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Final Zelda Discussion - What's In, what's out?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
...wait, what? Who said anything of transforming? Tetra is Tetra. She starts WW as Tetra and she ends it as Tetra.
Well, as much as I'd love to carry on arguing, I have an appointment with my bed and a chemistry book.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Forget Tetra... I say Tingle and Skull Kid has the best chance... Tingle just because he was in more than anyone(I think)that hasn't already been in. Skull Kid because he would be awesome, have quicker attacks than Ganondorf and be powerful too. Plus maybe a levitating or flying ability.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Well tingle is already in melee, as part of the termina stage, why would he be playable NOW, now that he hasnt appeared in TP, the latest zelda agme, then when he was newly introduced MM back when melee was released, and I have given my toughts on SK MANY times...


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
they had zelda turn into shiek cause it was the last zelda game before ssbm

that leads me to think that the might have zelda turn into tetra the pirate dude.but just a thought


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Still to come out, Plus he's been in other games such as Melee, Majoras Mask, Oracle of ages and seasons, Wind Waker, possibly Phantom Hourglass, and soon to be in his own title. And Stryks, I don't care about your Skull Kid thoughts and I wouldn't know because I didn't read anything but one above my last.

Deleted member

Dare I intervene? And add my two cents?
I personally think that the Zelda roster will be looking like that:

SSBM: Link, Young Link, Ganondorf, Zelda, Sheik (5 total)
SSBB: Link, Cel Shaded Link, Ganondorf, Zelda, Midna, Zant (6 total )

Before you yell at me, let me explain. Be warned that my personal opinion affects this too, as I am a TP fan and I really like both Midna and Zant. I also think that Sheik is getting the boot and is replaced by ZSS. But please don't yell at me for this either.

Now for Zant and Midna. Let's start with the female Twili here. Midna. In case you were about to make a bad joke.
Midna is pretty much the iconic character for Twilight Princess, and very popular among fans. Let's not forget that she is the in the newest big title, and that count. A LOT. She has 3 different forms to chose from as a character (Regular, on Wolf Link, True Form). Her moveset wouldn't be a problem either. I think she has very good chances of being in, more than any other TP character. Not much else to say here.
Now for Zant. That one is more difficult. I am well aware that he is not as popular as Midna and has not been around for as long as Vaati or SKull Kid. But, again, he is the main antagonistfor msot of TP, which is the newest big title. Yes, I dare call him main antagonist because Ganondorf doesn't show up in person until the very end of the game. And don't you come with Skull Kid now, sorry. While both are being manipulated by the true villain, Zant is merely influenced and powered by Ganondorf, while Skull Kid is pretty much controlled. Ganondorf only shows up very late, the mask is present from the very beginning and recognized as a threat as well. And just because you can't see his face for a long time (a poitn someone brought up previously) doesn't mean he doesn't count a villain o_O You can see Skull Kid's face even less. And honestly, a moveset for Zant would not be a problem either. I daresay he has more abilities than Skull Kid, who doesn't really show many remarkable feats other than summoning the moon, which could be implemented only as a Super Smash Attack.
Now about Zant's character. I really like him, mainly for the same reason I like Skull Kid (Yes, I do): He was not simply evil just because. While Skull Kid was driven by sadness and anger, so was Zant. I have to say I was a bit turned down by his twist of personality at the end, but now I like it. It really shows how mentally unstable he is, he basically has a mental breakdown when confronted again with his actual motivation for doing what he does. After he told Link his past, he flips. That's awesome. Of course we all love the cold-hearted, cool villains, but the twisted lunatic is a very welcome change for me.
And, as I already said, the fact that he was in the newest big Zelda title boosts his chances dramatically. Look at Sheik. Look at Roy. Nintendo doesn't always consider who has been around longer or who is more deserving.

That's enough for now. Please take your time to read what I said, I am more than willing to discuss this peacefully. I hope for a nice, refreshing debate.

Touche, touche. You make some interesting points, but it is a difference of opinion as far as his character goes. While you feel he had a mental breakdown, I feel he didn't get to develop as a character enough to keep from spinning somewhat out of control. I feel the mask added to this separated feeling I got from him, which is usually how most Zelda villains make you feel until near the end. Skull kid, on the other hand, was influenced rather than being over-the-top. Because of Majora's Mask Skull kid was made into a monster, while Zant was apparently always as crazy as he turns out to be - or he was crushed emotionally by power/Ganondorf.

'Brawl-wise, I would say both have slim chances. Zelda villains usually take a back seat to any and all heroes, as is the way the story is told to the player. The reason I preferred Skull kid to Zant, and MM to TP, is that the distanced feel between you and the other characters of the game isn't so large. You aren't so alone, and there's a level of desperation when the "moon" is almost touching the clock tower. It is how MM stepped away from the other games. TP, except the absence of a young Link, is reminiscent of the older games in the way it commandeers it's story.

