Raziek's HHM S-Rank Run Attempt has Completed!
[collapse="Lyn Mode"]
Lyn Mode:
Prologue: Not much to say here. Lyn got HP, Str, Skill, Luck, so I'm happy with that.
Ch. 1: (5) Resets due to ****ty levels. Kent: Skill, Speed, Res. Sain: Hp, Speed, Res. I'll take it. Speed is what I was looking for, and Res for both is nice.
Ch. 2: (3) Resets. Great levels for Kent & Sain. Decent for Lyn (Hp, Str).
Ch. 3: Florina get. She's on the edge of level 2. Sain gets more solid levels, doing really well at 9 strength, 7 speed, 8 (!) defense.
Ch. 4: Sain gets 2 decent lvls, Florina gets 2 great ones (Strx2). Kent gets an ok one, Lyn gets an ok, Will gets a great one (Hp, Str, Skill, Speed, Luck).
Ch. 5: Florina gets Hp, Str, Def. Sain and Kent each get a decent level. Erk gets a perfect level off killing Bug!
Ch. 6: Erk gets ANOTHER near perfect level, all but Magic and Res. Angelic Robe given to Florina to make her a definite powerhouse for the Pirate Ship to save turns (Ch. 18) and for letting her jump in with less babying needed within HHM itself.
Ch. 7: Lyn gets Speed, Luck, Defense. Serra gets a solid level. Lucius' first is not great, getting only skill. Requirement met for 7x.
Ch. 7x: Easy work, Kent and Sain are monster trucks at this point. Matt gets some crucial strength, Erk gets speed.
Ch. 8: Fed 2 levels to Erk, who is seriously impressing me, at 7 magic and 12 speed at level 6. This will make Ch. 14 (Pris' level) a lot less painful.
Ch. 9: Slightly abused Eagler by giving Dorcas “rights to the kill”. Dorcas grabs 3 good levels, with a speed point in there, while Serra and Nils each grab a few healing/dancing. Early game units for HHM are looking in great shape, but I worry I may have neglected Lyn a bit.
Ch. 10: Grabbed a few solid levels for Matt, Lyn, Florina, and let Erk handle Lundgren. Energy Ring going to Matthew to make the first few levels easier.
Stats Going in to HHM, compared to averages (difference in brackets) of that level:
Lyn (7) : 20 (-0.2) HP, 7 (+0.6) STR, 11 (+0.4) SKL, 11 (-1.6) SPD, 8 (-0.3) LCK, 3 (-0.2) DEF, 2 (+0.2) RES
Sain (8): 26 (+1.4) HP, 10 (-2.2) STR, 9 (+2.55) SKL, 8 (-0.8) SPD, 6 (-0.45) LCK, 8 (+0.6) DEF, 4 (+2.6) RES
Kent (8): 24 (-1.95) HP, 9 (+0.2) STR, 10 (+0.5) SKL, 11 (+0.85) SPD, 2 (-1.4) LCK, 6 (-0.75) DEF, 3 (+0.25) RES
Florina (7): 22 (+1.4) + 7 (Robe) HP, 9 (+1.6) STR, 10 (+0) SKL, 11 (-1.3) SPD, 10 (+0) LCK, 5 (+0.1) DEF, 7 (+0.9) RES
Dorcas (7): 33 (-0.2) HP, 9 (-0.4) STR, 9 (+0.4) SKL, 7 (+0.2) SPD, 4 (-0.6) LCK, 5 (+1) DEF, 1 (+0.4) RES
Erk (9): 22 (-0.2) HP, 8 (-0.2) MAG, 10 (+0.8) SKL, 14 (+3!!) SPD, 7 (+1.6) LCK, 5 (+1.4) DEF, 8 (+0.8) RES
Serra (7): 20 (+0) HP, 4 (-1) MAG, 8 (+1.2) SKL, 12 (+1.6) SPD, 10 (+0.4) LCK, 4 (+1.1) DEF, 7 (-1.3) RES
Nils (7): 20 (+0.9 HP), 0 STR, 0 SKL, 16 (-0.2) SPD, 16 (+1.2) LCK, 7 (+0.2) DEF, 10 (+1.8) RES
Lucius (5): 19 (-0.1) HP, 8 (-0.2) MAG, 8 (+1) SKL, 10 (-0.8) SPD, 2 (-0.4) DEF, 7 (-0.2) RES
Matthew (6): 20 (-1) HP, 5 (-0.2) + 2 (Energy Ring) STR, 5 (-0.6) SKL, 14 (+0.2) SPD, 4 (+0) LCK, 4 (+0) DEF, 1 (+0.2) RES
Wil (3): Not gonna bother, not using him.
