Smash Hero
C-c-c-c-c-combo breakerTeach Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside!
As probably the only Ganon mainer in the whole of Australia, who actually goes to tournaments, my goal is to get Ganon a few places higher in the character rankings list, get him above some characters like Mario, so maybe more playesr may play Ganon as they will see he isn't all that bad.
I like to play Ganon for the fact that he is the underdog, every fight is a challenge and more engaging and more fun then say playing MK or Snake where basic moves can win a match.
And as squirrely said, ganon spikes are the most gratifying move in the game.
To me having fun in smash, is getting as many spikes as possible.
Another big incentive for me to play Ganon is the lack of Ganon mainers across Australia. After coming first in a tournament with Ganon, i can now claim best in Aus with Ganon.
If i was playing Snake or another popular character i could not claim this title after winning 1 tournament. It would require multiple tournament wins, interstate challenges with other pro's etc.
And why else do i play ganon. Sparta kick, nuff said.