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FL Suggested Ruleset

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
So the SBR came out with its ruleset, and I've seen people asking if FL is going to adopt it...I say we don't, because of the strange stage list and other random rules we dealt with months ago...

I DO think we need a state-wide standard...not so that every tournament HAS to follow it, but that it gives a general idea of what to expect from a FL tournament. so I copied and pasted the SBR ruleset and will make changes to it, bringing up what we dealt with in the past.

I am definitely opening this up for discussion...as my word is not final...I just wanted to get it started with stuff we have been discussing for a while now...so here goes.

FL Recommended Ruleset
Super Smash Brothers: Brawl (singles and doubles)

While it is always up to the Tournament Organizers (TO) to determine the rules that best fit their tournaments, we recommend these rules be used as a base guideline to new and experienced TO's alike.

General rules:

* 3 Stock

* 8 minute timer

* Items are set to "off" and "none"

* All sets with the possible exception of winner's finals, loser's finals, and the championship are best of 3 matches (best of 5 and above is recommended for any "finals" matches)

* In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors

* No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.

* In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port.

* If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage.

* If a game ends with Bowser doing his suicide klaw and it ends in sudden death, the sudden death will be ignored and that game will count as a win for Bowser.

* You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility, so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties.

* Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. If a gamebreaking glitch is random, and neither player purposely caused it, the match will be restarted on the same level with the same number of lives as before the glitch. On accident, glitches can happen. The tournament scene needs to be lenient to some extent of random glitches.

* Stalling is banned.

* Metaknight's Infinite Cape glitch is allowed as a viable technique for movement and mindgames...however, it cannot be used to stall, as stalling is ALWAYS banned.

Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end quickly after 250% has been reached so as to prevent stalling. 250% is ample killing percentage and anything after that is being used just for excessive time purposes. Up until that point, an infinite can be used...as long as it may take...as it is a viable way to add damage. Repeatedly flying under the stage is stalling. Projectile camping is not stalling. Anything used to simply run the time with no intention of fighting will be considered stalling. The staller's opponent must draw attention to it, or it will not be officiated. If a TO deems it stalling, the offender must stop his actions immediately. Next offense is a stock loss, next is a loss of that game, but not the entire match.

Set format (In Order of Procedure):
1. Opponents choose their characters for the first match *
2. Opponents start the stage striking procedure**
3. Each player may announce one stage to be banned for counterpicks **
4. The first game is played, using the stage chosen during step 2
5. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counter Stage List
6. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
7. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all proceeding matches

* Double blind character selection may be called for the first match
** Notice the order. Banning one stage happens AFTER the original stage strike. A player may NOT ban the stage that was decided by the stage strike procedure

Stage Lists

TOs must move stages from the starter/counterpick into either the starter or counterpick categories and must move stages from counterpick/banned into either the counterpick or banned categories.

The SBR Recommended rule list uses the stage striking system. In this system, players take turns striking stages from the starter list until only one remains; these stages are not banned and can be counterpicked later in the set. Again, a stage that is striked is NOT banned...it can still be counterpicked by either player. There must be an odd number of starter stages.

Starter Stages:

Final Destination
Yoshi's Island
Lylat Cruise
Pokemon Stadium 1
Delfino Plaza

Counterpick Stages:

Castle Siege
Pirate Ship
Frigate Orpheon
Luigi's Mansion
Pokemon Stadium 2

Banned Stages:

Rainbow Cruise
Pipes (Yoshi's Island - Melee)
Distant Planet
Green Greens
Green Hill Zone
Jungle Japes
Bridge of Eldin
Big Blue
Mario Circuit
Shadow Moses Island
Port Town
Mushroomy Kingdom
Rumble Falls
New Pork City
Mario Bros. Old
Flat Zone 2
Hyrule Temple
Spear Pillar

This is a stage list that got wide acceptance when posted in the last stage discussion*...of course there will be discrepancies, and TOs can change it to how they like, but to some extent, this will work widely.

In an event using a stage strike process, Isle Delfino and PS1 are added to the starter list. This is because either player can then strike the 3 stages that they like the least....and it adds more variety that could be played in the first round

Additional Rules for Double's Play

* Life Stealing is allowed

* Set team attack to ON

Optional Rules

We recommended you include any of the following optional rules you deem to be necessary and modify them as needed.

