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Social General Ice Climber Chat


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Thanks for the tips guys. I just spent a couple hours doing the dthrow->dair->regrab cg on a couple characters. I have it consistent on Fox and Falco, and can do it pretty well on captain falcon, but I noticed in a vid of Fly vs I think it was hax? where hax kept landing behind him. I have no problem turning around for the cg, but is that normal with DI? Because the computer rarely went behind me..

Also, I read in the guide, or MU discussion thread, or somewhere that the dthrow dair cg isn't effective on doc. What should I be doing vs him?

(All MI Melee tourneys ban wobbling by the way. -__- )

Last question is, how do ICs punish Falcon's raptor boost? Whenever juggleguy uses it on me, I find I can't punish at all. Shieldgrabbing doesn't seem like it works. Does WD OoS into a jab/grab/smash work?

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
1. Dthrow > Dair > Regrab isn't the CG you should use against Falcon. Try Dthrow > FH Dair > Turn around Grab

2. For characters who you can't CG normally, do a hand-off into up smash/forward smash. Keep in mind that Dthrow > Dair works against every character if they mess up their DI or don't DI at all.

3. You can SDI while in shield > shield grab. Or you can wavedash out of shield and punish it. Most Falcons like to try and bait people into trying to wavedash OoS and punish things and then jab them, so sometimes it is better to just back off, reset positions and wait for another opportunity.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
that is the reverse dair cg, where you make nana jump forward and do the dair so that the opponent ends up behind you. it is very difficult to escape with falcon, but it's still escapable with smash DI. so is the regular dair cg, but at least it provides another option so you can mix him up

shield SDI works but in the case that you don't do it, i'd recommend just holding the shield and WDing away or something.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
hungrybox vs fly amanita is the best example out there

however i play the matchup even lamer than that :D and with more dair


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Yeah I concluded that I need to stop attacking when I play Jigglypuff. Get a percent lead and feel out the rhythm before ever trying to invade and never get impatient.

I just keep attacking because I want people to like me :(


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2010
Lebanon, NH
hungrybox vs fly amanita is the best example out there

however i play the matchup even lamer than that :D and with more dair
Do you dair -> fsmash? I really have trouble pulling this off against other characters (i don't get much practice against puff) I even have trouble landing this on luigi

Also, whats the best option when someone is approaching you and you are standing near the edge? Say for example against marth? When I try to pull of a quick desynch to make nana blizzard, sometimes I get hit right before the blizzard gets out. Stay in shield? Ice block seems too slow. Fsmash seems ok, but if they outspace then Im a bit vulnerable. Wavedash into roll toward them?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2007
Popping and locking butt naked.
Yeah I concluded that I need to stop attacking when I play Jigglypuff. Get a percent lead and feel out the rhythm before ever trying to invade and never get impatient.

I just keep attacking because I want people to like me :(
No matter how you win vs Hbox people will love you because they hate hiim so much. I think you could repeatedly unplug his control during the match and beat him and I would still be ok with it.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
Nice to see that CF is that gimpable that he seemed a few months ago, pointing at Wobbles first kill in last match in the "Rob mm"!


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
vs puff, i don't use dair as a hit confirm into a combo. i just use it for damage (does like 20%. that's a crapload vs puff) it's a 4 frame sex kick that is ic's whole body. i like dair to dair HAHHAHA.

to your question about being cornered: lately i've been using a lot of belay OOS to nana blizzard. it's probably the fastest way to do blizzard near the edge, unless you rolled toward the edge to begin with. also it covers a little more space since nana jumps

however, if, say, marth is too close to you for you to desynch, just stand your ground and try to react to what he does. you can shield, but he really doesn't mind that if he's spacing. he can also jc grab you and fthrow pretty quickly. but just be ready to scout his moves, and you can wd toward him and attack, or perhaps jump and waveland onto the platform above you (dangerous because it's a bad position vs marth, but still an option), roll behind him, or just shoot ice blocks. you can also be cool and roll away even closer to the ledge and desynch out of that hahahah, i'm sure it will confuse him

being cornered by marth isn't very fun, but it's similar to the ganon matchup where we're gonna find ourselves in that position a lot and we need to convert that position into damage, or a better position. ahhhh. good thing marth is free when we're IN THERE.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
vs puff, i don't use dair as a hit confirm into a combo. i just use it for damage (does like 20%. that's a crapload vs puff) it's a 4 frame sex kick that is ic's whole body. i like dair to dair HAHHAHA.

to your question about being cornered: lately i've been using a lot of belay OOS to nana blizzard. it's probably the fastest way to do blizzard near the edge, unless you rolled toward the edge to begin with. also it covers a little more space since nana jumps

however, if, say, marth is too close to you for you to desynch, just stand your ground and try to react to what he does. you can shield, but he really doesn't mind that if he's spacing. he can also jc grab you and fthrow pretty quickly. but just be ready to scout his moves, and you can wd toward him and attack, or perhaps jump and waveland onto the platform above you (dangerous because it's a bad position vs marth, but still an option), roll behind him, or just shoot ice blocks. you can also be cool and roll away even closer to the ledge and desynch out of that hahahah, i'm sure it will confuse him

being cornered by marth isn't very fun, but it's similar to the ganon matchup where we're gonna find ourselves in that position a lot and we need to convert that position into damage, or a better position. ahhhh. good thing marth is free when we're IN THERE.
good post, but dair hitbox is more like just the lower half of the climbers.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Wow dair is really good for some reason, and combos into Dsmash alot vs Puff


