I plan on doing quite a lot of floating points today.
197D8 - How long you charge it before you get flashing
197DC - Velocity charge multiplier (affects dmg as well)
197E0 - Also affects velocity based on charge but multiplies damage and KB as well
197E4 - ??? (default is 0 but is read on gyro shoot)
197E8 - Gryo firing Y offset
197EC - Max gyros[/collapse]
17508 - Horizontal momentum from moving left/right (smaller = more)
1750C - Affects vertical momentum?
17510 - Vertical momentum
17514 - Vertical momentum from moving left/right
17518 - ?? (read on caping in air)
1751C - ?? (read on caping in air)
Super Jump Punch
17A10 - Joystick backward sensitivity?
17A14 - Joystick forward sensitivity?
17A18 - Affects travel direction and mobility?
17A1C - Special fall aerial mobility
17A20 - ?? (read on upB)
17A24 - ?? (read on upB)
17A28 - ?? (read on upB)
17A2C - ?? (read on upB)
17A70 - How many frames of charging to be considered fully charged
17A74 - ?? (read on firing)
17A78 - ?? (read on firing)
17A7C - Momentum backward when firing (affects aerial too)
17A80 - How many frames fludd stays out during/after downB
17A84 - Angle at which fludd starts pointing (in degrees O_o)
17A88 - Max upward angle (in degrees)
17A8C - Max downward angle? (in degrees)
17A90 - Response to angling (also affects going back to center)
17A94 - Relates to offsets? (at 100 they are really far up from mario and spaced out)
17B38 - Water speed multiplier
17B3C - Water speed base
17B40 - Water gravity
17B44 - ?? (read on firing)
17B48 - How many frames water stays out (does not affect gfx past a certain point)
17B4C - Water gfx size
17B50 - Water gfx size multiplier (gfx get larger further they go)
17B54 - Water pushback[/collapse]
16B94 - Fireball velocity
16B9C - How long fireball stays out
16F8C - How long you charge before considered fully charged
16F90 - Base damage
16F94 - Damage multiplier
16FA4 - Horizontal momentum
16FA8 - Horizontal momentum multiplier
16FAC - Vertical momentum
16FB0 - Vertical momentum multiplier
16FB4 - Vertical momentum something?
16FD0 - Misfire vertical momentum
16FC8 - Misfire chance
17A38 - ?? (read on downB ground only)
17A3C - Grounded horizontal momentum
17A40 - Grounded turning momentum
17A44 - ?? (read on downB ground only)
17A48 - Tapping B vertical momentum?
17A4C - Tapping B horizontal momentum?
17A50 - ?? (read on tapping and in air)
17A54 - ?? (read on tapping and in air)
Final Smash (cbf to do any of these)
I hate luigi. Too many floats for that stupid missile.
22B78 - Initial speed
22B7C - Flying speed
22B80 - Turning speed
22B84 - Turning control?
22B88 - Turning radius?
22C50 - How long it stays on opponent until falling off
22C54 - How long you stand next to opponent until c4 sticks to you?
22C60 - How long C4 stays out until it explodes[/collapse]
Extreme Speed
185E4 - Distance
185E8 - Turning[/collapse]
[collapse="Mr. Game and Watch"]
Figure out the bacon yourself. ;_;
15640 - horizontal velocity
15644 - vertical velocity
15648 - vertical gravity
1564C - horizontal gravity
15650 - spinning
15654 - horizontal velocity
15658 - vertical velocity
1565C - vertical gravity
15660 - horizontal gravity
15664 - spinning
15668 - speed
1566C - horizontal velocity
15670 - vertical velocity
15674 - vertical gravity
15678 - horizontal gravity
1567C - spinning
15680 - horizontal velocity
15684 - vertical velocity
15688 - vertical gravity
1568C - horizontal gravity
15690 - spinning
156A8 - how long before they flash
156AC - how long it flashes[/collapse]
Wings of Icarus
1AFC8 - momentum preservation
1AFCC - initial vertical momentum
1AFD0 - how many frames waiting above ground until landing
1AFD4 - momentum going right/left
1AFD8 - momentum going down
1AFDC - ??
1AFE0 - gravity
1AFE4 - momentum going up
1AFE8 - ??
1AFEC - ??
1AFF0 - gravity?
1AFF4 - ??
1AFF8 - flying time
1AFFC - amount of feathers going up
1B000 - amount of feathers going down
Mirror Shield
1B10C - amount of time it can be out
1B110 - amount of time before you stand up[/collapse]