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G3S Mafia #4 | Game over - Town wins!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Woops error in that,

Mafia lean
Town Lean

1. Zen
2. frozenmarsh751 (frozenflame751/marshy hydra)
3. WL/Raz
4. Joey
5. Red Ruy
6. Kafkaesque (Sworddancer./th3kuzinator)
7. Rake
8. Potassium
9. Scary
10. Xatres
11. sokr

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I think I got my laptop issues sorted out for the time being. Wireless card acting up because of some recent installations and unsupported drivers.

Sokr, what kind of read did you have on me and how did it change as you said in your #378?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Rake: Scum lean on Joey still. Not that strong.

Kantrip, diction isn't hard to improve on. I know what you feel in your heart. There's no need to play so cautiously. Sokr is probably the play today. There's something quite off about his play.

-Such a strong town read on me #66 through posts through the game. This read of course is based completely on meta which is really easy to fake. Honestly I would have been a bit weary of Zen coming into the game playing so over zealously. It would make me think that he was trying to adjust his scum meta since people were reading him from that last game. Sure some original town vibes are completely warranted, but to have such a strong read so soon? Idk from my perspective I kind of got the vibe that Sokr was speaking from a knowledgeable position.
-His reaction to Kantrip possibly calling him a townrbro in #261 gives off that same thing. I just don't feel like it was the natural reaction of someone who was in ignorance. Just like the way he responded with his town read on me, he came off really strong here. There was no hesitance at all. Compare this with Kantrip's approach to Sokr "Could it be? Is Sokr my townbro this game?". He has a town read on Sokr, but is still questioning. You get that sense that he is coming at it from an ignorant position. The opposite of Sokr.
-This post is actually just really scummy in general. What was with the telling me stop with the wifom? There wasn't anything wifomy there o-o. I wasintentionally playing to my town meta. And the stuff before about only being able to only see 2 steps ahead wasn't really related to the game.
-Again in the same post, his liking of Rake's case. This is where I started to really reconsider my read. I just passed the stuff before off as odd, but not necessarily scummy before this. As I said there was nothing to Rake's case... It was just a wall of him quoting all the posts he made calling Scary scum. The situation was like this:

Rake: Scary is scum.
Scary: Why do you say this?
Rake: Case incoming
Case: So here I say "Scary is scum". And here Scary says "Why do you say this"? And here I say "Case incoming".

There was NO CASE. So what case is Sokr liking here? There was nothing to it at all. I feel his (Sokr's) comment on it is not real at all.
-Again in this post...The xastrn vote and unvote in the same post was really weird. Sokr claims it wasn't a serious vote, but if it weren't serious why would he ask where Xatres was at in votes before unvoting? Giving off the impression that he was only unvoting because he didn't want a quicklynch? Also Xastres was the only one voting Xatres at the time. I don't think Sokr could have thought Xatres had more votes than 2, possibly missing my vote switch at the time.

Kantrip, Wait Rake and I are leans, but Sokr and Joey are solid town for you o-o? Is this right?

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
Ahhh we're on page 8 already.

Does anyone have any questions for me? I'm going to go get late night food probably (Taco bell yaaaaaay...) and then tackle this game.

Considering the fact that I'm in 8 ensembles that are all having concerts over the next two weeks (one of which being a theatre performance that is performing for four nights) along with multiple auditions within the same time frame, I will not be the most active. I will stay caught up and stuff, but I won't be able to make elaborate posts all of the time (as I will be reading on my phone). Sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone :/.
Sure, where's your head at? I get the whole "I'm busy" thing but then why'd you sign up knowing this? As much as I buy your excuse, it's just...convenient.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Fromarsh can you post a read list please? Just scum and scum leans is fine. What made you switch to vote Scary and what made you switch to Joey? I've never seen you so jumpy with your votes.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@MB: Can you post a read list as well. You've been commenting on stuff, but I don't recall you having a single scum read as of yet.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
He signed up for a regular game, he should understand most of the things that make up a game, including reading people, and how reactions effect reads. I dont know why you and Mb put so muchb stock in "hes a newbie", when i was a newbie, i never took any or got any slack in normal games, youy go in knowing its a different pace.
See now, here's this thing: no newbie starts at the same pace and some take more time to get a handle on it. I took my time but then I was in a ****ty position for a newbie to be at when I started. I remember Soup taking a lot of time to really ramp up to where he's at now, same with everything I've heard about Kuz.