Rath: Base Stats
Wallace: Base Stats
Stuff worth noting:
My Erk is super blessed in Speed.
Sain is Skill blessed (and slightly Strength screwed) for the moment.
Lyn and Florina are both slightly under par on speed at the moment.
Serra's doing well in speed.
Basically everybody made it to level 7 at least, so I spread my EXP pretty well.
[collapse="Chapters 11-20"]
Ch.11: 8 turn clear. Gem, Pick, 2 levels for Hector, 1 for Matt.
Turn Count: 8 (+8)
Ch.12: 7 turn clear. (-1) Eliwood finally got a good level. (Hp, Strength, Def, Res, Luck)
Turn Count: 15 (+7)
Ch. 13: 10 turn clear. (-2) Eliwood is finally rewarding my dedication and has gotten Strength, Defense and Luck on his first two levels. Guy got a near-perfect level (all but strength) and Lowen/Rebecca both got some decent ones. Hector and Matt are turning out slightly less ridiculous, but the tradeoff is worth it. Bought a couple Hand Axes, Javelins, Iron Swords, and Heals using the Silver Card.
Turn Count: 25 (+5)
Ch. 13x: Didn't kill Puzon this time, but killed everyone else.
Turn Count: 32 (+5)
Ch. 14: Pretty much as easy as last time, but better Lowen/Eliwood/Bartre allowed me to cut corners, save Vulneraries and achieve a 7-turn clear. (-3)
Turn Count: 39 (+2)
Ch. 15: More or less the same as last time, except instead of Guy, it's Eliwood. HE HAS BECOME A BEAST UNLEASHED. Erk still bodied Sealen, still got both chests.
Turn Count: 46 (+9)
Ch. 16: 10 turn clear. (+3) Erk got a good level, grabbed a few good ones for most characters. Matt got two consecutive strength. Eliwood continuing to beast things.
Turn Count: 56 (+12)
Ch. 17: Once again, 11 turn clear. (-7) Great levels for Florina, Kentx2, Guyx2, Serra, Pris. Again, only had to leave the Silver Sword/Pick as I can't get the Hero Crest AND get Matthew up to that thief without wasting many turns.
Turn Count: 67 (+5)
Ch. 17x: 8-turn clear. (-2) Florina ferried Hector up to the corner to grab items and sneak down the side. Raven grabbed 2 levels clearing the northern hallway. Oswin gained some beastly levels down south, including a Damian kill. Lucius, Canas, and Pris each gained one or two sniping pirates and tossing out heals. Onward to the pirate ship!
Turn Count: 75 (+3)
Ch. 18: That was a nightmare. Once I got past turn 2, it became a lot more manageable, but until I got Sain/Oswin in position, those Mercenaries were complete assholes. Fielded: Hector, Oswin, Sain, Lucius, Pris, Serra, Matthew, Florina. Stole the Whip & the Ring. Hector got several great levels, as did Matt. Lucius and Pris each got some decent ones, Sain's were not so great, he's becoming rather underwhelming on the offensive front.
Turn Count: 86 (+3)
Ch. 19: This one took a few tries to get it down, but as usual, cleared without too much trouble once past the first few turns. Uhai is a pain to kill, but I got him. Didn't catch the Thief with the Torch staff, though, he moves too quickly to kill without getting totally swarmed. 10-turn clear. (+0)
Turn Count: 96 (+3)
Ch. 19x: Not bad. The Pegs all using Axereavers was a godsend, tons of free EXP for Eliwood. Fielded: Eliwood, Lyn, Hector, Pris, Raven, Canas, Florina, Matthew. Got the second (lol) Silver Card and the goddess icon, Canas did hella work taking out quite a few mages. Did this one in 13 turns (-3) because I wanted to make use of the massive hunks of EXP from Kishuna's morph squad. No chance I was killing Kishuna though, but I had planned to skip 19xx anyway.
