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Fact 54 - Mewtwo Is On The Way [Social/General Discussion]

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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I really hope they change Mewtwo's moveset a bit. Don't make him like Lucario..i would love to see him have a Ermac style moveset
Oh, me too. If he was Ermac or Raven esque with his telekinesis in the form of his specials or something, I'd main him forever just as I do those two in their respective games. (well I'd main Mewtwo regardless but you know what I mean)

It may be Psystrike, that or Psystrike will be his final smash.
Psystrike should replace Confusion or something if it's not a final smash IMO. Keep the Shadow Ball though but give it more range when fully charged.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Skull kid was never playable though. Mewtwo at one point was and that's why it would seem odd to add him back into the game as anything but playable. It's seems like most agree with Mewtwo being playable or not in at all.

And as for Pokemon Bosses why not one of the big legendaries again? Yveltal hasn't been seen yet if I recall. And we can always bring back Rayquaza.
I'd rather not see Rayquaza again. It wasn't featured anywhere in Pokemon X and Y, and it would be a waste to bring it back when there are so many other alternatives.

Maybe we could get Mega Gardevoir on the Kalos Pokemon League stage.

Also, I really don't want to say this, but bosses don't necessarily have to be big in this series. Remember that Tabuu, the final boss of the SSE, was a lot smaller than the other bosses and was at the size of a playable character.

If Mewtwo is a boss (god forbid), then Sakurai would probably make him around Tabuu's size.
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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
By thenway i have something to say about the boss's

I feel that theres only going to be 1 boss from a rep

Because thats how it rolled put in SSE (both ridleys is still the same boss.)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
Midwest USA
I'd rather not see Rayquaza again. It wasn't featured anywhere in Pokemon X and Y, and it would be a waste to bring it back when there are so many other alternatives.

Maybe we could get Mega Gardevoir on the Kalos Pokemon League stage.

Also, I really don't want to say this, but bosses don't necessarily have to be big in this series. Remember that Tabuu, the final boss of the SSE, was a lot smaller than the other bosses and was at the size of a playable character.

If Mewtwo is a boss (god forbid), then Sakurai would probably make him around Tabuu's size.
Genesect might make a good boss, being the antagonist of the last movie. We could also see the X and Y Cover legendaries as bosses (chosen randomly when the stage loads, like spear pillar).

Deleted member

Genesect and Xerneas are already Poke Ball summons.

Yveltal, though.....

Perfect as a boss.
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Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Before people speculate that Mewtwo could be a boss in Smash Run, is it even confirmed legit (as in reliable source with pics) that Kraid is one? Or was it just a random person that said Kraid was in as a boss?

Either way, I've said it before and will say it again. He's either playable, a trophy, or nothing at all.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2014
Midwest USA
Genesect and Xerneas are already Poke Ball summons.

Yveltal, though.....

Perfect as a boss.
I wasn't aware genesect was confirmed to be a pokeball (only that he appears out of a pokeball in greninja trailer) XD

But I agree on Yveltal making a cool boss, though I'm a little fearful of how much mayhem Oblivion Wing would cause.
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I'd rather not see Rayquaza again. It wasn't featured anywhere in Pokemon X and Y, and it would be a waste to bring it back when there are so many other alternatives.

Maybe we could get Mega Gardevoir on the Kalos Pokemon League stage.

Also, I really don't want to say this, but bosses don't necessarily have to be big in this series. Remember that Tabuu, the final boss of the SSE, was a lot smaller than the other bosses and was at the size of a playable character.

If Mewtwo is a boss (god forbid), then Sakurai would probably make him around Tabuu's size.
Well, Tabuu was actually fairly larger than any playable character. He was a lot smaller than the other bosses, but he was still noticeably larger than an actual character. Mewtwo would have to be scaled up a bit to match that size. Also, I think the whole "Mewtwo as a boss" idea was actually focused on Mega Mewtwo Y being a boss. And Y is even smaller than regular Mewtwo.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Mewtwo could work as a Tabuu-like boss but it would be a terrible sight to see. All attacks Tabuu does could fit Mewtwo in a sense (except for those with weapons- but those can be replaced with other attacks). As well as teleporting all around the stage.