Now I've trailed off their chances for 'Brawl again, but I have more to say about the actual games. Again, you brung up some excellent points.

Stryks, sorry I sort of ignored you here but Serpit covered everything you said and a little more. :psycho:


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Wow. Great thread Mendez. I can’t believe no one thought to make a single thread for all the Zelda characters before now.

Warning: Beware of Twilight Princess Spoilers! I’m not going to blot them out because the game has been out for almost five months now. If you own a Gamecube or Wii, and you still haven’t played it yet, you have no one to blame but yourself if you spoil the game for yourself.

Anyway, I thought I’d weigh in on which characters from Nintendo’s most respected series have a shot at appearing in Brawl.


Twilight Princess Link- I think we can all agree it was a good call to include the Twilight Princess version of Link. Not only is it a great way to pay tribute to the Wii’s first must-own game, but it also makes sense given that this version of Link is about 500% more awesome looking than any his predecessors.

Very Likely:

Twilight Princess Ganondorf-
He’s unquestionably the main villain in the franchise, so you can bet that Ganondorf will be returning. My guess is that he will appear in his Twilight Princesss form, just like Link. He’ll likely get a new moveset based on his sword in TP and perhaps the odd physical attack, so that fans of his Melee moveset won’t be totally alienated.

Twilight Princess Zelda-
Rounding out the legendary (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?!) trio is Zelda. I see her ditching Sheik (thank goodness) in favor of a new moveset based on her role in TP. Perhaps they could give her access to her rapier, or give her some new magic attacks, or both.

If you’ve played Twilight Princess, you know that Midna is more than the least annoying sidekick in Zelda history (O.K, she’s still pretty annoying at times…) she’s also the real hero of Twilight Princess. That’s right, she’s even more central to the plot that Link. Sure, fairy boy is the one you control from beginning to end – but for the game’s protagonist, you could stand in a puddle of his character without getting wet (ie: he’s an incredibly shallow character). Conversely, Midna proves to be the focus of most of the character events in the game (particularily in the later half of the game) so she ultimately gets more character development than anyone else in TP. In short, she will almost certainly make it into Brawl, given her importance in TP.

Which brings us to the question: which version of Midna will get in? Most people I’ve talked to seem to expect the Imp version of Midna as that is the form she appears in for the entire game, up until the game’s finale. Personally, I’m partial to Midna’s humanoid Twili form as that is the character’s “true” form (the Imp form she is more known for was just the result of Zant’s curse). Sadly, this will probably only happen if the Smash team gets pressed for time and decides to include her as a Zelda clone (perhaps could Zelda having based entirely on light magic and give Midna dark magic).

Wind Waker Link (aka: Young Link)-
I don’t care what anyone says. Windwaker’s cell shaped graphics made it the most visually stunning Zelda game of all time. Don’t get me wrong, I think the decision to go with a more realistic graphical style in Twilight Princess was a good one, but its hard not to notice the slightly wooden appearance in some of its characters compared to Wind Waker. What better way to pay tribute to this Gamecube masterpiece (and its highly anticipated DS sequel: Phantom Hourglass) than to include the most expressive and entertaining version of everyone’s favorite Green tunic-wearing hero: Wind Waker Link. This version of Young Link is far more worthy of being in Brawl than Melee’s Young Link for 2 reasons:

1)This version of the character many more recent games (Windwaker, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass) than the OoT/MM Young Link .


2) He wears pants. A definite plus.

Possible, Not Likely:

And the award for most hilarious boss fight goes to…

Contrary to what some people may think, Zant is not the main villain in Twilight Princess. He may get more face time than Ganondorf, but he all his evil deeds were really committed by Ganondorf, who was using him as a puppet until he could take physical form. He’s a cool villain, to be sure, but with so many Twilight Princess characters worthy of a spot on the Brawl roster, I seriously doubt that Zant stands a chance.

Wolf Link-
This character just screams “Link’s Super Move”, but it looks like that won’t be the case. Unless they go the Zero-Samus route and allow Link to transform under certain conditions, I don’t think Wolfy has much of a chance.

I respect the character, really I do, but is he really Brawl potential? Unless he appears as the villain in Phantom Hourglass (highly, highly unlikely) I seriously doubt that the Smash development team chose to include him.

