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Fire Emblem: The Discussion Thread (keep FE Fates story under spoilertags)


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
whenever i go through RD I only take Nailah, Tibarn, Giffca and Caineghis. that leaves me with 6 beorc. I usually take Edward, Haar and Rolf/Shinon as absolutes, and usualy go between Aran/nephenee, Jill, Boyd, Mist/Soren for the last few spots. if you give Edward alondite at the end or a forged sword or the vafue Katti, he becomes a dodging beast. Haar is Haar i hope I dont have to explain him, Shinon/Rolf get around the same stats if Rolf is leveled, and his usualy turn out better since you raise him from lower.

for Aran/nephenee, aran has more strength/def and nephenee has more speed/skill. unless they got great stat lvs it is usualy just up to whichever you prefer. Jill becomes a beast like haar, just with more speed and a little less att/def usually. still a solid unit if you raised her up. I dont like to you nolan in favor of Boyd cuz nolan is hard to bring up in the first part being so slow and having bad def/res, and not dodging much. he gets better, but i usually have a better higher leveled boyd by the time i get to nolan again. depending on which unit i raised more, i pick between mist and soren, mostly because mist has better chances of survivng than soren, and that Sanaki is already your forced mage. dont want too many mages. but a healer is good. Almost forgot but Ellencia is actually pretty good to with Amiti


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
When i play RD i don't bring royals end game. I'll use them in the chapters their forced but sparingly just cause I need to protect someone squishy or hold down on area.

Also blood type is a big deal in east Asia, they use it like zodiac signs.
Aug 6, 2008
AB or O is the best blood type. Either you are a universal receiver of blood (AB). Or you are the universal donor (O). Although, O recessive is many times more interesting.

I'm going through RD again, but on easy mode this time. This is hilarious. I had my units promoted and to level 6-8 by closing of part 1. In Hard mode I had to promote early around 17-18 and only got them to about lv 1-2 when part 2 came around.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I love playin easy mode just to feel indestructible. But its not as fun as being indestructible in hard mode.. Simple resolve on a swordmasters/trueblade does that.

Deleted member

i'm telling you guys, mia + resolve + gamble is great. cancel if you're made of weak sperm.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I once did a run through easy mode with untransformed Laguz only. Like, Janaff & Ulki are virtually immortal and Volug can get ~10 lvl ups in 3-6 by beating Laguz with Beastfoe + Resolve in untransformed shape [especially with a Nolan / Zihark support].


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Uhm, in HM Edward's the worst trublade <_<

Edit: Implying Edward reaches Trueblade in HM to begin with :awesome:


Deleted member

one time i decided in part 1 that i was going to try leonardo, and that i was going to make him a great character (in theory anyway, water support is pretty good and marksman is pretty good). so the duration of part 1 i just focused on him, doing only +6 or better level ups on BEXP and minimizing non-BEXP level-ups and i did this straight through until he was a lv 4 sniper. And then i realized that he STILL sucked horribly.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
If you rip everything out of context and ignore the fact that he's a bad unit during all of part 1, almost impossible to use from part 3 onward [unless you give him insane amounts of favoritism], that he's tied with Stefan for worst support partner out of all Trueblades and that trying to actually make him useable in part 3 - not good, just useable - forces you to entirely neglect the rest of your party and focus only his endgame performance then he's the best Trueblade.

However, Zihark is godlike from the moment he joins, has an incredible support affinity and can go for a double Earth support with Nolan or Volug. He's one of the few units that can actually combat the Laguz in 3-6 with a decent support and he's also good to jump into the action in part 4 and will be at a decent level without wasting any resources that are better used elsewhere. That's what I call a good unit.
Lucia is a mini-version of that. Joins able to combat in part 4, offers great support and can - y'know - actually fight people.

And don't even get me started on Mia ...



Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
Edward doesn't need to be babied anymore than a lot of the DB to get good. Right now I'm doing another playthrough on hard mode, and only him, Aran, Nolan and Leo can do ANYTHING productive. Aran is so broken though, it's scary. I bEXP'ed him when he maxed out Str/Skl/Def, so he's maxed out on everything but res and mag, and only level 14. Broken character is broken.

