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Farmington/Durango Tournament Rankings


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
na, the other ones were locked and fadded into the trash bin.
anyways, sure. Ill make another one... not now though. once i get caught up on work.

anyways, i just realized i say anyways allot... and use the "... "allot... but thats ok...

anyways... It looks like Im gonna main King DDD. In part because it looks like ganon was nerfed into bottom tier, and in part because of this thread.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Garbage Tier = Ike lol

Fastfall version is in, it's different. Gimpyfish has gone over it alot already, so just pay attention to what he says and what silentwolf says. They are always right, and silentwolf is technical.

I'll be back soon, I'm not entirely sure. I wanna smash with the AZ guys before I leave, but I can't get rides out to Glendale from here, so it's hard. I wanna rematch Light before I go, I got way technical in a couple months. WAY TECHNICAL.

And for crews, just cuz' jordan got it doesn't mean the NM guys have it. Nobody is really gonna have it before the actual release. I'm waiting til march, one month shouldn't throw me off to bad. Besides, why would you buy it, people who ordered it (like Jordan), will probably put up a burn of the disc, and I can just make a copy of Brawl and play it on a modded Wii like Jordan for way cheaper. But the American version is gonna have differences. That's why we got pushed back.

For starters, in Melee, the Samus glitches (Super WD, extended grapple, and our favorite little Bomb Physics) were in the American, while in Japan they were not, none of them. The bomb phys was WAY different. And secondly in Japan, wavedashing wasn't found until the February 2 years after it's initial release. The tiers for the game were: 1: Peach 2: Mario 3: Link. Then WDing was found by Masashi and a japanese amazing squad. So, Ganon is gone yet Zenj, he's just waiting for the right time. As for me, the tiers are talking Sonic. Sonic and D. Fox (Wolf) are seeming to be the top tier characters. I'll learn their tricks, and then work on my Peach. Peach main right here. So, in all, right now the good characters are the ones who have a strong base, advanced tactics aren't included right now. Fox without wd, shl, shufflc (kind of), waveshine, jc grabs, double shine, firefox stall..... etc. Means fox isn't top tier. So, after a while, we'll find the important ****, no johns.

Oh, and crewbattles are still on, either Melee or Brawl I don't care (I can play Peach in brawl to ^^)


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Brandon. you are out of the loop.
FastFalling LagCancel and other advanced techs that were found in the Demo, were taken out for the final version.

i am starting to get verry scarred about brawl... sounds like suraki wanted to kill the competive aspect and make the game a party game.

Thanks to the uber-fast workers over at Play Asia I had the privilege of playing Brawl all night long. I’d like to give you all my impressions of the different characters, the balance, and more. You must first, however, understand that these impressions come from the mind of a competitive player, not a casual one. Because of this I am going to be especially critical on the things that are related to competitive play. Also note that these are just first impressions. The longer we have the game, the more likely it is that these first impressions could be wrong.
Overall Gameplay Impressions

First off I’ll go ahead and say that the characters are MUCH floatier in Brawl than they were in Melee. Even when you are fast falling you don’t get the same sense of speed that you do when playing Melee. It is a huge change and sometimes I didn’t even feel like I was playing a Smash Bros. game.

Another large change in a similar area is the height of the shorthop. I wouldn’t really call it a shortshop anymore to be honest. More like a “half-hop.” For example, if you do a neutral air with Marth to a character standing still it will go right over their head no matter how tall he/she is.


I tried every possible method to L-cancel my aerials and I never found a method that could produce a result consistently. This isn’t to say I didn’t see moves that I thought were L canceled. Sometimes Ike’s forward air had huge landing lag and sometimes it had 0. I tried the method that Gimpyfish described in the E4ALL thread on SmashBoards, the traditional Melee method, and a combination of other button presses and techniques.

