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Fact 54 - Mewtwo Is On The Way [Social/General Discussion]

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Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
I second this, I was also impressed by the responses in quotes especially this one,
If Mewtwo isn't confirmed in the final roster before the 3DS title release date, then he could probably / definitely be guaranteed DLC plus any other cut characters!

Edit: Also thanks for the link @ Gnarleysquid Gnarleysquid :mewtwopm:
My reasoning for that statement was derived from Sakurai's initial comment pertaining to the way in which the roster was decided.

“All of the characters you see here and pretty much all of the characters that we’re still looking at have… were all decided right at the very beginning of development."

Those that believe in the Gematsu leak will also know that the leaker allegedly confirmed that DLC is coming, which appears to be supported by Sakurai's statement. If Mewtwo isn't included in the initial roster, then there's no reason it wouldn't be locked in as add-on content – unless Sakurai has opted to just leave the character out of the series going forward, but that just doesn't make any sense.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
I'm ready for the disbelief before this sentence ends, but Pokemon has had the largest amount of playable characters from their respected Universe within Super Smash Bros. history. 3 are practically or already confirmed (Jigglypuff Pikachu & Mewtwo) & since brawl, Charizard & Lucario are confirmed. With considering pichu still cut & leaving 2 in the dark (Ivysaur & Squirtle) how can only one pokemon Greninja, make up for that without at least filling in the other dark slot?

Edit: Not that this pattern matters much, but in chronological order of the Smash titles, the Pokemon reps rose every time. Starting out only 2, rising to 4 the next, rising to 6 now. Are we absolutely sure it's gonna remain with 6 reps again? To top it all off Melee cut 2 when they should of only cut just 1, but Brawl gained 3 for a better number trade-off. You guys can see 1 more slot right?
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
I'm ready for the disbelief before this sentence ends, but Pokemon has had the largest amount of playable characters from their respected Universe within Super Smash Bros. history. 3 are practically or already confirmed (Jigglypuff Pikachu & Mewtwo) & since brawl, Charizard & Lucario are confirmed. With considering pichu still cut & leaving 2 in the dark (Ivysaur & Squirtle) how can only one pokemon Greninja, make up for that without at least filling in the other dark slot?
I can't imagine it will. Six spots is too perfect for the Pokemon franchise, so I fully expect there to be that many in the new games.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
6 sounds really respectable for Pokémon. It has had the same ammount of characters in Brawl. Why should we get one less this time? For Mario, it made sense in Melee. Cause Dr.Mario is the worst clone in Smash history, logically he'd be cut. But why should Pokémon get 2 cuts, and only get 1 Pokémon in return? In Brawl, we might've lost Mewtwo and Pichu, but got Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard in return. I doubt that the loss of Squirtle and Ivysaur won't be compensated.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Not only is 6 characters the same as the individual Pokémon-characters in Brawl, and thus acceptable, it's also the number of Pokémon a trainer can carry in his/her party at once. I find it to be a very fitting number of Pokémon-characters for Smash haha!


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Six spots is too perfect for the Pokemon franchise, so I fully expect there to be that many in the new games.
That on it's own as Pokemon logic makes even more than just sense, that makes dollars to fit it perfectly perhaps I'm too eager for Nintendo to surpass that ideal limit.
It has had the same ammount of characters in Brawl. Why should we get one less this time? For Mario, it made sense in Melee. Cause Dr.Mario is the worst clone in Smash history, logically he'd be cut. But why should Pokémon get 2 cuts, and only get 1 Pokémon in return? In Brawl, we might've lost Mewtwo and Pichu, but got Lucario, Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard in return. I doubt that the loss of Squirtle and Ivysaur won't be compensated.
I dig this as well. Mario as a universe in SSB has a high amount of total characters that I can see getting 1 or 2 more characters from their universe,but seeing clones more are lame and boring. Getting 4 extra PKMN in brawl was definitely satisfying for losing Mewtwo but because mid-game transformation as a mechanic is gone, I feel Sakurai would make up for the PT trio bringing back Mewtwo better than ever. I'm satisfied with the 6 PKMN team now but I feel something missing...maybe making another PKMN as a boss battle would suffice...
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Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
Speaking of Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, what would you think if Sakuari pulled a major 360 on us and Mewtwo X was in the game? Everybody's expecting Y lol.

