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Farmington/Durango Tournament Rankings


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
wow. roflmao.

@Jordan: We haven't really officially met, I stayed at you Bryce and Nate's place once cuz me and Brett went to Bayfield later (after a DLP). I just know alot of people say your like, the best Link. And I love low tier characters, they always turn out to be surprising. LoVo 4 stocked my Fox in Denver (I was still sucky then), but yeah, I know link can be scary. I'm learning Bowser now, just to prove my point XD

@Zenja: That sucks. Good luck tho. I'm gonna beat your Ganon with my Bowser. Rawr.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007

cuz I double post.

p.s. Zenjamin: That's Rikku, the hottest girl in the Trio from Final Fantasy X-2. She's a thief, and sexy. I like both of those in a woman.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
I dont know, sexy AND a theif?
sounds like that would be the perfect type to seduce you and rob you blind.

anyways, Im thinking we should have a smashfest tomorrow night so we can figure out what we are doing for saturdays tourny.


Smash Rookie
Jan 3, 2008
why dont we just get ari to come up here friday night? oh and by the way i dont have my phone until tommorow being thursday, but i will be checking my email daily until i get my phone so send info to einberliner2@gmail.com please


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
"My We-G needs some diversity"

... what does that mean?

also, did you get my phone message? about driving some durangans down to the tourny saturday?


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
I think he's talking about Lu "We-G" (Luigi...) but its just a guess.

Can;t wait to meet and play you all. See you Fridy or Saturday k

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
ok so smashfest where? who needs me to take them to farmington? When? and ... guess Im lost, just let me know if you guys want to play, my place is open for playing any night or weekend, just need an extra tv. Anyway, 18th DLP was pushed back due to the host of LPEA bieng busy, so Ill keep you updated. PIKMAN! YEAHHHHH! Still ganna play sonic though....

Totaly just cancelled my gamestop pre-order though after I found out they werent midnight releasing it... Guess Ill go to P'n'T


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
I, at least, will need a ride down to farmington. we can make it friday night so we can smash with them.

Paul lost his phone, so imma call ari now, and see what time they are leaving, ect.

So aparently they have a full car... but Kash and others really wanna play me so ill see if i can convince Paul to let me ride in the trunk.

But even if I cant that the torny is out of the question, I would love to play the farmington crew this weekend, so lets at least plan on a smashfest down in Farmington Friday night.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
hey! were all online. (except for brandon)

so what do you guys say, wana go down to farmington tomorrow night/afternoon for a smashfest?

fine, just go offline then.

jordon, I think you gave me the wrong number or something again. I double checked it again and again, but i kept on getting some mexacian sounding guy named Manueal.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2006
Farmington, NM
Diversity- my luigi has proven himself to be as much of a challenge if not more than my Doc. Thus I need to continue his reign of terror by playing more people as opposed to the usual lineup.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
ah, I see. then lest smash tonight. even if you cant fit me in your trunk tomorrow.
just Find a place/time for us to show up.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
See that zenja, even guys in texas want more of me XD I'm too good sometimes.

What's all this about Ferdi rematching? I'm not going to Denver, I already stated that one. Unless you get lucky and I'm there in time for it. And if its for the new Mexico thing, I'll prolly be in Texas with kenneth by then. Sorry ^.^ I think Ferdi should try and do the gamecube mod to get online, and then we can do it that way. Fo' Shizzle.

So lets see:
Jordan - $10.00
Ferdi - (well, who are we kiddin'?) minus $20.00
Zenja - $Sonic
Kenneth - $More Sonic(Fox vs Donkey even)
Spoox - $ (?) Peach doubles?
Seph (FL) - $10.00
Light - $ (?)
Andy - $(?)
Duha - $10.00

Yup, that's alot of money. Or sonic. Whichever way you look at it.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
jordon, I think you gave me the wrong number or something again. I double checked it again and again, but i kept on getting some mexacian sounding guy named Manueal.