Without L-cancelling some of the characters appear to be much worse than others. Snake, for example, has a huge landing lag on most of his aerials and his ground moves do not make up for this. I’m sure that eventually new techniques will be discovered but for now I couldn’t find something reliable.

Dash Dancing

It’s gone! :’( That’s right, dash dancing has also been removed from Brawl (at least in the way that we did it in Melee). If you try to dash dance your character will simply dash multiple times fast in one direction. This may prove to be useful by itself but it will require more testing.


I was able to do the “tripping” trick fairly often using Captain Falcon and Fox. Honestly I don’t know why this technique was included because it seemed fairly useless to me. All he would do is dash and then fall on the ground. I’m sure more will come out of this eventually.

Edge guarding

This just isn’t going to work the same way. Characters automatically snap to ledges and it has become nearly impossible to actually edge guard from the platform. If you choose to edguard you will have to chase them off the stage in order to accomplish anything.

Hit Stun

Characters have relatively little hit stun in Brawl. This makes it nearly impossible to pull off Ken or Isai style combos.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Done, my copy was shipped it will be getting here on the 6th guarunteed, and possibly a day early, so I could be playing tomorrow, if not - for sure on wednesday. Durango peeps, your invited over on wednesday to brawl. BYOC pls and call before you show up. And once again, no I will not give rides, Ill be glued to my wii.

Oh and Zenj (Ben) that quote you posted from another thread must have been some complete nublet or something, cause I have 2 different friends in texas that got the import before I did and basicly completely agreed with this thread - http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=120154

as far as competative play goes, we will also see for ourselves on wednesday or look at 1v1 videos on youtube and judge for yourself, when I watch them it doesnt look too bad.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Actually, that thread is pretty old.
it hasnt been ubdated since brawl came out.

look at these two threads for the updated metagame

im not too worried any more, for most charcters the removal of Lcanceling wont be too big of a deal, because airial lag was reduced.

... except for ganon. 1/2 of his air moves have 3X more lag. and the only buff he got was to his B and uptilt, which are faster but weaker.
he got hit with a nerf bat in all other areas.

i was annoyed at first, but not so much anymore, Because ive switched away from ganon and onto King DDD.

I might play ganon every once in a while just because of the good times we had and his badass white beard.

But DDDs my boy.
I mean, common. Hes a giant penguin, that wears a king's robe, wields a massive jet-powered hammer, and as far as I can tell, wears yellow boxing gloves.
Bad Ass

anyways, im really hopen Bryce will be willen to give me a ride if you will be glued to the wii.

hey Jordon, when your ready to start unlocking everything, take a look at this.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Yup, Ive seen that thread, unlocking characters is the first thing we are working on

Cpt. Olimar is my main from what I see, I really want to learn him. That and link will ALWAYS be one of my mains. But olimar comes first, I want something new.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Sounds good. Olimar was actually reported to be verry good, though hard to use.

also, if your still dead-set agains using Ylink you might be verry annoyed.
he has beed reported to be the best character with the current advanced techs, your going to encounter allot of those.

ROB, Ganon, Wario, and Snake are looking to be my secondaries after DDD. i dont want to get stuck on one character like i always do.

check it out.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I'm totally Peach yo ^.^

Still, the looks of Brawl are shuddering everyone from what it seems. I think Melee might still be a tourney standard. That's just an artists perspective.

@Golden: If your laughing at the setup, plz elaborate. If you are laughing that I couldn't take out two of you, then I'm gonna take out 3 for giggles. ^.^ You NM guys dunno what's up, Durango/Farmington will obliterate ALBQ. My boy Zenjamin can SHL.... with Ganon. Yeah.

@Jordan: Link isn't your main? Why not? Familiar, same mostly, I mean, doesn't add up. Give a review and comparison of Melee and Brawl for us. (I think Melee is better with Physics)

@Kenneth: Dude, you suck. Just go cry. You suck.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
I'm totally Peach yo ^.^

Still, the looks of Brawl are shuddering everyone from what it seems. I think Melee might still be a tourney standard. That's just an artists perspective.