Turn Count: 109 (+6)
Ch. 20: Not too bad, actually. Just took a bit of luck to get to Legault in time. Raven, Guy, Pris and Erk handled the right side stream of enemies. Oswin hung around and killed re-enforcements in the south, aided by Canas and Rebecca, who farmed some free levels from the Mages that come out of the stairs. Hector, Lyn, Eliwood, Matt and Serra made the rush up the middle/left side to get Legault and the Member Card. Matt is like level 18 and his stats are the same or worse than most of Legault's, so he'll be getting benched soon unless I find myself in a situation where I need two thieves.
Ended up leaving the Brave Bow behind, unfortunately. I didn't have enough keys or time to grab it. Kinda regretting that now because I had forgotten what a beast Geitz is with it, but I'll live. Cleared in 12 turns. (-4) On target to get Linus' version of FFO, which has a much higher turn count that I can use to save turns, or farm the arena for EXP/Gold. Hector is 16, Eliwood 11, Lyn 13, but they're all right on the cusp of leveling, so I'm pretty much at.... 43/50 required levels.
Turn Count: 121 (+2)
Current Rating on the Oswin-o-meter: 4 Tactics, 5 everything else.
EXP Benchmarks:
Eliwood: 1088
Lyn: ~600
Hector: 1689
Pris: 695
Matt: 1190
Canas: 546
Raven: 702
Serra: 616
Guy: 816
Oswin: 987
Erk: ~475
Rebecca: 605
Dart: 107
Kent: ~350
Florina: ~800
Sain: ~400
Lucius: ~370
Dorcas: ~200
Marcus: 120
Lowen: 368
Bartre: 347
Wil: ~100
Legault: 82
Total: ~13,253 (+1403)
Benchmark for this Point: 11, 850
[collapse="Chapters 21-29"]
Ch. 21: 10 turn clear. (+1) All villages visited, stole the Hero Crest from Oleg. Some godlike levels obtained. Flew by the seat of my pants, though. Planning on writing a children's book about this level called “There are too many Wyvern Riders!” Fielded: Hector, Eliwood, Serra, Pris, Erk, Rebecca, Dart, Legault, Ninian.
Turn Count: 131 (+3)
Ch. 22: 10 turn clear (-1). Guy killed Eubans, got the Knight Crest and both chests. Got a few levels for Heath. Fielded: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Ninian, Guy, Raven, Oswin, Erk, Serra, Pris, Legault, Isadora.
Turn Count: 141 (+2)
Ch. 23: 11 turn clear. (+2) Took a tiny bit of extra time to grab what treasure I could. (Hero Crest, Light Brand, Ocean Seal) Had to leave behind Filla's, Eclipse and the Body Ring or my turn count would've gotten murdered. Stole the Guiding Ring and the White Gem. Qualified for Genesis (23x). Also hit my level requirement for the Linus version of FFO. (19 Hector, 15 Eliwood, 16 Lyn)
Turn Count: 152 (+4)
Ch. 23x: Dear god, this one was hellish. So much of it just came down to sheer RNG on the status staves. Fielded: Hector, Hawkeye, Serra, Pris, Guy, Heath, Legault, Rebecca. Guy and Heath handled most of the right side, Serra and Pris had to trade Restore back and forth a few times to combat the Silence/Berserk staff. Hawkeye did serious work in this level. I'd have rather given others the EXP, but he was my best bet for killing the promoted enemies in the bottom half of the map without (or with minimal) counter-attack damage, thanks to the Brave Axe and having 18 Res after Barrier. Got all the chests, obviously didn't kill Kishuna. Unfortunately I didn't see exactly what my turncount was, but I know it was no more than 16 (-9), so I'm just going to use that number.
Turn Count: 168 (-5)
Ch. 24 21-turn clear. (-1) Afa's drops went to Heath prior to the chapter. Got a bit messy due to all the Wyvern riders, but I managed to spread EXP pretty well. Eliwood, Dart, Florina and Pris all went East to recruit Geitz, snag the Earth Seal and combat the re-enforcements. Heath, Raven, Guy, Rebecca, Canas, Hector, Serra and Ninian all went into the village. Had a good farming block set up by the vendor using Heath as a wall. He'd weaken the Mercs/Wyvern Riders and Canas/Rebecca would pick up kills on potshots.