* Port slob picks: On a player's counterpick, that player may opt to redo the port selection process with that player or team picking their port first.

* Resolving Ties: Any games ending in time running out should always be decided by stock, and then percents. If percents are the same or both players die simultaneously, there will be a 1 stock overttime or the sudden death will be played out. The TO needs to decide which of these will be used before the tournament. Bowser's suicide klaw is exempt from this rule.

* Color Blind rule: Should a player have a color-based disability, he or she may request in a teams match to have a specific color for their team. This is so characters such as Lucario or Sonic can be granted the blue team so that there is not unnecessary confusion.

* Wiimotes and Classic Controller users should know to take the batteries out of their controllers after finishing a set; not only will this save battery life, but it prevents accidental intereference and delay for tournament matches.

* The Mages DQ rule: After a match has been called, if a player is two minutes late he will receive a warning. At 4 minutes late, he will be given a loss for the first game of the set. After six minutes, he will be given a loss of the entire set.

* It is recommended to have a station set up specifically for Gamecube controllers; this prevents intereference from wiimotes in future matches, whether intentional or accidental. This is a great way to make sure the finals go smoothly. Alternatively, you could make a station for wiimotes only, but it is recommended to have a GC only station.


* This list is not meant to be copied and pasted, but instead copied and adjusted to fit each tournaments situation (time limits, regional philosophies, etc.).

* The SBR debated heavily over rule enforcement but decided such decisions are currently too broad to be stated within this recommended rule list. It is recommended a system be in place to deal with disqualifications for players who are late or absent from matches (the Mages DQ rule is a good starting point) and for those who violate the rules. There is a list of optional rules that have been added for your ease of use.

* Players are responsible for knowing the rules. No more than the previous match should be replayed in the event of a rule violation and it is recommended that any disputes be brought promptly and quickly to the TO's attention.

* For larger tournaments pool play should precede double elimination bracket play.

* Wireless controllers should be discouraged because of interference, unreliability (battery life), and time hindrance; it is not advisable to ban them as many new players use them and banning their control scheme makes it difficult for them to participate.

* The semi-final and championship sets should be in at least best of 5 format.

* Drugs and Alcohol should be prohibited at most tournaments due to minor involvement and potential legal issues.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
so...stage striking is when each person strikes off stages in turn until theres 1 left, and you play the 1st game on the stage remaining?

that sounds...kinda cool, i guess. but how is that a much better method than random?


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
so...stage striking is when each person strikes off stages in turn until theres 1 left, and you play the 1st game on the stage remaining?

that sounds...kinda cool, i guess. but how is that a much better method than random?
It makes it a non random starter. Its a good and bad thing since it takes away the possibility for certain characters to get an advantage off the first match(falco on FD or ROB on lylat), which can be either good or bad depending on how you look at it.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I think the Infinite Cape rule is a good idea. I've had MK players use this on me before but usually for mindgames and they would (nor could they) never stall with it.

The only stage on that list I think for sure should not be banned is Jungle Japes. I've never had many any ridiculously gay experiences on that stage aside from klap trap spikes, but even then that's my own fault for falling in the water. I think Rainbow Cruise is debatable but I'm fine if it's banned.

lol @ the color blind rule.


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
Good job fenrir i like this stage list.

Also i have to wonder, considering we have so little starting stages already, why wouldn't we just stick with random like we always do. SBR ruleset has more starters so it would make sense in a way, but with only 5, we might as well just random. Also, if some tournaments run lylat as a counter, then stage striking wouldn't even work, since you need an odd number of stages.

edit - mooney if u want fenrir to take u seriously, you should probably give a reason as to why you want ps2 gone.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
play against fearless or any good camper on luigi's mansion and youll want to ban it. plus jiggs has a 0-death on anyone off a grab on that stage : ).

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Ok...just an update responding to everybody I saw post something I need to respond to...

This ruleset has quite a few minor differences...and a few major ones from the SBR list......basically because a LOT of talking was done in FL already, and I personally think the SBR missed a lot here... A few noticeable changes include the stage list, and not banning the MK tactic... Also added more to the stalling definition...and other things I can't name off the top of my head.

