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Fire Emblem: The Discussion Thread (keep FE Fates story under spoilertags)


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
I've always had great DB teams, bar my newest runthrough for some reason. Of the 10+ plays, my DB units are always my best units and most solid killers. None of them have issues (besides Leo, because he speed needs a little boost...) Aran, Edward, Nolan and Laura are all amazing units when used. I've never used Jill sadly because my disk is messed up. Unable to read the animation for dracoknights.

Edit: I think I went Laura, Aran, Nolan, Sothe, Leo, Meg. I'm also willing to trade Meg for Fiona if Zyth is really interested.

Edit2: Zyth, it's something about Roy. People who like Roy like the DB characters ;)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Zyth, those stats are virtually impossible to reach in HM, unless you do a lof priest abusing or something like that.



Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
You can turn one of the priests in endgame 1 to stone using Nailah. They have physic, so they gain 20Hp each turn. I normally have a similar team though. You just need to know those levels well and know how to spread the experience properly.
Aug 6, 2008
@Gheb: I'll have to try out some new stuff next time if I ever get around to playing it again. Adept on Mia sounds very useful. How do you distributing stat increasers and forges and skills for the Dawn Brigade?

I give the dragonshield to Nolan to up his defence and procure a strength and speed point for him on his first chapter. Its short enough that I can reset if need be. No Energy Drop is needed on him at that point because nothing will double him for a long time with 9 AS.

I usually save the Energy Drop for Jill and forge a +5atk, +10hit Iron Axe for her. With these couple of changes, she can instantly be used on her first useable chapter and her growths will take care of the rest to keep her up to par.

The other change is giving Aran a forged Iron Lance (+5atk, +10 hit). And I think I give him the speedwings eventually to avoid being doubled in the part 3 chapters. After that, his speed is really to slow to keep up. And I often ditch using him.

Tauroneo gets Imbue while Volug gets Renewal. Micaiah gets Paragon for part 1 until 1-endgame where its gets shifted to another unit and passed out each chapter to keep levels even.

Sort of want to try out the earth support combination with each other. I always forget to do that and opt to spread earth with 3 other non-earth units. But, Zihark with Nolan support along with vantage, adept, and Wrath could be quite difficult to take down.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@Gheb: I'll have to try out some new stuff next time if I ever get around to playing it again. Adept on Mia sounds very useful. How do you distributing stat increasers and forges and skills for the Dawn Brigade?

I give the dragonshield to Nolan to up his defence and procure a strength and speed point for him on his first chapter. Its short enough that I can reset if need be. No Energy Drop is needed on him at that point because nothing will double him for a long time with 9 AS.

I usually save the Energy Drop for Jill and forge a +5atk, +10hit Iron Axe for her. With these couple of changes, she can instantly be used on her first useable chapter and her growths will take care of the rest to keep her up to par.

The other change is giving Aran a forged Iron Lance (+5atk, +10 hit). And I think I give him the speedwings eventually to avoid being doubled in the part 3 chapters. After that, his speed is really to slow to keep up. And I often ditch using him.

Tauroneo gets Imbue while Volug gets Renewal. Micaiah gets Paragon for part 1 until 1-endgame where its gets shifted to another unit and passed out each chapter to keep levels even.

Sort of want to try out the earth support combination with each other. I always forget to do that and opt to spread earth with 3 other non-earth units. But, Zihark with Nolan support along with vantage, adept, and Wrath could be quite difficult to take down.
If I spend ressources like Speedwings then I do it with characters I'll use for a while. While forging a good weapon for Aran is an idea worth thinking about the reward for giving him a speedwing doesn't look tempting [not getting doubles in part 3 isn't worth a lot and you'll ditch him anyway ...].