Several units promoted during this chapter. Heath, Serra and Guy all hit 20 and promoted. Guy spent a few turns at the end in the Arena, promoted, and then softened up Linus for Serra to snag the kill. Converted a ton of my items into more useful items this chapter. Sold some excess stat boosters (Secret books, mostly) and converted them into Reaver weapons, which will be much more useful to me.
Turn Count: 189 (-6)
As an aside, going to compare my units to their averages when/if I promote them.
Guy (Valued are adjusted to compensate for average HHM bonuses):
Level: 20/1
Hp: 41 (-1.75)
Str: 18 (+3)
Skill: 20 (+0.5)
Speed: 20 (+0)
Luck: 17 (+4.35)
Def: 12 (+1.45)
Res: 7 (+0.75)
Guy's doing super well, really happy with his performance currently.
Heath (Adjusted for HHM, but not for Afa's drops, because calc'ing that is a huge pain):
Level: 20/1
HP: 48 (+1.6)
Str: 20 (+0.5)
Skill: 18 (-0.5)
Speed: 16 (-0.85)
Luck: 11 (+1.4)
Def: 14 (-0.9)
Res: 6 (-0.6)
Relative to his averages, he's actually not doing that amazing (I gave him Afa's at 16, after Genesis), but he's still by far one of my most important units, boasting amazing durability, movement and damage capabilities.
Level: 20/2
Hp: 32 (+1)
Magic: 12 (-1)
Skill: 15 (+2.3)
Speed: 19 (+2)
Luck: 17 (-0.4)
Def: 6 (-0.85)
Res: 16 (-1.45)
Doing solid, most notably in the speed department. She'll continue to be very useful and durable thanks to her speed and luck.
Onward to Ch. 25, which is a 0 chapter. As much as it's going to pain my OCD tendencies to do so, I'm NOT recruiting Farina because funds.
Ch. 25: 11-turn clear. (+11) Got a BOATLOAD of Exp. Raven handled the lower left fortress with all the Axe users, netting around 4 levels. Florina handled the North-east fort, netting 2 levels (hitting 20), promoting, and getting one additional level. Rebecca did work with the Ballistae, netting 2-3 levels on potshots with the Longbow as well. Canas got 1 or 2, Pris got 1, Eliwood got 1, and Kent got like 5 (I had he and Eliwood handle the ridiculous flow of Cavaliers). Farina not recruited, as expected.
Merlinus promotes as well~!
Turn Count: 200 (+5)
Ch. 26: Pretty easy chapter. Got levels for Eliwood (who I'm going to promote because his stats are nuts), topped off Matt at 20, got one each for Raven, Erk, Kent, Rebecca, Canas. Possibly a small handful of others. Got the village no trouble.
Turn Count: 211 (+5)
Florina Averages:
Level: 2
Hp: 42 (Robed) (+1)
Str: 17 (+2)
Skill: 14 (-3)
Speed: 20 (+0)
Luck: 20 (+3)
Def: 8 (-1)
Res: 13 (+0)
She's doing fine, totally cool with trading skill for Strength & Luck.
EXP Benchmarks Again:
<Omitted for space>
Ch. 26: This one was quite easy. Nabbed several levels for Eliwood having him fight the Wyverns, got a couple for Erk, Raven and Kent down south.
Turn Count: 222 (+5)
Ch. 27: My under-use of Dorcas/Bartre meant I've got the Kenneth version of this map. Would've liked Jerme's to shave more turns, but I made this one work. Dorcas snagged some levels killing the South-west Wyvern re-enforcements with the Dragon Axe, while Merlinus stalled out the General so that I could get Harken. Eliwood, Dart, Hector, Pris and Pent moved up the middle between the buildings, with Pent eventually falling back to ensure Dorcas stayed alive. Eliwood hit 20 and promoted, while Dart hit level 20 and will now be riding the bench due to the Ocean Seal's cost. Raven, Rebecca, Lucius, Serra, Legault and Ninian took the east side, netting a handful of levels for each of them. Had to let the Thief open all the chests, then boxed him in so I could have Legault steal the items back once he got there. Got Harken no trouble. Eliwood grabbed the kill on Kenneth, netting a 17-turn clear (-1).
