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General ICs Q&A Thread


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Two climber "synced blizzard", the only kind of synced blizzard that exists, is not safe on hit

I win :)


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2011
Saskatoon, SK
Sooo I can do the CG on Diddy, Marth, Falco and Snake (Marth/Falco are similar and I have the different timing down for Diddy + Snake) but I'm having problems 0-deathing every time. Do I just need to practice doing it over and over? :/ sometimes my nerves get the best of me, and usually I drop it once I lose concentration.

EDIT: I can 0-80% on average, I can do the CG best on Diddy at the moment.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Yes, you just need to practice it. If you are getting SOME reps it means you know the timing, but mess up later in the CG.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2007
Sooo I can do the CG on Diddy, Marth, Falco and Snake (Marth/Falco are similar and I have the different timing down for Diddy + Snake) but I'm having problems 0-deathing every time. Do I just need to practice doing it over and over? :/ sometimes my nerves get the best of me, and usually I drop it once I lose concentration.

EDIT: I can 0-80% on average, I can do the CG best on Diddy at the moment.


I'm going to have to save this quote.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
People tend to speed up their rate of CG as they get into a rhythm (and due to nerves) as they CG. Consciously try to go slower as percent goes up remembering it's harder to mash at higher percents.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2010
Pensacola, FL
The faster I go, the easier I can do it. The rhytm is important.
^^^ this.
But not necessarily speed, although faster does seem to help.
I am a drummer, so I keep a rhythm going in my head. Actually, one of the only ways to make me **** up my grab is to simply make me laugh, or make a sudden sound or movement that stops that rhythm in my head.

"Yo' Nana so stupid" always gets me. Too bad no one has realized that in tourney yet.


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
So anyways guys, what the hell do I do against an opponent that is constantly in my face pressuring me so I can't even move and my shield is getting poked, Nana getting killed and I can't grab or anything...
No one in videos does anything but camp so I haven't seen any examples. I'm supposed to be able to punish them, but our OoS game isn't really among the best...


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2007
So anyways guys, what the hell do I do against an opponent that is constantly in my face pressuring me so I can't even move and my shield is getting poked, Nana getting killed and I can't grab or anything...
No one in videos does anything but camp so I haven't seen any examples. I'm supposed to be able to punish them, but our OoS game isn't really among the best...
Just gotta pick the right option oos. Nair, Bair, and Uair are awesome.

Jump oos and squall away if you're really that afraid. Rolling, spotdodging etc.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 26, 2012
Estes Park, CO
Not sure if vinnie played this correctly, but considering that will is the best DK in the U.S. I'd say this is a good example video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaP8wduojnE

3rd match is the only one where vinnie goes ICs, and it starts at 7:10.

Edit: just kidding! Better video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o9gevp5x8c. DeLux ***** in the first game... and uses the 2011 CG to top it off.
Next two games he gets bodied.


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
Just gotta pick the right option oos. Nair, Bair, and Uair are awesome.

Jump oos and squall away if you're really that afraid. Rolling, spotdodging etc.
The timing must be tight, he will instantly jab when attacks my shield and I barely have time to drop it. >_>


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2010
Pensacola, FL
What should I be doing differently in this MU?

You're literally playing that match up extremely well. There are a couple of minor touch-ups, like punishing his SH d-airs with a RAR b-air or desynced SH blizzard, that you can do. But you're doing almost everything right, as far as I can tell.

Except, y'know.
Pro tip: if your opponent seems content with sitting on a platform and spamming when he doesn't have the percent lead, let him. About 4 minutes in I noticed you had a STOCK lead, and were chasing his *** around. -.-
Why why why.

Edit: Sorry for seeming like a doucher. But seriously, yo'. Don't give up an obvious advantage because you were impatient.


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
I notice I am also pretty aggressive with ICs too... Why don't I just sit around patiently like I did against our best DK and ended up beating him since approaching ICs is not fun...
I'll play campier next time, gonna hope I beat the **** out of everyone.

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
Thanks, I have to learn to be more patient, it carries to all my characters, except Snake, which happens to be my best character for that reason.

Thanks for the help.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
I'm kinda bad at the Pikachu Matchup, so I can't say too much in detail

But I think you run around too much which let's Pika Camp more freely which makes you waste your shield and makes you have to approach out of synced run


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Well I mean, for most matchups, you want to be directly underneath someone or next to them horizontally

You would get underneath him, but then run away for some weird reason


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I'd say I'm pretty good at the pika mu. It's definitely my favorite. I've played/beaten almost every US pika player in the country, and practice with Anther pretty regularly. I also mained pika for over 2 years. So. That helps. lol

Honestly, my boy cap'n L was playing that mu about as well as I've seen a pika play it. He won that tourney, didn't he?

But you were playing that mu really cautiously, but in a suboptimal way. If you just get the percent lead, go under one of the lower platforms and desynched IB (/PS if you see the pika go out of his way to wrap a tjolt around the platform to bottom, you have plenty of time to react, the pika has to telecast it and tjolt is slow as balls. Very few pikas try it anyway, but w/e) the pika is in a really bad situation. He'll have to approach eventually. When he does, he's either gonna have to be PSing all the ice blocks to walk up in which case you can usually get a grab by having nana sh->IB and chasing it for the grab. Or they'll try to hit you with an aerial. You can pivotgrab all of pika's aerials if they get anywhere near being able to hit you.