Skull Kid-
Objectively speaking, Twilight Princess is greatest Zelda game to date (it has the epic feel equal to OoT and ALttP, it has the most memorable dungeons, the most massive overworld, more memorable characters and fun items than ever before, and the Wii’s motion sensitive controls make the experience far more immersive) but my favorite Zelda story is still Majora’s Mask. In series more often than not content to recycle the same tired storyline revolving around Zelda, Ganon and the Triforce, MM took the series in a bold new direction with a storyline more akin to a bizarre hybrid of the movie Groundhog’s Day and an episode of the Twilight Zone. What elevated Majora’s story above all other Zelda games, in my opinion, is its highly memorable side quests (Aliens abducting cows. ‘Nuff said.) as well as creepy characters like the Happy Mask Salesman and, of course, the Shull Kid.

As the most unique villain in the series, and my personal favorite Zelda character, I would gladly give an arm and a leg to see him in Brawl. Unfortunately, if he was included my sense is that the Smash team would have to include the most recent version of the Skull Kid, and that would mean the character’s appearance in the Sacred Grove sidequest (one of my favorite parts of Twilight Princess) which, sadly, has far less potential for a unique moveset than the highly underrated Majora’s Mask wearing villain. My hope is that he will appear as a stage hazard in a Sacred Grove temple, at the very least.

She’s the most interesting Zelda in the series, but with Twilight Princess getting all the press these days, that’s probably the version that will ultimately get in the game.

As one of the most hated videogame characters of all time, I think having Tingle in Brawl would be great. There are few characters I would have more fun kicking the crap out of than he. However, given that his game was never released to North America, I think that Nintendo is aware of that Tingle’s appeal is somewhat limited outside Japan (to say the least…) so he will probably be cut for this very reason. I’m guessing he will return as a stage hazard, probably in a Wind Waker themed stage.

Zero Chance:

Despite being the cheapest and most overused character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Sheik is one of the least important characters in the Zelda series (having appeared in only one game).Here’s hoping that this abomination never appears in any game ever again, let alone Brawl.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I think Tingle has a little more chance and it is not known if his game will eventually reach U.S. But I think Zant and Skull Kid have the highest chances.

Deleted member

I think Wiseguy hit the nail on the head with his description of Zant. Not likely at all.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2006
Vienna, Austria, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
Touche, touche. You make some interesting points, but it is a difference of opinion as far as his character goes. While you feel he had a mental breakdown, I feel he didn't get to develop as a character enough to keep from spinning somewhat out of control. I feel the mask added to this separated feeling I got from him, which is usually how most Zelda villains make you feel until near the end. Skull kid, on the other hand, was influenced rather than being over-the-top. Because of Majora's Mask Skull kid was made into a monster, while Zant was apparently always as crazy as he turns out to be - or he was crushed emotionally by power/Ganondorf.

'Brawl-wise, I would say both have slim chances. Zelda villains usually take a back seat to any and all heroes, as is the way the story is told to the player. The reason I preferred Skull kid to Zant, and MM to TP, is that the distanced feel between you and the other characters of the game isn't so large. You aren't so alone, and there's a level of desperation when the "moon" is almost touching the clock tower. It is how MM stepped away from the other games. TP, except the absence of a young Link, is reminiscent of the older games in the way it commandeers it's story.

Now I've trailed off their chances for 'Brawl again, but I have more to say about the actual games. Again, you brung up some excellent points.

Stryks, sorry I sort of ignored you here but Serpit covered everything you said and a little more. :psycho:
Thanks for the appreciation. It's always nice if the opposite side in a discussion is as thoughtful as you.

I am well aware that our personal opinions split. I like Zant very much, more than Vaati (Who I always felt was a sad Ganon knockoff, sorry), and a little more than Skull Kid (FYI, I really wanted to see Skull Kid in Melee, but meh), while you don't seem to like Zant very much. I am perfectly fine with that.

And I am also aware that from my roster Zant is the least likely, but for me, it was a logical conclusion. If the scenario of Young Link getting replaced with Cel Shaded Link and Sheik being replaced with ZSS is true, we will probably get 2-3 new characters. Zelda is such an important franchise, and it is very likely that the SSBB cast will feature 1-2 more Zelda character than SSBM. I have always seen the handheld villains (Veran, Onox, Vaati) as rather unimportant and I personally couldn't care less about Vaati, so it came down to Skull Kid and Zant. Here's a bit of personal opinion again, but mainly the fact that Zant is from TP, the current big Zelda title.

Now, @ Wiseguy

And the award for most hilarious boss fight goes to…

Contrary to what some people may think, Zant is not the main villain in Twilight Princess. He may get more face time than Ganondorf, but he all his evil deeds were really committed by Ganondorf, who was using him as a puppet until he could take physical form. He’s a cool villain, to be sure, but with so many Twilight Princess characters worthy of a spot on the Brawl roster, I seriously doubt that Zant stands a chance.
Your post was overall very detailed and nice, but I don't completely agree with you. I don't think Zant was really controlled by Ganondorf. He was not possessed. Ganon simply gave Zant power, a bond with him and probably some bad ideas. Without a doubt Zant's already fragile mental frame suffered some cracks from the connection, but he turned the Twili in hideous beings and overran Hyrule because he wanted to. It was Zant's decision.

