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FL Social Thread:You Mad, You Lose.


I need it....
Aug 2, 2008
add japes and RC and the list sounds good to me

RC is gay though, mk can and will camp you if he has to in order to win, i remember losing to Gmoney there due to the stage not to him, but it was me being inexperienced on the stage as well, the stage is gay but its legal everywhere else thats the only reason that it should be legal
I cant begin to think why Japes should ever be allowed. Regardless of what Fox and Falco can do on that stage, its just a stupid stage.

On another note I like Petey's list :)


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
thanks, this looks a bit different than what I've seen in some other places though. Who else is using this stage list? It wouldn't do much good if I'm the only one.
Basically the rest of the nation, except japes is legal in some places. You should consider changing GP's stage list to that for the future since its what we're trying to implement for FL since its pointless for us to have such dumb stages lol

Final Destination
Yoshi's Island (Brawl)

Counterpick Stages:

Delfino Plaza
Castle Siege
Frigate Orpheon
Battleship Halberd
Rainbow Cruise
Pokemon Stadium(Melee)
Jungle japes(optional)

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
well we cant whine about MK anymore so lets whine about stages.

general rule is, if the stage has any form of randomness in it, it goes(like how norfair i think just randomly flips or the other samus stage where lava tsumais).

moving stages shouldnt get auto banned either.


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
LEts throw in the side scrolling stage, mario world or w/e.
And port town aero dive.

And Temple and New Pork City.
And Big Blue.

If we are gonna start playing on scrolling stages lets do this **** all the way.
Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1: Always a walkoff, extremely low ceiling and floor. Is definitely a ban.

Mushroomy Kingdom 1-2: Is even worse. You can camp on the top and u-throw someone for a 0% kill. Also always a walk-off, and is also a cave of life (literally). Also banned.

Port Town Aero Dive: Technically, it's not a scrolling stage, and it's a counterpick/banned stage. This is mostly due to the cars that KO you at 50%. Wasn't Mute City a counterpick in Melee?

Temple and New Pork City: Not a scrolling stage. >____> In any case, they are too huge and are have caves of life. Matches will always time out on these stages. They also promote massive camping.

Big Blue: Also not a scrolling stage. Actually, I'm not sure about this one. Getting killed by stumbling off of a car after shielding a jab is annoying, though.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
Dedede isn't that good on RC lol.... No chaingrabs his jumps are slow and if hes forced up+b its hard to make sure it lands perfectly on a spot.
I actually lost there at 50% usin snake vs a dedede cuz towards the ending of a loop he started chain grabbing me against a wall till the stage went down. He endt up making it down and the animation for me was still going causing me to die... its avoidable i suppose but I think he has a few other advantages like the chain grab against the ship as well...


Aug 13, 2008
Pensacola, FL
Florida has the dumbest stages...

Banning RC and Japes but not Mansion and Nofair is ridiculous. There's no logic to banning either of those levels if you're going to have even lamer stages like those two up for CP.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
I'm all for leaving Japes optional as to me we dont have enough factual data about the stage other than falco being godly, all those scared of falco ban that stage and RC them if they dont ban it themselves.

Up until now people have been banning nuetrals they simply dont like, instead of being smart and baning CP stages that could really go against their character specifically.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
okay if we add RC snakes and other chaingrabable characters will have to deal with three stages we can get walked off on...GAY...but we're making it legal cuz they are legal elsewhere stop talking about japes being optional falco is god there, so what there are plenty of stages where characters are godly, BE A MAN DEAL WITH IT

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
you understand that post is making fun of you right?

hes saying, from wat i understand, that ur logic is dumb that "because we're allowing RC we must allow japes" since that logic, litereally makes 0 sense. they're two stages that have nothing to do with each other, its not a combo pack.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
besides, japes being on null and voids the efforts of trying to LIMIT but allow variety of different stages, so people can have a general "i wana ban a gay stage" if they dont like it, ban rc and be done. with japes on they have to choose between poop and ****.

