Oh ok, then based off tournament placings in GA the tier list looks like Peach and Ganondorf are the top two characters in the game. Its more to it then cut and paste which makes atier list. Marvels tier list took YEARS to come up with and unless youre talking about cable, storm, sentinel, and magneto the other characters are still VERY BROKEN. You have to consider the players, not the characters, Magneto doesnt **** up, I do. Prime example: Clockw0rk, he shi*s all over MSP and Santhrax teams all the time.
Another Example: Luigi Ka Master.
Another Example: Nemo (Guilty gear player who played Faust for god knows how long)
Another Example: RX, I dare you to tell me his Urien is trash.
**** the tier lists. Do good stuff, don't get hit.