In my current draft-run I gave the Dracoshield to Nolan in 1-1 because it really helps a lot but I did it mainly to shave off a couple turns over the course of the first few chapters [I'm only allowed to use him in chapters where his deployment is forced aka 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3]. It still helps a lot though. From that moment on I'll use items like that on the units I'm allowed to use.
When during a playthrough I go for max efficiency [getting high award exp within reasonable turn limits] then giving Nolan the energy drop and Edward the Dracoshield has provided decent results. Edward x Leonardo gives a nice def boost and an initial +2 for def is no joke either. In fact, I particularly look out for Eddy to get +1 def during 1-P so he'll start with 8 def in 1-1. If he has an overall defense of 10 or more until 1-4 he's somewhat useable for some time. Usually I just give stat boosters to Laguz though because the effect is doubles upon transformation.

So basically, spreading the stat boosters you get in part 1 between Nolan and Volug is the best you can do in the long run imo. Nolan actually becomes useable with them and a Zihark support during the entire game which is worth a lot considering how strong he becomes and how important sturdy units are in 3-6 [and B-support with Zihark, reeds and the +4 def from Tarvos add up to some solid staying power].

What I always do with my resources:

- Give Edward's Wrath to Micaiah asap and forge her a Light tome with increased crit. Since she can get herself into crit via Sacrifice she can land a bunch of crits during part 1 with it. And Thani is like guaranteed kill against armor throughout the game.

- Give Pass to Nailah. She can rescue BK in 1-E and just run straight to the top asap and let him murder everything that tries to touch him. Idiot-proof.

- Give the Speedwing you get in part 2 to Mordecai. His base spd of 9 looks pretty whack but with speedwing it becomes 11, which is 22 in Laguz shape. That alone allows him to stay clear of getting double attacked during all of Part 3, he has like 9 mov when transformed and a base def of 32. This is the same base def that Skrimir and Tibarn have! Except that they join only in part 4 and Mordy joins in Part 2. Seriously, that guy becomes a high-mobility tank that hits hard and is immune to double attacks until part 4! One of the most efficient units to use Speedwing on :D

- Give Mia Adept

- Give the 3-5 Master Crown to Gatrie as soon as he caps speed and str. His growth are INSANE [60% on str, def and spd!] and is seriously hindered by his 2nd tier caps so I just skip them asap. He's so incredibly good after that ^_^

- Transfer Celerity to Greils Mercenaries via Ilyana and give it to Reyson. Most. Broken. Unit. EVER.

... I talk too much xD



Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
the whole send nailah top with BK thing takes away a lot of exp...i wouldnt reccomend that. all i would do is have nailah kill hte thieves then turtle up in the beggining for the reinforcements, then go from there.

I usually take ziharks adept and give it to edward. that plus wrath is ******** broken.

i dont use the stat boosters unless some is a few points off from capping before 20. and i use BEXP after someone has capped at least two abilities. i don ever use crowns until the character is on lv 20

Edit2: Zyth, it's something about Roy. People who like Roy like the DB characters ;)
Aug 6, 2008
I'm sort of glad they removed the strength boost on resolve and 50% or under on Wrath. Those skills were stupid in Path of Radiance with them the way they were. Although, I think I BEXP'd abuse Ena and gave her those skills to beat Ashnard :p

I think sending up Nailah with BK woulnd't be a horrible idea. All of you already have fewer units to use for chapters anyway, so its not like you need to distribute experience among many people.

Honestly, the more you talk Gheb, the more ideas I get away to try for a next run. Fire Emblem often times gives you a ton of stuff such as these skills you get to pass around. Part of problem is being clever enough to realize what you can do with what you are given. I never really noticed that I could get Micaiah to sacrifice herself off all of her HP to force activate Wrath when I want. She should not be facing counter attacks all the time anyway, so I see that as a really good usage of wrath instead of sitting on a unit like Edmund.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
I have him though, so I dunno what to rule to this is. I don't think it'd be fair to him though, personally. I have all of the DB up until that point besides Edward, so I have all of the power...