RC=more legal/generally accepted than japes is, so thats why it got picked first. i dont see a reason to have both on other than popular demand or TO preference.

sorry for DP

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
well i wish i could ban castle siege and delphino when i fight D3 which are my versions of poop and **** as a snake main, point being stop being a ***** and man up, if we are gonna change the list change the list to whats widely used, at COT4 japes was legal, not sure about Apex,

At every other OoS tourney i've gone to its been legal along with RC, i've always had the difficult decision of banning a gay stage but i usually know which one is worst in the end, my question is why allow RC if we expect everyone to waste thier ban on it except the few character who are actually good there?

Lets see chaingrabbable characters with bad or mediocre recoveries have to choose between Delphino, Siege, RC...

zelda/shiek/olimar (characters who can't be chaingrabbed but have pretty bad recoveries have to choose between RC and Frigate

and i could go on...


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)
Lets see chaingrabbable characters with bad or mediocre recoveries have to choose between Delphino, Siege, RC...

zelda/shiek/olimar (characters who can't be chaingrabbed but have pretty bad recoveries have to choose between RC and Frigate

and i could go on...
thats why i didnt want RC cruise on, plus other reasons.
It forces some characters to use their bans, then they get easily CP'ed anyways.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
COT4 was a travesty and all people had about the tourny and its stages were complaints.

good example.

Apex stages were perfect.
No complaints.

Which should we follow?

Besides, coming from what Afro said, he doesnt mind Castlesiege since on the ONE walk off there are two huge platforms toward the top you can easily camp. Problem solved.

And he LOVEs delfino, theres only ONE bad part out of like 5-6 backgrounds, with the stairs, where if your smarter then the opponent, you can STILL avoid the walkoff with proper mixup/not being dumb and challanging ddd up close.

So which snake main do we listen to here? You, or Afro?


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
All I'm seeing is a bunch of "my top tier character is bad on that stage" QQ here

Isn't that the point of counterpicking? Stages are called before characters are chosen, so have secondaries.

Also, +1 for PT Aero Drive being legal.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
COT4 was a travesty and all people had about the tourny and its stages were complaints.

good example.

Apex stages were perfect.
No complaints.

Which should we follow?

Besides, coming from what Afro said, he doesnt mind Castlesiege since on the ONE walk off there are two huge platforms toward the top you can easily camp. Problem solved.

And he LOVEs delfino, theres only ONE bad part out of like 5-6 backgrounds, with the stairs, where if your smarter then the opponent, you can STILL avoid the walkoff with proper mixup/not being dumb and challanging ddd up close.

So which snake main do we listen to here? You, or Afro?
where did i specify snake in my post, i said chaingrabbable characters, not every character has the ability to run away from d3 and protect themselves from chaingrabs as well as snake, and you can't base a stage being fine or not off of one player, get that **** outta here, if i recall Japes was banned from one player complaining after losing to tommy G there (which was dumb)...

my point is learning the stage won't help much if your character can't avoid a grab from the best grabbing character in the game. Many characters will have to waste a ban on something dumb and still have to fight somewhere dumb if they win the first match.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
Lets see chaingrabbable characters with bad or mediocre recoveries have to choose between Delphino, Siege, RC...
Lets see i also said this

KBM its mainly me...i was thinking of other character as well not just my specific character, that will have to waste bans, but its whatever i play kirby marth snake so i'll just switch for the occasion or learn the stage and get ***** on it for awhile, as for olimar on RC and Frigate all i can say is sorry fearless...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
Miami, Fl
Real men fight on Final D, Battlefield, and Smahsville. lol

But seriously, if you are the better player, you should still be able to win the set. By winning the first game which is on a neutral stage, you should have the LARGE advantage of winning that set. Lets say the other person CPs on RC and you didn't ban it because of whatever. You still have the third match in which you can counterpick him back. People CPing you ARE meant for you to have some kind of disadvantage. If the other person has to play on gay stages just to beat you, take the second match as a way to learn. Sandbag the **** out of the second match, learn what your opponent does on certain occasions, and make him belief that he has you figured out. Remember, in his mind, he is thinking that he has to win or else, he has lost the set. You, on the other hand, don't have that pressure, and you are allowed to do what you want. After the second match, take him to stage you feel comfortable...or be manly and take him to FD and fvck him up there. JUST WIN THE FIRST MATCH.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
There needs to be a stage available which makes ledge camping impossible. The only one I can think of is Port Aero Town. I rather deal with the hazards than being ledge camped there by someone extremely gay. Green Hill Zone for the most part prevent's ledge camping, I rather deal with the walks off than ledge camping, cause it's alot easier to prevent yourself from getting walked off.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
There needs to be a stage available which makes ledge camping impossible. The only one I can think of is Port Aero Town. I rather deal with the hazards than being ledge camped there by someone extremely gay. Green Hill Zone for the most part prevent's ledge camping, I rather deal with the walks off than ledge camping, cause it's alot easier to prevent yourself from getting walked off.
Then you can just camp the sides until either the cars show up or the level moves...there is camping either way.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Then you can just camp the sides until either the cars show up or the level moves...there is camping either way.
Yeah, but it's more manageable, and when the stage platform moves, it's practically impossible to camp. Port Aero Town is like a double-edged sword, bad in one way (stage hazards) and good in another way (prevents ledge stalling).


