Man I just had the game just BS me and made me super salty about it. I was just about to beat the final spotpass mission and recruit Priam and made a slight bonehead move and had Lucina paired up with Owain and a S-Level support and placed them in front of my DLC Micaiah cause she was gonna run out of Nosferatu uses and thus eliminating her tank uses with them and only a few enemies left and this series of events happened.
Got hit by a forged Silver Sword from a Swordmaster 58% get hit, get a crit and kill that unit.
2nd Swordmaster attacked with 53% and avoid and Aether activate and gain some health back and kill the 2nd one.
3rd one attack with 55% avoided it and counterattacked. Praying for a Critical Aether activation.
A hero attack with 48% and got hit thus leaving me with 17 HP left get a kill but no Aether activation.
2nd one attack with 46% avoid it and no Aether activation.
Get attacked by a Forged Silver Bow Warrior with 43% avoid it, second one attacked with 34% avoid it and a 3rd warrior attacked with 36% and avoid it.
Get attacked by Sage forged Thoron with 32%, avoid it. 2nd one attack with Forged Bologone with 30%, avoid it and 3rd and 4th one attack with around 30-34% avoid it.
Get attacked with a Forged Silver Axe Warrior with a 17% chance of hit while I have a Forged Noble Rapier equipped and last enemy around my area to be attacked and get by it and Lucina dies.
RAGED and soft reset my game and closed the 3Ds. How the hell I'm avoiding all of all these 30 and 40+ % weapons but got hit by a 17% Forged Silver Axe astounds, baffles me and make me very angry.