At least I'll be content with Wolf returning I guess. But otherwise, I don't have too much to look forward to. I doubt the rest of the remaining DLC characters will impress me. I basically do not seem to get what I want like like, AT ALL in this game. I remember the day when everyone was so 100% sure a DKC newcomer was a given. Now? I can't even picture Dixie making it in.
What I don't like about them is that I don't have any personal attachement to any of the newcomers, sans for maybe


, yet I don't like their playstyles that much.
I'm a 90s kid, grew up with my SNES, N64, Gameboy systems and in my teens it was GameCube, Wii & DS. I don't own a Wii U, nor 3DS. Having a child now makes me shift priorities from gaming to parenthood, plus, I was never a wealthy man in the first place.
My favorite series in gaming are basically those already firmly established in Smash. So am extremely upset that outside of Mario and Pokémon, all other major Nintendo franchises are basically shafted for anything that's "new", 3rd party, and Mii. Well, as a long time fan, I basically got the finger I felt...
Also, I never cared for Mega Man, never played Kid Icarus, Duck Hunt or Punch Out, so everything included to please the "older fanbase" also didn't leave a single mark of impression on me.
Yes, am full of

, yet my most wanted characters where basically always the most requested ones... King K.Rool, Mewtwo and Isaac where basically my 'Top 3 Most Wanted' before anything about this game came into being. They toppled in popularity and ballot votes, yet all I got was

- nerfed to **** and all. Now, I basically have no hope for Isaac, and K.Rool's chances are also looking dim, so best I can ask for is Impa and Dixie. And even though they are recent AND old skool AND heavily established in their series, they won't probably be included.
So basically, FML.