Let's just hope that IF Sakurai decides to add the Big Bad 3 ; King K.Rool, Ridley and Mewtwo as stage bosses, they're unlockable after defeat.

I think that'd be the highest honor possible for these 3 most popular fan-requested characters. Sure, appealing to the casual / masses with Villager, Wii Fit Trainer and Mii is good, but Sakurai cannot ignore the characters the actual Smash fanbase asks for completely!
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Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
The reason Mewtwo couldn't be a boss is because if they're willing to set aside enough time and resources to develop and animate him that much, they might as well use that time to make him a playable character instead.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
The "Mewtwo in Smash Run as a boss" comments are, IMO, some of the most illogical theories I've ever seen. No problem with speculation, but:

1. Mewtwo in Smash Run, a 3DS only mode, would mean Mewtwo is "3DS exclusive". Cue Wii U loyalists raging.
2. "We made a model, gave him attacks, even gave him a VA, but not playable." is what that specific theory is trying to tell you. Which is unfair.
3. Mewtwo is FAR too popular ATM to be relegated to a boss. Huge promotion for XY? Check. Featured in Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction? Check. Much more variety for a moveset nowadays? Check. No way something with that much hype behind it will be relegated to...this.
4. All the points I mentioned in my other post.

So yes, Mewtwo as a boss in Smash Run is total bogus as far as I'm concerned.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
If Mewtwo returns what do you guys think his moveset will be? Should he keep shadow ball or do you think it will be replaced by psystrike?
One thing to notice as well is that Greninja has shadow sneak which works identical to teleport so Mewtwo would also need a new up special.

Swift Fox

Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2010
Pokémon Center
Featured in Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction? Check.
The hell? Don't you mean Genesect and the Legend Awakened?

Genesect should've been a boss then I'd agree.

The reason Mewtwo couldn't be a boss is because if they're willing to set aside enough time and resources to develop and animate him that much, they might as well use that time to make him a playable character instead.
Making a character playable isn't as straightforward as making it a boss like you think it may be. As Sakurai said, it'd going to be a multiplication addition because of balancing issues.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2014
Wesley Chapel, Florida
One thing to notice as well is that Greninja has shadow sneak which works identical to teleport so Mewtwo would also need a new up special.
why do people assume that if someone has a similar move, they need a new one? WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM? its stupid, there are numerous characters with very similar moves, it doesnt mean they need changed. End of Story.

Deleted member

Featured in Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction? Check.
We don't actually know this.
The Mega Mewtwos may have been on the initial poster for the movie, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're actually in the movie.
For example, Giratina and the Sky Warrior's initial poster in Japan featured Dialga and Palkia fighting again with Giratina joining the fray. In the movie itself, Palkia doesn't appear outside of flashbacks to the previous movie and Dialga plays a minor role.

MMX and MMY could very well be just cameos like in the Mega Evolution special episode.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2014
I have to agree that teleport works nothing like Shadow Sneak. Shadow sneak can be charged to vary how far the move will travel. And shadow sneak can only be done sideways. Teleport has a set distance, provided you're not running into a solid object, and can be used in multiple directions. It also doesn't do damage.

Sendo Roba

Smash Cadet
Jul 26, 2008
If Mewtwo (a character) is cut again in favor of some Greninja (a random wild animal) I will be insulted and need to reevaluate my self-definition of "Nintendo All Star"


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2012
Adelaide, South Australia
Speaking of Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, what would you think if Sakuari pulled a major 360 on us and Mewtwo X was in the game? Everybody's expecting Y lol.

We haven't seen anything of X yet, apart from that small appearance in the Mega Evolution special and the games. I've been curious about why we haven't seen much of X yet for a while. Maybe something is in store?

