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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I have never seen one person incur so much hate over the course of one page. It's mildly impressive.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
I *really* dislike all the implications that people are making in terms of pot smokers being "bad citizens" and "throwing their lives away"
I discovered a new gimp setup for fox/falco. I am waiting for a chance to record it before I talk about it. If it proves to be as useful as I think it is, it will be another weapon to add to your repoitar-it allows for gimps while being 2-3 wavedashes away from the ledge
I'm just going to say it without a video because this thread sucks so much and we need something to talk about.
Against fox and falco, if you get a grab with your back 2-3 wavedashes away from the ledge, do the obvious and upthrow. If they miss their DI, shine them at the very tip of your shine so that it bounces them up and behind you. Waveshine backwards and shine them again--this will send them off the stage and into a ledge guard opportunity (bonus points if you can doubleshine them). Depending on where you hit them with the second [double]shine, they may not be able to double jump high enough to side b. Ledge guard and take the early stock. This is a great set up because it works at low-mid %s and it allows you to put yourself in a great ledge guarding position in a manner which you couldn't achieve with any other moves/combos.
It may take you a little practice to get the timing of the first shine right, and it requires you to have fast and long backwards waveshines, but this is imo a really solid set up that afaik hasn't been done before.
If you've seen the clip of SDM waveshine a fox with fox on corneria, then you already know this is possible.
luke r u talking about the ledgehop dair (when they illusion) then into a shine spike?
nope, read above

**** this ****
I can't blame you
omg FluxWolf is so cool because he doesnt like this thread
FluxWolf is really cool, but it's unrelated to him hating this thread. I hate this thread too right now-it sucks because people are posting like idiots, and they're doing it often. If you don't have a question or a fairly new tactic, there is very little reason to post other than putting your name out there. And I don't think any of you want the publicity that you're bringing yourselves (unless you want people to hate you).


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
I have a legit question, instead of all this boring *** bull **** and drama that's been going on.

How/When can you CC Shine other fire fox's? I remember watching the old Zelgadis combo vid and he just always blinked ppl out of there upb's, but i know you can Take the hit and then Shine also to shine spike them, does it only work under a certain %?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
that tactic sounds pretty legit luke its always good to know what you CAN do when it seems like there isnt an option.. isnt TOO difficult to be realistic either. such as right there where i would prolly go for the bair or up smash leaving them plenty of room to recover or hit a platform or something u kno.. that option is good for if you dont have the lead and need to get an early kill

i also have a ?

like i pretty much raaaaape falcons.. as do most fox.. but yea i was wondering like what makes it difficult to beat some falcon players then? like if its such an easy match up for fox then why should i everrrr lose u know

i use the tactic of dash dance/laser camp for like a second then when u see them start to change their movements up i either run in with full hop overshoot nair, run up sheild, run up waveshine, and just stuff their approach with nair in general.. staying within rolling distance of the falcon at all times so he cant get away. it usually proves to be a 4 stock or something brutal, but there are some really good falcons that i have a problem with..

like when they are REALLY good at nair.. cuz falcons nair beats foxs nair. and if they are really good at that it kind of throws my whole strat off..

also when they are really good at getting u tech chased to death combos and sometimes i miss too many techs/DI's i dont want to vs him =/

so based off that does anyone relate/know how to figure out my problems? thankss :bee:


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
i think the cc works til 40 some percent matt

oh yeah and i usually try to make sure my back is facing.. so i just roll into the edge darkrain style

didnt know you can still get the shine off if u get hit stunned by the up b tho


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
that tactic sounds pretty legit luke its always good to know what you CAN do when it seems like there isnt an option.. isnt TOO difficult to be realistic either. such as right there where i would prolly go for the bair or up smash leaving them plenty of room to recover or hit a platform or something u kno.. that option is good for if you dont have the lead and need to get an early kill

i also have a ?

like i pretty much raaaaape falcons.. as do most fox.. but yea i was wondering like what makes it difficult to beat some falcon players then? like if its such an easy match up for fox then why should i everrrr lose u know

i use the tactic of dash dance/laser camp for like a second then when u see them start to change their movements up i either run in with full hop overshoot nair, run up sheild, run up waveshine, and just stuff their approach with nair in general.. staying within rolling distance of the falcon at all times so he cant get away. it usually proves to be a 4 stock or something brutal, but there are some really good falcons that i have a problem with..

