I count a total of 66 in attendance if everyone (including ?s) make this... so I'm hoping we hit at least 50 this go around, and don't forget, a few locals will be showing up as well!
We still need more TVs and cubes guys!
Here's the thing. I just had an idea. I am going to try and work a deal out with the managers to provide housing for a small fee. The building is large enough to fit 100+ people to sleep. The problems though are the following:
- There would be an additional fee, perhaps 5$. This is neccessary because they need to get their money's worth for staying open all night so you guys can sleep
- Speaking of sleep... that's most likely exactly what you'd have to do after 2 AM, is go to sleep. To go into more detail... we don't have that Friday night covered as far as people playing. If you want to play games, you MUST go by their standard business operation (Smash 2.50$ per hour, other stuff at varying prices)
- They would be doing us a huge favor, so we'd have to be very curtious and keep things CLEAN. I can't stress enough the fact that after 2 AM it'd probably have to go dark, unless I can work something with the manager to have them allow normal business run with just you guys who pay the fee to sleep there.
- No doubt though, it wouldn't be the greatest sleep in the world. Everyone would need to provide their own sleeping materials (I reccommend a sleeping bag and pillow, and perhaps extra padding because the floor is VERY solid, the couches couldn't be used because priority goes to gamers, though I'm sure you guys will want to sleep and not play since the tourny is the next day.)
This is a much cheaper option than a hotel, but this is NOT FINAL YET! I was told today by my mother that it is an absolute NO to let people stay here since she will be gone for the weekend.... and my little bro does NOT have my back in keeping things quiet.
I'll be sure to keep you guys posted on what is going to happen, but if you are interested in the idea, let me know!