Currently in the process of re-reading. Just finished the first 4 pages. Here are my thoughts so far:
Alright so this post is what end up generating a whole lot of back and forth. On it's own it doesn't really do much for me, seems pretty fillerish but again, considering the stage of the game, it comes off as just kinda RVS with some "feeling some players out" type questions thrown in. I don't think the post tries to build itself up to be anymore than it is, and as a result, I don't see it as very scummy at all.
Regarding the question posed @ me about Cdubs, we read each other like open textbooks IRL to the point where it almost isn't fun to play together, but this is the first time we've played together online, so I have no idea really what to expect. We know quite a bit about each other's personality and general playstyle though, so if either of us is acting "off" so to speak at the very least that will be easy to pick up on.
lolwat @ blatant bandwagonning with an attempted "lol y u guiz so serious in RVS" disarming statement.
Wait, since when can you "fish for reactions" when you're just telling the guy you're trying to get reactions out of that you're uh, doing just that? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Really strange scumhunting coming from adumb here if you can even call it that. =/
You're voting for someone because you're curious as to why he gets offended so easily? Wait what? You don't even take a stance as to whether or not you think him being offended as anything to do with his alignment. This just feels
really kneejerk to me.
Why are you asking him if it's dangerous? Afraid to take a stance on meta reads and how qualified they might be at this stage in the game? This is such an empty question that really serves no purpose other than to lead another player's direction of discussion, question his reads, and ultimately not take any stance and just
appear to be contributing. Probably the scummiest post in the game up to this point.
Weird jump on the Gordito wagon. "Hey guys check it out I know what wagons are going on and I'm gonna act like I'm important and stuff and start grilling Gordito to, like I'm some kind of arbitrator between him and his attackers." This just gives me a deliberately fency "Hey player X, player Y said some **** about you, how does that make you feel" vibe, again, similar to Red Ryu's post that I just commented on. It doesn't add anything to the discussion but just makes you look like an active proponent of the wagon, but also keep the door open to switch to defense if necessary.
Will you take a freaking stance on meta reads already? First you say "oh he's the scummiest based on what you've brought up", but then in the very same sentence say that using meta can be dangerous unless you're "absolutely sure of his intentions" (implying this is like, ever reliably the case). But wait, Zen's case is in large part meta. How the hell can you think his case makes Gordito clearly the scummiest player, when you JUST SAID that you think the methods he used are dangerous? Do you think Gord is actually scummy, or are you just trying to suck up to aggroZen? Are we ever going to get a clear stance from you?
lol @ Cdubs ranting about "GETTHELURKER" pseudo scumhunting. Agreed @ the sheep vibe call out on Raziek.
"Hey guys stop calling me out for doing stuff that other people did! Go pay attention to them, not me!" is what I'm getting out of this. If you have such distaste for "zerg-rushing" someone, why don't you take a harder stance on it, and maybe a vote to accompany that? Oh wait, you're just trying to deflect attention again. Oh yeah, and "clam yourselves down" is blatant AtE so mega dislike.
lol more kneejerk AtE and deflecting. lol "omg we'll never catch scum D1". lol @ you still not taking stances and voting when apparently so much has you upset.
Implying that you need to have
new information or reasons to explain why you're joining a wagon? Wat? Do you seriously believe that if you have nothing new to add then you are exempt from stating anything relative to your motivations for joining, like maybe, explaining what part of X player's actions you find scummy and/or why specifically you agree with certain players on the wagon?
This is really all you have to comment on? And then...
You vote BeatStick for.... confirming unnecessarily in RVS? Huh?
Definitely will be scrutinizing Red Ryu, Glyph, Luxor, and Raziek as I continue.