Tbh I think something we're not expecting will happen regardless. That would be cool.


May 14, 2014
Mewtwo could work as a Tabuu-like boss but it would be a terrible sight to see. All attacks Tabuu does could fit Mewtwo in a sense (except for those with weapons- but those can be replaced with other attacks). As well as teleporting all around the stage.

Let's just hope that IF Sakurai decides to add the Big Bad 3 ; King K.Rool, Ridley and Mewtwo as stage bosses, they're unlockable after defeat.

I think that'd be the highest honor possible for these 3 most popular fan-requested characters. Sure, appealing to the casual / masses with Villager, Wii Fit Trainer and Mii is good, but Sakurai cannot ignore the characters the actual Smash fanbase asks for completely!
I'm hardcore and even I wanted Villager since pre Brawl, dude! But no doubt about it, he knows who the fans want most, I know Mewtwo is in hands down, we all know that. But it would even be suicide for Sakurai to deny Ridley and K. Rool's right to be playable this time around.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
I'd rather not see Rayquaza again. It wasn't featured anywhere in Pokemon X and Y, and it would be a waste to bring it back when there are so many other alternatives.

Maybe we could get Mega Gardevoir on the Kalos Pokemon League stage.

Also, I really don't want to say this, but bosses don't necessarily have to be big in this series. Remember that Tabuu, the final boss of the SSE, was a lot smaller than the other bosses and was at the size of a playable character.

If Mewtwo is a boss (god forbid), then Sakurai would probably make him around Tabuu's size.

Tabuu was big as a Playable Character...sure.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Well, Tabuu was actually fairly larger than any playable character. He was a lot smaller than the other bosses, but he was still noticeably larger than an actual character. Mewtwo would have to be scaled up a bit to match that size. Also, I think the whole "Mewtwo as a boss" idea was actually focused on Mega Mewtwo Y being a boss. And Y is even smaller than regular Mewtwo.
It would make more sense for Mewtwo X to be a boss then theoretically speaking since it's the tallest out of the three forms, though just marginally bigger than the regular form but I would expect its size to be taken out of proportion if it's a boss, which I don't entertain the thought of Mewtwo being in any shape or form when it comes to Smash.

Don't really see Yveltal being a boss when its counterpart Xerneas is a pokeball, but wouldn't be opposed to the idea. If anything though I'd might expect Zygarde to get the Rayquaza treatment or something.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2014
Speaking of Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, what would you think if Sakuari pulled a major 360 on us and Mewtwo X was in the game? Everybody's expecting Y lol.

We haven't seen anything of X yet, apart from that small appearance in the Mega Evolution special and the games. I've been curious about why we haven't seen much of X yet for a while. Maybe something is in store?

Tbh I think something we're not expecting will happen regardless. That would be cool.
I actually think Mega X would make more sense for a transformation, be it final smash or otherwise, for Mewtwo in Smash. You could pretty much just beef up the moveset with power buffs and psychic energy disjointed hitboxes. If Y were to be a transformation, they'd have to deal with the tail's new placement and the other vastly different, in comparison to Mewtwo -> Mega Mewtwo X, physical changes. Though I suppose if his tail is completely removed from his attacks, which I think would suck but also suit him more, then a transformation into Mega Mewtwo Y would be perfectly doable.

What do you guys think? Would you be cool with Mewtwo losing all of his tail attacks in favor of completely psychic-based stuff or would you still like him to be semi-physical?