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
I've been sayin for a while, the SBR should like, design some more neutrals that are legal in tournament play or something. that'd be kinda cool, especially with limitless designing options thanks to homebrew

And for the record, Oli isnt THAT bad on Frigate.... that stage has a several % increased chance to pluck fatty pikmin. and that's always good. it's actually a recommended CP against marth

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I can camp on any stage. So can falco and pit. It isn't just limited to neutrals.

Also, Port Town.
Again, it is pretty much brawl's mute city. The cars are a devastating hazard but we also have Halbred and Pirate on.
For about 50% of the match the game has no platform, that changes game play so much from what the other levels making it a strong counter against a lot of lame err... campy characters or characters that rely a lot on ledges for recovery or even stalling.

I can't think of anything that warrents banning Port Town that doesn't exist on other stages.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
I can camp on any stage. So can falco and pit. It isn't just limited to neutrals.

Also, Port Town.
Again, it is pretty much brawl's mute city. The cars are a devastating hazard but we also have Halbred and Pirate on.
For about 50% of the match the game has no platform, that changes game play so much from what the other levels making it a strong counter against a lot of lame err... campy characters or characters that rely a lot on ledges for recovery or even stalling.

I can't think of anything that warrents banning Port Town that doesn't exist on other stages.
personally i love port town as well, but people are gonna cry when they lose on it because they don't pay attention to what goes on on the stage...the cars can be avoided, with jumping or just standing to the side, i like it

I like that idea, it sounds really good but people are to lazy to do that, and on top of that there is no way you'd ever get it on random, it'd only be chosen as a CP or by stage striking

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
personally i love port town as well, but people are gonna cry when they lose on it because they don't pay attention to what goes on on the stage...the cars can be avoided, with jumping or just standing to the side, i like it

I like that idea, it sounds really good but people are to lazy to do that, and on top of that there is no way you'd ever get it on random, it'd only be chosen as a CP or by stage striking
I dont see a problem with it ether... for now...


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
"is actually fighting me" well, I mean, Brawl is supposed to be a multi-layered game. If you die to the cars on Port Town Aero Drive, and your opponent doesn't, you'll probably be thinking "i lost because of the gay stage, not because he's better than me." but in actuality, knowing how to avoid the hazards makes your opponent better.

I guess that's a bad argument though since you can say the same thing for 75m or mushroomy kingdom.

idk. anybody wanna add to this?

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
"is actually fighting me" well, I mean, Brawl is supposed to be a multi-layered game. If you die to the cars on Port Town Aero Drive, and your opponent doesn't, you'll probably be thinking "i lost because of the gay stage, not because he's better than me." but in actuality, knowing how to avoid the hazards makes your opponent better.

I guess that's a bad argument though since you can say the same thing for 75m or mushroomy kingdom.

idk. anybody wanna add to this?
Thats one of the best things that i've seen in a while referring to counterpick stages, yeah you could say that, its all about learning the stage and using it to your advantage...hence a counterpick....no stage will give anyone a true advangtage unless they play a particular character thats why we need more variety with our stage list (so that other charcters have a better chance with a better stage for them), our counterpick list is gonna be so retardely lame once we remove most of the stages unique to this region...but oh well, a PR will just come and say something to knock our post, because the higher ranked you are means the more you make sense............sure....>_>

anyways we should leave stage selection to FL as a group not just what a few people think
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