As for the stage list...Everybody is never going to be happy...so basically, tourney directors should make the stages what they want them to be.

Lylat, I feel is fair...and I'm a Fox player, a char who's more likely to get screwed by the stage.

PS2 is one of the fairest stages on that entire list, and is now becoming widely accepted in tournament play...get with the times. Oh and btw, the GW thing is fake until proven...link a vid and I might believe you. PLease, please, please actually test the stage before you post here.

The one really good thing I think the SBR brought with their ruleset is the idea of stage striking... It's complicated the first time you read it, but pretty ingenious. There has always been an issue of people getting screwed over by a random that they couldn't afford to use their ban on...either that, or an overwhelming sigh from one or both players..

The striking rule actually allows us to get around that pretty easily. In a 5 stage setup like this one, each person rules out 2 stages that they do not want to play the random stage on...and the 5th stage is the one they do play on....so everybody's happy. If you don't like Lylat, I guarantee you will never have to play on it in this setup...so I REALLY like the rule. Thing is, strike does not equal ban. You get one ban AFTER the striking process is over...so you can still get rid of a gay stage.

To me, this is a GREAT answer to an issue that has minorly plagued the Smash scene even since Melee....I really, really like the rule..

Come to think of it, with the striking system in place, more stages could be added to the starter set under the notion that if a player doesn't like it, they can get rid of it really easily.

Like, I'd be inclined to add Delfino and Stadium 1 to the starter list in this case.

Obviously, you don't want every stage on the starter list because it'll take forever to strike them all, and people will forget, etc...so I think a max of like 7 or 9 stages at most is the best.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
I'm against the stage striking. The first round of every match will wind up being Smashville. You might as well make it the only stage available. I do agree that with it, PS1 & Delfino should be added, but it doesn't matter anyway as they'll never get played.

If it's really such a problem getting an unfavorable random, I'd much rather have the ability to each strike 1 random and 1 ban counter. That way your one bad neutral (is it really possible to have more? I mean, they are neutral...) doesn't come up, but then if you're counter picked there you'll know and be able to switch characters if desired.

I also think Jungle Japes should be counterpick which I've explained the reasons for in the previous thread.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
Gotta agree with Fenrir or this one, I mean you complain that Smashville will be the only stage being played, but come on Sebrik's tourney on saturday only has three nuetrals anyways which isnt much better. A nuetral is supposed to be just that, nuetral. If you really want to eliminate complaints then this is the best way to go. I think so many people oppose it now just b/c it hasnt been used at a tournament down here yet so they don't know how it will work out.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
I'm against the stage striking. The first round of every match will wind up being Smashville. You might as well make it the only stage available. I do agree that with it, PS1 & Delfino should be added, but it doesn't matter anyway as they'll never get played.

If it's really such a problem getting an unfavorable random, I'd much rather have the ability to each strike 1 random and 1 ban counter. That way your one bad neutral (is it really possible to have more? I mean, they are neutral...) doesn't come up, but then if you're counter picked there you'll know and be able to switch characters if desired.
You have a point in that for the most part, every round will play on a stage like that, however, I personally like it so I can get rid of Smashville...without using my ban on it.

Since earlier FCs, the Kishes were trying to come up with a better scheme of stage selection for the first round...to the point of even announcing a stage BEFORE the match..at least as an idea.

Basically, tournaments are trying very hard to limit how random the tourney is...and this takes away one more aspect of that. People can stop complaining about Lylat...Fearless can strike BF without wasting his needed tether ban...I think it's a really good idea, actually


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
You have a point in that for the most part, every round will play on a stage like that, however, I personally like it so I can get rid of Smashville...without using my ban on it.

Since earlier FCs, the Kishes were trying to come up with a better scheme of stage selection for the first round...to the point of even announcing a stage BEFORE the match..at least as an idea.

Basically, tournaments are trying very hard to limit how random the tourney is...and this takes away one more aspect of that. People can stop complaining about Lylat...Fearless can strike BF without wasting his needed tether ban...I think it's a really good idea, actually
I agree, lets do it!


