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~ Fairy Fountain Research Thread: buhbye ol' chum ~

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*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Yeah I'm thinking of getting one... just for general purposes. Can you tell me stuff about yours because I might just end up getting the same one!

Also my wii number... I don't know what it is. I can't check now but when I do find out I'll include it in my postbit.

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
In my opinion the best options are either Dazzle or Pinnacle studio moviebox ultimate (I have the latter) Dazzle is cheaper and captures in a good quality but that's it. Pinnacle is more expensive but comes with a reasonably good editing software and green screen.

I'll PM you and explain them more carefully a little later to avoid spamming this thread :)

But yeah, when you've gotten your wii number we can exchange them and you can send the videos to me. I can't capture them before tomorrow, though.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
lol while we're on the topic does anyone know a good program for rendering 2d animation, with like scans and stuff


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
No one really answered you chok - I'm not too sure myself. I've been using something called Pencil and Flash to do 2D animation stuff.

Half-split I got your PM :) Also I'll register your wii number very soon. The videos are just Zelda using dtilt trip > drop through bair sweetspot on platforms that I think could go nicely in the OP.

Can anything test if Uair is guaranteed as well? Dtilt trip > dropthrough Uair? I've got it, but I don't know if they can use a tech option. *points finger at J LOOOOOO!*

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Half-split I got your PM :) Also I'll register your wii number very soon. The videos are just Zelda using dtilt trip > drop through bair sweetspot on platforms that I think could go nicely in the OP.
Okay cool, if you send them to me I'll capture them tomorrow since I'm going to sleep now (it's 1:30 am around here)

Also if you have any wishes for the music you'd want me to put to the background just say (youtube link will do just fine) Otherwise I'll just add something from my computer.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Dropthrough platforms to lightning kicks... it's one of those 'we should have discovered this way back but we were all too lazy'. I think it was him who suggested the idea of tripping someone to drop through lightning kicks and it just so happened to work out. It's a nice little setup but one you should never fish for - forcing it to happen deals bad business... so yeah, the more you know!

Once our wiis register (they're still registering afaik) then I can send the vids to HSS who can upload them.

edit: oh and I'll change the fairy fountain's title to discuss this...


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Dropping through platforms is one of the few things I'm dumb stupid at. Sometimes it takes me a few tries to do it.... @.@ I dunno if it's a controller issue or if I'm just.... really stupid, lol.

*goes to practice like a noob*

EDIT: But if it really is a guaranteed LK or whatever, platforms might not be as bad vs. Marth. I'd still avoid BF, though.

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
I think it was him who suggested the idea of tripping someone to drop through lightning kicks and it just so happened to work out.
To be completely accurate I was the one to suggest LK after trip but it was you who got the idea of sweetspotting it straight from a drop-through, so it was really you who found this out.

I'm also starting to think I've either typed your wii code wrong or mine is false... I don't think they're supposed to register each other this long.

Poor zeldspazz... we've filled this thread with everything just slightly related to the actual discussion.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Yeah Kay it's hard to do... you need to buffer a turnaround from dtilt otherwise you can't take advantage of the IASA frames. Just trip them, buffer the turnaround, then immediately slam down to drop through. It's like a reverse hadouken motion.

The Marth boards found a way to buffer a dropthrough though without the need to turnaround. I wonder how you do it...

EDIT:: wahhh we're all posting at the same time!

a) sorry zeldspazz we'll get back on topic. I'm going to move the last few posts to the GFF and bump that...
b) HSS it does still seem to be registering... I'll check my wii code tonight again as well and I'll let you know =p


Smash Master
Dec 29, 2008
Wow I leave for one day and you people flood up my thread :mad:

I still <3 you all, and this drop through platform thing is a very nice find.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Half-split I need your FC but I'm secretly in bed now >_> I'll add you tomorrow but make sure you add me back.

This is actually **** quick... I'd say around 7 frames. It can hit people from stun for those with fresher dtilts. The timing's not strict it's more the finger work needed to buffer everything correct. But it's really easy once you get it down.