This is simply a matter of fact: he is a newbie and you have to factor that into your read on him, regardless of whether or not you want to. Just because he knew it was a normal game did not mean he went in knowing the full stakes.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
His skill level doesn't excuse scummy behavior, and MB handwaving the entirety of my points against him, and cookie cutting them for him has only made my displeasure for Mb's slot grow, they pretty much tore town a perfect interaction sequence just because I was a little aggressive on the guy.
Well, there's aggression on a guy for a reason and then just...aggression for aggression's sake. If you had a legitimate sticking point, I might've conceded but your entire logic was seemingly "I don't like this guy, he's scum!" and then just kept...saying it. It wasn't convincing in the slightest and you still haven't convinced me of what you'd gain out of it entirely. I've seen far too many of these instances where someone just goes aggro on a newer or weaker player and then ends up mislynching them because they were the lesser player and couldn't deal with the pressure at all, regardless of their alignment.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
Plus, why should he want to join me in a push, when before he had no solid reads ? I understand sheeping but not just a short while ago i was hisw only scum read, but now he's perfectly accepting of me offering a hand of truce ? Witout any warriness or consideration to his supposed read ?

Really don't see why you guys think I'm being unfair, not only is his play worth questioning, but if he legit plans on sticking around then better he be exposed to what regular games involve. You act like we should hold this guys hand because he's only been around a short while, but i will absolutely put him through the fire if it means a accurate read on him and a win for town
@bolded: why? You keep saying that he should've been questioned but you never have explained in any fashion why it needed to be scary that was the target of your aggression. Maybe this had to do with a past game but I really do not know. This really does look like a player going after a weaker player because he can.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
@Zen: I'll put emphasis on Sokr in my reread and try to keep his phrasing and diction out of it. Right now I see some things that have me looking at him funny but they don't come off as scummy necessary nor do they outweigh his comfort in-thread which comes off as townie. But I'll try to approach his play from the PoV of him being scum and see if it fits.

I have Joey and Sokr as solid because there were things that made me think that them being scum wouldn't make any sense. I'm more cautious of you and Rake as players


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
@bolded: why? You keep saying that he should've been questioned but you never have explained in any fashion why it needed to be scary that was the target of your aggression. Maybe this had to do with a past game but I really do not know. This really does look like a player going after a weaker player because he can.
This looks to me like you find Rake scummy for what he did by targeting a weaker player. Is that what you're saying?

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
I'm also not trying to lynch him because he's new, I was trying to lynch him because I read it as scum intent.
From what exactly, newby tendencies that could go on either side of the fence? You can't just say "well he did this", label it as "textbook newbscum tell" without explaining the context of it, without considering or voicing the dumb or scum argument. I just don't see your side of this because a lot of it seems like bias.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
This looks to me like you find Rake scummy for what he did by targeting a weaker player. Is that what you're saying?
I know I said I was feeling better about him earlier but this recent string of posts is just causing more doubt in him. He still hasn't explained why he targeted Scary in the first place despite him constantly saying he's scum. It's just...so weak in comparison to other pressure wagons and I don't see what exactly he's going to get out of it. Newbies drop these type of reactions constantly, regardless of alignment and yet he's harping on the stupid textbook things.

I hate to use Adumb's logic but it's mechanical scumhunting and I don't particularly care for it.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
Absol head of MB here, this may get a little confusing with both of us posting at once.

I think it's plain and obvious from Joey's first two posts that he's Town. His emotional reaction in particular, but also in his analysis post.

I also hold fast on my (Raz's) opinion that Scary is newbTown. I don't see scum motivation in his posts.

I want FroMarsh to starting doing things that matter. The lame wagon-votes aren't turning my crank at all. Kafkaesque also needs to actually play the game soon.

Thus far I'm moving towards Townreads on: Zen, Joey and Scary.

Most other people are still floating around in my null pile. Xatres is side-lining a bit much for my liking. Unsure on Sokr myself, but I can agree with exploring this read a bit further.

FROMARSH, what do you make of Rake's aggressive play right now?

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
Joey I don't find your real life stuff scummy. I only did the "you lie you aint comin back" stuff as safe measure to make sure that you did in fact follow up on your promise. What I do find scummy was you asking if anyone had any questions for you before you even read through the game :facepalm:. IDK why you and Ruy are trying to turn what I think is scummy about you is your activity. Activity Johns have nothing to do with it. There was no reason for you to ask that question without reading the game, for the reason I already said for one. For two because you could have been asked questions already within those 6 pages. Why ask without looking first to see if there are already questions there? (Rhetorical). And for three what kind of town player asks others if they have questions for him? There's no town intent in that. Pure scum intent. (That intent being to look townie).

