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Fire Emblem: The Discussion Thread (keep FE Fates story under spoilertags)


Deleted member

Micaiah, Nolan, Laura, Sothe, Volug, Zihark, Tauroneo, Tormod, Muarim, Rafiel, Nailah ... are all better than Edward. Leonardo, Aran, Jill, Ilyana and Vika are arguably better as well ...

Leonardo is my standard for bad. it's too bad too, i thought he might be decent when capped out, marksmen, water, etc.

Ilyana is def better than edward. she's better just for having 1-2 range and more availability IMO.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Chapter 3-9 is utter hell in Hard Mode in RD. Only Geoffrey and Kieran are capable of taking a hit, and without getting Critical'd. Ugh. Only completed that chapter by rushing for the boss and getting extremely lucky with Kieran's Killer Axe.

Currently at Chapter 3-11, the Bridge level. Mist, Haar, Ilyana, and Soren are all 3rd tier, and with Bronze weapons helping out with picking off the boss over and over thanks to him being on a Seize spot, I'm hoping Nephenee, Shinon, Mia, and Gatrie will promote by the end of the chapter.

My strongest unit right now though is Laura, as a Level 7 Saint. Stave abuse is fun.



Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
So I was playing 1-endgame, and I went to fight Jarod with Aran. Aran took 11 and got doubled, but had 35HP, so I felt safe. He got critical'd. Twice. I was so upset, because every level-up I'd gotten with every character the entire map was +5 stats or more. I lost so much drive to keep playing after that...

Edit: Oh yeah, Jarod only had 2% crit rate
Aug 6, 2008
Its those critical rates that make me fearful of even attempting attacks with characters which cannot survive a critical since it happens.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
I mean, even my Fiona was holding her own against enemies at the end of the level because every level-up she'd gotten was good. I really didn't like that, at all...

I think her first level up on that stage was Str, Skl, Spd, Luck, Def, Res. Her next 2 were just as good...

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Leonardo is my standard for bad. it's too bad too, i thought he might be decent when capped out, marksmen, water, etc.

Ilyana is def better than edward. she's better just for having 1-2 range and more availability IMO.
Leo is better than Edward because he has utility after 1-5, which Eddy hardly does. 1-6-1 has Peggies to kill, 1-6-2 has choke points to do chip damage from behind a sturdy unit and 1-7 and 1-E have ledges to attack down from and lots of choke points as well. Actually, most of the DB chapters have a lot of chokepoints and Leonardo can make use of virtually all of them.

Ilyana's availability doesn't do her any favors ... what's the point of having availability if you're worth nothing during all of that? Lyre and Sigrun are the only GM units that are worse than her.

So I was playing 1-endgame, and I went to fight Jarod with Aran. Aran took 11 and got doubled, but had 35HP, so I felt safe. He got critical'd. Twice. I was so upset, because every level-up I'd gotten with every character the entire map was +5 stats or more. I lost so much drive to keep playing after that...

Edit: Oh yeah, Jarod only had 2% crit rate
What are your turn counts so far? I'm currently at 4-4 and that chapter is silly. If you don't finish it withing 10 turns a ludicrous amount of reinforcement gets warped onto the map every other turn and you have to route ...

Aug 6, 2008
@Gheb: I found plenty of use for Ilyana and Sigrun in my last Hard Mode run. Despite Ilyana having accuracy issues, I found having another unit which can severely damage units from range useful. I think I only used Leonardo up to chapter 6-1. After that, he didn't have enough damage to really warrant deployment. I think that was around the same time I stopped using Ilyana.

Edward I stopped using after like chapter 3 pretty much. I think I only used him for wind edge usage and the start of Ch. 5. Lyre is pretty hopeless. Sigrun I found useful for extra poking damage. Give her a horseslayer and she ended up being useful. I did go with a ton of flyers and stuff for Micaiah's army. Might be why I found her useful even if a little bit.

@Camerino1: That fiona sounded really good.

Its weird doing a partial draft. After every round we slowly and painfully manage to get through I can complete one more chapter.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Depending on how long you're willing to spend time in chapters, you can get Ilyana up 9 levels or use a Master Seal to become a Sage, and then have her abuse a Heal-wielding Priest or another mage with Fire and Wind Tomes to get her Weapon Rank with those elements up. Once those ranks go up, she can employ both El and Arc levels of those tomes as well as Soren can.

I'm looking at Soren's and Ilyana's stats now in my runthrough. Ilyana is superior or equal to Soren in every way but Magic, which is just one point lower, and a lower weapon rank in Wind.