You can buffer a true platform dropthrough from a move instantaneously... perform your move, and in its ending (buffer) frames just quickly tilt the stick back and then slam down. You should fall through the platform right after the move goes into its IASA frames. Jab could have some decent uses here with this mechanic. I know Marths have apparently been using this for ages.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
well well WELL!

Kaylo I'm secretly in bed now
waiting for you

I dream about your frame testing



*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Inside the pub too ;)

Back on topic though! I want everyone to get this down in case the situation arises... can someone make a list of all the dropthrough platforms in the game? (except on banned stages). I'm too lazy and I AM actually meant to sleeping lol! =p


Smash Master
Dec 29, 2008
K this is what I got so far:

Yoshi's Island Brawl- Center platform (does it work here?)
Battlefield- All platforms, right, center, and left
Smashvile- Platforms moves horizontally and parallel to the main stage.
Lylat Cruise- All platforms, right, center, and left
Halberd- Center platform while flying, Center platform when you land on the ship
Castle Siege- 1st transformation: Left and right platforms
2nd transformation: Top right, top left, low right-center, and low left-center platforms.
3rd transformation: None
Delfino- Every platform while the stage is flying, and umbrellas(?)
Brinstar- All platforms, right, center, and left
Frigate- 1st transformation: Left platforms, NOT the one that moves vertically
2nd transformation: Center platform
Rainbow Cruise- The top and bottom center platforms on the ship, and practically every platform off the ship....

And some just in case:
Jungle Japes- Center platform
Pirate Ship- Top and bottom center platforms
Norfair- Every platform except the lowest/main platform
Luigis Mansion- Roof of house, center portion of the second story floor, and the 2 platforms on both sides of the main stage that travel vertically along the side of the house.

I refuse to do the Pokemon Stadiums though, cus there are waaaaaay too many and I cant access my wii atm.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I dream about your frame testing

I don't think you're kidding. x.o <333

I'll try to finish the list of stages later if no one else does. But we all know I'll probably put it off forever, lol.

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Since I'm still waiting for all the stupid roadblocks set on our way by Nintendo to be cleared so that Kata can send me the videos of D-tilt trip => sweetspot Bair to record I started wondering one thing.

Is it possible to do Dair trip => sweetspot LK against someone standing on a platform or has Dair too much cooldown for that?

I know that sourspot LK trip => sweetspot LK works just fine and obviously Dair setup would be even more situational than that but it'd still be good to know if it works or not.

Smash Cadet
Aug 20, 2009
Since I'm still waiting for all the stupid roadblocks set on our way by Nintendo to be cleared so that Kata can send me the videos of D-tilt trip => sweetspot Bair to record I started wondering one thing.

Is it possible to do Dair trip => sweetspot LK against someone standing on a platform or has Dair too much cooldown for that?

I know that sourspot LK trip => sweetspot LK works just fine and obviously Dair setup would be even more situational than that but it'd still be good to know if it works or not.
Dair trips? xD


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2009
dins cancel?

When I was seeing if i could find anything with zelda, I was seeing if i could do anything with dins fire. Well, while I was doing it, i SHed and put out dins fire, Well, for some reason it canceled, no lag on landing, I was thinking "WOW!" but when i tried to do it again, nothing happened, Ive tried for 3 days yet no more results, anyone possibly know the cause?

also, I think a few more people should test, I cant test right now, my wii broke :(


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
That's interesting marko... see if you can recreate it. Did a hitbox come out?


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2009
actually yes, but I couldnt seem to recreat the moment, I cant test right now, my disc and wii broke. I will get back to testing when i get a new 1.

Edit: I SHed, then I let out dins. but when i landed i noticed dins kept going, and I could move. After the maximum lenth, a hitbox came out. didnt hit opponite, dins went to far away. I did do some combonation of joystick movement, because i was getting frustrated (I have issues :() cant remember the way I did rotate it, but I know I did, possibly her turn arround animation canceling out Zeldas throwing dins animation? or both of those animations with the landing? I dont know, I really think this should be tested by more experienced testers.


