so im having problem fighting low tier characters with my falco... because im not used to playing ganondorfs and links, i got schooled the other day even though i think i can beat them... any advice would be great..
also, i played them with my definitely not as good sheik and did a lot better which was sad...
zomg, I made a thread on this very matter, and now, to my chagrin, I notice that KevinM is a big meanie face and has merged it into another thread (what a jerk amirite? I should be Falco broads mod, not him

). So without further ado, the lost Mogwai guide on fighting low tiers:
Mogwai's In-Depth Guide on How to Beat Mid-Bottom Tier Characters (and also Falcon)
So as I check up on these boards, sad to see that no one ever uses my Q and A thread, and instead makes a new thread or posts in Shiz's thread that Shiz doesn't post in anymore, I've noticed that Falcos have problems with a lot of random characters, so I've decided to compile a list of tips for beating everyone who's not Fox, Marth, Sheik, Jiggs, Peach, ICs or another Falco.
Falco's moves:
god tier: lasers
excellent tier: utilt, bair, dair, shine
some times excellent tier: nair, fsmash
only really really good tier: everything else but fair
ok tier: fair
Here's the general flow chart for how to win:
1. Don't approach, instead shoot lasers. Since their character is not as good as yours, they don't have a gun, and as such will have to approach you or take 3472598213749% from lasers. Continue to 2 when they approach. If they're being really gay and powershielding or just sitting in shield you can either quit out of the match and pick Sheik or got to 5.
2. Once they approach, hit them with whichever one of your excellent moves makes the most sense. Continue to 3 when you hit them.
3. Once you hit them, combo them with your excellent moves until you don't think you'll be able to hit them again in hitstun. At this point, knock them off stage with your last hit. If you succeed in knocking them off stage, continue to 4, otherwise go back to 1.
4. Once they are off stage, kill them with bair if they recover low, dair if they recover high. If it's Captain Falcon you can also fsmash if he's beneath the stage because your fsmash hitbox is stupid and his up b sweetspot is essentially non-existent. Once they're dead go back to 1.
5. If they're in shield and not taking damage fast enough from lasers, attack their shield with good spacing. Notice that you don't want to pillar cause sometimes they'll stumble into a grab and as I'll explain below, you don't want that to happen. Instead, just space your moves either behind their shield (in which case you can pillar as long as they don't have a good up b out of shield (bowser, DK, Samus) or as far away as your dair will allow. Once their shield is tiny, just shield stab them and go to 3.
Another word of advice, don't get grabbed. If you're going to get grabbed, use an excellent move and hit them instead. Or run away and shoot lasers, they're both good options really.
The key piece of advice here is that Falco is a good character with good moves, whereas your opponent is a bad character with bad moves. Once you realize this and abuse it, you will not lose to bad characters anymore.
And that's it, you're now an expert is showing bad characters why your character is better than theirs.
*sniff* Mogs don't <3 me no more! lol! I see how it is.. Mog.. well either way.. Nice job again man.. it's nice to see Falco threads still kickin ***.. I haven't played melee in like 4 months now.. Air force life... = so sad atm.. well maybe.. I'll be able to play more soon.
keep up the great work mog/falco thread =]
oh, my bad, <3 V3ctorMan, you my boi son! Keep reppin' it straight Air Force, but try to get some melee in to um, up your reaction time and **** (yea, that's a good excuse).
you gonna be at genesis by any chance? I'd like to get my *** handed to me in dittos (god I blow at dittos since PC quit
