if it ever does happen.

Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
The obvious taunt is Geno crossing his arms and doing the head nod. I could see him spinning around like he does at the end of the game, but add the star spirit swirling around him as he does it. I would love the last taunt to be pulling stuff out of his hat.

Also unrelated, but I turned 31 today! I have leveled up!
Happy birthday!
i am not sure what to give you but looking at your profile pic i think i do have something

a crossover that no one ever asked for but here it is


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I'm probably going to lay low a bit on Smashboards. At least until this whole thing blows over.

I just don't want to spread more clout. It is obvious my mindset is not in the right place to discuss the alternative possibilities.

Deleted member

we can't really make claims about what they did and why they did it.
That's true. In my mind, though, there's two kinds of assist trophies - you have your Jeffs and Isaacs, characters who were undeniably robbed of a spot on the roster because they bleed potential moves, and they're stuck randomly showing up in casual play to use one or two moves. Then you've got your Ashleys and your Bombermans, characters that have only ever done one thing (or nothing) in the games they come from, and their entire moveset potential already belongs to someone else. For them, it's cool that they even got honorable mention.

Now, this is just me and I'm not saying Nintendo has any obligation to do this, but I'd have gotten the Jeffs and Isaacs out of the way before the Ashleys and Bombermans, and for the most part, Bomberman excluded due to the fact people really wanted him, they did. Heck, Ashley didn't even get the time of day, she was just back there casting her weird magic with no mention. Surely you can see, by my logic Nintendo was doing it right. They killed Takamaru, Sukapon, Bomberman, and Shovel Knight up front. They could have added Isaac and Shadow to the list and broken everyone's hearts then and there and still had plenty of the Ashleys to show off before the game launched.

Also, "to tell all those fans that they have questionable taste?" That's wholly unnecessary and a little offensive don't you think?
... No?


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
I was actually shocked to see Shovel Knight at all, being an indie character, tbh. Wish he and Geno were in. They were my top 2.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
In the mean time, I will just be ready to accept the fact that the very likely possibility of Tracer/Sora as 4/5 and ending DLC on that note will cause me to leave this terrible game completely.

If Geno doesnt get in, this game will be nothing but one giant tease to me. How can you wait for almost 15 years hoping a most wanted character can be fulfilled yet you are the only one that doesn't get his/her wish granted and be okay with that?

I think in absolute worst case scenarios since that has been the trend since day one for me personally. I just want to enjoy a Nintendo Direct for once without putting on a fake smile.
Look I don't want you to feel like you're getting attacked for your opinion (especially by the thread that is supposed to be here to support you on the character you want most) and I see many are already responding to you so I'll try to be brief but I'm not very good at that.

Ultimate won't feel "ultimate" without Geno in my opinion but I still don't see it as a "terrible game". That may be because my 2nd and 5th most wanted characters (Ridley and K Rool) actually made it in despite many thinking Ridley never would. That was huge for me. Not to mention that Ultimate finally actually plays like how I think Smash should play unlike Brawl and 4 which I didn't really like despite cool stuff like Sonic and MegaMan making it in.

If youre getting this worked up about one character not getting into gaming's biggest crossover when that character is a one-off character from a dead game that will likely never be resurrected then you definitely should never become a hardcore Pokemon fan (talk about fans wanting things for years only to be continually ignored and given repetitively regurgitated garbage but admittedly something is better than nothing). At the end of the day though both Smash and Pokemon are all about what does make it in. And Ultimate has consistently surprised everyone. I don't think anyone expected "everyone is here" to be the motto of a fighting game ever. And the new characters are really fun and well-realized at least in my opinion.

Geno is my number one character too and has been since Melee, but I never felt led on that he was going to be in because I always knew his chances were slim, slimmer even than perhaps many other characters who I felt are less deserving. But there are other games to keep me busy and other characters I want in the game and enjoy speculating about and thats just the video games aspect. I have 2 jobs that I love working with people who have disabilities. I have a girlfriend that I love and I have scheduled a vacation next June and am saving up for a ring I want to propose to her with on that vacation on the day that we will have been together for six years. I have been doing an awesome job losing weight on my diet and sticking to my diet. Point is...there's more to video games than this one character or even just Ultimate and there's a heck of a lot more to life than just Geno. I understand being disappointed and frustrated about one thing for years, but find some outlets. Spend time with people you care about. Do what matters. Do something important to you that you've been too scared to try. Be all that you can be and live for yourself.

Any time we fans let video games get to us on a personal level it is only we that are to blame for that. Video games can impact us emotionally like Undertale does, but it's not healthy to let the lack of something in video games get to us. Take it from me. My favorite games are the Pokemon games but I have been consistently let down by Gamefreak in many frustrating ways for a long time. It's not worth blowing a gasket about. It's not worth any attention beyond acknowledging your frustration.