But seriously, Edward has no issues with battling once you do something with him. If you feed any experience into him in the earlier chapters, and use him for the rest of the DB chapters, he'll turn out just fine and do stuff in part 3 without dying. He's not that bad of a unit. All of his growths (other than magic and res) are just fine.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
if you take into account on hard that Leo will be next to useless for poking, nolan cant tank as efficiently, u dont want sothe taking too much exp, and you need another fighter, I dont see why you wouldnt use Edward. just raise him normally, and by the time you get to zihark Ed should be at least lv 10-14. he'll be incredibly useful with nolan support for extra dodge. and dont forget that his skill will allow him more crit, so when wrath activates, he almost always crits. I really dont see why you dont want to use him

and dont forget that units that start at lower lvs have a better chance of surpassing units that come at higher lvs. so edward will more than likely get great stat increasese when he lvs, cuz i believe everything except for mag and res has at least a 50% increase chance. str and speed around 70%


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
His growths are high so there is a reason to use him. Everyone can pretty much cap stats in RD so the question is, who caps them with the least effort..
Aug 6, 2008
I dislike the dawn brigade "experience" situation as a whole in part 3 :( They do not get enough experience on their own chapters to be really useful late game without seriously making sure you devoid other units in their chapters of experience completely. They only get three chapters to grow probably about 15 levels to be useful in part 4 right away.

You'll have to work hard for any dawn brigade unit.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
At this point, my honest opinion is that the only easy one to level up in part 3 is Aran because of his defence. Cats can't touch him, and tigers do minimal damage with only one strike. Nolan at least starts a high enough level, and Edward can double right away, so those 2 aren't bad either. Other than those 3, Jill, Zihark and Tauroneo start out over-leveled and easy to keep up to par.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
you have to realize tho that there are qa few DB members you should not waste time on tho. Meg is kinda bad, for a night she has ok speed but its still bad and thee stats she needs dont come as well as brom and gatries.

fiona comes in at 4? when you get her, making her too hard to use even in the first chapters. i have never used her.

ilyana is good when she comes, but her growths are sad....i had a lv 18 ilyana with 14 speed and 15 mag. :(

Tormod and his crew are only there for a few chaps, then NO ONE sees them for 2 parts...they take exp then come back at the same low lvl at the end of part 4.

taurneo is only useable 2 chaps(lol) then u can use him again in the last few DB chaps in part 3. (he was gaurding pelleas again, lol)

volug can be good, but the fact that his formshift is locked in part 1, halving his exp sucks.

honestly, if you dont invest too much exp into those units(the higher ones only gtting 1-3 at a time at first anyway) then you will have enough exp to raise the important DB characters to high lvls.

At this point, my honest opinion is that the only easy one to level up in part 3 is Aran because of his defence. Cats can't touch him, and tigers do minimal damage with only one strike. Nolan at least starts a high enough level, and Edward can double right away, so those 2 aren't bad either. Other than those 3, Jill, Zihark and Tauroneo start out over-leveled and easy to keep up to par.
by the time you get jill, nolan should be at her lvl, and edward and aran shouldnt be far behind
Aug 6, 2008
@Gheb: I am in a good mood and sort of want to hear you rant on how good mia is lol

@zyth: That's the problem. When I was going through hard mode. I was only using about 6 key figures for exp gain. They still do not get enough exp. I never gave leonardo or edward a single kill. They were used for weaking enemies so the others could get the experience. Maicaih, Nolan, Jill, and Aran were my targets for exp gain. Sothe and Zihark received the rest. Optimizing the exp at hand the best I could, I could only manage these characters to about lv 1-2 by end of part 1.

By making sure no laguz were killed in human form, I maxed exp. gain I could get. Aran ended up lv 12, noland lv 15, jill, lv 13, sothe lv 10, zihark level 11 or so, and Micaiah lv 8 by the end of the part 3. But, once I got into part 4. Aran would die from being doubled if attacked by two opponents faster than him. Sothe was seeing about 50% hitrate from those attacking him and would die in 2-3 hits. Zihark had better evade, but still say decent hitates against him. lol Micaiah as mage and no speed, nothing more need be said. And Nolan simply does not have the defence nor evade. Jill was beefier in defence than nolan, but still killed easily.

So my main complaint about dawn brigade was they need help from better units all the time to get any good. Its only once they reached the tower that finally could work by themselves pretty much.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario
I don't know, I've never really had that many issues personally with leveling the Dawn Brigade. I really enjoy most of their chapters, so I make sure to get as much experience as possible, and I never have many issue with characters being at promotion by the end of part 1. I usually have Edward, Nolan, Leo, Aran and one other nearing promotion/promoted (Micaiah I work seperately from the others, so I never think about her)