Just call me at 303 590 8943 and i can be sure to get the right number. I love to play you sometime this weekend, perferable tonight so we can get some time in with farminton.

and ya, it looks like my chances of going to the tornament tomorrow is slim to none, sorry guys Durango gets no reppen.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006

he is the man that mains all watch out azen


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I took his example, I play pretty much everyone myself. No one character stays interesting over and over to me. I'm getting pro with bowser XD Gimpy is so good, I had to learn. And my m2 is crazy, I'm getting as good as Taj. I post some recent videos pretty soon.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Ok, today we have a smashfest.
I havent gotten ahold of any of the farmington people yet, call me to tell me where/when you can smash. I was thinking me, andy, and maby mogo could go down to farmington and smash with those people.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Ok, today we have a smashfest.
I havent gotten ahold of any of the farmington people yet, call me to tell me where/when you can smash. I was thinking me, andy, and maby mogo could go down to farmington and smash with those people.
yup just call me when you and andy are good to head out, if not lets just smash the 4 of us.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Thanks much for the ride Brice/Jordon. PNT was closed, and some things didnt turn out completely peachy, but it was fun nonetheless.
Tell vicy, thanks for letting us take you attention away for awhile. (for a mement there, i noticed she seemed annoyed at being a tag-along.
also, it is verry strange that i remember her name after only the first meeting. im HORRIBLE with names.

I wont be able to make the next tornament due to cat.

... lets see, what else. paul, you gotta break my winning streak against you :p.
Andy, now that you have learned to chain-grab, and you still run away like a little *****... *insert threat here that im too tired to think up.*




Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Kashu, you gotta drive to Durango so we can play before I move.

So, Ben, how good is Jordan?


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Hey Durango. Wish you guys could have made it... Ya you missed a kick *** tournament. You guys would have had a blast. But we will hold another once again sometime. Whether bi annually or just annually. Next time I will inform everyone earlier lol ;)


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
I want a baby.
so i can shoot it.
... at least a cute little kitty.
*shoots Jordon's cat*

... ****, that didnt make me feel any better. still pissed.

Brawl has been delayed till March 9th.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Kashu, you gotta drive to Durango so we can play before I move.

So, Ben, how good is Jordan?
I can answer that for you. Right now I blow, that was the first time in 4 months that I have played so Im ganna need some warming up to get back to where I was. People should come over more often and smash, cause Im not ganna get back to the way I was by playing comps, or training mode.

So yeah, come play smash with me and bryce pls! any time is fine, just call one of us.

I also need to stop playing World Of Warcraft, I cant balance the two games, one game kills my skill with the other. :dizzy:

So yeah hold off on money matches for a lil bit, let me get back on par then should be good to go, a few tournaments and/or smashfests should do it.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
actually, I dont think thats gonna happen much. Playing at your and brice's place was five for about an hour, but after that I started to feel the effects of the cat.

but anytime you wanna play, either call me or post here and we can smash most any time im not in class.
(10-3 on monday, wednesday and friday, 8-10 AM on tuesday and thursday, and 6-9 PM on tuesday)

ive also got to spend 30 hours student teaching at a high-school, but I dont know when yet.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
to counter ben all one needs is a furry little animal. i would often let loose my secret stealthy kitten to run around the room when we played last year. eventually ben's skill/mindgameses levels (?) would fall bringing me more victories as the matches went on... muahaha...

anyways i got myspace now (boo) so add me as a friend. mike i know you got one man.



Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
fracken cat.
fracken sheik still being in the game.
fracken... frack... I feel stupid right now...

anyways hey Duha, add me to the list of "scrubs who critique pros" or whatnot.
Jarred... I miss you and your Wii... I have won enough credit for one, but i cant find the **** thing anywhere.
i was gonna say something else, but im stupid forgetful right now... o ya, LOST, is comming on soon. here are some Pirated linky thingys from Vcast users an all.