Deleted member

I was actually shocked to see Shovel Knight at all, being an indie character, tbh. Wish he and Geno were in. They were my top 2.
They did him dirty, but I'm sure Yacht Club is thrilled. At least unlike another certain blue clad good guy, he's actually in a platform fighter.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Most of the stuff you mentioned in there is played up for comedic purposes but what I was actually referring to was the fact that no one at Nintendo would be caught dead recommending a character in Smash for the sole purpose of "representing LGBT people." That sort of madness is still years away in Japan, if it ever does happen.
And only one person was saying add Tracer just for representation purposes. But even beyond that specific, I don't appreciate the implication of "that sort of madness" with regards to this situation. People asking for representation of their own experiences and desires in games (and all of media) for that matter is an extremely legitimate position. There are proper ways to do that and poor ways to approach that problem, like with all things, but diversity is an important aspect of society that needs to be and should be included in most media. Smash is a series that adds pre-existing characters that have multiple qualities, so any potential representation that comes to the Smash line-up would also be with those fully formed characters that have other reasons to get in. It'd actually be really hard to add a character that "only" brings additional representation.

That's true. In my mind, though, there's two kinds of assist trophies - you have your Jeffs and Isaacs, characters who were undeniably robbed of a spot on the roster because they bleed potential moves, and they're stuck randomly showing up in casual play to use one or two moves. Then you've got your Ashleys and your Bombermans, characters that have only ever done one thing (or nothing) in the games they come from, and their entire moveset potential already belongs to someone else. For them, it's cool that they even got honorable mention.

Now, this is just me and I'm not saying Nintendo has any obligation to do this, but I'd have gotten the Jeffs and Isaacs out of the way before the Ashleys and Bombermans, and for the most part, Bomberman excluded due to the fact people really wanted him, they did. Heck, Ashley didn't even get the time of day, she was just back there casting her weird magic with no mention. Surely you can see, by my logic Nintendo was doing it right. They killed Takamaru, Sukapon, Bomberman, and Shovel Knight up front. They could have added Isaac and Shadow to the list and broken everyone's hearts then and there and still had plenty of the Ashleys to show off before the game launched.

... No?
Why do people who want Bomberman, Shovel Knight, and/or Waluigi have questionable taste? That's exactly what you said in your comment. You're also weirdly elevating certain choices over others for no real reason when they all have differing degrees of support and interest in them and acting like Bomberman or Ashley couldn't have moveset potential outside of existing characters (we have like 3 mages in the roster and I fail to see how Bomberman overlaps with any character unless you're seriously trying to argue that he overlaps with Duck Hunt...). Jeff especially seems like a weird one to bring up when he's pretty far down the totem pole of requested Mother characters to begin with...
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2018
We need more giant mech representation. Heck, stick Geno in a big mech suit also.
This is a slippery slope - we got a star warrior inside a Geno doll already, it even has rocket arms and guns for hands. It may as well be a tiny, tiny "giant" mech. Stick him inside a mech suit, I can only imagine it to be a Geno mech. You start this cycle, we eventually end up with some crazy matryoshka doll of ridiculous proportions. Geno the star inside Geno the doll inside Geno the mech inside Geno the bigger mech, and so on and so on.

This would be very, very silly, and I would welcome it wholeheartedly.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
This is a slippery slope - we got a star warrior inside a Geno doll already, it even has rocket arms and guns for hands. It may as well be a tiny, tiny "giant" mech. Stick him inside a mech suit, I can only imagine it to be a Geno mech. You start this cycle, we eventually end up with some crazy matryoshka doll of ridiculous proportions. Geno the star inside Geno the doll inside Geno the mech inside Geno the bigger mech, and so on and so on.

This would be very, very silly, and I would welcome it wholeheartedly.
Yeah I don't see the problem. That sounds even better.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
People out here so sure that the next characters will be crash and Jill Valentine, they don't realize it's actually gonna be Raz and Gex:mybodyisreggie:


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
This is a slippery slope - we got a star warrior inside a Geno doll already, it even has rocket arms and guns for hands. It may as well be a tiny, tiny "giant" mech. Stick him inside a mech suit, I can only imagine it to be a Geno mech. You start this cycle, we eventually end up with some crazy matryoshka doll of ridiculous proportions. Geno the star inside Geno the doll inside Geno the mech inside Geno the bigger mech, and so on and so on.

This would be very, very silly, and I would welcome it wholeheartedly.
Can we please make a support thread dedicated to this?

Deleted member

Why do people who want Bomberman, Shovel Knight, and/or Waluigi have questionable taste? That's exactly what you said in your comment.
They have questionable taste because they don't have my taste, of course. I expect and welcome the people who don't want Geno in Smash to consider my taste questionable, as well. I will laugh with them. It is questionable, after all. A one-off side character from a run of the mill SNES RPG? I'm a lunatic for wanting this guy and honest to God thinking he deserves a slot on the roster more than literally every Pokemon, a franchise filled to bursting with potential movesets that has sold like gangbusters over the past 24 years. If you want to take offense to it or take offense to it on someone else' behalf... well, you do you.

