Pretty sure I'm not scum lol.
I posted that at the time so that when I got back, I'd be able to answer questions that were asked of me after a full read-through of the game. Seems pretty common sense to me.
I tried reading through posts during rehearsal, but I was totally oblivious of there being more than two pages, so I kind of stopped reading after I got to the bottom of page two, and even then, it wasn't getting too into it because I was more focused on rehearsal to make sure that I came in on time. Probably won't try that again lol.
Zen, if you're going to be a prick to me throughout this game due to putting a warning out there in case I were to disappear for a day, then I'll gladly replace out. I'm not willing to deal with your bull**** for stuff that is hardly related to the game on top of the amount of ensembles I have and all of the bull**** I have going on mentally. If you're going to try to say "If you're going to tackle this game after you go get food, then why are you posting this now heh? You're not coming back, admit it. This is a lie." when I'm trying my ****ing best to commit to a game that I signed up for and couldn't get out of in time, then **** you and **** everything that you stand for. **** off. hehehehehehehheheheheheheh so funni haha no screw off. I didn't join the game just for you to insult me when I post a warning in case I were to not be able to post one night (especially for a cause that I wasn't aware of prior to joining).
Starting my read now.
Zen, you didn't "town slip" because the scum role pm listed in the op doesn't say anything about what role your partner were to have if you were to get a mafia role. 100% null tell. Moving on.
Magic Bounce's reaction to Zen trying to gain town cred was pretty cool. Way to call him out on that. I like how logical he's being with the approach on that post. Bravo.
The fact that Red Ryu went into Magic Bounce's response like that doesn't really surprise me at all actually. Seems like standard Ryu to me. Yay :D
Is there something going on between Kantrip and Rake? Kantrip's 65 where he talks to Rake seems very weird if there is no previous context to it outside of game. ._.
Kantrip's reasoning on MB... First statement is total ****. Second statement is eh. You replace the word "off-put" with "bothered" and suddenly it doesn't sound nearly as bad (imo at least). Attacking word choice instead of the main point behind a post seems kind of silly. It's pretty obvious that he was pretty annoyed with what Zen was trying to do, especially after stating it was a null tell. It was obvious that he wasn't going to use that as pressure against him, so eh. Third statement is actually understandable, but when you consider the fact that he was probably just annoyed with the approach Zen took, it doesn't really come across as scummy. I don't get why he said it was probably zen as town after calling it a null tell. Good question to ask though. I'll ask if the slot hasn't answered already. Not really liking Kantrip based on a majority of this reasoning and the whole Kantrip and Rake thing.
After reading one of Rake's posts, I thought of something further regarding Zen and MB. Why would MB go after Zen if they were fishing for town cred? Shutting down Zen does not show ANYTHING. It's just something that you'd comment on if you were annoyed by the fact that he's trying to fish for town cred from very (VERY) poor logic. :|
Scary's reaction lmao. Too good.
While I don't really agree with his logic, his 132 seems really genuine in general.
135 and 137 point out really strong things about Xatres. Kantrip going in depth with his thought process instead of just agreeing with Zen and throwing a vote on Xatres is pretty cool.
139. Welp. If that is the way that Xatres plays in general, then I'm definitely not going to scum read him for that alone. He has been answering questions, so I could see where he feels that he's part of the discussion. Null tell.
Kantrip vs Xatres is basically Kantrip pushing on meta and Xatres defending with his own meta. Doesn't really seem to have much to do with the game itself or how he's actually playing. :|
Rake, I thought you'd explain, but why are you being such a moron this game? It's like you're not doing anything except getting butt devastated when people won't follow your pointless and completely idiotic wagon. What on earth did Scary do to make you want him dead that badly?
All of Xatres' play seems really genuine from what I've read so far. Holy crap. Not sure how you could scum read him unless he does something crazy later on.
Rake what on earth. "Check his reply to see why he's scum" If you were literally doing nothing except calling me scum for no reason, then I'd think you were playing scummy as well. Nothing is wrong on Scary's part so far. Do you really think town that isn't used to playing with us would just sit there and be like "Yup. This is all null. There is no way this could mean anything"? No. He's going to get flustered, and he's probably going to backlash at you. It's null. Move on. I would like to see why Scary tried to justify his Rake vote as anything more than a "Rake is being a moron and doing absolutely nothing except pushing me" type of thing.