We haven't seen anything of X yet, apart from that small appearance in the Mega Evolution special and the games. I've been curious about why we haven't seen much of X yet for a while. Maybe something is in store?

Tbh I think something we're not expecting will happen regardless. That would be cool.

Maybe Sakurai is hinting at something. If Charizard's Final Smash is his Mega X form it would make sense to balance it out with Mewtwo returning with his Mega Y form as a Final Smash.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I actually think Mega X would make more sense for a transformation, be it final smash or otherwise, for Mewtwo in Smash. You could pretty much just beef up the moveset with power buffs and psychic energy disjointed hitboxes. If Y were to be a transformation, they'd have to deal with the tail's new placement and the other vastly different, in comparison to Mewtwo -> Mega Mewtwo X, physical changes. Though I suppose if his tail is completely removed from his attacks, which I think would suck but also suit him more, then a transformation into Mega Mewtwo Y would be perfectly doable.

What do you guys think? Would you be cool with Mewtwo losing all of his tail attacks in favor of completely psychic-based stuff or would you still like him to be semi-physical?
I still wouldn't mind him being physical to some degree, just not as much as in Melee obviously. But yeah, MMX would be easier to program than the other megaform no doubt.

The Pokemon vs Mario in terms of number of slots arguments have always been ********.
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Sep 26, 2013
I dunno. I'm starting not to 'feel' it. I feel like our roster will be 47 characters, and that 47 won't include :mewtwopm:


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2014
I still wouldn't mind him being physical to some degree, just not as much as in Melee obviously. But yeah, MMX would be easier to program than the other megaform no doubt.

The Pokemon vs Mario in terms of number of slots arguments have always been ********.
I agree. As far as I'm concerned, Zelda, which is another of Nintendo's juggernaut franchises, has had just 4 reps (Toon Link and Young Link are still Link, no new representation there, really) since Melee even though people have been wanting Skull Kid, Midna, Impa, Tetra, etc. for quite a while. Same goes for Metroid, which has gotten by with ONLY Samus and ZSS. Sure, Metroid doesn't exactly have a huge pool of characters to choose from, but my point is that number of roster slots does not equal popularity/importance of franchise. By that logic, the Game and Watch was just as popular and important during Melee's time as the Metroid series was.
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Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
Well, sometimes a bit of pessimism is necessary.
Agreed! But not intuitive pessimism in that context.

Speaking of Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, what would you think if Sakuari pulled a major 360 on us and Mewtwo X was in the game? Everybody's expecting Y lol.

We haven't seen anything of X yet, apart from that small appearance in the Mega Evolution special and the games. I've been curious about why we haven't seen much of X yet for a while. Maybe something is in store?

Tbh I think something we're not expecting will happen regardless. That would be cool.
I personally think it's because Mega Mewtwo Y is a more fresh take on Mewtwo. It has similarities to Mew which almost has a kawaii aspect yet it still has the bad*ss factor as Mewtwo. In other words, more appeal, better for marketing. Mega Mewtwo X is cool but stocky and more serious, which is fine. I just wish, instead, they gave him a more.. alien.. form. Like a Xenomorph/elongated-headed Frieza from DBZ. MMY is perfect though. It's almost ironic, which fits in with the playful SSB theme. I'm sure that's some type of trope in anime - the all powerful being in the body of a child.
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Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2014
Sharpedo bluff; Treasure town
Let me be the one to take this in a slightly different direction then. Lets say there is six characters for pokemon this time around. The fifth pokemon is conformed as Mewtwo, but they reveal jiggs as a pokeball. Who personally do you think would be the next good representative for the roster BEYOND Sceptile?
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
Let me be the one to take this in a slightly different direction then. Lets say there is six characters for pokemon this time around. The fifth pokemon is conformed as Mewtwo, but they reveal jiggs as a pokeball. Who personally do you think would be the next good representative for the roster BEYOND Sceptile?
If not Sceptile, it'll probably be Blaziken. Although I would be pretty upset to see Jigglypuff turned into a Pokeball.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
Let me be the one to take this in a slightly different direction then. Lets say there is six characters for pokemon this time around. The fifth pokemon is conformed as Mewtwo, but they reveal jiggs as a pokeball. Who personally do you think would be the next good representative for the roster BEYOND Sceptile?
At this point, I'd say Sceptile has the next best following on these boards – not to mention he's now incredibly relevant with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. But beyond him, maybe a potential return of Ivysaur or Squirtle?

