I know, a bit late, but I was fooling around to see if Purple Stuffs wiz kick cancel (Although it's pretty known ) could be used reliably, havent seen a vid or footage anywhere of how to execute.
This basically just goes over platform use and the quick quake from Down+B. I've found a way to do it reliably everytime, so you may be able to actually use it in matches without worry of screwing up.
I believe all it require you to do is enter a weird jump animation, this is similar to Purple Stuffs other techs. To do this and get the tech on a platform, you have to do the following:
Say Ganondorf is facing right.
Dash Left, Jump to the right (should be doing a backflip, still facing left) then as you pass through the platform, Reverse your Down B to face right.
If you see the vid, it works everytime, just need to get the timing of when to Wiz Kick. It's quick and I imagine it would actually be able to work in matches as a mixup.
Never tested on many characters but I'm sure if you dug ,there are potential Flame Choke setups.
EDIT: The first few in the video are me warming up, as they arent the quickest lol, the fourth one is the one where you get it. And the clips on Battlefield are to show its easy to do once you get the hang of it.
As an aside, even if you miss it, you still get the quake and pop up, just you won't be able to follow up bc it'll take longer for you to get out of the animation.
I should mention on moving platforms, you need not do this for some reason, just executing Down B while phasing through triggers it. +1 Smashville