You have dyspraxia, GP? That's actually amazing reaction time if you have it.
Also, I dunno how accurate mine is. I wanted to see how others' were to see if it was legit. It seems like it varies from computer to computer. I tested on my computer then my mom's, and there was usually a pretty large disparity.
well, theres two types of dyspraxia, fine and motor. motor will affect large motions more whereas fine will affect...well...fine motions more
i have fine dyspraxia, so my reaction tiem arent so slow as if i had motor dspraxia, but it means i have incredibly difficulty with getting the timing right for things, its why i dont ever bother trying to flight of ganon in a srs set XD
the way my dyspraxia works varies, but usually it means anything i try to do in a minute motion ends up becoming a ****ing huge motion XD
which means i cant use fightsticks, because they break within 5 minutes XD
but, no johns. im still top 10 in uk *proud*