Turn Count: 239 (+4)
Eliwood's Averages:
Level: 20/2
Hp: 38 (+0)
Str: 19 (+3)
Skill: 12 (-3)
Speed: 19 (+3)
Luck: 19 (+3)
Def: 14 (+2)
Res: 12 (+2)
For the first time ever, Eliwood has seriously impressed me.
Ch. 28: This took quite a few tries. One of which ended with Ursula doubling Zephiel with Bolting on the final turn. (/wrists) Had to field the all-star team to get it done. Hector, Eliwood, Pris, Serra, Ninian, Guy, Heath, Florina, Raven, Legault. Bum-rushed down the left side. Guy, Eliwood, Heath ganged up on Maxime to kill him with Lance-reavers. Several of the foot units were carried along for a lot of the top part. Raven and Pris dealt with the fighters to the east, then kited the Hero backwards as Raven was healed and the pair followed behind the rest of the group. Florina, Eliwood, Serra, Guy and NPC Jaffar did a hard dive into the bottom section where the re-enforcements pile up, but Eliwood is godlike and blew down a ton of them. Legault got all 4 chests and managed to steal the Earth Seal from the Druid. Last 2-3 turns were a bit touch-and-go since Ursula starts moving, but she fortunately decided to try to peg people with Bolting from long-range instead of moving up. Nino recruited without trouble, and conditions for 28x met.
Turn Count: 254 (+4)
Ch. 28x: Deployed: Hector, Nino, Eliwood, Serra, Pris, Raven, Guy, Florina, Heath, Ninian, Jaffar, Legault. Stole Blue Gem/Angelic Robe, got all the chests. Became much more manageable once I get the status-staff guys down, and Sonia broke her Bolting ATTEMPTING to hit Eliwood. Didn't have any trouble with the walkways. 20-turn clear. (-8)
Turn Count: 274 (-4)
Ch. 29: Deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Serra, Pris, Pent, Erk, Heath, Florina, Guy, Ninian. Totally ignored the top side, and just focused on the bottom and the middle. Things got a bit hairy when I pulled the Valks/Special Druids, but I got out okay. Unfortunately Lloyd is ridiculously hard to kill, and a Wyvern Rider lead me on a wild goose chase, so I didn't shave as many turns as I would have liked. I finished it in 19 (-1), despite reaching Lloyd on like, turn 14.
Turn Count: 293 (-5)[/collapse]
[collapse="30-Light AKA THE NEW STUFF"]
Ch. 30: Deployed Hector & Legault. Stole the Speedwings & Goddess Icon, left the Pure Water behind, but got the Wolf Beil. Didn't realize this one was going to take so many turns on a 0-chapter (17). Gonna have to try to save on Victory or Death and Light Part 1.
Turn Count: 310 (+12)
Ch. 31: Deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Priscilla, Serra, Erk, Pent, Guy, Raven, Harken, Oswin, Florina, Guy, Heath, Legault. Not that difficult. Got the chests without much trouble, had the entire map cleared by turn 9, but had to wait it out anyway.

11-turns due to protect chapter.
Turn Count: 321 (+12)
Shopping List:
Killing Edge x5
Killer Lance x5
Silver Lance x4
Javelin x7
Killer Axe x4
Silver Axe x3
Hand Axe x6
Heal x3
Mend x2
Killer Bowx2
Ch. 31x: Shopping is hard. Filled in a bit of EXP at the Arena, bought a bunch of stuff. Gonna burn the last of the money in the Secret Shop on Physics/Promo Items.
Turn Count: 326 (+12)
Exp Benchmarks:
Hector: 1900 + 627 = 2527
Ninian: 1200
Eliwood: 1900 + 1202 = 3102
Lyn: ~1000
Serra: ~1300 + 1069 = 2369
Pris: 1700 + 393 = 2093
Guy: 1700 + 909 = 2609
Florina: 1200 + 925 = 2125
Raven: 1400 + 658 = 2058
Oswin: 1100 + 159 = 1259
Erk: 895 + 388 = 1288
Heath: 1300 + 901 = 2201
Legault: 700
Pent: 421
Geitz: 268
Harken: 134
Nino: 61
Lucius: 578
Kent: 800
Dorcas: 500
Dart: 1100
Rebecca: 1787
Canas: 922
Matthew: 1300
Hawkeye: 293
Sain: 400
Marcus: 120
Lowen: 368
Bartre: 347
Wil: 100
Isadora: 10
Rath: ~50
Louise: 27
Jaffar: 23
Vaida: 16
Total: 34, 163
Needed: 40, 850
Still need like 60 levels, wtf.