If the pika has the lead just go under whatever platform they are on, wait for them to double jump, and punish their falling/landing. You kept jumping and following, you have to wait for the double jump first. And go to where they are heading, not to where they are when you leave the ground. (you kept doing that)

If they keep not double jumping then start doing empty hops under the platform after their first jump. read how they respond. If they jump in response, then next time just land and suddenly you're on the ground below them and they've used their double jump. Keep doing that and you'll rack up damage over time with uairs.

If they airdodge to the platform in response to the jump then you can either start waiting for it then uair/nair/bair(/landing with them and try getting the grab).

If they don't react, then just uair them.

When they camp platforms, wait for them to do something after they jump, then punish accordingly.
Pivotgrab any grounded/sh approach that is in range of you, as well as landings in your vicinity. (latter probably wont happen)
Learn to powershield the jolts, you got hit by some dumb ones.
Don't drop grabs.
desynched IBs > tjolt for camping.

I've yet to encounter a pika that is actually that great at the mu, the ones who do beat ICs are usually just way better players than the ICs they are playing or the ICs ****s up the grabs.

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
I appreciate you guys watching an 8 minute vid(with crap quality) and giving me advice, it's really encouraging to beat him next time and not use another character. I used about 6 to get to WF :p


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Definitely DON'T switch characters. L is a top pika imho and I'm pretty sure he'd body you in a less lopsided mu. (no offense intended, I just have a really high opinion of him and his skill. lol)

You certainly have the potential to win it. Make sure to practice the grab to the point where you literally NEVER **** it up. Because if you don't, and you utilize the options you're getting told here you have a good shot.

At it's core, the matchup comes down to reading the other player. The problem for pikachu is that a read for us in the air=safe uairs (possibly a string), a read for us on the ground= a stock, and a read for them anywhere is usually ~1/3-> 1/2 a stock unless you screw up or soomething dumb happens. It's a game of numbers and guesses in which they have to be right like 3/4ths of the time, and we only have to be right once a stock if we have the cg down.

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
What can I do when he shorthop dairs? Any way to punish that? I' scared if I run in I will get hit/separated.
What should my 4 stages be for starting?

Also my Wario went last hit with him and I've 2 stocked him with Snake before(In tourney and a friendly) since I'm good at that MU, but he won that set so I thought I'd try ICs, since I really enjoy using them.

Edit: This was the second time I met him in WF.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
sh dair is super unsafe. just regular shield and you get a free grab, its stupid. sh dair should be used more for punishing then as some sort of a safe option to try to seperate the climbers


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I just pivotgrab it. If they do it in range where it would hit you, you get the grab, if not then they spaced and retreated it and you should be fine.

Stages in this mu really have to do with preferences, but for me, I usually try to get it to go to YI. ICs camping below the end of the platform destroys pika there. Just make sure to strike PS1, it is one of pikas best stages imo, transformations can facilitate them in timeouts and their camping. CS is pretty solid for us. 1st transformation is basically a better BF, no higher platforms for them to run away on, you can easily corner them/trap them into either landing unsafe or eating uairs. Transformation 2 they can run away on, but they wont be able to get in on you there either; and if they do approach for whatever reason (maybe you grabbed->death'd them on first transformation/transition) you have a walkoff, so even sopo can kill. Last transformation is a tilty FD. ****.

Most pikachus hate lylat. For instance, Pik@pika bans lylat in virtually every set, even over Brinstar. So usually you can leave it and they will strike. If they don't you should be able to win there anyway, lower platforms makes jumping away less effective than on bf, plus lylat can **** with qacing.

They'll ban FD, beyond that it really depends, they'll probably want it to come down to smashville. Not a bad place to go though, conditioning them to shield on the platform when you jump with Uairs/nairs and then pc->grab is ****.

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
So if pika spams short hop retreating(going forwards then retreating) dair, I can walk in and shield grab it?

So CS, Lylat, FD, and would I want SV over BF? It seems to me that it would be harder to time me out with that moving platform.

It seems that CS is a good stage, I'll def try and learn that and use it more.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 26, 2012
Estes Park, CO
Hey, so my friends like to play 4 player brawls (no teams), and I always use ICs for that (cuz my olimar ***** them lol), but have lots of trouble getting the win. Any general tips for surviving with the ICs in those games? I seem to get separated then nana gets *****.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
So if pika spams short hop retreating(going forwards then retreating) dair, I can walk in and shield grab it?

So CS, Lylat, FD, and would I want SV over BF? It seems to me that it would be harder to time me out with that moving platform.

It seems that CS is a good stage, I'll def try and learn that and use it more.
I prefer Yoshis most in the mu honestly. Like. More than FD. Ground can **** with QAC, and pika has like no way to get in on your camping there if you're smart and stay below they corner of the platform. desynch IB to force approach. Blizzard/pivotgrab/IB chaser grab if they try to approach below the platform. If they go above it, uair poke them through platform until they are conditioned to shield it, then you can pc->grab them.

There is just no room for pika to get in on your camping on that stage. It's where I took Z game 1. Pretty sure I 2 stocked him there without trying at all... Then again. Z is free.

But like I said, a lot of this matchup is preference. battlefield and smashville are both fine. smashville helps pika a little more with timeouts I think because he can just platform camp when it isn't over the center of the stage, tjolting the whole time. Then he can either scrooge as plat goes over stage, or hop around similar to BF, but on and off of something moving, which can be a little more frustrating at times.

If you can platform cancel well, I'd consider sv, otherwise following my advice on bf should help deal with what he was doing. Just remind yourself in the match to wait for the double jump, then punish. And if he doesn't to read what he IS doing, and punish accordingly.

But like I said, YI is best for me.

Roller on that CS hype train
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