And, hell, at the end, he dealt the final blow to Ganondorf. At least that's how I and many others interprete it. Severing the conenction that kept them both alive, symbolized by snapping his neck, thereby killing Ganondorf. That makes him just so much better in the end :p

Edit: I am not impying that Ganondorf is dead forever now, just that Zant finished him off in that particular game.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Now, @ Wiseguy

Your post was overall very detailed and nice, but I don't completely agree with you. I don't think Zant was really controlled by Ganondorf. He was not possessed. Ganon simply gave Zant power, a bond with him and probably some bad ideas. Without a doubt Zant's already fragile mental frame suffered some cracks from the connection, but he turned the Twili in hideous beings and overran Hyrule because he wanted to. It was Zant's decision.

And, hell, at the end, he dealt the final blow to Ganondorf. At least that's how I and many others interprete it. Severing the conenction that kept them both alive, symbolized by snapping his neck, thereby killing Ganondorf. That makes him just so much better in the end :p

Edit: I am not impying that Ganondorf is dead forever now, just that Zant finished him off in that particular game.
Well, I suppose the level of control that Ganondorf had over Zant is open to interpretation.

I'm not against the idea of Zant appearing. Personally, I think he would make an interesting addition to Brawl. I just don't see him as likely as characters like Midna and Wind Waker Link.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2006
Vienna, Austria, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
Well, I suppose the level of control that Ganondorf had over Zant is open to interpretation.

I'm not against the idea of Zant appearing. Personally, I think he would make an interesting addition to Brawl. I just don't see him as likely as characters like Midna and Wind Waker Link.
Neither do I. Yet there is a possibility that Midna, WW Link and someone else is added. And who would be more likely in your opinion than Zant?


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
do you think they want more than one villian from the zelda series.I think they need a nutral or anti hero,but not minda or skull kid


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Neither do I. Yet there is a possibility that Midna, WW Link and someone else is added. And who would be more likely in your opinion than Zant?
Hmm.. good question. Although he's not my favorite Zelda character (understatment) I'd have to give a slight edge to Tingle. He has appeared on his own spin off game, although I haven't heard a North American release date for it yet. (Surprise, surprise)


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Besides Tingle, I really want Skull Kid. He can levitate for his standing still(moving)position. Also he could levitate like Peach or have the ability to fly. Plus he can have dark powers...all in all, I think he would just be great. His level could be the clock tower and you can see the moon and giants above you, pushing the moon away.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2006
Vienna, Austria, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
Hmm.. good question. Although he's not my favorite Zelda character (understatment) I'd have to give a slight edge to Tingle. He has appeared on his own spin off game, although I haven't heard a North American release date for it yet. (Surprise, surprise)
Eww... I admit Tingle is fairly popular in Japan, but he seems to be mainly disliked everywhere else. I simply hope Sakurai's statement that he does not want to include character that only appeal to the Japanese holds true for Tingle :p


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
That's nice Creo... you don't need to spam it.

Hero: Link (tp)

Sidekick: Midna (on wolfback)
(unknown pokemon)

Villian: Gannondorf

Princess: Zelda (TP)

Spinoff 1: Young Link (cel)

Spinoff 2: Tingle
(another new pokemon)

All of this puts ther major franchises on par with each other.

Deleted member

Thanks for the appreciation. It's always nice if the opposite side in a discussion is as thoughtful as you.

I am well aware that our personal opinions split. I like Zant very much, more than Vaati (Who I always felt was a sad Ganon knockoff, sorry), and a little more than Skull Kid (FYI, I really wanted to see Skull Kid in Melee, but meh), while you don't seem to like Zant very much. I am perfectly fine with that.

And I am also aware that from my roster Zant is the least likely, but for me, it was a logical conclusion. If the scenario of Young Link getting replaced with Cel Shaded Link and Sheik being replaced with ZSS is true, we will probably get 2-3 new characters. Zelda is such an important franchise, and it is very likely that the SSBB cast will feature 1-2 more Zelda character than SSBM. I have always seen the handheld villains (Veran, Onox, Vaati) as rather unimportant and I personally couldn't care less about Vaati, so it came down to Skull Kid and Zant. Here's a bit of personal opinion again, but mainly the fact that Zant is from TP, the current big Zelda title.
As you are fine with my feelings on the matter, I am fine with yours. You back up your opinion with good reason, which you have displayed, so it's alright. :)

For such a large franchise, it has hardly any good characters available that are acceptible for 'Brawl or important/popular enough. Zant has a chance, as does Skull kid, but after fourteen games there should definitely be more. Don't rule out Ganon though, even as a transformed state of Ganondorf. He's appeared in every single game with Ganondorf. He would be hard to implement but represent the older games a bit. In my opinion, pig Ganon is part of the Ocarina of Time present timeline, as are most games. This is the timeline where Young Link faces Skull kid.