@Golden: If your laughing at the setup, plz elaborate. If you are laughing that I couldn't take out two of you, then I'm gonna take out 3 for giggles. ^.^ You NM guys dunno what's up, Durango/Farmington will obliterate ALBQ. My boy Zenjamin can SHL.... with Ganon. Yeah.

@Jordan: Link isn't your main? Why not? Familiar, same mostly, I mean, doesn't add up. Give a review and comparison of Melee and Brawl for us. (I think Melee is better with Physics)

@Kenneth: Dude, you suck. Just go cry. You suck.

Im actually pretty psyched for competive Brawl.

Read these three posts and watch this competive set.

It looks like your going to have to involve your mind allot more, and i love it.



****, you become ****-talker extraordinar on your little cross-country smash quest.
better be able to back it up.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
When is this crew battle?? I'll be up in march for a weekend!!! D-Town Represent!

****, you become ****-talker extraordinar on your little cross-country smash quest.
better be able to back it up.

Who are you talking to there? You know I PWN FACE!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
LOL, I was talking to Brandon.

anyways, I feel pretty set for it all.
more about mindgames and spacing. having played ganon im already used to the slowness and the lag, ect...

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
K my game was just shipped out of AK, should be here in the morning, keep your eyes out on the boards for that post that says "Brawl comes to Durango" and you guys can head over if you want. Note - Just durango, not looking for a whole swarm of people. Ill have farmington over the next week. Sorry guys.

Brandon, Im not giving up link he will always be my main, I will just have another as well :D.

plus, I <3 pikman low tier or not


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I think Kenneth was talking to me. Cuz he sux lol. I'll be down like, next week kenneth, so get ready, I'm gonna GHOST your ****in donkey. I think Peach pwns, watch her vids.

Mind is always in, but with how much slower it is, there is so much time to think about it. Ike is still garbage tier. Good matches.

And Zenjamin, I'm not a **** talker, I'm just saying that NM doesn't have a chance against Durango. We're just too good. Plus I got AZ to back me up now XD I'll just use my Summon Light spell and pwn em'. *(Seriously, this guy is so good it's not funny. I mean, he is pro, considering he pwns Hugs)*

Brawl MM anyone? (I'll pwn even tho I've never played XD)


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
sure. ill take the MM. I like the Idea of jumping right into it. how much?
ill penguin stomp your dainty *** into the ground, use my jet-powered mace to decapatate you, and combo-WOP your body under and around the stage.
O, and then swallow you whole.

and if you have a summon Light spell, we should be fine.

(I have been avoiding my school work for much too long, no more smashboards for me till I get it dome)

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
I like that first thread, good info, optomistic outlook on brawl rather than people that are whining because their fast top tier characters are no longer viable. This game is the same game, revamped for a BETTER, NEW, FAR more balanced system and integrates the persons play style and characters abilities WAY more than melee did. Hence why people are having a hard time placing a tier system on brawl, granted their could be characters that perform way better in 1v1s vs multiplayer or vise versa.

I still stick with my "Every character can beat every character" menality, and always will.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
See, that's not my problem. Brawl looks amazing, and not so easy to gimp or counter pick and stuff. The only thing that gets me is with new age comes new technology, with new technology comes less error, and with that comes less advanced tactics. That is scary, I mean the variety of what one must know (teching, wding, l-canceling) seperates the bads from the goods. Just mind games leaves a HUGE field of people who are good, with the same mind games. It would be hard to have MLG hold a tournament on TV with over a thousand people becuase they all have the mindgames. No tech skill is what made those mind games noticeable. (Good peach players, good marth players, etc.)

And zenjamin, I know what you mean. I was an hour late for work yesterday smashing XD


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Ok Jordon.
If your download falls through, mine wont, the person i talked to had the same Wii and mod chip as you.

