Ryu: You say to Zen that "his behaviour at Gordy" is making you question him. Elaborate; currently sounding unfounded and fluffy. Have you played any other games of Mafia before?
Part of his argument for going after Gordy was his experience in past games and he was pretty quick to throw a hammer at him based on that alone, it seems like he's being quick to throw legit hammers at people rather than get reliable reads.
Zen is looking pretty scummy. X1 is posting small and not really helping.
@Red Ryu
If Zen and X1 are definitely suspicious to you, who's on your town list?
X1 is trying to distance himself at this point, confirmed town? I'm getting a town vibe from you but not really anyone after that. I'll need to keep looking around and continue hunting before I can get more town vibes.
You have been a lot more helpful in scum hunting than Zen has.
My claims are never random (if that's what you mean by wild). I have reasoning for everything I say. There hasn't been a single thing that I have said that I do not have reasoning for. Just because you don't agree with my reasoning doesn't mean I don't have it.
Do you have reasoning for claiming I hope to get lucky? That's a pretty wild claim there and very hypocritical.
You were pretty quick to jump off the Gordy claim and go after another person as if you lost your claim on him when called on it.
Your hoping that others think like you do with a person which is where the "hope you get lucky" part came from. You may have reasoning but your quick to jump ship when people don't follow your lead.
Get in the game..
And can you respond to this. You ignoring makes me just take it that you don't disagree:
Doesn't mean your town, the fact you continued with that reasoning which I found half of it flawed with out game experience and your argument seemed to rely on it too much.
I don't think your town either.
You really think I care why they view and leave? All I care about is their response, duh. Scum are scum so they will be weary of everything they do and respond in excuse form. Town just don't think anything of it. At least that's the basic read.
Overswarm I'm not dumb. I'm not going to think someone is scummy for that. I just want scum to think it's scummy.
Not that it matters anymore.
Eye roll my I's at you.
Why even ask this question then? This question doesn't seem to have a purpose if you don't care for the reasoning they are going to leave?
@Red Ryu: Please pull up 1 quote or series of quotes where I rode on Zen's claims
Well then,
Man no-one even comments on me ****ing about...
Fortunately I've just been given a gift from the heavens, listing every player like that when there is definitely nothing to say about them is probably the stongest standard tell there is
Vote: Gordito
After Zen starts his, Lynch Gordy, you seemed to jump right on the bandwagon.
You immediately ask people to jump on when Zen was the only person to post, pretty quick to get people to jump on, maybe to hide your scum buddies perhaps?
If you post without voting gordito, I expect you to explain why you are not, despite the fact that its the most pro-town thing to do at this point. Zen is the only exception to this rule because he is a dude
You tell people that if they want to look like town they should vote on Gordy. But the message you are sending is, "vote Gordy or your next to be lynched" Why are were you getting people to follow the Zen bandwagon and make it seem like you were contributing stuff like this.
Are you ****ing simple or something son?
Instead of giving reasoning you tell off another saying they are dumb for not jumping on the band wagon to thinking list = scum for Gordy.
Ok I will plain ignore you until he is dead, and upon his scum flip, you are dead.
@Adum: the fact you posted your #63 (particularly paragraph 3) makes it ok to vote Gboy now. Please do so.
More tells off to get your point in as well as demanding Adum follow the lead.
This whole thing with limited reasoning and rebuttal makes it look like your quick to jump on other bandwagons heck even your votes have looked like you jump on whoever you want to get someone lynched.
You vote and drop it constantly on multiple people. You don't stick to people or go investigating you seem to just let other people do it rather than you making anything legit.
@People who didn't get the post on time: packer game is making work at a grocery store pretty busy getting ready for the Friday, Saturday rush. >_< Sorry.