I guess now's as good a time as any to do my full shoutouts
GDX - Again, thanks for organizing this and pulling in everyone you could for it, the attendance boost this time was huge. Keep holdin it down on the foosball table too, you can beat Rich.
Rich - Same as always, thanks so much for letting us use your venue for the day, great stuff!
Polmex - You forgot your Pokeman tape, lol. You'll have to talk to GDX about that since I know you'll be wanting to watch that again asap. Keep up the good work with Weegee.
Monk - Don't make me pick Castle Siege on you son
'Leh' - Good game first round. Thanks partially to you I've decided that I'm not going to be another Seibrik clone, so yay. Better see you playin Peach next tourney.
xYz - Glad to see you show up. Would have liked to see you enter singles, but I can understand why you didn't.
Abe - As always, thanks for coming, hopefully the turnout was more to your liking finally. Wish I woulda had a chance to play you in some brawl friendlies, but the melee was definitely fun too. Your Samus is a beast.
Colbol - Only got to talk to ya for a few minutes, but I got to see you playing melee a bit, and seriously, your fox gives me nightmares.
Seibrik - Grats on first, I watched most of the finals and your Dedede is a monster.
Tommy G - **** good Falco... I don't know what else to say. O.o
Ralph - Our match was just silly.... full timelimit first round with the 1% lead, then the last second SD on the second round on delfino... Fun sh*t though.
Galeon - lmao dude, I didn't even realize until today that you're in F5. Good sh*t. Dolo and Alex both wanted to show, but couldn't make it.
Fearless - You seemed pretty cool from the little bit I got to talk to and play with ya.
Hiroshi - For knocking me out of loser's again (like you did at Manko's tourney months ago), lol. Keep reppin that Kirbeh.
LAN Odyssey AC - Fac you. Work next time
Anyone I didn't name - Thank you for showing up. Hopefully everyone liked the venue, minus the minor AC problem. We should be seeing another tourney here in roughly a month and a half if all goes well. I want to see a lot of the same people attend, and more!