I say this because this is the timeline where Ganon is "killed" before he can attain the Triforce and be locked away, but is instead executed. Unlike in the timeline where Adult Link leaves Ganondorf trapped to be released for Wind Waker, Ganondorf is still as evil as ever when he breaks free. He also first utilizes his pig Ganon form chronologically in the timeline in Twilight Princess, unlike the "future" timeline where he uses it as a last-resort before being locked away. This is babbling a bit now, but hopefully this background gives ground to him being considered. No-one's even mentioned Ganon yet.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
and arent actually part of the zelda storyline, there more like side stories
If you mean they are not part of the OoT storyline and so on you're right...If you saying it meaning that the OoT is the real Zelda storyline and crap like that I must tell you that there are lots of Zelda storylines irrelevant to OoT! And they are JUST as original! OoT storyline and so on is just the most popular...That's just about it! Now to the topic! I think TP Ganondorf will steal Zant's thunder as he is really cool and fierce in his TP version. Now Midna would be great for Brawl since she is the only combat able companion Link ever had!

P.S OoT=>MM=>TP=>WW=>PH(Phantom Hourglass)
That's the timeline of OoT storyline this far...In case some sort of noob has disagreements.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2006
Vienna, Austria, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
*has disagreemtns* rabble rabble rabble!

Just kidding, seriously though, Pig Ganon... I don't know. While it surely would be nice, I'd rather see only one incarnation of Ganondorf. Maybe he could transform in his pig form, but as a whole new character... I think he's too big.

Flame me all you want, but that's my impression. He was Link's size in the first Zelda, but he was extremely huge in all the sequels (correct me please if I am wrong).

Sorry for the lame post, but I am tired. 1 am over here. Going to bed. And check out my awesome new sig xD

Deleted member

Nice, have a good sleep then.

I thought up Pig Ganon because he seems so obvious if not for his size. He's in many of the games and is awesome, he's also popular amongst fans. Sadly, his size really is a problem.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
That's got to be the greatest sig I've seen in a while Serpit. Props.

As for Pig Gannon, he could be TP Gannon's super smash attack. I'm thinking of the TP version of Pig Gannon, obviously.
I've never thought about that one. TP's Ganon could work as a single Super Smash attack, ramming people out of the stage.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I've never thought about that one. TP's Ganon could work as a single Super Smash attack, ramming people out of the stage.
My sentiment exactly, although it's kind of freaking me out how we actually agreed on something Gen G. I'm so used to fighting you tooth and nail on everything.:laugh:

Here's my original post, in case you or someone else missed it. I'm curious what you think.

Wow. Great thread Mendez. I can’t believe no one thought to make a single thread for all the Zelda characters before now.

Warning: Beware of Twilight Princess Spoilers! I’m not going to blot them out because the game has been out for almost five months now. If you own a Gamecube or Wii, and you still haven’t played it yet, you have no one to blame but yourself if you spoil the game for yourself.

Anyway, I thought I’d weigh in on which characters from Nintendo’s most respected series have a shot at appearing in Brawl.


Twilight Princess Link- I think we can all agree it was a good call to include the Twilight Princess version of Link. Not only is it a great way to pay tribute to the Wii’s first must-own game, but it also makes sense given that this version of Link is about 500% more awesome looking than any his predecessors.

Very Likely:

Twilight Princess Ganondorf-
He’s unquestionably the main villain in the franchise, so you can bet that Ganondorf will be returning. My guess is that he will appear in his Twilight Princesss form, just like Link. He’ll likely get a new moveset based on his sword in TP and perhaps the odd physical attack, so that fans of his Melee moveset won’t be totally alienated.

Twilight Princess Zelda-
Rounding out the legendary (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?!) trio is Zelda. I see her ditching Sheik (thank goodness) in favor of a new moveset based on her role in TP. Perhaps they could give her access to her rapier, or give her some new magic attacks, or both.

If you’ve played Twilight Princess, you know that Midna is more than the least annoying sidekick in Zelda history (O.K, she’s still pretty annoying at times…) she’s also the real hero of Twilight Princess. That’s right, she’s even more central to the plot that Link. Sure, fairy boy is the one you control from beginning to end – but for the game’s protagonist, you could stand in a puddle of his character without getting wet (ie: he’s an incredibly shallow character). Conversely, Midna proves to be the focus of most of the character events in the game (particularily in the later half of the game) so she ultimately gets more character development than anyone else in TP. In short, she will almost certainly make it into Brawl, given her importance in TP.