My Edward maxed everything out besides mag and res, and he has 11 mag and 23 res :awesome:

Deleted member

I agree that 20% is a little too low for such a frail unit, as tempting as having a point > kill micaiah build would be. i tried the sacrifice > resolve thing on her for part 4 but IMO it was more humor value than anything.

i agree with most people about not liking the dawn brigade. i pretty much only use micaiah and nolan from DB, unless you count zihark/tauroneo (i don't count them as DB but i can see why some people would).

my last run on normal mode, i tried not to use mia, i really did but she got 6 crits in a row and +7 on her first 2 level-ups and +6 on the 3rd. wtf even is that.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
my last run on normal mode, i tried not to use mia, i really did but she got 6 crits in a row and +7 on her first 2 level-ups and +6 on the 3rd. wtf even is that.
Its her saying "You can't not use me", seriously the game does it to me too, I had Mia dodge 6 lethal attacks in a row with perfect level ups.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Honestly, the more you talk Gheb, the more ideas I get away to try for a next run. Fire Emblem often times gives you a ton of stuff such as these skills you get to pass around. Part of problem is being clever enough to realize what you can do with what you are given. I never really noticed that I could get Micaiah to sacrifice herself off all of her HP to force activate Wrath when I want. She should not be facing counter attacks all the time anyway, so I see that as a really good usage of wrath instead of sitting on a unit like Edmund.
It's hard to keep track of all the skills and how to make ideal use of them. I discovered most of the stuff during previous runthroughs. I tend to instantly remove skills of units that I won't use for sure and I also remove skills unless they really make sense on that character [Zihark -> Adept; Nolan -> Nihil] so I realized that a lot of the skills are free to be used by anybody and looked where they are most efficient. I used to be active on Fire Emblem boards and tier discussions so I took a lot of ideas from there although I can claim that some of these ideas are my own [such as ImbueTauroneo].

Is Sothe allowed past 1-3? If not, Gheb is gonna have a lot of fun clearing 1-4 with only Micaiah and Ilyana at his disposal. :awesome:

All units, whose deployment is forced are allowed to be used. Everybody can use Volug during all of Part 1 even though I'm the only one who actually picked him.



Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
my last normal playthrough i just completed, Ed maxed everything except Mag and res, Sanaki maxed everything except str HP skill and res(33 lol) at lv 12. I had those two have a support giving Edwar a +15 dodge, meaning he would dodge pretty much everything if next to sanaki.

My end data was
Sothe 5th
Tibarn 4th
Ike 3rd
Edward 2nd
Haar 1st.

for the last level, tibarn with nihil is almost a necessary. i had him attack the aura twice per turn with rafiel, doing 22*2 on the ones with +10 def, and 32*2 on the ones without. Sanaki would clean up the ones on the def tyles, doin 32 damage with cymbeline. Ed with Vauge Katti would do 22 to the ones on res tiles, but he didnt have nihil so it wasnt worth it....that fortify staff tho. definitely necessary

Deleted member

It's hard to keep track of all the skills and how to make ideal use of them. I discovered most of the stuff during previous runthroughs. I tend to instantly remove skills of units that I won't use for sure and I also remove skills unless they really make sense on that character [Zihark -> Adept; Nolan -> Nihil] so I realized that a lot of the skills are free to be used by anybody and looked where they are most efficient. I used to be active on Fire Emblem boards and tier discussions so I took a lot of ideas from there although I can claim that some of these ideas are my own [such as ImbueTauroneo].
I wasn't aware that one could gain notoriety for such a thing. I used Imbue on Tauroneo the first day of the US release.

I got a fun hacked file so I was up at 5 AM fighting the black knight in 4-2 with all maxed stats and the Wishblade. Turns out that it makes him pretty hard to kill lol.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
That's very good for you. You may fap in front of a mirror if you wish.

On a more serious mode I'm beasting my draft run right now! 1-E so far and only 3 chapters took me more than 10 rounds [1-4, 1-6-1 and 1-9]. Hooray!



Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Nihil is overrated, with a dedicated healer you can just fortify every turn in the last chapter (might as well let Micaiah do it if anything). Nihil is only needed vs the dragon king.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Edward doesn't need to be babied anymore than a lot of the DB to get good.
You're funny. :awesome:

Edward requires the most babying in the DB other than LolLeonardo or the Unholy Trinity. (Meg/Fiona/Astrid)

Gheb is absolutely right that Ed is the worst Trueblade. Statistically, he's the best, but from a practical standpoint.... no. DB's limited experience is much better off going to Nolan/Aran/Jill.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
I still dont understand what everyones dislike about Edward is. if ur raisin him right he should be higher than Aran when you get him, and the stats Jill starts out with when u get her make her hard to raise too. he has the speed and dodge rate to survive double attacks and a wide manner of gang-ups, and unless you got screwed over his Def usually maxes out as well. i use him in all my playthroughs and he never dissapoints. Now Nolan on the other hand....he could be better. bad speed almost every time i use him, which makes it hard to not get double hit in later chapters, and his average def doesnt help his dodge or speed. hes got HP but its not much when 3 ppl attack him, one double attacks, and he doesnt dodge any of them.

May 16, 2009
Austin, Texas
Hey, I like Edward. He's my favorite trueblade.

He just has too many fanboys and as such, is overrated. If you're doing hard mode, there's really no reason to use him over Zihark or Mia.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
His endgame potential is best, that's all. Yes, the other 4 all are easier to level up and finish off, but Edward has the biggest payout in terms of stats. I'm one of the people who loves babying a huge amount of units and watching them all become amazing. All of the DB does this, they all become arguable the best of their class (besides Leo... I'll admit it even though he's my favourite of the 3, he doesn't end up as good because of his poor speed growth...)

Nolan doesn't have enough strength on some playthroughs for me actually, that's why I don't like him as much as Edward. I still enjoy him a lot, but it sucks when I have to give my reaver a strength upper...


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
Radiant Dawn is just different from the other ones because of the team switches, which is an addition that I actually really enjoy. It makes me enjoy the DB chapters even more :p


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
His endgame potential is best, that's all. Yes, the other 4 all are easier to level up and finish off, but Edward has the biggest payout in terms of stats. I'm one of the people who loves babying a huge amount of units and watching them all become amazing. All of the DB does this, they all become arguable the best of their class (besides Leo... I'll admit it even though he's my favourite of the 3, he doesn't end up as good because of his poor speed growth...)

Nolan doesn't have enough strength on some playthroughs for me actually, that's why I don't like him as much as Edward. I still enjoy him a lot, but it sucks when I have to give my reaver a strength upper...
Unfortunately stat caps aren't everything

Zihark starts with adept, which is probably the best trueblade skill you can have for free. Oh and is best dodger with his earth affinity.

Mia has the best offensive affinity thus actually having the highest damage of trueblades

idk Lucia (when do you even get her back?)

Deleted member

Unfortunately stat caps aren't everything

Zihark starts with adept, which is probably the best trueblade skill you can have for free. Oh and is best dodger with his earth affinity.

Mia has the best offensive affinity thus actually having the highest damage of trueblades

idk Lucia (when do you even get her back?)
part 4 with elincia and tibarn. i'm pretty sure you can't change her around at the end of part 3. i did like the trueblades at those levels though (forest with valtome, swamp with izuka).

edit: zihark is basically godly IMO. i haven't seen any real opposing opinions on it either.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
I hate his growths, I NEVER end up with a solid Zihark. I take him and Edward almost every playthrough and he always end up so frail in comparison...


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
I always use Mia as my trueblade and her stats always get good enough to where I can't see Edward getting better than her by enough to make him worth using despite the experience difference between them.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
Edward always ends up with the best stats when i play, and i play it knowing that besides the royals, I'm only going to take whoever usually gets the best stats to beat the last few levels. so i dont even waste time with some characters, just leaving them out of fights completly. i dont use stefan when i get him, just grab him for his sword. gatrie doesnt get used much in my playthroughs cuz i dont want him to be getting double hit by everything when the last few levels come around. i base my options of who to take on which ones can survive well and not take damage. thats why Edward gets chosen with how often he dodges. put adept and vantage on him and hes golden.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
Speaking of royal laguz, if I could change like one or two things about the game, it'd probably be that you get so many laguz royals that are just outright better than your beorc units. You should get to choose like 2 or 3 royal laguz maximum lol. It just seems to hurt that feeling of putting together a great team after all that work when half of them are just laguz royals you get at the end anyways. It really hurts using any non-royal laguz (although they kinda suck anyways). Kinda wish the mastery skills maybe weren't so broken either, but still love this game.

