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Gamestop Tournament Tips and Info!


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Okay, you do that. Can we please get back on topic now?

And if Gooseman says I am changing the subject to prove I'm guilty, He has a compulsive need to prove that he was not the topic starter.

On that note, carry on.
Thats right, you dodge that blame. You, you...


Smash Rookie
Feb 4, 2008
GET OUT OF MY BRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Dude, you do know that I'm a pretty well known and respected smasher right? I also know pretty much all of the smashers in my state (Mississippi) and I know who is and isn't a threat. Most of the best MS smashers will actually be in Southhaven, although there might be some that trickle into Oxford due to avoiding some of the better players there. If that is the case I shouldn't have *too* much to worry, that is unless they are part of Myztek's group and they have played a lot of Brawl. The only good player in Oxford is NES n00b, whom I mentioned.


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
This is of course assuming 1) that every skilled Smash player makes themselves known, which they don't and 2) you are going to pick up a controller and clean up at Brawl having never actually played it before.

Have some common sense, @$$ hat. Not even factoring your ability to learn a game you've never played in about a minute and win, there are a ton of other variables to consider.

Drop the high and mighty act, kid.


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Also, as far as e-fame goes, I'd never heard of you before I came here. You're just another Smasher that thinks none can beat him.

I guess in a sense I know you, since I've known a million others like you.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Some people are good at fighting games Naturally. Forward in AZ for instance is very good at fighting games in particular and isn't singled out to just smash bros.

I think that you are a bit aggravated that someone says "I'm gonna own in Brawl"

He'll I may own in brawl, which I'm pretty confident cause I play cheap *** Marth, but what do I know? I'm just a Tourney***.

Actually, on an edit, I've head of Mookie...A lot. Great smasher from the South. You need to play better people if you cant believe him yourself.


Smash Rookie
Feb 4, 2008
Some people are good at fighting games Naturally. Forward in AZ for instance is very good at fighting games in particular and isn't singled out to just smash bros.

I think that you are a bit aggravated that someone says "I'm gonna own in Brawl"

He'll I may own in brawl, which I'm pretty confident cause I play cheap *** Marth, but what do I know? I'm just a Tourney***.

Professor X

Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2006
I can't figure out why 4chan would think Smashboards would be a good target for invasion. I know they're the last word on internet culture in their own minds, but I don't really see the lulz around here.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
This is of course assuming 1) that every skilled Smash player makes themselves known, which they don't and 2) you are going to pick up a controller and clean up at Brawl having never actually played it before.
The good ones do. The good ones are good because they travel and play other people.
Have some common sense, @$$ hat. Not even factoring your ability to learn a game you've never played in about a minute and win, there are a ton of other variables to consider.
On the contrary. There is a lot of skill that transfers over from Brawl to Melee. All I'd have to do is merely get used to the controls. Asside from that, most of the casual players in attendance to this tournament will not be as educated in Brawl as I am. They wouldn't have skimmed through the entirety of the smashboards for information, nor have they been told by various other smashers first hand information about the game and it's nuances. On top of that, I play very smart, and most of my game focuses on punishing mistakes. Considering that I would primarily be up against casual players, it's not a stretch to say that I will be able to adapt quicker and easier merely cause of my experience with Melee and my ability to observe, predict, and punish habits in their play.
Also, as far as e-fame goes, I'd never heard of you before I came here. You're just another Smasher that thinks none can beat him.
I never claimed to be great by competitive standards. In all actuality I'm a bit overrated here by most. I'm merely "good" now, as most of my crew disbanded over a year ago and I haven't had as much competition as I used to. In my hayday I was considered the best Mewtwo player in the states, but that time has long passed.

You; however, don't seem to realize the skill gap between someone who is good competitively versus someone who just plays with friends. There is a very large gap there.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
This is of course assuming 1) that every skilled Smash player makes themselves known, which they don't and 2) you are going to pick up a controller and clean up at Brawl having never actually played it before.

Have some common sense, @$$ hat. Not even factoring your ability to learn a game you've never played in about a minute and win, there are a ton of other variables to consider.

Drop the high and mighty act, kid.
Calm down mangz. Those that are good at Melee will already understand most of the basic concepts of Brawl and will adapt faster than those that haven't played Melee in a competitive sense.

Callllllllllllm down troll.