like when they are REALLY good at nair.. cuz falcons nair beats foxs nair. and if they are really good at that it kind of throws my whole strat off..

also when they are really good at getting u tech chased to death combos and sometimes i miss too many techs/DI's i dont want to vs him =/

so based off that does anyone relate/know how to figure out my problems? thankss :bee:
1$ fox falcon mm on sunday?

i'll try to warm up falcon for it. i haven't tried to play him serious lately, only for friendlies and teams.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
luke thats not really new, and im pretty sure you dont even have to waveshine for second shine, i do an up throw to shine, and if they land close to the stage i do either a shine or a doubleshine (running), if not then shine->upsmash


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
The way i read it i don't think the opponent should even land after the initial upthrow shine. but maybe i'm wrong.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
The way i read it i don't think the opponent should even land after the initial upthrow shine. but maybe i'm wrong.
oh, in that case its different.

also i forgot to post this, i explained it to a friend a bit ago

when learning to shine oos (while on the ground) i learned the timing from y->b (same as doubleshines) b4 i add pressing down for my shine oos

the way i did this, was to plug in my controller while holding up on my control stick. Doing so forces your character into holding down so when you pop up ur shield, it is angled down and when you press jump -> b, you automatically shine. once you have the timing down, practice going from standard position of control stick -> down (with out spot dodging) -> jump -> b.

good luck =)


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2010
CunningKitsune's guide suggests letting them approach you after pressuring with lasers. They will pretty much always come after you since they have no projectiles. Some approaches are dash > shield > whatever depending on how they react; you should probably try this out against Marths and see how it fares and drop it if they punish this. DD > grab is also another. You can also try to bait their f-smash and then punish it. Like DJ > waveland > WD > grab/smash/waveshine stuff or something. Just throwing some ideas out :p


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
CunningKitsune's guide suggests letting them approach you after pressuring with lasers. They will pretty much always come after you since they have no projectiles. Some approaches are dash > shield > whatever depending on how they react; you should probably try this out against Marths and see how it fares and drop it if they punish this. DD > grab is also another. You can also try to bait their f-smash and then punish it. Like DJ > waveland > WD > grab/smash/waveshine stuff or something. Just throwing some ideas out :p
Well Ill try double laser camping. that will get there shields running.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
i dont like to double laser camp, easier to punish then sh ff single laser, the extra % is not worth your stock.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2010
Lebanon, NH
Give me one or two things I should work on with fox now that I can SHFFL, SHDL (not necessary tho), and double shine in game... In fact I have a bad habit of continually SHFFL so predictably cause Im a puff main and used to spamming that bair...

What type of shine stuff besides wd into up-smash??? Help


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2010
have fun losing.
He will. He's trying to "revolutionize" Falco by making a playstyle without using them, LOL

And @Sinji - AFAIK, the actual hit of the lasers don't have enough of a significance while SHDL'ing compared to SHL that you should use SHDL over SHL. The extra mobility is very important as Marth can just WD/run up and do some crazy stuff to you.

EDIT: I was randomly on the Falco boards, and they talked about doing late aerials by FF'ing first. Is this even possible? I can only manage to do late aerials just without FF'ing.


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2010
WTF? I just tried it in Training Mode and my nair won't even come out if I try to SHFFL with the FF before the nair.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
step 1. short hop (i guess you can try full jump since you're so bad ;p)
step 2. at the peak of your jump you press down
step 3. release down and press a
step 4. l-cancel.
step 5. shine and other variations.
step 6. repeat.

I believe in you!!

it may be easier as falco or if you use down air


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
luke thats not really new, and im pretty sure you dont even have to waveshine for second shine, i do an up throw to shine, and if they land close to the stage i do either a shine or a doubleshine (running), if not then shine->upsmash
I mean they never land from the shines. I'd like some input from the really good fox players about that ledge guard set up, I think it has massive potential but my post seems to be being ignored for the most part
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