If an entirely new type of fighter then perhaps Red could suit up and battle. I'd imagine he'd have a cool summon-type move set that could incorporate Ivysaur, Squirtle, Jiggly (if she was hypothetically axed) and maybe even Pichu as a nod to past Smashers that didn't make the cut this time around – as well as a couple other Pokemon that pop out to lend him a hand.

I dunno. Could be cool! Something different anyway. :p


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
Let me be the one to take this in a slightly different direction then. Lets say there is six characters for pokemon this time around. The fifth pokemon is conformed as Mewtwo, but they reveal jiggs as a pokeball. Who personally do you think would be the next good representative for the roster BEYOND Sceptile?
Sceptile would make sense, although I didn't know there was that much of a following for it. It would be cool to see given that Charizard and Greninja are already in there, so Sceptile would complete the set. And as much as I dislike Jigglypuff, I'd feel bad for the people who uses her as a main..

I'm with @ ミスティック Speed ミスティック Speed with this one, Blaziken would be a great addition. I don't see it happening given that Charizard is already in there, representing the fire starter of course, but Blaziken just makes sense. Zoroark would be another one, mainly because I want to see something dark-looking and am very curious to see how Sakurai would portray its illusion powers. Other than that, it's really hard to say. They could go the anthropomorphic Pokemon route but I don't think there are any relevant ones at the moment other than Mewtwo. Heck, even Greninja was a surprise to me. I would personally like to see Deoxys and it's three forms but there really isn't a reason for it to be in the game as a PC if they're going by relevance or popularity. It would be cool though. Anything else.. not sure how they would decide because there aren't too many iconic Pokemon at the moment that aren't already considered. Notable mentions for me would include: Garchomp, Scizor and Gardevoir, mega evolutions included. Also Absol/Mega Absol. They had a quadruped model with Ivysaur, it would be awesome to see another one!


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2013
In what sense? I mean, I'd like to think most of us here on this thread are hoping Mewtwo will be in the game, yeah?
I was thinking more in terms of M2 being one of the most pessimistic characters in Smash but I don't think anyone got that...

Sceptile seems to be more of a flash fire than an actual wanted character, he's a bit of a "Gen 3 is relevant again" cry more than anything else, besides his loving in the mystery dungeon series, he actually isn't that predominant in the Pokemon fanbase.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
I'll say it again if I have to. It would make sense for Mega Mewtwo Y to be in instead of X because Charizard uses his X form as a Final Smash so Mega Mewtwo Y would balance it out.
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I was thinking more in terms of M2 being one of the most pessimistic characters in Smash but I don't think anyone got that...

Sceptile seems to be more of a flash fire than an actual wanted character, he's a bit of a "Gen 3 is relevant again" cry more than anything else, besides his loving in the mystery dungeon series, he actually isn't that predominant in the Pokemon fanbase.
That was Grovyle who got a role in Mystery dungeon.