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
well i think i see ur problem there....it looks like ur giving more exp than neseccary to sothe and zihark. they only grab 1-2 exp until the last two chapters of part one, so exp aran jill and nolan could use would go away. did you use any bexp on them? i try to save it until they get to lvs 17+ when they should have maxed stats. and u didnt say anything about it, but did you use tauroneo, volug, maurim or vika? they are useful in part 1, but they dissapear for long periods of time.

it looks like ur ppl are missin quite a bit of exp if thats all their at at the end of part 3.....i usually have ed at 18-promoted, jill lv 17, sothe 17-20 aran 15+, and micaiah at 9-12. i guess my big thin thats diff from urs, is that i dont use nolan unless its to protect someone from dying, or to chip health. he would only be around lv 4 or so. and my other units would be hiding in a corner(meg, fiona, leo).

in the fights, i would never put anyone besides Ed, Sothe or jill in a pos where they would be surronded. Ed and jill would never be surrounded by ppl with advantages over them. that way they would dodge everything. make sure thier supports are nearby too


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Yall sleeping on Laura...

ok she needs bexp to get to bishop but she's amaaaaaazing

Gotta try her in hard mode since healing gives same exp.. I got to level 10 in normal mode just sacrfice > heal combo cause i was trying to level up Micaiah via healing and well Laura got so much exp out of it. (level 10 at endgame part 1)

Also Tormod crew comes back in Ike's 2nd chapter in part FOUR!!! In hard mode not useable.. In normal Muriam and Vika are useable via spell card abusing the bottom left corner for experience then bexp babying. Course i way are they good without that babying though.
Aug 6, 2008
Situations certainly called for them to be used such as Tauroneo meatshielding while unequipped or getting in a vital kill on some laguz that I couldn't quite kill due to some missed attack. If I did not, it would have KO'd my other unit the following turn from having to survive two attacks instead of one.

Obviously you have to use Volug and Nailah on 1-9 if you want to safe at least some of the prisoners and she is pretty much the only study unit which can KO the thieves in 1-endgame.

Sothe I wanted leveled because he gets forced promotion on 4-prologue and I am forced to bring him into the tower. I prefer not to have units die if I can help it. Plus, there was a master seal in 1-6 I had to steal which meant he had to go solo and thus got a couple kills to keep from dying.

Part 3 during the dawn brigade defence is usually annoying and I think would have been difficult if I did not at least keep Zihark leveled up as I did. There are 5 choke points and they all have to be able to survive a random hawk attack.

I never used bonus experience except occasionally. I had about 10,000 BEXP left over from the dawn brigade after part 3.

Now that I think about it, I did heavily use the Ally forces in the chapter where you have to defeat 40 allied units (non-laguz chapter in part 3). None of my units had good enough speed/defence to tank everything. I got about 20 or so of the kills to get the ally units as the meatshields.

I immediately left leonardo, meg, fiona, ilyana, edward, and the rest alone. Again, only used them in their forced chapters and stuff and to chip damage to get the others easy kills.

EDIT: If you go slow in hard mode as I did, you'll get laura up to promotion level without much BEXP. Only issue is that magic users suck in this game combat-wise. They can kill once per turn, but usually lack the evade to take multiple rounds of attack in a single turn. Someone like gatrie gets a forged javelin/hand axe and kills stuff and tanks everything. In FE7, Nino da best mage OMG.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
best mage ever? Erk

or athos, but hes special

and xeyblade theres ur problem. you dont use BEXP! i know it only gives 3 ups per level, but when chars have maxed out stats, then it really helps bringin up other stats guarenteed.

and for the 5 choke points do you mean the fortress? cuz if i remember correctly if hawks only come from one part there.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I put resolve on Laura and she pretty much duo'd the desert chapter with my Marcia. I even got to see a special conversation between Laura and the boss LOL!! Laura does not need bexp to cap stats, she has amazing growths and i had Laura cap every single stat at level 17/20/20 no bexp used besides to give her last 10 first tier levels so she can fight Laguz in part 3 as a tier 2 unit.

Resolve makes anyone good, Laura can also nosferatu tank, especially end game when you bless your weapons.. I give her dragonfoe to two shot dragons too.