I can't figure out why 4chan would think Smashboards would be a good target for invasion. I know they're the last word on internet culture in their own minds, but I don't really see the lulz around here.
Because simply posting your opinions on something in the Brawl boards will mean flaming from most people. Why not abuse that?


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Thanks. Acceptance is the first step to salvation. Nice caps BTW.

*If I can get a big "THANK YOU" in caps, I would be extremely grateful*

Terrorcon Blot

Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2006
This thread is worth something now that it's a bunch of Smashboards vets swatting at imaginary elves and worrying about the big bad 4chan bogeyman.

Not that the thread was bad as a "I don't want to lose in the tournament, send help" cry it started as, just that now it has some entertainment value.

What can I say? I'm a bit of a sadist that way.


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
I'm not aggrivated that someone thinks they're going to own in Brawl. In fact, I'm not aggrivated at all.

Seeing this f*cknut preach on and on is simply the generalization of what I've come to experience from the tourneytard scene.

Like I said before in my first post, you never see this between SF fans, or KoF fans, or even GG fans. It boggles my mind as to why some people want to take a game as unique and enjoyable as Smash and *** it up via the typical tourney***, holier than thou mindset.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'm not aggrivated that someone thinks they're going to own in Brawl. In fact, I'm not aggrivated at all.

Seeing this f*cknut preach on and on is simply the generalization of what I've come to experience from the tourneytard scene.

Like I said before in my first post, you never see this between SF fans, or KoF fans, or even GG fans. It boggles my mind as to why some people want to take a game as unique and enjoyable as Smash and *** it up via the typical tourney***, holier than thou mindset.
Smash isn't even close to as bad is MvC2 though.


Smash Rookie
Feb 4, 2008
This thread is worth something now that it's a bunch of Smashboards vets swatting at imaginary elves and worrying about the big bad 4chan bogeyman.

Not that the thread was bad as a "I don't want to lose in the tournament, send help" cry it started as, just that now it has some entertainment value.

What can I say? I'm a bit of a sadist that way.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I'm not aggrivated that someone thinks they're going to own in Brawl. In fact, I'm not aggrivated at all.

Seeing this f*cknut preach on and on is simply the generalization of what I've come to experience from the tourneytard scene.

Like I said before in my first post, you never see this between SF fans, or KoF fans, or even GG fans. It boggles my mind as to why some people want to take a game as unique and enjoyable as Smash and *** it up via the typical tourney***, holier than thou mindset.
Ah okay. I understand. I mean, if it offends you so much, just ignore him. If you don't like what what you hear, go to a different part of the forum. You don't have to listen to the "elitist tourney***" if you just ignore him.

Honestly, a lot of other competitive scenes have the same types of people. Are you a pro at SF KoF, or GG? This is a actual question I am waiting a response for.

Im not calling Mookie that, but I am indeed a Tourney*** and proud of it. NO ITEMS IN COMPETITIVE PLAY.


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
OK Mookie, I'll level with you. You, by your own account, have never played Brawl. I have. A few people at a comic shop nearby get together and play the import on Saturday afternoons, which I happened to be there for one of.

I got a chance to spend some time with the game. Not much, but enough to note the differances in mechanics, feel, etc.

Its not the same game. Not. The. Same. I don't care how good you were in Melee, because it won't amount to **** here. You're going to have to re-learn the game from the ground up aside from the very basics. Don't think you're going to "own" anyone until you put some actual time into the game, because right now you're on the same level as everyone else.

This coming from someone who has a certain knack for fighters, and got the **** kicked out of him at said comic shop.


Also, Nick, there is a clear distinction between yourself and my own definition of tourney***. I don't care how other people play the ****ed game, but seeing the kind of self inflated ego that I've seen from, say, Mookie or Tnga embarasses me as a gamer.


you = OK
Mookie/Tnga = GTFO my internets.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
I'm not aggrivated that someone thinks they're going to own in Brawl. In fact, I'm not aggrivated at all.

Seeing this f*cknut preach on and on is simply the generalization of what I've come to experience from the tourneytard scene.

Like I said before in my first post, you never see this between SF fans, or KoF fans, or even GG fans. It boggles my mind as to why some people want to take a game as unique and enjoyable as Smash and *** it up via the typical tourney***, holier than thou mindset.
Haha, you are not aggravated. This is why we do it. For the lulz, to make people like you angry. The whole scene as a whole is tying to suck the enjoyment of the game you play. Guess what? There is nothing you can do about it. No trolling will save you.

