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Gamepad VA: Brawl 4 All Rnd. 3! - 5/9/09 *UPDATED*

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Lol yeah right my MK sucks :p

But has gotten better. I dunno

Edit: Oh yeah! EE was there, he remembers

(M2K teaming with EE)

"Wow, we lost......you're horrible! etc. etc."


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I think I'm coming to this now T.T

@Poyo. Your trash talk isn't very good... it's your personality/small size+lame trash talk all mixed together that gets you lulz.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Way better than doom's trash talk.........ugh my ears were bleeding listening to him + the rest of jersey at chu's that one day..........SHELDER! ugh..........


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Poyo, stop trying to get on my guys' nerves so much.

I can't believe they were nice enough to invite you out to dinner @ BTYF. *facepalm*

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
It's ok, Poyo is just a huge meatrider.

Guess he'd rather spend 10 bucks and get last place at the Dojo than spend 5 and get last at ours XD

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
It's ok, Poyo is just a huge meatrider.
You think I'm meatriding Chu just cause he's the best Kirby :(

Chu is cool with me and one of my (if not my) favorite smasher. Maybe I should stay out of the whole Chu vs BMX disputez n **** but to generalize. Other than BMX I like woodbridge but I like Chu more...no homo xD

Chu and I are friendz, no I'm not meatriding >.>

Also TBH, I'm kinda scared if I goto BMX's tourney lol

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
:mad: Taj was right.. I am about to go crazy.. and here goes..

I'm getting really pissed off. This guy on YouTube won't send me the link to where he got his lesbian hentai >.<
Strike One.

I'm not a fanboy. Maybe for Mew2King but all smasherz I like I actually like THEM not their skillz.

Although I don't give 2 flying fux about MYSELF until I place well in tourney and beat notable smasherz. Unfortunately that will never happen.
Strike Two.

JJ you know what you meant... lol

I agree with Taj and Korn. People are just stupid in general over a game. I love brawl, but I still I have a sense of intelligence over my personality, just like my friends: Taj, Dre, Kenny, Forte, Cafe, Bolt and so on.

Poyo is just confused in all categories. He's an attention *****. And a weirdo. also hypocritical.

Plus: Hoodbridge will own this tourney. I lose to people because they are better than me. Simple as that. That's my fuel to get better. That's my determination to get 1st. I never settle for second best. If I lose, I will come back.
I agree with Taj, this almost brought a tear to my eye. Good stuff BMX. :)

BMX, you take life seriously xD

If I saw someone get shot, I would just shrug and walk by. No need to report it, people will find out eventually, no need to deal with legal BS.

BMX, you get pissed off cause you find my postz annoying. Which meanz you CARE about life.

Who seriously givez a **** about life? xD
Any person with a normal brain function, cares about life. Seek professional help.

I can copy BMX's play style with Wario easily xD

1. Camp
2. Jump back in an attempt to mindgame
3. Repeat 2 until you find an opening
4. f-tilt
5. repeat 1-4 until they are at a kill percent
6. Fart.


Also, BMX, you dumbfuk, if you haven't noticed yet, Smash IS my life.
Strike Three. Inraction.

Brawl makes me meet new friends. I enjoy hanging out with them and getting to know them more than just Brawl information.

Poyo will never understand. He has people that laugh at him, not with him. It's sad :p

Taj, I'll probably kill myself on the spot if I lost.
Brawl is a way to bring people together Poyo, you need to understand that. Yes its a competitive game, but it also happens to be a hobby everyone can relate to which is how friends are made. Take this into consideration rather than annoying the people that try and work with you. This is why BMX has grown so much hate.. because you just don't listen.

I'm happy I decided to travel and go to tournaments as well as start up a crew. I've met a lot of cool people and made some great friends Oath, Ben, Taj, Kenny, etc. In fact, we are already planning to hang out in the near future and do things aside from Smash.. which is what you need to try and do Poyo. Get out of the house, away from that Kirby Plush and include yourself in social interaction. It's probably too late to get that from us, but there are others out there.

Oh, and no killing yourself at Gamepad please. :psycho:

Yeah, but my attention span is as small as my **** :(
:mad::mad::mad:Censor Dodging. Infraction 2.

bolt, soul calibur money match!
That may just happen. :bee:

Poyo, expect infractions within the week for not following the rules of this thread and Smash World Forums. Everyone else, your in the clear.. I don't mind that you talk about whatever, just so long as you don't censor dodge and keep things PG-13. Thank you.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Is the guy who ran the bracket at this the owner of Gamepad? He seems pretty cool, I doubt this bothers him too much. Even if it does, Mods will probably ban poyo at somepoint for something he does since he's always getting in trouble.

Anyways, good luck to the entrants at this event, and keep it tuned to the live feed. Once I have the live feed up and working, I'll probably send someone there a text, I think I have Taj and Dre's numbers. And i'll have it on my facebook status. And i'll post it in the tourney thread, so no jones

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Poyo just got his infractions a minute ago. I'm serious guys, don't censor dodge here. I honestly don't give a **** what you guys post elsewhere on this board, but in here, no swearing.

But we've already seen Poyo make alts...he'll just keep coming back =/
We've handled alts before.

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
Is the guy who ran the bracket at this the owner of Gamepad? He seems pretty cool, I doubt this bothers him too much. Even if it does, Mods will probably ban poyo at somepoint for something he does since he's always getting in trouble.

Anyways, good luck to the entrants at this event, and keep it tuned to the live feed. Once I have the live feed up and working, I'll probably send someone there a text, I think I have Taj and Dre's numbers. And i'll have it on my facebook status. And i'll post it in the tourney thread, so no jones
Yes, he is the owner and it does bother him. He has asked me to try and keep the people that enjoy the Gamepad Experience on a respectable level. He runs a business that attracts a lot of attention to parents and children and the last thing he needs is people to run around his venue (that he has worked hard to make successful) being disrespectful and yelling obscenities. If you want to stay in this thread, you must learn to hold your tongue both here and at Gamepad. If it were to be okay to do it here, people will assume it is okay to do it in the venue as well, which is why he has asked me to keep it clean in here.

Send me a text Tant, I have sent you my cell phone number through a PM.


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I preemptively demand that my character be listed in the tournament results as Daisy and not Peach and that if I win the tournament as Daisy she be given her own spot on the tier list just above Peach

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
I am placing top 3 here I am very confident

also watch out for my fox and DK :chuckle:

You have a DK now o_0

I'm assuming June or Bonk taught you.

You better not go DK if you have to fight me in tourney, I won't hesitate to nado spam, anyone who playz DK deserves to get gayed.
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