Which brings us to the question: which version of Midna will get in? Most people I’ve talked to seem to expect the Imp version of Midna as that is the form she appears in for the entire game, up until the game’s finale. Personally, I’m partial to Midna’s humanoid Twili form as that is the character’s “true” form (the Imp form she is more known for was just the result of Zant’s curse). Sadly, this will probably only happen if the Smash team gets pressed for time and decides to include her as a Zelda clone (perhaps could Zelda having based entirely on light magic and give Midna dark magic).

Wind Waker Link (aka: Young Link)-
I don’t care what anyone says. Windwaker’s cell shaped graphics made it the most visually stunning Zelda game of all time. Don’t get me wrong, I think the decision to go with a more realistic graphical style in Twilight Princess was a good one, but its hard not to notice the slightly wooden appearance in some of its characters compared to Wind Waker. What better way to pay tribute to this Gamecube masterpiece (and its highly anticipated DS sequel: Phantom Hourglass) than to include the most expressive and entertaining version of everyone’s favorite Green tunic-wearing hero: Wind Waker Link. This version of Young Link is far more worthy of being in Brawl than Melee’s Young Link for 2 reasons:

1)This version of the character many more recent games (Windwaker, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass) than the OoT/MM Young Link .


2) He wears pants. A definite plus.

Possible, Not Likely:

And the award for most hilarious boss fight goes to…

Contrary to what some people may think, Zant is not the main villain in Twilight Princess. He may get more face time than Ganondorf, but he all his evil deeds were really committed by Ganondorf, who was using him as a puppet until he could take physical form. He’s a cool villain, to be sure, but with so many Twilight Princess characters worthy of a spot on the Brawl roster, I seriously doubt that Zant stands a chance.

Wolf Link-
This character just screams “Link’s Super Move”, but it looks like that won’t be the case. Unless they go the Zero-Samus route and allow Link to transform under certain conditions, I don’t think Wolfy has much of a chance.

I respect the character, really I do, but is he really Brawl potential? Unless he appears as the villain in Phantom Hourglass (highly, highly unlikely) I seriously doubt that the Smash development team chose to include him.

Skull Kid-
Objectively speaking, Twilight Princess is greatest Zelda game to date (it has the epic feel equal to OoT and ALttP, it has the most memorable dungeons, the most massive overworld, more memorable characters and fun items than ever before, and the Wii’s motion sensitive controls make the experience far more immersive) but my favorite Zelda story is still Majora’s Mask. In series more often than not content to recycle the same tired storyline revolving around Zelda, Ganon and the Triforce, MM took the series in a bold new direction with a storyline more akin to a bizarre hybrid of the movie Groundhog’s Day and an episode of the Twilight Zone. What elevated Majora’s story above all other Zelda games, in my opinion, is its highly memorable side quests (Aliens abducting cows. ‘Nuff said.) as well as creepy characters like the Happy Mask Salesman and, of course, the Shull Kid.

As the most unique villain in the series, and my personal favorite Zelda character, I would gladly give an arm and a leg to see him in Brawl. Unfortunately, if he was included my sense is that the Smash team would have to include the most recent version of the Skull Kid, and that would mean the character’s appearance in the Sacred Grove sidequest (one of my favorite parts of Twilight Princess) which, sadly, has far less potential for a unique moveset than the highly underrated Majora’s Mask wearing villain. My hope is that he will appear as a stage hazard in a Sacred Grove temple, at the very least.

She’s the most interesting Zelda in the series, but with Twilight Princess getting all the press these days, that’s probably the version that will ultimately get in the game.

As one of the most hated videogame characters of all time, I think having Tingle in Brawl would be great. There are few characters I would have more fun kicking the crap out of than he. However, given that his game was never released to North America, I think that Nintendo is aware of that Tingle’s appeal is somewhat limited outside Japan (to say the least…) so he will probably be cut for this very reason. I’m guessing he will return as a stage hazard, probably in a Wind Waker themed stage.

Zero Chance:

Despite being the cheapest and most overused character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Sheik is one of the least important characters in the Zelda series (having appeared in only one game).Here’s hoping that this abomination never appears in any game ever again, let alone Brawl.

Deleted member

Wow. Great thread Mendez. I can’t believe no one thought to make a single thread for all the Zelda characters before now.

Warning: Beware of Twilight Princess Spoilers! I’m not going to blot them out because the game has been out for almost five months now. If you own a Gamecube or Wii, and you still haven’t played it yet, you have no one to blame but yourself if you spoil the game for yourself.