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Looks good. It would probably be easier to just go with the SBR decision to ban the infinite dimensional cape completely rather than end up in debates over if what someone did was stalling or not.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
Looks good. It would probably be easier to just go with the SBR decision to ban the infinite dimensional cape completely rather than end up in debates over if what someone did was stalling or not.
At least from what Ive seen theres never really been a problem but with people abusing it so until there is I guess its not really that important whether its completely banned or not. You can always just go with a gentlemen's rule like for wobbling if it becomes that big of a problem.

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
I honestly thing that the meta cape thing is a waste of a move. It takes too much energy to use alot so i thnk its fine. I agree with this ruleset. And i personally think Ps2 is a fine stage. i prefer it more that luigi's. lol stupid house

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Looks good. It would probably be easier to just go with the SBR decision to ban the infinite dimensional cape completely rather than end up in debates over if what someone did was stalling or not.
I considered just going with banning it when I was typing this up, but honestly, when a person can get across the stage VERY quickly for an edgehog...and in that purpose, it would still be banned...I don't think that's right.
No, I'm not trying to just boost MK's abilities here, but I also don't feel that we should take away something that may be really cool and useful for more than just stalling out a match. I think that it's a punishable move, if just spammed....but if used correctly, I'd really like to see where it could go, you know?

Idk, if there's a huge debate about this, I'm not all THAT against just banning it...it just seems wasteful, when nobody has really exploited it to any gamebreaking extent other than stalling...I'm personally curious if it has a viable use otherwise.

I kinda hate when a new tactic comes out and people yell BROKEN without really testing it...that's all.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I'm with Sly on this one. Stop being babies, seriously. I don't necessarily love the shy guys on Yoshi's Island, but I don't need to ban it to make sure I don't get it. If any of you are playing this game and somehow allowing components of a NEUTRAL stage to mess up your game play, then you have some bigger things to worry about than striking neutral stages. . .

Like, why your ******* hurt so much.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
A set should be played on one map where both players are on even ground, one map where player A has the advantage, and one map where player B has the advantage. Having a random select for the first stage introduces the possibility that one player will hold an advantage on the first stage. Stage striking greatly reduces the chances of this happening and ensures that the first stage is one that both players are comfortable playing on. It really is a great idea. Don't bash it just because it is new, give it a shot.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
It reminds me of old Melee tourneys where where only FD was allowed, then finals was at Hyrule.

Does anyone else like my idea of 1 striked neutral & 1 banned counter each? It'd be a compromise between the standard way and this new one.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
A set should be played on one map where both players are on even ground, one map where player A has the advantage, and one map where player B has the advantage. Having a random select for the first stage introduces the possibility that one player will hold an advantage on the first stage. Stage striking greatly reduces the chances of this happening and ensures that the first stage is one that both players are comfortable playing on. It really is a great idea. Don't bash it just because it is new, give it a shot.



Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I'm with Sly on this one. Stop being babies, seriously. I don't necessarily love the shy guys on Yoshi's Island, but I don't need to ban it to make sure I don't get it. If any of you are playing this game and somehow allowing components of a NEUTRAL stage to mess up your game play, then you have some bigger things to worry about than striking neutral stages. . .

Like, why your ******* hurt so much.
Best post in the thread.
I agree with Fenrirs original list, but i am against stage striking.

Hit random and play like a man.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Go ahead im one of the FEW people that love both of those stages.

Avatar Change to Remilia Scarlet from The Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2006
Kissimmee, FL
Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs most end quickly after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling. Repeatedly flying under the stage is stalling. Projectile camping is not stalling. Anything used to simply run the time will be considered stalling. The staller's opponent must draw attention to it, or it will not be officiated. If a TO deems it stalling, the offender must stop his actions immediately. Next offense is a stock loss, next is a loss of that game, but not the entire match.
This part should be phrased in a different way. It admits that stalling is accepted to certain extent while it is stated earlier that the set of rules that stalling is banned. Now, I don't know how long an infinite chain grab from 0% to 300% would take but I'm pretty sure that if necessary, someone can stall a match using one. I think it should last up to a lower percentage.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
Go ahead im one of the FEW people that love both of those stages.

Avatar Change to Remilia Scarlet from The Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil.
lol imagine if we tried this discussion for melee. Shy guys on yoshis, Whispy on dreamland, edges on battlefield, transformations on pokemon stadium. Honestly these nuetrals arent bad, people are just being to picky.
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