Mages are BEAST end game, i mean BEAST because res is the best defensive stat then. It was soooo silly bringing 5 healers (Laura, Micaiah, Soren, Mist, Ilyana) i was passing around that fortify staff like a joint

Deleted member

Mages are BEAST end game, i mean BEAST because res is the best defensive stat then. It was soooo silly bringing 5 healers (Laura, Micaiah, Soren, Mist, Ilyana) i was passing around that fortify staff like a joint

I've always heard that Laura is amazing but there's not much incentive to play her with Micaiah and Elincia both being soooo good. I reiterate that I would have picked Micaiah first in any kind of draft had she not been made standard.

edit: There are so many better magic users than Erk. You can pick one at random and probably have picked a better mage than Erk.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
So me, Camerino, and Gheb finally have our FE10 draft teams rdy!

part 1:

part 2:

part 1:

part 2:


part 2:


Deleted member

i like gheb's list the best by a lot. going in hard on that earth/earth. i also would have gone for shinon early.
Aug 6, 2008
and xeyblade theres ur problem. you dont use BEXP! i know it only gives 3 ups per level, but when chars have maxed out stats, then it really helps bringin up other stats guarenteed.

and for the 5 choke points do you mean the fortress? cuz if i remember correctly if hawks only come from one part there.
I really need to start keeping track of all of these name changes. I think "xeyblade" and "keyhole" are my favorite name changes so far. I got lazy about BEXP on the hard mode run. I was completing chapters past their BEXP turn bonus, and got so little anyway. First time completing it and I thought perhaps I might need it for some clutch moment. Never really did. Sort of not sure which game I want to play next. I started another easy mode, but its sort of boring and playing the same FE after already finishing it without going to a harder level is not fun either. I could always try FE12, I recently removed the male reclass restriction.
Mages are BEAST end game, i mean BEAST because res is the best defensive stat then. It was soooo silly bringing 5 healers (Laura, Micaiah, Soren, Mist, Ilyana) i was passing around that fortify staff like a joint
I wish there was a mage knight (not the horse thing). One with the armor and uses magic. My gatrie ended up capping resistance and defence and not getting killed by anything we epic.

I've always heard that Laura is amazing but there's not much incentive to play her with Micaiah and Elincia both being soooo good. I reiterate that I would have picked Micaiah first in any kind of draft had she not been made standard.
I have never gotten around to fully doting on her. Usually I BEXP'd her up to level in easy mode when I had a ton of it left over. Training mages gets taxing when your doing more than one of them. And why does Mist's swords do physical instead of magic like it says it is suppose to do? She would be infinitely better with a magic sword. It would be like another Soren doing 20 damage on an enemy.

What's with the whole part 1 and 2 in the draft?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@Gheb: I am in a good mood and sort of want to hear you rant on how good mia is lol
Mia is aaaaaa~wesome! I always give her Soren's Adept skill which is initiated by the percent number of a characters's speed value ... which is pretty useless on Soren, who starts with 18 and has whack speed growth and cap. Mia has base spd of 28, that means from the time she joins she has a nearly 30% chance to get another hit in ... once she has 33% she gets an additional hit in for every 3rd attack she uses. Couple that with Vantage and a support that boosts her attack and you have a saxyass Swordmaster. Like all Trueblades, she has fine endgame stats too and she's not hard to get strong until that point at all.

Difference between her and Zihark is that she's a godess among god in GM whereas Zihark is a god among dwarfs in DB.

@zyth: That's the problem. When I was going through hard mode. I was only using about 6 key figures for exp gain. They still do not get enough exp. I never gave leonardo or edward a single kill. They were used for weaking enemies so the others could get the experience. Maicaih, Nolan, Jill, and Aran were my targets for exp gain. Sothe and Zihark received the rest. Optimizing the exp at hand the best I could, I could only manage these characters to about lv 1-2 by end of part 1.

By making sure no laguz were killed in human form, I maxed exp. gain I could get. Aran ended up lv 12, noland lv 15, jill, lv 13, sothe lv 10, zihark level 11 or so, and Micaiah lv 8 by the end of the part 3. But, once I got into part 4. Aran would die from being doubled if attacked by two opponents faster than him. Sothe was seeing about 50% hitrate from those attacking him and would die in 2-3 hits. Zihark had better evade, but still say decent hitates against him. lol Micaiah as mage and no speed, nothing more need be said. And Nolan simply does not have the defence nor evade. Jill was beefier in defence than nolan, but still killed easily.

So my main complaint about dawn brigade was they need help from better units all the time to get any good. Its only once they reached the tower that finally could work by themselves pretty much.
In hard mode it's straight-up unrealistic to attempt getting any non-promoted DB unit combative from 3-6 onward. Every single one of them devours an unforgiveable amount of exp to get that strong during part 1 and I fail to see how it's even supposed to be possible to make Edward, Leonardo, Meg and Fiona that strong at all. I can see how it works for Aran but that requires you to neglect a lot of other units ...