LOST countdown

the following are the LOST missing pieces. Some of them are unimportant cut scenes, some of them have major forshadowing. Enjoy:
LOST - Missing Pieces 1-4
LOST - Missing Pieces 5- *0_o WHAT?!
LOST Missing Pieces 7-8 *this gets another “0_o” they never hinted at this before.*
LOST Missing Pieces 9 *LOL, sorry, no, you wont, you gonna ESPLODE!*
Lost: Missing Pieces #10 (Jack, Meet Ethan. Ethan? Jack)
Lost Missing Pieces 11 Best Quality Original Video

tidbits of 1-3:
jacob in lost s03e20

Sneak peaks:
New Lost Season 4 Sneak Peak!!! New Hatch!, The Orchid *0_o WTF?*

LOST Season 4 - NEW official extended trailer! *SWEET MERCIFUL EXCELLENCE!*
LOST - Season four theatre trailer

hey jordon, you didnt call... o well, i had to do... bla, ok, brain stopped working... aijifeanhvaiuwfhaibv

O YA! i remember what I was going to say,
Frack MySpace.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
I belive they re having it at Jordons place... so i wont be able to go if thats the case... cat an all.
But I still wana smash some, Ive got a Loby up here that nobody ever uses... also, I think its about time i figure out how to link up the GC to the projectors... there are plenty big empty classroms with a big screen and a projector we can use.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Great news guys.
I figured out how to work the projectors at school.

so over the weekend, we can play anytime we want in a mini-movie theater.
and the computer lab below the library has rooms with projectors as well, and that is open 24/7, so we can smash anytime there as well.

Im dome with classes for the week, so give me a call and well smash.

Jordon, I hope your not spending all of your time fighting CPUs, that will actually decrease your skill and put you into patterns.
if your really serious, you should study vids from the pros... in fact, ive got a homework assignment for you.

Watch these two vids, movement by movement and take notes on what movements worked and didnt work.

So watch the vids, and every time you see the Link make a mistake, pause the vidieo, type the time down, and make a little mini note of what the link should have done. or if the link does something that worked really well, pause it and make a note of it.

for example, the following is a critique i made of a pros match
at 0:10 he could have eithe WDed forward so his angled Dtilt was in range, or have stopmped him for the stock.
at 0:34 and 0:37 a stock could have been taken with a chadddtastic Fair.
at 1:05 two failed Lcanceled Bairs in a row. (im not sure if the Uair after was Lcanceled or not, but I dont think it was.)
at 0:28 a stomp would have hit, instead he threw out a Nair.
2:53 was asking for the Fsmash, should have grabbed the ledge and risked the drill.
at 3:12 there was an empt dash attack when it could have been a free Bair.
3:32, could have thrown out a jab here, guini style.
3:33, im surprised he didnt punish with a Dsmash for rolling into him.
3:39 a roll into the edge of a platform? why would you ever do that? spot-dodge instead if you must.
3:44 as magus mentioned, Dthrow to a tilt is much perferable to a jab imo, but you always do this, so i may be mistaken here.
3:45 Im pretty sure you could have seen the roll in time to whip out the Bair. followed by an edgeguard.
4:05 again, no reason to wait to see which way falco was gonna fly, he was close enough for a chaddddtastic Fair even before his upB got to go at a significant angle.
4:16 see above, there was plenty of time for the fist of death here.
5:11 Ok, you didnt just tech roll into him here, you just plain rolled into him, out of the blue.
5:18 Another failed L-cancel.

... ya know what, Im gonna do the same thing with those two matches, except from ganon's perspective.
that kind of analisis really helped me understand the ganon vs falco matchup, and now that your back its about time i learned the ganon v link matchup.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
myspace = *****. Lot's of it.

So, I think I've gotten Falco's tech skill down. I can do the double shine like, I think I got to 12 in a row last night. lhdl are easy, wavedashing is good. Honestly, I'm just trying to get good enough to beat runningbrave...

Jordan:: Don't listen to Ben, he'll come weather he wants to or not. I found a nifty little antihistamine that does wonders against pets. And if not my girlfriends house will be open when I get back (she has a dog, but it is hairless). We'll see. And as far as money goes, I wanted to throw a Smash Tourney, local to durango, and have it be the ranking base. I want to be on the durango ranking base for 1 month XD

I was thinking like 5 dollar entry, winner takes all? Could we host it at your place Jordan? And do you thinkg Elliot, Martin, Bryce and them would all show? I know my friends in Farmington would show up. Last time I held a tourney I think I got like, 13 people show up with the locals (not with martin and them either). How many were there ben? But yeah, I can only smash for a little under a week before I'm gone, and I'm really hoping you can show me a few things about Link.