If you cannot see any town intent from Rake then you're not being very objective. Rake is such an easy scapegoat for you to semi-push. Come on man, find us some scum. Your post just went through and described every post, it does nothing to bring us closer to finding scum. It's just lot's of empty words.
If you didn't find his activity telling, why did you make such a big deal about it with that string of posts acting as if he were coming back?

Actions and words, man.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
I've dropped him, he only keeps coming into my posts because other's keep asking about it.

Again, mudslinging, not very nice bubba.

Yes well, common sense failed you as my ulterior reasoning for my pressure was just as much a factor as was reading and pushing scary.

The reads are not BS. Why did MB need to interfere ? Why not let Scary handle it himself ? They white knight a slot , and their reasoning is just lucky in that he's newer to the game. They were not all just newbie things, some were in fact, scummy from my pov, which is why I laid out my mini case, and why I have to keep talking about it when people keep asking.
I'mma dip my head in real fast on this because it's been a reoccuring thing:

I don't like seeing games get derailed for stupid ****. Far too often have I seen a D1 just involve hardbodying a player someone thinks is weaker, usually from Ryker's actions, that does not really yield too much, regardless of the flip. I do think it's ended more in mislynches than successful lynches but I do think you're barking up the wrong tree on this one. There were better players to pressure for the sake of pressure as I think you would've had a better time successfully reading them. These are players that react to pressure poorly that, unlike Scary, know the standard fare of the game but can still be tripped up with a little successful timing. PJB is one of them. Kantrip is another. Scary will react like a newbie and I really have come to doubt people's abilities to read them when you're throwing out stupid little **** like "he omgus voted" "he unvoted because he reacted poorly" or **** like that. I've seen newbtown do that too. It doesn't make them exclusively scum for it.

Though now I feel like an idiot because I'm starting to understand your point on analysis more. I really have been away from conventional mafia far too long.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
I didn't like Joey's surface-level analysis of Rake's Scary pressure, not looking into intent at all nor realizing that it was pressure. Disagreeing with the scumread I understand, I myself think Scary is town. But what MB did in completely ruining the interaction by doing all of Scary's work for him is not okay. Yes, Rake had bad reasoning. Yes, Rake's case wasn't very good. But that doesn't give people a good excuse to point that stuff out before Scary gets a chance to respond to it. This is what really bugs me about MB.​
okay what scary had responded to it don't be rude

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
this isn't xatres or me what's up
@Rake: Scum lean on Joey still. Not that strong.

Kantrip, diction isn't hard to improve on. I know what you feel in your heart. There's no need to play so cautiously. Sokr is probably the play today. There's something quite off about his play.

-Such a strong town read on me #66 through posts through the game. This read of course is based completely on meta which is really easy to fake. Honestly I would have been a bit weary of Zen coming into the game playing so over zealously. It would make me think that he was trying to adjust his scum meta since people were reading him from that last game. Sure some original town vibes are completely warranted, but to have such a strong read so soon? Idk from my perspective I kind of got the vibe that Sokr was speaking from a knowledgeable position.
-His reaction to Kantrip possibly calling him a townrbro in #261 gives off that same thing. I just don't feel like it was the natural reaction of someone who was in ignorance. Just like the way he responded with his town read on me, he came off really strong here. There was no hesitance at all. Compare this with Kantrip's approach to Sokr "Could it be? Is Sokr my townbro this game?". He has a town read on Sokr, but is still questioning. You get that sense that he is coming at it from an ignorant position. The opposite of Sokr.
-This post is actually just really scummy in general. What was with the telling me stop with the wifom? There wasn't anything wifomy there o-o. I wasintentionally playing to my town meta. And the stuff before about only being able to only see 2 steps ahead wasn't really related to the game.
-Again in the same post, his liking of Rake's case. This is where I started to really reconsider my read. I just passed the stuff before off as odd, but not necessarily scummy before this. As I said there was nothing to Rake's case... It was just a wall of him quoting all the posts he made calling Scary scum. The situation was like this:

Rake: Scary is scum.
Scary: Why do you say this?
Rake: Case incoming
Case: So here I say "Scary is scum". And here Scary says "Why do you say this"? And here I say "Case incoming".