If you want a successful part 3 and some useable DB units in part 4 you kind of need part 1 as preperation to meet a few conditions to make that possible:

Double Earth support between Zihark, Nolan or Volug at B level to dodge most of the Laguz' attacks in 3-6 [especially if you're hiding among the reeds]. Zihark x Nolan is prefered, for mobility reasons and because Volug can hold his own in fullshift even without the Earth support from Nolan / Zihark [I couple him up with Laura, who still gives a boost for avo anyway]. Volug should get enough attacks in during part 1 to reach S-Rank for his strike.

For Nolan I just give him all kills possible until Volug joins and I also give him the Energy drop early to avoid getting outweighed by the Steel Axe so badly [he gets doubles a lot because he loses +3 Spd with it on base str :urg:]. When I invest resources like that into him I usually manage to get him to lvl 15 or 16 by the time 1-4 ends and I give him a master seal asap for better mobility and instant +2s on a lot of stats. From then on I don't have to worry about him being able to keep up anymore [especially with Zihark's support]. Normally I use Paragon on Zihark because that's really all he needs [and he doesn't actually 'need' it but I found it more helpful than anywhere else].

Finally, Jill may be leveled up a bit during the few chapters she's there in part one and give her a master seal asap as well. Be warned though, she's still hardly any good from part 3 onward. You'd need to give her Paragon and like every potshot possible during 3-6 to make her useful later on.
So 3-6 mainly comes down to Sothe [with Micaiah support + heal] and Volug [with Laura support + heal as well as Olivi Grass support] covering the northern chokepoint and the NPC units as well as Zihark x Nolan [with Tarvos ofc] taking the eastern part of the maps by supporting each other and hiding among the reeds for additional evasion. If you have the starting area generally cleared, Leonardo and Jill are optional additions that may help some to weaken untransformed Laguz' from the distance.

From 3-11 onward I virtually ditch Sothe entirely and only let him throw knives and Jill is amost guaranteed to not cut it. Volug, Zihark, Nolan with supports on each other will keep the choke point covered easily and Tauroneo with Imbue [taken from Fiona] is virtually immortal - that guy heals himself for 12HP every turn due to his abnormally high base mag! 3-12 is all about covering the right tracks and can be done with your 3 or 4 decent units around just fine.
Zihark x Nolan will be ready for part 4, Volug most likely will be as well, Tauroneo is pretty good and underrated and perfectly useable if you give him a master crown. Micaiah / Laura can be used as filler healers and by the off-chance you managed to get Jill strong I guess you can use her [although it's still inefficient].

Wow, that was a pretty long read, huh? tl;dr have Zihark support Nolan [or at least Volug] and try to not waste any exp on Eddy, Leonaro, Aran or any other non-promoted unit. Zihark, Nolan, Volug and Tauroneo can be viable in part 4 without wasting any ressources and Laura / Micaiah are good filler units to have around. Probably the most you can get out of the pawn brigade.

Stuff about Laura
You're probably talking about easy mode here? Any unit can be good in that <_<

I've always heard that Laura is amazing but there's not much incentive to play her with Micaiah and Elincia both being soooo good. I reiterate that I would have picked Micaiah first in any kind of draft had she not been made standard.
Laura isn't amazing. She's good to have around if you avoid combat situations. More useful than most other DB units and can virtually be used during the entire game. Always handy to have as a healer ... but she's not amazing ... at all.

i like gheb's list the best by a lot. going in hard on that earth/earth. i also would have gone for shinon early.
Aye, I looked out for both things a lot. Earth x Earth makes 3-6 tolerable and allows for late-comers such as Lucia and Tanith to become actually good units. And Shinon is just sooooo reliable. Like, I've never had a Shinon that didn't turn out incredibly good. Also really glad that I got Gatrie because he's so damn efficent. Really with I would've gotten Reyson or at least Rafiel though. Still think I got the best team by far :)


Deleted member

I did this cool thing where I put Resolve + Adept on Nolan and pretty much maxed him out by 20/20/5 and then on 3-F only Mia could kill him or he'd solo my entire team. Fun times, that.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
I guess I'm the only one who has ever had a good DB team.

My Ed always gets better than Mia, and my Jill was better than Haar last time. Ed has always been a beast in any run i did, always maxing STR SPD and SKL without items. he would usually be lv 7-10 by the time i got Aran and would be a swordmaster by 1-8. in my last run through he was lv 6 at the end of part one, with jill at 4, aran at 4 and nolan at 2.

Jill is kinda average when you first get her, but after she becomes a dragon lord she becomes, incredible, with more speed than Haar but around the same Def so she dodges things more, and even when she doesnt she still doesnt take much damage.
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