I find all the Laguz units sans the royals, Ulki, Skrimir, and Ranulf to be inferior to almost every beorc unit. Best use I can find for any of the Laguz is for Mordecai to hold the left part of the fort off in Part 2 Endgame with his titanic 32 Defense.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I find all the Laguz units sans the royals, Ulki, Skrimir, and Ranulf to be inferior to almost every beorc unit. Best use I can find for any of the Laguz is for Mordecai to hold the left part of the fort off with his titanic 32 Defense.
Janaff, Volug and Mordy are awesome! And let's not forget that Herons are teh brokz


Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Janaff, Volug and Mordy are awesome!
Janaff just seems to have bad luck with taking hits, especially from bows. Ulki's Vigilance is a much more beneficial trait than Janaff's Insight when the Hawks can hit nearly everything 100% of the time anyway.

Mordecai suffers a lot from speed for me. I just use him as a wall when I need to.

And Volug goes from great in Part 1 to fodder in Part 3 unless he's babied a lot. I actually tried this earlier, by having Volug stay in human form in 3-6 and have Laguz comes to him so he can rack up levels. He got to level 33 by the end of the chapter. It was hilarious.

And let's not forget that Herons are teh brokz
Well, they are Serenes Royals. :p


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Vika is secretly OP just has no availability so no one pays attention to her. 46 speed cap is too good.

One thing i like about Laguz is i don't have to put their mastery skill on them so i can do some silly stuff like Resolve + wrath, never get hit and get lots of criticals.
Aug 6, 2008
Judging by Ussi's avatar change, my guess is that he has stopped playing Xenoblade.

I did not know about the human form and beast/bird/dragon:foe option.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Vika is secretly OP just has no availability so no one pays attention to her. 46 speed cap is too good.
Completely forgot about Vika, lol. One of the best non-royal laguz in the game if she's devoted to a lot. 46 Speed and crazy Avoid is amazing.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Judging by Ussi's avatar change, my guess is that he has stopped playing Xenoblade.

I did not know about the human form and beast/bird/dragon:foe option.
Haven't stopped completely.. Just taking it slow with my get all 5 skill trees side quests. Grinding side quests too boring.. So have to go on a boss killing spree though once i get all 5 skill trees. Maybe even do a third run to get more affinity coins. I just wish i could so a NG+ where i keep affinity coins and skill trees and thats it... That way i can have fun doing wonky runs like naked everyone at level 1


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
Leo is so pointless to use since more than likely he doesnt level str and spd. he was level 10 with 13 spd once...that saddened me. I like ilyana, but she never seems to get speed and mag when she levels up for me. and her accuracy is pretty bad.I usually dont use any laguz besides the royals lol. Im not gonna go out of the way to get stones and olivi grass for them just to be usefull. and most of them have bad stats...

volug is only useful in normal from wat ive seen. with forced wildheart in part 1 he rarely levels up by the time the enemies are able to kill him. i had to keep him out of battle in 1-7 since 3 lance wielders would kill him. and with no laura he is SOL lol
May 16, 2009
Austin, Texas
If you guys want to try and argue about characters *being good* and stuff, please don't use personal experiences. Fire Emblem is a luck based game so everyone will have different runs everytime. It's one of those special systems that I like (no playthrough is the same).
Anyways, just try to use average stats instead.
Aug 6, 2008
There are times where personal experience matters. I think it matters when seeing what levels a unit might obtain at X chapter. If you go quickly, you'll have lower levels than someone who took their time to KO every enemy. Someone saying they 5 of the original DB units at level 20/10 by the end of part one in RD isn't going to happen.
May 16, 2009
Austin, Texas
Oh I understand that, but when you're trying to say if a character is spectacular or horrible based on if they maxed all stats at level 10 on one of your playthroughs, then it's just baseless.

That luck factor lol.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Our FE8 draft picks are finished now. Getting 6 people together to do this was a pain, but we got it done. Here are the teams: (everybody gets Eirika by default)

Delta - Lute, Forde, Neimi, Marisa, Syrene
Firefly - Seth, Cormag, Saleh, Tethys, Rennac
Ryker - Moulder, Ross, Colm, Garcia, Amelia
Warhawk - Gerik, Kyle, Joshua, Duessel, Knoll
Xeylode - Franz, Tana, Natasha, Dozla, Innes
Nick - Artur, Vanessa, Ephraim, Myrrh, L'Arachel

Gilliam and Ewan went unselected.


1) All forced units are allowed and free for use for a respective chapter.
2) A unit maybe be deployed (which you did not draft) to recruit a character, but should not interact in anyway to be involved in combat, rescue, trading, etc.
3) A recruited unit on the chapter they arrive may by be treated as a forced unit.
4) Eirika Route. So everyone gets Eirika
5) No tower/ruins/arena/skirmish at all.
6) No Dark Magic Glitch[/collapse]

Aug 6, 2008
Reply in the marquee.



Clearly, there is nothing to say regarding this except GG and GL to all.



Since you complained, more difficulty. But, still GL to everyone on the run.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
At least Gilliam can take a hit.