Smash Master
Dec 29, 2008
Thats.....pretty weird I must say. Man, if this actually works, then couldnt you dins again while the first on is moving :O? I might go test this now.

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Edit: I SHed, then I let out dins. but when i landed i noticed dins kept going, and I could move. After the maximum lenth, a hitbox came out. didnt hit opponite, dins went to far away.
I know two things that can cause that:

  1. You landed on a spring after activating Din. Based on your description this clearly wasn't the case.
  2. You were hit with extremely weak attack with minimum knockback after activating Din. Were you fighting someone with a weak projectile (Diddy, Mario or Luigi for example)? If you were are you sure you didn't get hit by one of their attacks? Especially Diddy's peanut popgun shots can be next to impossible to see flying when fully loaded.
If you're sure that you didn't get hit by anything and simply freed yourself from controlling the Din on your own then this needs to be examined more. I suppose you don't have a replay?

In other news: Considering all the hardships encountered just to upload a ****ing 40 second video of the D-tilt to dropthrough Bair I've been convinced the whole thing is cursed.

First, I promised to record and upload the replays Kata had about the tech. We wated for multiple days for our wiis to register each other just to find out he couldn't send the replays to me through brawl so he was forced to copy the files directly from his SD card. Then, when I started recording them my capture softare started glitching... twice. As a result I had to play around with settings and record everything twice.

The next problems appeared when compiling the video file into best formats: the resolution settings were all ****ed up. No problem, I compile the video 5 times until I find the quality to be good enough. Then starts the uploading part but youtube encounters an unknown error and I'll have to upload the ****tier quality version to get it to work... until youtube freezes again. After three hours I give up and cancel the uploading just to find out the video is actually up, just not showing in the search results.

To top it off, I had to write this post twice three times because my web browser crashed. However, even though the whole universe tried to stop this from happening, here's finally an example video of D-tilt on a platform leading into dropthrough Bair:



Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
I know two things that can cause that:

  1. You landed on a spring after activating Din. Based on your description this clearly wasn't the case.
  2. You were hit with extremely weak attack with minimum knockback after activating Din. Were you fighting someone with a weak projectile (Diddy, Mario or Luigi for example)? If you were are you sure you didn't get hit by one of their attacks? Especially Diddy's peanut popgun shots can be next to impossible to see flying when fully loaded.
If you're sure that you didn't get hit by anything and simply freed yourself from controlling the Din on your own then this needs to be examined more. I suppose you don't have a replay?

In other news: Considering all the hardships encountered just to upload a ****ing 40 second video of the D-tilt to dropthrough Bair I've been convinced the whole thing is cursed.

First, I promised to record and upload the replays Kata had about the tech. We wated for multiple days for our wiis to register each other just to find out he couldn't send the replays to me through brawl so he was forced to copy the files directly from his SD card. Then, when I started recording them my capture softare started glitching... twice. As a result I had to play around with settings and record everything twice.

The next problems appeared when compiling the video file into best formats: the resolution settings were all ****ed up. No problem, I compile the video 5 times until I find the quality to be good enough. Then starts the uploading part but youtube encounters an unknown error and I'll have to upload the ****tier quality version to get it to work... until youtube freezes again. After three hours I give up and cancel the uploading just to find out the video is actually up, just not showing in the search results.

To top it off, I had to write this post twice three times because my web browser crashed. However, even though the whole universe tried to stop this from happening, here's finally an example video of D-tilt on a platform leading into dropthrough Bair:




seriously though, i think im speakin for everyone when i say that we reeaaally appreciate what youve done for the zelda family:love:


Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
@everyone: I apologize for the middle part of my last post, the frustration got the better of me but now that I've calmed down a bit I realize just how stupid it was and made me sound like an attention *****. Sorry.

Well at least the video is finally up.

seriously though, i think im speakin for everyone when i say that we reeaaally appreciate what youve done for the zelda family:love:
But I haven't really done much... well thanks anyway.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Good **** half-split!

