Thoughts on this? Has anyone else done a challenge run in any FF game?
I believe in the Femme Fatale.
- Lightning, Vanille, and Fang (only difficult during those parts when you have no control over your party members...which is the first 10 chapters -_-)
- Ashe, Penelo and Fran (barely counts as a challenge. I even played it with Ashe only. Still too easy)
- Yuna, Rikku, and Lulu (really easy. Yuna is absolutely devastating in combat)
- Rinoa, Selphie, and Quistis (well, Squall was in there at all times but I left him dead to ensure he'd never level up. You may only get this dream team on disc 4)
- Yuffie and Tifa (pretty challenging. leaving Cloud dead is quite hard to do when you're tempted to rely on his limit breaks. And no, I did not cheat to revive Aeris.)
- Terra, Celes, Relm (this is pretty tough. Relm's not very suited to team up with Terra and Celes alone)
- Lenna, Faris, & Krile (not difficult in any ways if you can stand being short-handed one character. Not using Galuf until you get Krile is quite a problem though)
-Rydia & Rosa (Welcome to hell. I have yet to beat this)
-Refia (fun as hell; got stuck at the Kraken for the longest time but I eventually beat it)
Didn't include X-2 for obvious reasons.
It's not just limited to the FF series. I've always attempted to replay games using only the girls. I'm into women in power, I suppose.