A couple of note worthy ones I've watched that aren't on the list that might make good additions are Gungrave and Initial D.
Initial D has great story elements (at least the first 3 stages) in the anime, with great action/racing scenes. Car enthusiasts (sp?) might enjoy. (I wasn't but I watched).
Gungrave had a pretty good story as well, nothing I had expected before I watched.
Sorry, I don't think either of those are shows that really fit what I'm looking for.
No Full Metal Alchemist.....I have been told by non-anime fans that they like FMA. It should make that list. It also doesn't help that it's my favorite series.
Full Metal Alchemist is very good shounen action/adventure, but I'm really not comfortable putting any shounen action shows on here.
And if I did put any FMA on here, it would definitely be the manga, not the anime. The plot of the anime simply falls apart during the last fourth of the series.
yuyu hakusho man that show is pwnage
No, for the same reason as FMA.
Battle Royale seriously need to be added to that list
I found the Battle Royale manga really unimpressive, and I don't think there's any anime.
So, sorry, but I'm not putting it on here.
I think that Highlander - The Search for Vengeance would fit the list.
It doesnt really have that out going anime style, so non-anime fans probbaly wouldnt mind it.
Alright, but is it
good? I haven't watched it, so I don't know, but I find myself doubting that it would appeal to many people who weren't already Highlander fans.
Same with Spirited Away and Afro Samurai (my favorite anime I've seen so far)
Theres a few others but they've either have been listed already, or i havent finished watching them yet.
I've already got Spirited Away on the list under Miyazaki movies. I agree that it's excellent.
Afro Samurai, on the other hand, is a series I've heard about, but have never watched. I've got quite a queue built up, but it's on my list of things to watch. No idea when I'll get around to it, though.
I got a new one for ya guys!
(Plot synopsis from Anime News Network): Kirei lives in a town that lately has odd occurrences, and each one somehow is connected to a spiral. Soon the spiral occurrences spread to infect even the bodies of people, which suddenly turns the everyday events in her life into chaos and horror.
I've been meaning to check this one out for quite a while. Thanks for reminding me about it. I'll read it, and then I'll consider it.
Anyway, I also picked up Noein. It's quite deeply sci-fi, but you won't be able to tell that right away. Trying to give any sort of summary would be a spoiler, but I've really enjoyed it so far. It does get pretty in-depth in its reasoning (quantam theory, anyone?), so that may turn a few people away from it, but overall I would say it's fitting for this list. Although I still haven't finished it yet...
****, another one I've been meaning to watch. I actually saw the first few episodes of this a while ago, and was impressed by it. Then I forgot about it.
I really ought to watch this one soon.
Anyone ever heard of Mushi-shi? It's a mellow anime about a traveling medicine man. Great style, good animation, and an ok story. If you haven't seen it, I'd check it out.
Oh, ****. I read the first volume of the manga, and was really impressed. I've heard very good things about the anime too, so I'll probably put both on there when I update it.
God, another one I need to watch/read.
O_O im so gonna check out some of these animes
Anyway that list is meant for most viewers that don't watch lots of anime right?
How bout a list for people who do watch lots of anime?
This thread will work just fine for either type of person, although it's definitely targeted at people who aren't really interested in the medium.
The problem with making a thread aimed at people who already like anime is that there are so many of them out there, and each person has vastly different taste. I tend to watch just about any genre, so I could make personal recommendations, but I definitely would have trouble creating a list of shows that would appeal to all (or even most) anime fans. If I did make such a list, most anime fans would probably have seen everything on it already.
EDIT: You know, I don't update this thread nearly enough. Expect an update to the list in the next week, sometime when it's not nearly one in the morning.