I just figured I should make it clear because I know it can be taken the wrong way. I'm happy for the SNK fans. It would be hypocritical of me to say they have awful picks after the way I reacted to people treated Tracer like crap. If anything I said came off the wrong way I apologise to everyone. A hypocrite is the last thing I want to be.
You are allowed to not find every pick to be an excellent choice, worthy of praise. You can be disappointed. If Geno got in and people were disappointed, that's perfectly fine. They don't have to like him. Hell, they can even disagree with it. Its true that you should not start any trouble with a fanbase who gets a character while your pick wasn't added. Its not right or fair to them to be a jerk on their victory. But at the same time, you aren't required to LIKE that new character added and you can be disappointed that someone you either had no connection to or didn't like was made playable while your favorite wasn't. I didn't like Corrin being added in Smash 4, but I didn't go into the Corrin thread after their reveal to crap on the character, but I shouldn't have to hide my thoughts, as long as they are worded maturely and not kicking and screaming, while being in a different thread at the time because a fan might hear it.
I like how this thread strives for positivity....but sometimes it feels like at times any negative comment of any degree is not allowed. 'Don't poo-poo a character because they have a fanbase and we should be happy.' That's nice, but that comes off as very controlling and alittle manipulative. Positivity is nice and lord knows it wouldn't kill the Smash fanbase to practice it more often, but instead sometimes it goes in the other direction, trying to bury discussion that isn't sunshine and rainbow stars. And the idea that a hopeful character fanbase can't be disagreeable with another character who is playable because it will make people dislike that hopeful character? I'm sorry, but I don't like that mindset. Now, screaming like a nutcase, causing issues/fights and acting rude is not acceptable and that should be criticized. But I don't agree with this notion that every fanbase needs to be smiling and politely applauding for a newcomer when their most wanted is still missing. What, if Geno was added, we need the Geno Police force going into other threads to finger wag shame them for not liking it?
And I think the 'toxic' label gets thrown around here way too easily and people exit the thread from even the tiniest rumble of 'hostilities.' This thread is not toxic, even on its bad days, and its dishonest to label it as such. If this thread turns into SmashFAQS, THEN people have a better case for calling it toxic. And getting lectures about how bad people are here for not being prim and proper 24/7 is far more annoying than people expressing indifference or disappointment to what characters make the cut.
Its not hypocritical to not like a character you have no connection with. Its hypocritical, for example, to hate a JRPG character because of JRPG but then liking another JRPG character.