Blind grab: no setup, like a jab, up-tilt, dash-attack to combo into it... just WD'ing or dashing in with the grab as my approach option.
I... can't seem to do the d-throw chaingrab? I thought if he just DI'ed away then he hits the ground first. If somebody could give me a video demonstrating then that'd be really legit. I always always want a more efficient option. I feel like the tech-chases are sexier but sexiness is a byproduct of my playstyle, not an objective ;P
Yeah you can do the handoff there. I forgot lol. Like I said, I panic and blank out a LOT during my matches. When my head is more clear I make a lot of devastating and effective decisions... when I'm flustered, pressured, etc., usually I pick dumb stuff and later just think "what the hell is the matter with me?" It IS rather tough to get the edge CGs on moving levels, honestly, because the ship kinda floats around and moves character hitboxes in weird ways, but I wasn't thinking that at the time. Also, the ship is sloped so that it's VERY SLIGHTLY up going to the right, and VERY SLIGHTLY down going to the left. Meaning you can't reverse d-throw d-air if you're facing left because Nana will spaz out, and if you WD to the right she'll tend to jump instead of wavedash.
Bro tip, you can handoff EVERYWHERE on Rainbow Cruise. Lots of spots on that map have little invisible edges, and that doesn't even count stuff like the boat wall, the countless platforms, . There's a reason that my favorite maps are, in this order, FoD, Yoshi's, Rainbow Cruise. You get endless poking opportunities on Cruise, lots of chances for charged smashes near the blast zones, handoffs, and Nana's AI gets so trippy with all the stuff to jump to that even experienced Nana rapists will flub when they try to kill her. Darkrain beat me there first set (in Winner's Finals game 5, which is why I was in loser's) but as you could see I actually handle myself there pretty well. In fact, he's the only person who has beaten me there in quite some time.
You can also do fun death glitches on the falling blocks! Grab somebody while THEY are on one and you aren't, then just infinite them. When the block falls off the bottom of the screen, they die. Hooray!