You're also weirdly elevating certain choices over others for no real reason when they all have differing degrees of support and interest in them and acting like Bomberman or Ashley couldn't have moveset potential outside of existing characters (we have like 3 mages in the roster and I fail to see how Bomberman overlaps with any character unless you're seriously trying to argue that he overlaps with Duck Hunt...). Jeff especially seems like a weird one to bring up when he's pretty far down the totem pole of requested Mother characters to begin with...
Duck Hunt? I can't even imagine how he'd be like that, wish I had your imagination. Bomberman jumps sometimes, puts down bombs, picks up bombs and throws them, kicks bombs... We have three characters right now that a ton of their gameplay is doing exactly that. I like Bomberman. I've been a Bomberman fan since 1996, but I'd never actively root for him to be a playable character in Smash because the crux of his gameplay would be Link's down B. Ashley is barely a character as much as she's an animated GIF in the background that tells you if you performed a minigame right or wrong, she's never been shown to do anything special and her own theme song makes it seem like she's actually just a 5 year old who is prematurely experiencing teenage angst and pretending she's a witch. There just doesn't seem like a potential playable character there. Even the move her assist trophy uses has nothing to do with her or WarioWare, unless something has changed dramatically about that franchise.

I use Jeff as an example because the Mother series is close to my heart. He has as much moveset potential as Ness and wouldn't have to rob the second party member of all of her moves to be playable. Zero fits the role, if you prefer him. So do the others I mentioned, pick one if it makes you happier.

Your next line is "Duck Hunt didn't have a moveset but he works", and to that I have to say that he's not really a character as much as he is a celebration of one of the peripherals that made the NES more than a game console in the West. He could have been the Hogan's Alley cutout police officer and been the same character. Your next next line is "Captain Falcon is the same and is one of the most popular characters in Smash", and you're right - but if he hadn't been in 64 and given the prototype moveset no one would ever have wondered why he isn't in Smash now, save for a small subculture of people not entirely dissimilar to the people in this thread wondering where Geno is.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2018
Oh yeah forgot about taunts.
Cross arms and nods
Searching in his hat and pulls out an item
His laughing animation (for some humor)


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
One of Geno’s taunts is he makes a YouTube video with a controversial topic and he crosses his arms to prove his point,

“In defense of stealing dolls from little boys to use as a body”
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
There are proper ways to do that and poor ways to approach that problem, like with all things, but diversity is an important aspect of society that needs to be and should be included in most media.
While I agree that there are more or less tactful ways of approaching something, I have to be devil's advocate here and question the validity of claims like, "Diversity is an important aspect of society that needs to be and should be included in most media."

Firstly, "needs to be"? Why? Who says? Who is the almighty decider of social norms that decreed that "diversity" is such a crucial aspect of society in general? Acceptance of another's eccentricities is well and good, but I feel that the push for such an ideology is mostly spearheaded by the US and Europe. There are still many parts of the world that don't subscribe to that way of thinking and frankly do just fine. Take Japan for example. Having been there personally, I can tell you that racial diversity is almost completely non-existent. So much so even, that there are actually schools that force the kids to dye their hair black if it's too light so that everyone conforms. While I don't agree with such a practice, the overall "conform and contribute" mindset of the Japanese culture has yielded a far more successful education system, vastly lower crime rate, and a monster of a workforce. Granted, to the point of dogmatic, but when you consider the fact that hate crimes are also non-existent, one can argue the merits of lacking "diversity". I know that Japan is in a vastly different geographic and demographic setting than say the US, but the question still stands as to the "need" of diversity in the sense of obligatory racial inclusion.

Secondly, "should be included in most media"? Again, why? Do you have any idea how hard it is to accommodate EVERY persuasion of race, sexuality, gender, etc. in a given media? And if you can't accommodate them ALL, then why bother trying? To demand diversity and still omit others would just be unfair and hypocritical. An artist, writer, etc. should reserve the right to include whatever kind of characters or content they see fit, thus THEIR OWN experiences shape the media, not the perceived experiences of the potential observers. No creator should have to be hampered by checking off inclusivity boxes just because a loud minority heckles them. That said, and again using the Nintendo Japan example by xpnc, the Japanese have a much different societal compass than Europe and the US. Expecting our moral relativism to be absolute is the definition of bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. To desire a universal form of diversity is to also accept the fact that others may not be quite as "diverse" as we are.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
Imagine a Super Mario RPG sequel or whatever where Geno leaves his puppet and instead possesses a giant mech and gets super strength. Think Iron Man's Hulkbuster suit.

Would be very much welcomed.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
How about it being relevancy doesn't matter lol that fits with him being two decades old.
Geno's taunt will bring in Megaman, Ridley, K Rool, Cloud, Hero and Banjo around him, with Sakurai coming off screen, he looks foward at the player and says 'So, you guys have any other dumb fan theories for me to smash?'


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2018
Geno's taunt will bring in Megaman, Ridley, K Rool, Cloud, Hero and Banjo around him, with Sakurai coming off screen, he looks foward at the player and says 'So, you guys have any other dumb fan theories for me to smash?'
Yes actually you can end it off by SMASHING THE SPIRITS DECONFIRM THEORY!! Because the character that's still a "spirit" is standing right by Sakurai lol

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
I don't think this question has been asked. Is Geno bald?

If so, then my boy Cortez has a chance! Yeah! It's time to split! :4pacman:

Sgt Cortez.png
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