On another note does anyone still do playthroughs of Fire Emblem 7 (Rekka No Ken)? I've been running through that one lately to try and check out units I've never used before and I thought it'd be cool to have two generals so I tried out Wallace and he is so much worse than Oswin. Even with RNG abuse it can be incredibly difficult to get him to be really good. Compare that to Oswin who almost can't go wrong and its painful lol.

Gold Dart

Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2012
San Diego,CA
I used both Edward and Mia in my last playthrough of RD. As a level 20 swordmaster Mia had max
speed, strength, skill. Edward as a level 20 swordmaster only had around 23 speed, 20 strength,and 25 skill ,so I just stopped using Edward...

@ warhawk: Oswin is just too good. The only time I use wallace is too get supports I don't have yet xD


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Speaking of royal laguz, if I could change like one or two things about the game, it'd probably be that you get so many laguz royals that are just outright better than your beorc units. You should get to choose like 2 or 3 royal laguz maximum lol. It just seems to hurt that feeling of putting together a great team after all that work when half of them are just laguz royals you get at the end anyways. It really hurts using any non-royal laguz (although they kinda suck anyways). Kinda wish the mastery skills maybe weren't so broken either, but still love this game.

On another note does anyone still do playthroughs of Fire Emblem 7 (Rekka No Ken)? I've been running through that one lately to try and check out units I've never used before and I thought it'd be cool to have two generals so I tried out Wallace and he is so much worse than Oswin. Even with RNG abuse it can be incredibly difficult to get him to be really good. Compare that to Oswin who almost can't go wrong and its painful lol.
No one is forcing you to use royal laguz. My opinion on royal laguz is that its to help less experienced players to play the game without getting royally butt hurt that they can't beat it. Royals are a crutch, I play the game using royals sparingly and never bringing them to endgame usually, and the game becomes more challenging. However royals aren't that much better than their non-royal lagux counter parts and laguz gems make them like royals anyways with a perma-shift. Royals just start out with epic base stats while the other laguz take effort to make good.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
I used both Edward and Mia in my last playthrough of RD. As a level 20 swordmaster Mia had max
speed, strength, skill. Edward as a level 20 swordmaster only had around 23 speed, 20 strength,and 25 skill ,so I just stopped using Edward...

@ warhawk: Oswin is just too good. The only time I use wallace is too get supports I don't have yet xD

I've never seen anyone get so unlucky...
Aug 6, 2008
Wow. I was looking up Lunatic Reverse for FE12 and that stuff is stupid. All enemies get a +10 accuracy bonus. They start out with the best possible weapon ranking A which gives them increased stats such as A in bow is +2 power and +5 accuracy. All enemies will naturally have higher stats. By chapter 16-17 out of 24, enemies already have near maxed speed on caps. So you are forced to reclass to higher capped classes if you want to double. Its even common for enemies to have forged weapons. Like Silver weapons with +5 power and more accuracy. You cannot use the Silver Card nor Warp staffs that were in regular mode. To top it all off, every enemy will attack first in a fight (like having vantage). :/ Given they removed Maniac mode from FE9 and added in an easy mode for FE9, I imagine I can understand why FE12 never was announced for a North American and European release.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, Fl.
:/ Given they removed Maniac mode from FE9 and added in an easy mode for FE9, I imagine I can understand why FE12 never was announced for a North American and European release.
But this is also the game with Casual mode, which means that characters don't die when they are killed.

It would have been the perfect game for NoA to localize. :054:
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