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2010
Lebanon, NH
vs puff, i don't use dair as a hit confirm into a combo. i just use it for damage (does like 20%. that's a crapload vs puff) it's a 4 frame sex kick that is ic's whole body. i like dair to dair HAHHAHA.

to your question about being cornered: lately i've been using a lot of belay OOS to nana blizzard. it's probably the fastest way to do blizzard near the edge, unless you rolled toward the edge to begin with. also it covers a little more space since nana jumps

however, if, say, marth is too close to you for you to desynch, just stand your ground and try to react to what he does. you can shield, but he really doesn't mind that if he's spacing. he can also jc grab you and fthrow pretty quickly. but just be ready to scout his moves, and you can wd toward him and attack, or perhaps jump and waveland onto the platform above you (dangerous because it's a bad position vs marth, but still an option), roll behind him, or just shoot ice blocks. you can also be cool and roll away even closer to the ledge and desynch out of that hahahah, i'm sure it will confuse him

being cornered by marth isn't very fun, but it's similar to the ganon matchup where we're gonna find ourselves in that position a lot and we need to convert that position into damage, or a better position. ahhhh. good thing marth is free when we're IN THERE.
Good advice!! but how do you belay OOS to nana blizzard??

Wow dair is really good for some reason, and combos into Dsmash alot vs Puff
I never considered downsmashing after dair against floaties... Ill have to try it out


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
mmk so been thinking since no real tournaments for another 2-3 months why don't we start bi-weekly tournament at chamberlins on tuesday for power ranking using ELO system.

we can maybe throw in a dollar to make it seem like a real tournament.

this way we can all improve and see how we rank overall

and cus i wanna be the very beast that no one ever was!

to be gay and win all day!

is my only cause!

i will travel across the land!

searching for advice !

each opponents to understand the habits there inside!

nana it's you and me !

I know it's my fantasy !

popo, your my best friend!

in a tournament we must win!

nana charging a smash for you

our chaingrab will pull us through

you throw them and i'll smash them

poke'mon, gotta catch them all!

u mad
like my song guys took me and arby like 5m of ****ing around to make it :D

also arby never reads here so how do i beat a campy falcon ?


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
like my song guys took me and arby like 5m of ****ing around to make it :D

also arby never reads here so how do i beat a campy falcon ?
Looking for some advice from the Arby slayer? =DD


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2006
I found a way to make Nana smashing repeatedly (forward-, down-, up-smash) while Popo dash- or wavedashes around without being affected by Nana's movement. Once you master it, you can spance with Popo as you'd normally do, simultaneously with Nana making a shield of smashes. It's somewhat hard to do, but by doing it, you could potentially cover more of your opponents' ways to approach you and make it harder for them to dodge your attacks.

Once again, this might already be known and might not be very useful. However, it looks cool and could be used as a great mix-up.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
I found a way to make Nana smashing repeatedly (forward-, down-, up-smash) while Popo dash- or wavedashes around without being affected by Nana's movement. Once you master it, you can spance with Popo as you'd normally do, simultaneously with Nana making a shield of smashes. It's somewhat hard to do, but by doing it, you could potentially cover more of your opponents' ways to approach you and make it harder for them to dodge your attacks.

Once again, this might already be known and might not be very useful. However, it looks cool and could be used as a great mix-up.
I found this a month or two ago, and have been posting about it and showing it on my stream all the time since then.

Seems to have limited use.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2006
I found this a month or two ago, and have been posting about it and showing it on my stream all the time since then.

Seems to have limited use.
Fair enough. How do you do it? Maybe you do it in a different way than I do.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2010
Lebanon, NH
You literally hold shield. And belay. Only nana will perform the action, and you can immediately blizzard with her. She will do a tiny jump as a result of the up B so the blizzard will have more vertical height than normal as well.
So just upB oos and press downb immediately after the upb? (while still shielding) Correct??
Sorry feel noobish


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
You can belay into making nana airdodge, bair, fair or whatever, popo is in a lot of stun though so it's tough to find a good use for anything but blizzard or maybe ice block. At least its a really easy desynch.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Well, you can also use it on the edge to get nana to edgehog, while you charge a smash/do an aerial to cover more options vs recoveries..

But yeah, it's pretty fast and easy to do. I got it on my first try and have yet to screw it up somehow. So might as well take 2 seconds and add something new to your arsenal.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Fair enough. How do you do it? Maybe you do it in a different way than I do.
Start a desync, make nana fsmash, dash/ WD with popo and while he cant fsmash, fsmash or whateversmash at just the right time so nana does it again, then repeat.

thirty seven million dollar money match

your falcon my ICs let's go
LOL IDK why everyone gets so mad. I don't brag or anything, VTS just said he wanted help so I was asking if he wanted it from me. I don't do stupid MMs.

if arbustos is as good as he was at poe3, i'd be kinda surprised if peef could beat him
I just did at MIST.

Really close. I had no idea who he was so I just expected him to be some terrible falcon but he beat me game 1 so I had to put on the tryhard goggles for the rest of the set. That pool was really really tough and Arby is really good.

EDIT: Yeah I had to win that set, I had to win at least 1 vs Tink, and the Samus player had to lose a match to someone who wasn't making it out. It all happened haha. That pool was harder than my SMYM pool.
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