Anyway, I thought I’d weigh in on which characters from Nintendo’s most respected series have a shot at appearing in Brawl.


Twilight Princess Link- I think we can all agree it was a good call to include the Twilight Princess version of Link. Not only is it a great way to pay tribute to the Wii’s first must-own game, but it also makes sense given that this version of Link is about 500% more awesome looking than any his predecessors.

Agreed here. Seeing as the first promotional videos of 'Brawl were around the time of the big real centered around the Wii, it was a great idea by Nintendo to include Twilight Princess Link. And a logical one. Including a model from two consoles prior to the one you're advertising is embarassing.

Very Likely:

Twilight Princess Ganondorf-
He’s unquestionably the main villain in the franchise, so you can bet that Ganondorf will be returning. My guess is that he will appear in his Twilight Princesss form, just like Link. He’ll likely get a new moveset based on his sword in TP and perhaps the odd physical attack, so that fans of his Melee moveset won’t be totally alienated.

Twilight Princess Zelda-
Rounding out the legendary (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?!) trio is Zelda. I see her ditching Sheik (thank goodness) in favor of a new moveset based on her role in TP. Perhaps they could give her access to her rapier, or give her some new magic attacks, or both.

Double agreed. It's not confirmed yet, but it's basically certain with the main character leading the way. How they handle Zelda, though, is something to wonder about. As leaving her old model behind completely would waste two movesets (Zelda and Sheik's), so maybe there'll be a bit of recycling.

If you’ve played Twilight Princess, you know that Midna is more than the least annoying sidekick in Zelda history (O.K, she’s still pretty annoying at times…) she’s also the real hero of Twilight Princess. That’s right, she’s even more central to the plot that Link. Sure, fairy boy is the one you control from beginning to end – but for the game’s protagonist, you could stand in a puddle of his character without getting wet (ie: he’s an incredibly shallow character). Conversely, Midna proves to be the focus of most of the character events in the game (particularily in the later half of the game) so she ultimately gets more character development than anyone else in TP. In short, she will almost certainly make it into Brawl, given her importance in TP.

Which brings us to the question: which version of Midna will get in? Most people I’ve talked to seem to expect the Imp version of Midna as that is the form she appears in for the entire game, up until the game’s finale. Personally, I’m partial to Midna’s humanoid Twili form as that is the character’s “true” form (the Imp form she is more known for was just the result of Zant’s curse). Sadly, this will probably only happen if the Smash team gets pressed for time and decides to include her as a Zelda clone (perhaps could Zelda having based entirely on light magic and give Midna dark magic).

I don't think Midna's human form has a chance in hell, frankly. Unless she's in as Zelda's clone, which wouldn't make sense if Zelda has her TP rapiers and stuff. Aside from that you're right. Midna is definitely going to be in as either a character or a stage hazard( so many possibilities here..).

Wind Waker Link (aka: Young Link)-
I don’t care what anyone says. Windwaker’s cell shaped graphics made it the most visually stunning Zelda game of all time. Don’t get me wrong, I think the decision to go with a more realistic graphical style in Twilight Princess was a good one, but its hard not to notice the slightly wooden appearance in some of its characters compared to Wind Waker. What better way to pay tribute to this Gamecube masterpiece (and its highly anticipated DS sequel: Phantom Hourglass) than to include the most expressive and entertaining version of everyone’s favorite Green tunic-wearing hero: Wind Waker Link. This version of Young Link is far more worthy of being in Brawl than Melee’s Young Link for 2 reasons:

1)This version of the character many more recent games (Windwaker, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass) than the OoT/MM Young Link .


2) He wears pants. A definite plus.

Er... 'Never liked any of this certain Link's games, but it's inevitable. If not cel-shaded, Y.Link will certainly change. All things OoT will be altered to make way for the newer generations of Zelda.

Possible, Not Likely:

And the award for most hilarious boss fight goes to…

Contrary to what some people may think, Zant is not the main villain in Twilight Princess. He may get more face time than Ganondorf, but he all his evil deeds were really committed by Ganondorf, who was using him as a puppet until he could take physical form. He’s a cool villain, to be sure, but with so many Twilight Princess characters worthy of a spot on the Brawl roster, I seriously doubt that Zant stands a chance.

Yeah, agreed. He wasn't a puppet, rather Ganondorf uses him to get what he wants. I never liked him, he has a very low chance anyway compared to Midna. Midna and Ganondorf together would serve his purpose as both a Twili character and a villain from Twilight Princess, so his inclusion(, especially over Midna,) would be ridiculous..

Wolf Link-
This character just screams “Link’s Super Move”, but it looks like that won’t be the case. Unless they go the Zero-Samus route and allow Link to transform under certain conditions, I don’t think Wolfy has much of a chance.