It wont have SSE, but we will be buying the English version in a month anyways, no need to wait for another chip or spend the extra money (though its your decision in the end.

First, download this, and burn it onto a disk. this will be the Brawl disk.[Wii]Da...VD5][***][wiisos.com].part001/DSBX_WIISOS.iso

If the disk doesnt work, that means you are missing some WiiKey software
download this, and burn it onto a disk. it is WiiKey software you will need, just insert the disk into the Wii and click on "Yes" untill it restarts the Wii

thats pretty much it.

Ok, this disk above technically does have SSE, but the cinimatics freez up the game, so you might actually be downloading the same thing.
so long as its not duel-layered though, it should work.

let me know how it goes.

this is the sticky I was talking about, and this is Wes' conversation i was telling you about.

... read it.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Yeah, watching vids and stuff I'm convinced. It is not a matter of comparison between the two games, now it boils down to Brawl being a fun game that contain competitive value. I can'd wait to start. Like heroine. However, Peach is looking to still be amazing, with glide cancelling, the shield dash cancel turnip throw to grabs, amazing fairs and dsmash. She can wall of pain the *****s to.

But with the new system, it just got a whole lot harder to 4 stock people XD


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2006
nic-EVIL-le, FL
Brandon- You're going to be here in like a week? Doubt it.... But you're more than welcome. Make sure you bring money to feed yourself because I'm broke! I havent got that raise yet and I just got a new apt. thinking I would have it by now. Let me know whats up.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
My ride fell through... ill see if there is a way to get there by bus.
if not... tomorrow.

hey Jordon, wnna MM?
for some reason i want my first match to be a MM... ive studied how the game is gonna work pretty well i think.

The evening bus might take me towards your place, but I think ill skip it for tonight, and go tomorrow sometime after three when I might get more playtime.
also, There is a guy from Lebanon giving a lecture tonight on modern Islam in the middle east and what they want from the west... I suspect his message will be similar to Ron Paul's.

whelp, see ya tomorrow.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Sure Ill MM if you want ^^, ganna tell you right now studying doesn't do anything... I was studying olimar and watching vids a while before, started using him and its such a different feel its like picking the game up all over again. Your old habits from bawl like l cancel and wave dash make you perform worse cause you press unnecessary buttons all the time haha. Anyway me and bryce are pretty broken in we have been playing non stop. Olimar is awesome, I love him ^^. Bryce is learning snake. Elliot is learning diddy - doing quite well too, Morgan is all up in metaknights grill and vickie is learning PK trainer.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Excellent, those are all good charcters. the DSC looks to be pretty diversified, what about Marteen? Reports indicate that Zelda was the most buffed out of anyone, some say shes even better then sheik right now.

also, even though Olmar is good, you really should give ToonLink a chance, I just saw a 0-death combo with him.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Nope, no way in hell, I hate that toon "wannabe" link.

Olimar ftw, they changed link a lot O_O hes heavier and cant jump as high. Martine isnt here yet, dunno, we all think he is ganna love ike, but who knows he may stick it with zelda.


Ok so heres my review of brawl.

Upon the first few games I found myself trying to lcancel and wavedash like an idiot as well as bryce. I actually still ended up doing it by instinct some of the time later on in the night after playing for 8 hours straight lol. Anyway, the system is simple, but very able in the competative sense. Most of the returning characters have been buffed or nerfed depending on who we would be talking about. Example: Link is slower - Marth is faster (go figure).
Ive been playing olimar and Ive been able to combo fairly well with dots in between aka latching pikman to your opponent. The comboing system is great, not as sloppy or chance hit probability as melee. 1v1s are pretty intense Ive enjoyed them greatly, spent half the day doing loser swaps routine getting to play everyone and watch everyone get better with their characters. Its awesome, people are adapting quick, and I can only imagine what we can do when we arent sleep deprived and have more people to compete with.