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Sup U.Mewtwo thread! I'd like to quote others but I'm so behind despite my built-in Mewtwo support I have to get started. Only reading / skimming this latest page the topic is mostly about bosses & Mewtwo himself as playable or Boss. Before I do that I just wanna get this debate of Lucario & Mewtwo being similar out of the way...They're not that similar. at all. The similarity they share would be a fraction of 1-5% solely because of their shared Neutral-B charge animation. Both characters are equally unique and have their own different game play-styles. Back to the Bosses & Mewtwo topic, also numbered in order means nothing:
  • PKMN Bosses
  1. Mewtwo. I don't want this beast to be a boss battle even though he can pull it off but no, most if not all of us want 'em to be playable but if he couldn't be played...then for the sake of Mewtwo's move-set pre-made for him make him a boss to avoid wasting those efforts toward his game-play designing (this sounding like disrespect). Generic Mewtwo move-set right? Let's pretend Project M Mewtwo is a reference too but bigger, stronger, better, bigger hit-boxes. I have 2 ideas to go about this boss battle. Either make it a Melee Giga Bowser scenario fighting Mewtwo at the start & defeat him followed by a cut-scene of Mewtwo returning to transform into MMX or MMY depending on the certain conditions, or the boss is just straight MMX or MMY at the start of the boss fight showing him transform into whichever MEvo based on any required conditions. I wouldn't mind either, I for one would like to see the 'defeat & return stronger' since that was discontinued after Melee.
  2. Rayquaza. (I hated this PKMN boss fighting as Ivysaur! Grass <<<<<< Dragon/Flying UGH) I don't mind seeing this legendary return as a boss fight, all the more reason to promote the ORAS. Nothing really to describe or explain here I was fine with his last AI set other than maybe some Dragon exclusive moves I guess? Also what was with him being on the ground? Sky Dragon that's never supposed to touch the ground my ass.
  3. Yveltal. I personally haven't played PKMN X / Y but this legendary looks sick as fuu-. I can partially see 'em be a potential boss but mostly a pokeball PKMN like Xerneas. Won't say more since I can't give enough justice for 'em.
Mewtwo supposedly intended for SSB64 & SSBBrawl but not making it in either was 'bummer may horus' for us all but on the other hand appreciating the love & attention Mewtwo's getting in Project M, regardless I definitely have faith for 'em in Sm4sh! As for what MEvo I'd like to see between MMX & MMY I'd like both preferably it could be a certain condition MEvo or simply just choose the MEvo with button inputs. Ultimately I'm gonna go with MMX since it would go into a different game play-style for Mewtwo fitting in the fighting criteria in smash, MMY would be just as cool which is why I support the idea of the choice between his two MEvo's for Final Smash but for the single-choice only....fine.

Edit: By chance, may I get a solid on helping me find the Mewtwo SSB4 sig(s)?
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Mewtwo as a boss would be disappointing. The "bosses" in Smash Run look to be more like mini-bosses anyway, or some kind of events during the play. They seem to be more minor characters in their respective franchises, but still big/known/iconic enough to count as mini-bosses. There's Bonkers from Kirby and apparently Bulborb from Pikmin is one (?) too, and if we believe the Gamexplain video, (Mini-)Kraid and a big Kremling as well. So I'm thinking Mewtwo would be too big of a name to be shoved into that category haha!

That said, another legendary as a boss could work, though I think many, if not all of them, will be saved for Master Balls. So a boss in Smash Run could be something between a normal Pokémon and a legendary Pokémon => pseudo-legendary. Hydreigon, for example, as a mini-boss-sort-of-thing in Smash Run might work. But if there's actually going to be a Boss Mode of sorts, especially in the Wii U version, then I'd be fine with Rayquaza coming back, or Giratina or Yveltal being the boss or whatever.

As long as Mewtwo is playable haha!


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
We don't actually know this.
The Mega Mewtwos may have been on the initial poster for the movie, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're actually in the movie.
For example, Giratina and the Sky Warrior's initial poster in Japan featured Dialga and Palkia fighting again with Giratina joining the fray. In the movie itself, Palkia doesn't appear outside of flashbacks to the previous movie and Dialga plays a minor role.