I'm now realizing just how bad my speed run characters are in the RD one. I pretty much lost due to part 1 alone. At least my Nolan has above average in all stats :3

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Our FE8 draft picks are finished now. Getting 6 people together to do this was a pain, but we got it done. Here are the teams: (everybody gets Eirika by default)

Delta - Lute, Forde, Neimi, Marisa, Syrene
Firefly - Seth, Cormag, Saleh, Tethys, Rennac
Ryker - Moulder, Ross, Colm, Garcia, Amelia
Warhawk - Gerik, Kyle, Joshua, Duessel, Knoll
Xeylode - Franz, Tana, Natasha, Dozla, Innes
Nick - Artur, Vanessa, Ephraim, Myrrh, L'Arachel

Gilliam and Ewan went unselected.


Sucks to be Xeylode or Firefly lol. It's a toss up between Nick and Ryker for most godlike team, though honestly i would have skipped healers outright, dropped Moulder for Ewan. Ewan/Amelia is a godlike support and you can do Ross/Garcia A/A and then Ross/Amelia B/B or Ross/Ewan/Amelia C/C/C. Moulder is good though, he's beefy for a mage, can take a hit.

Nick has Ephraim/Eirika/L'Arachel, which is just silly. Myrrh is obviously Myrrh. Artur is honestly terrible in HM. No luck, no defense, no use. Slayer wont even really help, especially since his avoid will end up at like, 50, if you're lucky.

Warhawk has Gerik. Only Gerik. That's still better than Xeylode's full team lol.

Actually i take it back. Delta has the worst team. You're sitting on a team who's total defense overall will probably hit 25. Nothing on your team can take a hit, should have grabbed Gilliam lol.
Aug 6, 2008
You guys do not know the power that is Tana and Franz. I'll dozzler everyone. And once I'm done with a little Tana power-up, the rest is easy sailing.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Sucks to be Xeylode or Firefly lol. It's a toss up between Nick and Ryker for most godlike team, though honestly i would have skipped healers outright, dropped Moulder for Ewan. Ewan/Amelia is a godlike support and you can do Ross/Garcia A/A and then Ross/Amelia B/B or Ross/Ewan/Amelia C/C/C. Moulder is good though, he's beefy for a mage, can take a hit.

Nick has Ephraim/Eirika/L'Arachel, which is just silly. Myrrh is obviously Myrrh. Artur is honestly terrible in HM. No luck, no defense, no use. Slayer wont even really help, especially since his avoid will end up at like, 50, if you're lucky.

Warhawk has Gerik. Only Gerik. That's still better than Xeylode's full team lol.

Actually i take it back. Delta has the worst team. You're sitting on a team who's total defense overall will probably hit 25. Nothing on your team can take a hit, should have grabbed Gilliam lol.
Someone understands me!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wtf, Xeylode and Firefly have the BEST teams, not the worst. Seth is gdlk, Cormag is good, Tethys is awesome, Rennac / EirikaSaleh are decent filler units ... Firefly doesn't even have a straight-up bad unit on his team, unlike pretty much every other player does.
Xeylode's team is fine - Franz, Tana are good, EirikaInnes is not bad at all and Dozla is acceptable filler material.



Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Wtf, Xeylode and Firefly have the BEST teams, not the worst. Seth is gdlk, Cormag is good, Tethys is awesome, Rennac / EirikaSaleh are decent filler units ... Firefly doesn't even have a straight-up bad unit on his team, unlike pretty much every other player does.

This man knows. My Eirika has been getting stupid good level-ups so far too. She's above average in everything except HP (in Skl, Spd, and Def by 2-3 points), and it's not like it's been at all difficult to train her. I'm at Ch. 8 right now, I've gotten low turn counts on pretty much everything, and the only part that's been even remotely difficult has been keeping Ephraim/Forde/Kyle alive, since they have almost no EXP due to me virtually soloing 5x with Orson. Eirika is lvl 15, and Seth is lvl 4.

Also, shoutouts to Ryker for getting exclusive access to the Energy Ring in Ch.7. (and also for having the manliest avatar)



Jan 3, 2006
This man knows. My Eirika has been getting stupid good level-ups so far too. She's above average in everything except HP (in Skl, Spd, and Def by 2-3 points), and it's not like it's been at all difficult to train her. I'm at Ch. 8 right now, I've gotten low turn counts on pretty much everything, and the only part that's been even remotely difficult has been keeping Ephraim/Forde/Kyle alive, since they have almost no EXP due to me virtually soloing 5x with Orson. Eirika is lvl 15, and Seth is lvl 4.

Also, shoutouts to Ryker for getting exclusive access to the Energy Ring in Ch.7. (and also for having the manliest avatar)

If Vanessa continues to grow like she did at 2, I'm going to start blazing through in like 3 chapters.

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