Anyway, its a great game, it will definatly take competative stance for tournaments world wide like melee, I dont see melee disappearing all together though, its like 2 different but very simalar systems... wish I could explain better, you just have to play it to know what I mean. Im sticking with brawl hardcore though, I love it.

We did 50 1v1s straight after we all felt fairly comfortable with our characters and jotted down the statistics and percentage of wins.

1) Textbook Ninja (Pikman & Olimar) %40
2) Pugboy (Diddy Kong) 25%
3) Mogo (Snake / Dedede) 20%
4) Morgan (Meta Knight) 10%
5) Onochan (Pit) 5%

that was out of 50 games we had winner stays loser passes.

Pugboy is getting pretty good and diddy, bryce is getting the hang of snake but he is still undecided between him and dedede. Morgan is alright with meta knight but hes a newcomer with very little knowledge of the game before hand. And onochan is an exteme newcomer with high hopes of learning pit.

Martine wasnt able to make it, neither was ben, so hopefully today you guys can make it. Farmington, you guys can hop in next week but you will have to come here if you want to get in on some brawl practice pre-release.

Ill be hitting the 48 hours of awake time this morning so Im ganna sleep between 9am and 2-3pm so call me after 3 if you plan on coming, if you want to you can come earlier if bryce is still awake, but just post on the boards if you want to come early and he will see it if he IS awake.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
ha ha that sounds awesome. Kash down here got Brawl so we are all hoping to start playing it soon. Maybe a Durango vs Albuquerque Brawl crew battle is needed huh?


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
I suggest Brice stick with snake, once you get his mind games down he's top Tier.

have him watch the following matches... and this was only the first time snake competed competitively.
Mad mindgame ability.
Pbody Brawl tournament semis - DEHF vs. Psycho ******

also, im maining DDD all the way. Im in love with that giant penguin.
Im managing a DDD vid archive, a DDD tech list, and I registered for K.I.N.G.S (an all DDD online clan.)

might as well keep DSC diverse.

is it cool if i come by around a little bit before 4:00?
I think i found a bus rout that works if you guys will be glued to the tv.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
I'll do it later. ****, nothing is sacred. Marth is faster.

And as for you Jordan, if you would learn to do the glide cancel turnip throw > grab dash with peach, and then teach me, I'd be thankful. It looks pretty simple, but I wanna know how simple. I'm gonna try to wavedash all over, and it's gonna pwn me.

P.S. I GOT A ****ING WII *****S! Zenjamin, you'll love this, I bought something from the play and trade here, I guess my mom got a call, my mom has a Wii hooked up. Is that irony Zenj?


Alright guys, I've been talking to some foreign friends (Rae Dragon mostly) over in Japan playing the game, and she says fox is top tier over there already.

I guess his shine while not as easily manuevered as in melee has more knockback and a longer stun, and less lag after deployed, making it useable. Also, his lasers are good, as they build up little damage like in melee (still harder to hit with), his dair and bair are pretty good and come out quick, with bair hitting multiple times if used right, and he can sweetspot from the bottom of the stage, making him really good against edgeguarding peeps. He has a really good strength in his ko moves (fsmash and usmash mostly), and if played right is really fast. He's supposed to be learned right, but is really good. Falco is also really good as with properly timed shines can edgeguard easier then even marth. His spike is a bit harder to land, but can kill most characters at around 40% if you do it right.

And of course, she told me the most popular character they have in Japan right now is a tie between DeDeDe and ROB. They both have WAY easy combo-age, with interrupting attacks and chain grabs from hell. (well, ddd with the chaingrabs). She says they have learned a slide dash move (wavedash, but extremely different to pull off). JC grabs are still in a guess, but harder to time then in melee.

She recommended me to play Fox still, because I'll still have some prior knowledge on when to use what, it will just take a while to get used to the new characters and what they can do.