Prepare to never enjoy the Smash series again as we talk about how good we are as we ban items (including Smash Balls), Free for Alls, All stages besides Final Destination, and we ban all low tiers. The best part? All you can do is stare as it happens and well, post on forums about it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 14, 2007
/4chan epic fail
i've seen mookierah play a lot ..and i know he's a great melee player ..but you have to admit in some of his posts he sounds like an elitist
if i didn't know mookierah any better ..i would think he was trolling casual players

let's not turn this into a casual v competitive thing
this is a thread about a tournament ..a TOURNAMENT ..by definition ..people are competing
casual kids ..it's just not for you ..sit this one out ..quit crying


Smash Rookie
Feb 4, 2008
Haha, you are not aggravated. This is why we do it. For the lulz, to make people like you angry. The whole scene as a whole is tying to suck the enjoyment of the game you play. Guess what? There is nothing you can do about it. No trolling will save you.

Prepare to never enjoy the Smash series again as we talk about how good we are as we ban items (including Smash Balls), Free for Alls, All stages besides Final Destination, and we ban all low tiers. The best part? All you can do is stare as it happens and well, post on forums about it.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Its not the same game. Not. The. Same. I don't care how good you were in Melee, because it won't amount to **** here. You're going to have to re-learn the game from the ground up aside from the very basics. Don't think you're going to "own" anyone until you put some actual time into the game, because right now you're on the same level as everyone else.
Good ****, that has to be the most idiotic post I've seen in this thread.

The basics in Melee are exactly the same as Brawls. The controls identical between the two games. Mindgames carry over from Melee to Brawl.

Being good in Melee means you can read your opponent and act accordingly. If you know your opponent always rolls when coming up from the edge, you can abuse that. The same exact concept applies to Brawl. Being a tourney*** by your words, when I play Brawl with a friend who doesn't play high level Melee, I can easily read what he's going to do and punish him.

The only thing us tourney***s have to relearn are matchups and the speed of the game. The only new things in the game are characters and stages. Other than that, it's basically the same.


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Haha, you are not aggravated. This is why we do it. For the lulz, to make people like you angry. The whole scene as a whole is tying to suck the enjoyment of the game you play. Guess what? There is nothing you can do about it. No trolling will save you.

Prepare to never enjoy the Smash series again as we talk about how good we are as we ban items (including Smash Balls), Free for Alls, All stages besides Final Destination, and we ban all low tiers. The best part? All you can do is stare as it happens and well, post on forums about it.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2008
I have Brawl. Everybody is still just as predictable. Punishing rolls has gotten me more kills than I can count, and powershielding gives you a huge advantage. Most casual friends I know attempt to powershield by mashing the shield button over and over, which makes them a sitting duck to grabs.

Whatever though. If you can't "own" people at Brawl now, you will be able to eventually. Get ready scrubs, lolz.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
Man, /v/ really has fallen way off, I didn't even notice they were attempting a "raid". Then again, /v/ was never anywhere to fall from really...

Still, even though this off-topic ****storm, there's a underlying message that can be learned and help you in tournaments.

Even though most of us are expecting are matches to be up against casual level players, always assume that you're fighting someone competitive. That way, if someone shows up and, they've got above average skill you won't get punished early on for under estimating them.

(If you missed the reference. All the "raiders" were expecting Mookie to come at them with anger replies and be easy to troll. But they underestimated him and their "raid" failed and is just reduced to one guy yelling out empty insults like Tourney***, f*cknut, etc. Oh, and the guy typing in red caps).


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Good ****, that has to be the most idiotic post I've seen in this thread.

The basics in Melee are exactly the same as Brawls. The controls identical between the two games. Mindgames carry over from Melee to Brawl.

Being good in Melee means you can read your opponent and act accordingly. If you know your opponent always rolls when coming up from the edge, you can abuse that. The same exact concept applies to Brawl. Being a tourney*** by your words, when I play Brawl with a friend who doesn't play high level Melee, I can easily read what he's going to do and punish him.

The only thing us tourney***s have to relearn are matchups and the speed of the game. The only new things in the game are characters and stages. Other than that, it's basically the same.