There was NO CASE. So what case is Sokr liking here? There was nothing to it at all. I feel his (Sokr's) comment on it is not real at all.
-Again in this post...The xastrn vote and unvote in the same post was really weird. Sokr claims it wasn't a serious vote, but if it weren't serious why would he ask where Xatres was at in votes before unvoting? Giving off the impression that he was only unvoting because he didn't want a quicklynch? Also Xastres was the only one voting Xatres at the time. I don't think Sokr could have thought Xatres had more votes than 2, possibly missing my vote switch at the time.

Kantrip, Wait Rake and I are leans, but Sokr and Joey are solid town for you o-o? Is this right?
This post convinced me. Wasn't like Sokr's posts as of more recent, but this changed my read on him.

This is scummy, Sokr doesn't have a good answer nor way he responded to why he liked Rake's case on Scary.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra

I have caught up now.

Inactives are, by my count, FroMarsh, Kafkaesque, and...who? I've seen everyone post with a consistent capacity recently now that Joey has finally arrived so I think that's enough to put either of them aside for the moment.

As my other head has said, he likes Zen, Joey, and Scary. I can agree on Zen. While I have my differences with Zen's approach to the game of mafia on a whole, I can at least see his actions to some degree and certainly can't see how they benefit scum.

I do also like Joey. The claim that his thinking only applies to the surface level seems wrong because as far as I (Xatu) remember Joey, his thinking has rarely if ever gone beyond the surface. This may have changed since I've really played a game with Joey but I don't understand the complaints against him. It seems like normal Joey but also one that's consciously trying to at least read people at a more objective level.

I don't agree nearly as much on Scary though. I don't think Scary's scum, I just think his reactions are typical of a newbie. Rake thinks that his OMGUS vote is a textbook newbscum thing to do but honestly I've seen every newbie do it when facing pressure in a game like this. It's typical, it's natural, and it's obvious. You're activating the fight-or-flight instinct and he chose to fight you, because all you were saying was "lol this guy's scum". The one thing that does give me pause is how he double-backed directly afterward as I don't think he understood that the case was merely for pressure. I want to see his actions a bit more before I legitimately say he's one alignment or another, however, but not under a microscope like that. I honestly think it's easier to see the alignment of a newbie when they aren't put in the heater and expected not to mess up as every single one of them will.

Kantrip and Ruy I like.

Rake...I don't know. I think he's a town-lean now. A couple of pages ago, I didn't like his mechanical reasoning (still don't but then Rake seems like the player to do it now in hindsight because he doesn't understand what it is), but then Xatres pointed out that Scary was targeted for his freshness to the game and that his case was for pressure and to see what type of interactions he'd garner, my brain clicked back on and I thought about it. I don't necessarily care for his rambo tendencies and I think he needs to pick better targets because really you're not gonna get a good reaction from a newbie in a game like this, but outside of that, I can at least see where people are coming from. I am having indecision, however, but I overall think he's okay.

My other head dislikes FroMarsh and I can see where he's coming from. He's jumped around, rolled his eyes when we tried to prod him, and then called people out for poor reasoning on having Joey as town. I know it's FrozenFlame and that it's also marshy but I really don't care as much about legacy as you guys. Guy's gotta do something at some point and if we're failing to give Kafkaesque a free pass, I don't see why we would give that slot one either.

Xatres needs to do something soon and I really do not remember Sokr.

So I think that I'm starting to dislike Xatres. I read Zen's post, understand his direction, and agree with it. I need to give that slot more attention.

vote: Sokr

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So Xatu and Absol, why me and Kantrip jump to town from null? When your last post at me questioned my motives for a vote?

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
So Xatu and Absol, why me and Kantrip jump to town from null?
I've seen enough of you to start to gauge your motives. I don't see scumplay behind your actions at the moment.

When your last post at me questioned my motives for a vote?
I questioned it because it was a sudden jump that didn't really line up with your readslist above--you had Sokr as a null, so it surprised me you jumped him over myself and Xatres, who you have as scum.

Magic Bounce

Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2013
Raziek/WashedLaundry Hydra
ebwop: like=/=town, simply that i like that. the reason i say this is that i see similar thing in kantrip's play but in the same breath i question him a little more. he's shown to play a good townie game if he's scum.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
He was at L-1 with formats vote, I do not want a quick lynch in an open set-up even more so when fromar is at best null.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
An issue I'm having is that now that I've taking the time to understand Rake's pressure, I see how awful my early game was. Rake, let me ask you this: What is the point of the alliance that you wanted to form with me? What is your intent here?
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