Ch. 32: Sent Hector, Eliwood, Pris, Nils, Heath to the north. Guy, Raven, Florina, Pent, and Erk up the middle. Harken, Oswin, Geitz, Vaida and Serra to the south. Top side cleared super fast, nailed a 10-turn clear. (-5) Would've liked to have time to use the Secret Shop to pad my funds, but re-enforcements were about to become unmanageable. Got all 3 villages (Renault, Talisman, whatever the other thing was) Limstella kill was super easy because Eliwood got there in time to attack her while she still had Bolting Equipped and crit her for 45, doing 60 of her 77 HP in one round of combat.
Skipped 32x in hopes of maybe squeaking by on the turn-count.
Turn Count: 336 (+7)
Final Chapter: Light: Deployed: Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Athos, Pris, Serra, Guy, Harken, Heath, Florina, Nils, Pent. This was a little scary because of the speed on some of the enemies. Heath manned up and crit Uhai with the Brave Lance, getting that room under control. Eliwood & Florina handled Kenneth & the Gespenst Druid. Harken handled Darin. Guy took Brendan, then Guy + Heath took Ursula & Jerme. Lloyd was the scariest to deal with because he has WAY too much speed. Athos + Eliwood got it done. Nergal was dealt with swiftly by Athos and a handful of others. Cleared Part 1 in 8 turns (+0).
The Dragon took 2 turns to deal with after checking how much damage I could do in ONE turn. Athos took an attack on Enemy phase 1, then Athos, Eliwood, Hector and Heath x2 did in the neighborhood of 20 each, with Heath netting the final kill because favoritism.
I also realized my turn-count was a bit off due to the Protect turns adding an extra turn that I forgot about, so it was more like +12 or so in the end.
[collapse="The Final Chapter A-Team"]
Note: Photos are taken right before the final blow was dealt to the Dragon.
Good speed, but otherwise very average, as she is robed. Wasn't used for combat anyway, just healing.
Massively ahead on Strength (+4.5) and Res (+3), average otherwise.
Ahead on HP (+3, without the robe), WAY behind on skill (-5), way ahead on Luck (+4). Average otherwise.
Great Strength (+3) actually kinda poor Speed (-2.5), INSANE Luck (+6), slightly above average Def/Res. Did hella work.
Slightly above average speed (+1.5), but otherwise very average. Serra's so godlike.
My boy! Dose Afa's. Ahead on luck by a little, relatively average otherwise, he just hit his caps much earlier than he would have without HHM/Drops. Carried second-hardest behind Eliwood.
Speaking of which....
[collapse="Eliwood gets his Own Collapse Tag"]
Finishing up at +3 Str, -5 Skill, +3 speed, +5 luck, +2 Def, and +4 Res, the most godlike Eliwood I've ever had! (Speed capped at like level 8 or something)
[collapse="Raz's thoughts on the Run"]
All in all, I'm very happy with how it turned out. Though I didn't manage the S-Rank in the end, I feel VERY satisfied with pushing through and getting so close, and I learned a lot.
Reflecting on my mistakes, I should have looked into just how much EXP I was going to need, as I think Xeylode suggested. I benched several units too early, preventing me from milking them for EXP. (Bartre at 5, Wil at 4, Lowen at 5, Fiora at 7)
I'll also likely use LESS Lyn mode in the future, as that cost me a good deal of levels I could have otherwise gotten. I will still use SOME, but I'll likely leave more room for Serra, Nils/Ninian, Erk, Matthew and Dorcas to milk their early join-time benefits.
Turn-wise, I also underestimated the number of turns Ch. 30 was going to take. That'll be an area that I have to try to optimize as much as possible. Now that I have a base-line for myself, that gives me important information to work with.
Altogether, it was very challenging and incredibly satisfying to finally finish it, and I got to do it while retaining my own unique playstyle and still working in some favoritism towards my favorite units like Heath. I'll probably do another attempt at an S-rank run someday, but for now, this leaves me feeling very accomplished.
Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the run! Most difficult chapters, units who didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, specific stats of anyone in particular you want to see, etc.