Sweet merciful ****, there is simply no facepalm epic enough for this. All i can say is play the game yourself and find out.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
It boggles my mind as to why some people want to take a game as unique and enjoyable as Smash and *** it up via the typical tourney***, holier than thou mindset.
If you believe that we all think we are "holier than thou" then it's your own assumptions that have led to that conclusion. Honestly, before Brawl was announced there wasn't much if any problem between the competitive community and the casual community. Most pro-tournament threads actually consist of people defending the competitive community against arguments brought up by casual players; however, if you look at most casual threads they are typically in outrage over our rulesets and demands that we should play differently.

It's ultimately sad that you and others see the scene as such. It's roots even started in casual play. Things used to be 10 stock matches with items, but we kept on working with them and testing out factors that affect skill based play. It took us 3-4 years to decide to turn items off, and it took us up till now to actually ban some of the latest batch of stages that we have banned. We don't inherently want to remove aspects of the game, but we do what is necessary to prevent unfair and possibly somewhat broken events from occurring.

That all said, you speak of generalizations of people from the "tourneytard scene." From whom do you get your information? The fact that you came from 4chan and you made this account primarily to troll this thread lends me to believe that smashboards is not your source of information on the competitive community. Granted smashboards isn't the only source for good smash information, but it is the most highly regarded and largest smash site. Why not actually look into our reasonings for things before judging us so harshly?

Also, if you think I'm being harsh and making "generalizations" about how I would perform in Brawl, well I have contradictory evidence. The fact that the better melee players make better Brawl players is already quite proven. I also play characters that are less technical, more floaty, and generally more Brawl like (Mewtwo anyone?). I can also pick up any character from melee and play them well, even those I don't particularly use (this isn't really boasting as pretty much every decent competitive melee player can do the same) and thusly I don't see how my adaption skills would not transfer over to Brawl. Lastly, everything I said about observing your opponent is true, and it's the foundation of mindgames in general. I've played lots and lots of people, and I would say a lot of competitive players truly don't understand how to mindgame, much less casual players. You might find it frustrating that I say most casual players play on habits and instinct, but for the most part that is the case.

If you can't realize that my experience in melee coupled with my knowledge on brawl doesn't give me a HUGE advantage over your average casual players, then I can't really help you. Nor do you really want to be helped, you just want to spread the lulz and agitate me.
You're going to have to re-learn the game from the ground up aside from the very basics. Don't think you're going to "own" anyone until you put some actual time into the game, because right now you're on the same level as everyone else.
Really now? This contradicts everything that pretty much everyone has told me. Yes, there is some getting used to, everyone talks about it. Most of these are just things that are slightly different from melee, like how the new physics works as well as how a lot of old techniques don't work anymore. It will be a bit of a chore at first to not press L when I land aerial attacks, as well as work out the need to not try and wavedash. These things I am fully aware of.

That said, I fail to see how my knowledge in tricking opponents due to superior observation and taking advantage of patterns by picking Ike and pressing the c-stick forward is going to magically diminish because the game plays a little bit different.


Smash Cadet
Jul 16, 2006

I gathered some more information from my local Gamestops.

One is holding the tourney at 3/9/08 2PM, another 3/9/08 10ish, and the other said 3/8/08 midnight (or a little before that time).

The 2PM is using GC controllers, while the one where I preserved my game is using the Wii Remoted + Nunchuck.

The way I look at it, the more everyone is confused on how to play the game, the better the chance I have at Round 1.

Btw, does anyone know whether you can join more than one Round 1 tournies?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Sweet merciful ****, there is simply no facepalm epic enough for this. All i can say is play the game yourself and find out.
Wow, you even assumed I haven't played the game.

I HAVE played the game quite alot. I'm not just making up assumptions like most of the people on this forum.

Calm down.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2008
Sweet merciful ****, there is simply no facepalm epic enough for this. All i can say is play the game yourself and find out.
Facepalm? Maybe you should just stop sucking at Brawl? LAWL.

Just called the mall. My gamestop tourney has over 64 people already. Its terribly unorganized, and the store is tiny. If I lose and melt into the crowd I would eventually forgive myself, but it'd be a pretty tough process. Apparently I don't need a parent/guardian with me either, so maybe some people who are put off by that aspect should at least check with the store manager first.


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Around and around we go, Jesus.

It is, however, funny to see you take on a strictly defensive stance as opposed to your former "**** YO COUCH, CASUALS" attitude.

Performance under pressure... not so good it seems.
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