I'm sorry you went through hell to get it up though! I'll update the OP with this.

So yeah this is it... an interesting setup into a bair. Of course it's situational, though it doesn't need the trip at later percents. Uair should hit as well but this can only be done on trip. Works on every dropthrough platform in the game.

I'll embed the video so it's easier to see:

<object width="500" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/31ADoaOeVBc&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/31ADoaOeVBc&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="315"></embed></object>

When you nair someone's shield on a platform and then land on it, pressing down on the C-Stick should buffer a dtilt that shield pokes. Also... if you're at dtilt lock percents, if the first dtilt doesn't trip, the second or third are much likelier to force a trip instead.

Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
@everyone: I apologize for the middle part of my last post, the frustration got the better of me but now that I've calmed down a bit I realize just how stupid it was and made me sound like an attention *****. Sorry.

Well at least the video is finally up.

But I haven't really done much... well thanks anyway.
attention *****?
thats exactly what i thought:grin:
but i still thought you would deserve that attention^^
When you nair someone's shield on a platform and then land on it, pressing down on the C-Stick should buffer a dtilt that shield pokes. Also... if you're at dtilt lock percents, if the first dtilt doesn't trip, the second or third are much likelier to force a trip instead.
if i recall correctly, you put the "attack"command on c-stick right? :/


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2009
I know two things that can cause that:

  1. You landed on a spring after activating Din. Based on your description this clearly wasn't the case.
  2. You were hit with extremely weak attack with minimum knockback after activating Din. Were you fighting someone with a weak projectile (Diddy, Mario or Luigi for example)? If you were are you sure you didn't get hit by one of their attacks? Especially Diddy's peanut popgun shots can be next to impossible to see flying when fully loaded.
If you're sure that you didn't get hit by anything and simply freed yourself from controlling the Din on your own then this needs to be examined more. I suppose you don't have a replay?
no, I was in training. So i didnt get a replay, also CPU was on "stop" so it wasnt a attack. Stage was batttle feild.

Here is exactly what happened:

first, I SHed, let out dins then I rotaded the joystick a certain way, kind of getting angry just rotating it very fast. when i landed dins kept going, and zelda wasnt in her shooting dins animation (the 1 when dins flies) she was in her standing animation. There was a hitbox that came out. also, i was spinning/randomly just rotating iin random directions both the c stick and control stick.i was getting frustrated, so i rotaded them a bit violently and fast. it only happened once, i could never recreate it again. like i said, i rotated both the c stick and dierection stick. dins didnt hit opponite due to it being far away from him (i was in the middle of the the stage.) but a hitbox did come out (where dins explodes)

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
if i recall correctly, you put the "attack"command on c-stick right? :/
That's right.

no, I was in training. So i didnt get a replay, also CPU was on "stop" so it wasnt a attack. Stage was batttle feild.
Okay, could you break the situation down even more? Did you land on a platform, was the speed at normal, were there items on stage etc etc... the more specific information you can provide the higher the chances we'll figure out what happened.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
No this was all done with C-stick set to smashes - I hate the attack-stick

edit: oh and buffering dtilt from nair on a platform is also done with the smashstick

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Aah, good old Sakurai messing up with the controls: smash stick sometimes causes tilts and tilt stick forces random jumps. What could be better?

Also, when performing D-tilt => droptrought Bair you don't actually have to buffer turnaround at all. It works if you just time one slam with the control stick into the down-left or down-right direction (depending on the direction you're facing). It makes Zelda instantly turn around and drop through the platform and after that you can just perform Bair with C-stick.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Aah, good old Sakurai messing up with the controls: smash stick sometimes causes tilts and tilt stick forces random jumps. What could be better?
smash stick only causes tilts when you are already tilting.

it makes sense if you understand that the smash stick is really just inputting two things simultaneously, and if you already have one of those inputs in (tilting) it can't turn that tilt into a smash.
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