Though I agree, I really don't think Sceptile has much of a chance. The vast majority of his "chances" are based on an arbitrary pattern that may or may not mean anything at all. Not to mention he's overshadowed by Blaziken as a significant Pokemon.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Let me be the one to take this in a slightly different direction then. Lets say there is six characters for pokemon this time around. The fifth pokemon is conformed as Mewtwo, but they reveal jiggs as a pokeball. Who personally do you think would be the next good representative for the roster BEYOND Sceptile?
Mmmm...kind of a tough one. Jigglypuff which wasn't officially confirmed as playable it worries me along with many others. I'd like jiggz in to complete the 6 but if Jiggs is a pokeball I would go with grass as the last remaining type of the trio since PKMN games always emphasized the weaknesses for the 3 since R/B/Y, so I guess I'd go with either Serperior Blaziken or bring back Ivysaur being a surprisingly good design for a quadruped.
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Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2014
Sharpedo bluff; Treasure town
To all you who say sceptile is going to make it in in my hypothetical situation (too many to count) I don't disbelieve that sceptile is not the next best choice, because it is. the point of the hypothetical question was to see if anyone got a fresh new idea out of this for a possible character. my reasoning is that sakurai is crafty and creative. If we found an overlooked character which seams obvious in retrospect, we would have another possible character out there to worry about, but like I thought nothing was found (so far). so in this case its good news. but I would recommend we keep the question in the back of our heads just in case.

Plus its fun to think up these kinda things, y'know?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
Midwest USA
I'll say it again if I have to. It would make sense for Mega Mewtwo Y to be in instead of X because Charizard uses his X form as a Final Smash so Mega Mewtwo Y would balance it out.
I actually having a hard time seeing either of them as controllable. If Sakurai wants no transforming characters, any smashball (or otherwise) transformations would have to retain the same moveset. This is easy to do with Charizard or Lucario who's mega forms are very similar to their normal form. MM2X and MM2Y however are very different. MM2Y is more 'mew' like and would require new animations to work. MM2X is probably more doable in terms of keeping the same animations (do to have a similar structure and shape) but I think we would expect a more physical moveset (kicks/punches) on MM2X, which might look strange on normal mewtwo (again, assuming they have the same moveset/animations).

That being said I could see either mega form appearing as a 'cinematic' smashball animation (Mewtwo moves to middle/top of the stage, changes to Y, psytrike (or other move), then turns back) just not as controllable characters.

To all you who say sceptile is going to make it in in my hypothetical situation (too many to count) I don't disbelieve that sceptile is not the next best choice, because it is. the point of the hypothetical question was to see if anyone got a fresh new idea out of this for a possible character. my reasoning is that sakurai is crafty and creative. If we found an overlooked character which seams obvious in retrospect, we would have another possible character out there to worry about, but like I thought nothing was found (so far). so in this case its good news. but I would recommend we keep the question in the back of our heads just in case.

Plus its fun to think up these kinda things, y'know?
Obviously the next best choice is... hawlucha!
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2014
I actually having a hard time seeing either of them as controllable. If Sakurai wants no transforming characters, any smashball (or otherwise) transformations would have to retain the same moveset. This is easy to do with Charizard or Lucario who's mega forms are very similar to their normal form. MM2X and MM2Y however are very different. MM2Y is more 'mew' like and would require new animations to work. MM2X is probably more doable in terms of keeping the same animations (do to have a similar structure and shape) but I think we would expect a more physical moveset (kicks/punches) on MM2X, which might look strange on normal mewtwo (again, assuming they have the same moveset/animations).

That being said I could see either mega form appearing as a 'cinematic' smashball animation (Mewtwo moves to middle/top of the stage, changes to Y, psystrike (or other move), then turns back) just not as controllable characters.
I had the same thought process. Completely reanimating a character could be avoided if there was a cinematic FS. What would be interesting is if that cinematic had a chance of being either MM2X or MM2Y.

I picture it something like this, Mewtwo reaches out to both sides of him cause reality to rip apart. He then closes his hands together in front of him, and anyone caught in the orb around him get teleported somewhere. Then we see a quick clip of Mewtwo mega evolving into either X or Y. If it's X, he performed a brutal combo on the foes that end with them getting blasted away. If it's Y, we see him floating above the foes and then send a giant psychic energy wave (looks similar to Project M Final Smash) down to blast them away.

Hey, while I'm at it, let's describe something that will probably never happen. Mewtwo getting a FS that utilizes both mega evolutions. Mewtwo teleports his enemies to a different place. He then evolves into MM2X and beats up on the opponents, finishing by knocking them up in the air. Then he switches to MM2Y (how can he do this? Because he's Mewtwo...) and sends them flying with a giant burst of psychic energy.