OH, and one more thing Jordan. For Link, my sister accidentily found this amazing edgeguarding technique, it pwns C. Falcon and Spacies, and others.

Step 1: Dash to the edge
Step 2: RIGHT at the edge, do your up B special
Step 3: You will fall off the edge from momentum, and your attack will cancel to grab the edge. Then comes invincibility.

It took me forever to get down, but I can do it on command now (I don't really play link that often). It's pretty much your up B edgeguard with no lagtime whatsoever, and a timeless wavedash ledgehog. Simple, yet extremely (I mean, I tried this on some AZ guys) effective. Give it a try on Bryce's doc.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. The 2nd Annual Road to Cutthroat is back. The regional championships, CCCT, is right around the corner and it's time to get the battle field ready. Starting in Febaury a series of tournaments will take place leading up to biggest CCCT ever. Winner of the tournaments win a first round bye to Cutthroat. Go here:



Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
My stomach hurts. I just found out Sheik is back in Brawl.

And Zenjamin, don't worry it could be worse. They could have put Peach back in the game or something XD Think Ganon is coming back? If so, I'll probably pick him up first with Bowser.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Im not too worried that sheik is back. they will prob nerf her into the ground. (it does annoy me that they aparently buffed peach though)

anyways, here is my analisis of the game at PK stadium.
0:07 could have continued the chain-grab by waiting for the read.
0:11 failed L-cancel cost him a Dsmash.
0:16 He should have stomped to a Fair instead of a jab.
0:20 good use of downB when Link shows his legs like that
0:23 if he had stayed out of range of the upB, he could have poked links head with the Bair during it.
1:37 excellent use of upB out of shield.
1:45 if he had used the platform for a wave-land, he could have gotten a free Fair.
1:59 he should have started his jab right out of the ledge-hop-waveland.
2:21 he should have ledgehopped with a jab or grab.
2:50 at around 70% link can recive a Uthrow Bair/Fair.
2:57 should have hit him with a Bair.
3:51 should have hit him with a Fair-jab

battlefield match:
0:20 could have teched here.
0:31 Link is quite hard to edguard with ganon, not even the DAFtilt worked. Perhaps a stomp?
0:35 NEVER use downB through an arrow.
1:04 beautiful tilt.
1:06 should have done a Fair.
1:21 would the Fsmash have hit were it not for the platform?
1:41 was this reset avoidable? Was a tech escape possible?
1:57 good read.
2:07 ganons need more of that reverse hump.
2:12 verry good, get them before the upB.
2:23 WTF, stupidface?
2:35 practice shffls that fast.
2:46 never underestimate the range of the jab.
2:56 never get in front of link like that unless you can beat him to the punch
3:09 so you CAN jab the boomerang.
3:37 never FB from so far away.
3:44 how did he escape the Usmash?

Hey Ari, do you have MarioGalaxy yet? because i just bought it... over the phone, to be entered in a contest at the PNT to win a Wii.
If i dont win, ill tell them you can pick the game up and keep it untill i can get my hands on a Wii.

EDIT2: if i can find a way to buy twilight princess before the PNT closes tomorrow, i can enter again.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Im not too worried that sheik is back. they will prob nerf her into the ground. (it does annoy me that they aparently buffed peach though)

anyways, here is my analisis of the game at PK stadium.
0:20 good use of downB when Link shows his legs like that

battlefield match:
0:20 could have teched here.
1. Peach is way more buffed, she went from 3 frame activation for her dsmash to 1. That means it comes out as quick as the shines! JESUS! And sheik isn't nerfed, she was one of the few characters that didn't really need the wavedash, she uses wavelands (which are still in), meaning if anything, she got a huge advantage. The glorious part however is that IC's are still in, making Sheik counterable still.

2. On the PK Stadium match, don't you think there would be a better solution then downB? I didn't watch this vid, but I just noticed it, and assuming he was in distance, a simple fair would have worked. And in the BF match, teching would have lead to worse imo.
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