Yeah. No chance again. A stage hazard if not part of Link's moveset somehow. Maybe by taunting Link would transform? But it's a longshot.

I respect the character, really I do, but is he really Brawl potential? Unless he appears as the villain in Phantom Hourglass (highly, highly unlikely) I seriously doubt that the Smash development team chose to include him.

I don't know who this guy is. :urg:

Skull Kid-
Objectively speaking, Twilight Princess is greatest Zelda game to date (it has the epic feel equal to OoT and ALttP, it has the most memorable dungeons, the most massive overworld, more memorable characters and fun items than ever before, and the Wii’s motion sensitive controls make the experience far more immersive) but my favorite Zelda story is still Majora’s Mask. In series more often than not content to recycle the same tired storyline revolving around Zelda, Ganon and the Triforce, MM took the series in a bold new direction with a storyline more akin to a bizarre hybrid of the movie Groundhog’s Day and an episode of the Twilight Zone. What elevated Majora’s story above all other Zelda games, in my opinion, is its highly memorable side quests (Aliens abducting cows. ‘Nuff said.) as well as creepy characters like the Happy Mask Salesman and, of course, the Shull Kid.

As the most unique villain in the series, and my personal favorite Zelda character, I would gladly give an arm and a leg to see him in Brawl. Unfortunately, if he was included my sense is that the Smash team would have to include the most recent version of the Skull Kid, and that would mean the character’s appearance in the Sacred Grove sidequest (one of my favorite parts of Twilight Princess) which, sadly, has far less potential for a unique moveset than the highly underrated Majora’s Mask wearing villain. My hope is that he will appear as a stage hazard in a Sacred Grove temple, at the very least.

I really want him in. He's totally deservant of a spot, 'specially his MM version. I know his "time has past", but he didn't get a chance to begin with! Majora's Mask was presented poorly in 'Melee due to the lack of Skull kid and Y.Link, whilst being very similar and having his own MM stage, was pretty much OoT Y.Link. Skull Kid needs to represent the older games if everyone else is going to be based on TP, and we need another main villain. I can also see a lot of move possibilities with his levitating/mind games, as well as a super terrific moon-summoning special move! He's one of my favourite characters, one of the elite Zelda ones, and is unique to the Zelda series.

She’s the most interesting Zelda in the series, but with Twilight Princess getting all the press these days, that’s probably the version that will ultimately get in the game.

As one of the most hated videogame characters of all time, I think having Tingle in Brawl would be great. There are few characters I would have more fun kicking the crap out of than he. However, given that his game was never released to North America, I think that Nintendo is aware of that Tingle’s appeal is somewhat limited outside Japan (to say the least…) so he will probably be cut for this very reason. I’m guessing he will return as a stage hazard, probably in a Wind Waker themed stage.

No. Just no.

Zero Chance:

Despite being the cheapest and most overused character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Sheik is one of the least important characters in the Zelda series (having appeared in only one game).Here’s hoping that this abomination never appears in any game ever again, let alone Brawl.

I know you hate it, but it still has a chance. Where else will you find a transexual who changes sex THAT FAST. :laugh:
I replied to as many as I could. Hopefully I made some sort of contribution or opened your mind to other things.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Why would Pig Ganon's Size be a problem(Thinking in Ocarina's Pig Ganon) I mean, Bowser was huge in Mario 64 yet no one complains that he's small in Melee.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Bowser's size has fluctuated from game to game. As some points, he's human-sized. Ganon's size is more of a problem because he's not only huge, but some of his forms also quadruped. That gives his size a completely different distribution and make him twice as large as Bowser, unless you scale him down to a point where he just looks like a ridiculous pet. And the forms that aren't quadruped tend to have huge tails and huge weapons. Basically, huge.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2006
Vienna, Austria, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
Nice, have a good sleep then.

I thought up Pig Ganon because he seems so obvious if not for his size. He's in many of the games and is awesome, he's also popular amongst fans. Sadly, his size really is a problem.
So, back again :p 9 hours in Dreamland, Kirby sends his regards ^^

Don't get me wrong, I don't think his size makes it impossibble. It's the same as Ridley, he could probably be downsized to Bowser size or maybe a little larger. But do we really want another huge character that's bound to be slow as hell, when his spot could be taken by a more appealing one, like Vaati, Skull Kid or Zant?


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Well i never fough Ganon in TP, but seryously in Ocarina of time he was't that big, Link was as tall as his Chest/belly, and he didn't have a tail... that i remember.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Wow That image ***** my childhood memories, i didn't remember he looked that bad.

Aniway i accept my defeat, but still if he was the size of Bowser or the likes he would still look Good. But if we have TP Ganondorf i'll be happy.
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