Can anyone whose been study Lil Mac tell me if his FS uses different animations? If it does, then maybe having one of Mewtwo's mega evolutions as a transformation isn't out of the question.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
Midwest USA
Can anyone whose been study Lil Mac tell me if his FS uses different animations? If it does, then maybe having one of Mewtwo's mega evolutions as a transformation isn't out of the question.
It looks like it is the same moveset (similar to bowser to gigabowser). I suppose if the developers get really clever with mewtwo's move-set they might be able to make it work for a controllable transformation, but I would be worried the effectiveness of the move-set might suffer as a result?
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2014
It probably doesn't mean anything but looks who is on one of the teased products at pokemoncenter.com


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
I actually having a hard time seeing either of them as controllable. If Sakurai wants no transforming characters, any smashball (or otherwise) transformations would have to retain the same moveset. This is easy to do with Charizard or Lucario who's mega forms are very similar to their normal form. MM2X and MM2Y however are very different. MM2Y is more 'mew' like and would require new animations to work. MM2X is probably more doable in terms of keeping the same animations (do to have a similar structure and shape) but I think we would expect a more physical moveset (kicks/punches) on MM2X, which might look strange on normal mewtwo (again, assuming they have the same moveset/animations).

That being said I could see either mega form appearing as a 'cinematic' smashball animation (Mewtwo moves to middle/top of the stage, changes to Y, psytrike (or other move), then turns back) just not as controllable characters.

I think MM2Y could work just like Yoshi's Final Smash. He could fly around and shoot blasts of psychic energy.
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Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2014
I doubt that the Hoenn remakes will get representation at least in the roster. Especially if Sakurai mentioned that there was one slot free for a pokemon which was Greninja. Therefore if there are six slots for pokemon in the game then the sixth one will be Mewtwo no doubt. I mean come on this is Smash bros, patterns are not meant to be followed such as completing the starter trio. If they wanted to add a Hoenn representative then there are far more interesting pokemons like Gardeviour, Deoxys, or Blaziken but Sceptile should be a big no no


Smash Cadet
Jun 14, 2014
Atlanta, Georgia
I think Mewtwo and Ridley are the Hoenn remakes and Half-Life 3 of the Smash community. But hey, Hoenn was eventually confirmed after years of speculation.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2014
Berkeley, California
Gardevoir = Pokeball http://youtu.be/BgmC56ndgeg?t=18s
Deoxys = Pokeball http://youtu.be/BgmC56ndgeg?t=18s

Blaziken eh? Meh but I feel you to a degree
Yes, they are Pokeball Pokemon, but they would make great fighters. Especially Deoxys since it has individual normal, speed, attack, and defense forms. You can definitely get creative with that in Smash.

I think Mewtwo and Ridley are the Hoenn remakes and Half-Life 3 of the Smash community. But hey, Hoenn was eventually confirmed after years of speculation.
Hm, not sure if I like the idea of Mewtwo and Ridley being in the same category since I think Mewtwo has a higher chance of being in Smash than the Ridley. I would personally love to play as Ridley but I don't think I've ever read anything regarding Sakurai wanting him to be a PC, plus the whole boss trailer.. which I hope is just a troll tease.
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Forgot Deoxys had that many forms, so much variety in a single move-set & Deoxys' Special varaitions to boot with it? Holy hotness.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
"Stay thirsty my friends." -The Most Interesting Pokemon In The World
Where's @Louie G. 's avatar picture for this moment? That avatar could totally fill the role, get on in here man!

Edit: Give Mewtwo, one of the most interesting pokemon in the world a big drink to that :shades::mewtwopm::mewtwopm::mewtwopm:
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Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Let me be the one to take this in a slightly different direction then. Lets say there is six characters for pokemon this time around. The fifth pokemon is conformed as Mewtwo, but they reveal jiggs as a pokeball. Who personally do you think would be the next good representative for the roster BEYOND Sceptile?
I think that a cute Pokemon deserves that slot. We already have Charizard, Lucario, Greninja and probably Mewtwo to rappresent the cool Pokemon. Just Pikachu isn't enought for the "kawaii" ones... But I can't think to anyone besides Jigglypuff or Sylveon.
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