202... What. Whaaaat. Xatres why? Why would you even say that? That doesn't even help with anything at all. There are actually people out there that actually think about what they post before they post it. In both factions. What was the point of this post?
204 MB beat me to it. Darn. He's really right though. Get over yourself Rake please.
207 He probably hasn't played with dgames too much. Different places play in different ways. If he were to be aware that OMGUS was bad here, yet was from a community where it was standard (or played in a time-frame where it was standard), then suddenly every single thing you've said about him is complete and total **** and suddenly you're 100% useless to the game. This push is crap. Find something new to push or get off the wagon and actually be useful.
212 Why would I throw a vote down? You should know that I'm not super aggressive with my votes, and even then, I have no reason to throw a vote down when I haven't even posted yet (especially considering the fact that I didn't realize that there were more than two pages at the time). :v
214 What newb scum tells did he drop? OMGUS? With how hard you're tunneling, it's null. Try again please. His first reaction was hilarious. It just seemed like a silly way of saying why. But then your **** push happened. What on earth are you expecting? Seriously? Vig please off this guy.
216 confirms everything I've said. He's OMGUS'ing because you're playing like a ****ing moron. Null tell. Move on.
Xatres, where did your scum read on Scary come from, and why on earth are you going in so hard with all of these crappy posts that basically say "I scum read Scary" in many different ways? From what I recall (I may have missed it), you haven't stated anything about not liking scary until 202, and that post was total ****. Please tell me if I missed a post.
Zen wants me dead because I haven't posted within the first day of the game starting. I suddenly don't care about his push on me at all. Shocking.
"Classic newb scum tell, trying to come in and joke off baseless pressure to appear townie" can easily be "Classic newbie play, wondering why in the hell a third of the lynch is on him before he even got into the game", and literally everything after that is you being a complete moron and **** to scary and him getting upset because you're literally doing nothing worthwhile except pushing him. Do you REALLY expect him to just ignore you when you're almost a fifth of the thread and you're just saying "he's scum" and "join my wagon" over and over? Do you REALLY expect him to not think you're scummy when this is all that you're doing? Please. Get over this case. Find some decent reasoning behind your push please. Please start to have some common sense. Please. Please please please please.
245 this is going to be another game of waiting for another Marshy hydra to actually become serious. :|
254 summarized everything regarding Rake and Scary way better than I could.
Sokr going in on Xatres for his crap post. Woo!
Does Xatres even scum read Scary or is it just a joke? I can't even tell at this point. This is literally the third post where he just says "He's scum'" in a different fashion. I'm starting to think that it's just a joke.
284 is me in a nutshell except I'm null on Zen and town reading MB. Throw Sokr in the town leans and Ryu in the town leans and you have my read list so far.
Sokr then jumped on Scary. Whyyyyy?!
Rake jumps on Sokr. Scary wagon 2.0 a go-go?
Why would you just say it's a pressure wagon when Sokr literally hasn't even gotten to respond yet? Why are you using that to convince people? I don't even, Rake. Literally scary wagon 2.0
Ryu a little late with the whole rake v scary thing, but he tends to do that. I'm really liking Ryu this game holy crap.
Rake, you're just being ignorant here. There is nothing in the OP that states "You must know x and y before joining a game", and even then, it's no guarantee that he would know everything. You're pushing off of assumptions and it's disgusting. Why are you still on this? I understand that you were asked about it, but please just say that it was stupid of you and move on. It's absolutely horrid. :|.
Rake pretty much just voted Sokr and continued to pressure Scary. Really? You got me excited for nothing </3. Was excited to see something interesting from you on a push that isn't Scary.
I guess I'm done. Wow.
Town reads: Ryu, MB, myself lul
Town leans: Sokr
Scum leans: Kantrip (very slight), Xatres, Rake
Everyone else is null.
Vote: Rake
Throwing my vote here is pretty obvious at this point. Your Scary wagon was ****, and your whole "vote Sokr with me for pressure! :D" was even worse, and the worst of it all? Right after throwing your vote on Sokr and asking for more votes on him, you don't even pressure Sokr. You just talk about Scary being scummy some more (after asking him to join your wagon and asking to alliance with him). Yeah. I can not see ANY town intent in this whatsoever. Literally none.