It has nothing to do with the argument. Someone is saying Florida needs to have a legit major/national yet when Jebailey gave us one, the Smash community bailed.
Anyhow, DeLux, Delux, delux (writing it all three ways if he wants to namesearch because I really don't give a ****) or Iridescent is overstepping his boundaries as a moderator. My post was not spam at all. I could've added that CEO 2011 brought players such as Tokido, Gamerbee, Justin Wong, Chris G, Mike Ross, Jago and more but they don't play Smash so it has no weight in the post like that.
Also, wtf I never even mentioned countries. Stop trying so damn hard.
That thread needs to go anyway. Top 5 rankings for each character doesn't mean **** with characters that don't win majors. People going in saying I'm top 5 Yoshi or Link and **** as if that means anything. Whatever happened to just winning? It saddens me that players are satisfied with just getting wins than actually trying to win a tourney in which case you'll get wins anyway if you are good. I'm one of the better She-Hulk players in the country but that doesn't mean **** because first no one really plays her and I haven't done anything on a regional/national scale against regional/national competition. Smash community makes me SMH oh my gosh