Heres a good American vid: http://youtube.com/watch?v=7jYlzsUf_Mo

She sent me a japanese vid, but it was in email and youtube isn't uploading it right. They are already fast and intense with this game, I kid you not. Oh, and I knew it, Peach's Glide Cancel Turnip Toss Grab is a really good technique.

So, if anyone has any questions on what Japan has found, just ask and I'll forward the question to her.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
P.S. I GOT A ****ING WII *****S! Zenjamin, you'll love this, I bought something from the play and trade here, I guess my mom got a call, my mom has a Wii hooked up. Is that irony Zenj?
commit Seppuku now.

Anyways, thanks for the play time jordon.
that last match was great.
I felt I got much better after i tried my ****dest to beat you the last match, when I played against that lv9 CPU I was throwing out airial 5attacks before i landed.

Real MM tomorrow... maby.

I think i left my phone over there and i know i left my bike over there, so i think I have to get over there tomorrow.
but as fun as that was, my mind isnt on smash right now.
My roomate just left me a message on my desk,
"Call accounting office. They sound pissed. They thought i was you."

Anyways, Jordon, how quick you got good with the Pikman, That's stupid nuts.
also, we can keep the cat outside next time if you want, that claritan stuff worked pretty well.

Brice, I reallyhope you feel better soon.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Brawlers are crazy!

Oh and Zenja, I was just pulling your leg, I didn't win a wii. I bought one, but the twist was funny, gotta admit. Anywayz, plz tell about the accounting office. And can't wait to play yall.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Yeah dude, thanks! I am really hoping that I can get be one of the best olimar users around so Ill be sticking with him and practicing over and over, I have lots of room for improvment, bigger the stage the better for me though hehe. You picked up dedede pretty fast, I think your ganna need more mind gaming going on though, that last match was kinda easy to catch you in all those u-airs, sucked that I never plucked any purples or I would have killed you a lot sooner. **** yellow ones are only nice mid game I think, Ide rather have red and purple piks hanging with me at higher damage. Your f-smash hurts when I get caught by it, you almost killed me at 40% on that last stock.

More people need to play! And yes tw1n I totally agree, I want a brawl tournament soon once more people start getting familiar with their characters.

Ben we should record some matches!

And once I feel comfortable to leave olimar for a bit Im going to start working on my ike, I like his play style and how heavy hitting he his, it would be awesome if I could get him to work.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
If you wanna record some matchs, that should be good.

and ya, Im still just trying to understand my pwn moves and the mechanichs, then I will focus on your moves, then i can work on mindgames....

anyways, what time can I come over tomorrow? I left my phone at your place (i think) so i wont be able to call to ask.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
K, not sure how the bus will run on weekends... just post if your schedule opens up for earlier... night.


... ya, i know its lame... shuddup.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
U guys sound way to into Brawl. So is it fun? It'll be a clean slate, and with Wi-Fi there is always an oppurtunity to study average peoples movements, percentage flies, knockbacks, timing. After 1 week I figure everyone should have those basic things down, and the game will be competetive.

Oh, and zenjamin, you were right, Iroh is a BEAST. He got all kinds of buff.

"Sparky Sparky Boom Man"


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007



Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
When RP said "Ha HA HA" in that vid... i laughed my *** off.

and its not that the game will be completive a week after its released... its already competive, Just ask Brice... lol, I dont think im ever going to charing-grab off a side like that again... that was scary.

Jrodon, **** you... that Lucario stage is banned forever... except perhaps not for friendlies, because that was hilarious.

Anyways, thanks much for the gaming time again, see you monday around 4? but I wont be able to stay for too long then.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Yeah he gets like that with situations in games he cant control, cant blame him, shiek chaingrabbing in melee got me frustrated a many times as well. I just need to teach him how to get out of it, I dont think I have had a problem with it I think the biggest chain you have gotten on me without a wall is 2 of em. Ive been playing Ike too much I ned to get back to olimar -_-.
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