MMX and MMY could very well be just cameos like in the Mega Evolution special episode.
Cameo or not, an appearance is an appearance. Your point is, however, completely valid. Mewtwo is steadily getting more promotion these days, which means that something is forthcoming. It'll transform from cameo(if it happens like you said) to central role of...something.

The hell? Don't you mean Genesect and the Legend Awakened?

Genesect should've been a boss then.
I read somewhere that Diancie would feature every single MeVo, including both of Mewtwo's.
And Genesect is a Pokeball summon. No chance for a boss there.

Oh, and if you needed more evidence of Mewtwo promotion nowadays, I completely skipped Pokemon Origins and the epic Charizard vs Mewtwo fight. Since Charizard is in the game already...cryptic foreshadowing?

Swift Fox

Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2010
Pokémon Center
I read somewhere that Diancie would feature every single MeVo, including both of Mewtwo's.
And Genesect is a Pokeball summon. No chance for a boss there.
I know. I was saying I'd agree with you that Mewtwo shouldn't be a boss IF Genesect's already a boss.

Oh, and if you needed more evidence of Mewtwo promotion nowadays, I completely skipped Pokemon Origins and the epic Charizard vs Mewtwo fight. Since Charizard is in the game already...cryptic foreshadowing?
I already know that :)

EDIT: Sorry I misread you. (why did you edited my post in quote...) Interesting to hear that movie will feature every Mega Evolutions.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Mewtwo vs Charizard, I'll play that match a lot. Both ways around!


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
^ Hmm....He went MCharizard Y this time....Time to be MMX and sweep his stock. :shades: Mm mm mm, hype Final Smash battes if they even made a game-mode like that. Or have some built-in charge mechanic of transforming into either MEvo mid-match?

Edit: Scratch that just have the said 'Smash Ball Arena' mode and let the MEvo battles commence.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2013
The Sock Drawer
Before people speculate that Mewtwo could be a boss in Smash Run, is it even confirmed legit (as in reliable source with pics) that Kraid is one? Or was it just a random person that said Kraid was in as a boss?

Either way, I've said it before and will say it again. He's either playable, a trophy, or nothing at all.
Kirbopher ( did brawl taunts animation if you've heard of that) said that he got a nintendo rep to tell him that kraid and one of the higher up kremlings would be bosses. he mentioned it on gamexplain.

Edit: here's the Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujAkMslCfjo
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Kirbopher ( did brawl taunts animation if you've heard of that) said that he got a nintendo rep to tell him that kraid and one of the higher up kremlings would be bosses. he mentioned it on gamexplain.
A link to said GameExplain video/article/whatever would be great.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
If Mewtwo makes the cut then there will be one immediate thought that enters my head: Give me a Mewtwo Amiibo figure right now.

Other than that, I just wanted to say that it's refreshing to see such level-headed commentary and speculation. It's awesome to interact with an intelligent group of people discussing something that they're clearly passionate about and have an interest in.

On another note, and I'm sure this has been mentioned in the thread, if you wanted to check out the reasoning behind Greninja's inclusion, I summarized all of it in a GR article. It sounds as if Sakurai decided a while ago that he wanted to have a Pokemon X and Y rep, which means he didn't weigh the Pocket Monster's inclusion against Mewtwo's.

Here you are, sir.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
@ Gnarleysquid Gnarleysquid
Sakurai's comments on Greninja are very interesting.

He says that Greninja was chosen to fill an open slot, which probably would not have occurred had Mewtwo not been on the roster already.

I doubt that Sakurai would look at an empty Pokemon slot and not think of Mewtwo.

So I personally think that Sakurai is going by number of separate character movesets this time around. Since Pokemon had 6 in Brawl, I believe that they will have 6 again.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
@ Gnarleysquid Gnarleysquid
Sakurai's comments on Greninja are very interesting.
He says that Greninja was chosen to fill an open slot, which probably would not have occurred had Mewtwo not been on the roster already.
I doubt that Sakurai would look at an empty Pokemon slot and not think of Mewtwo.
So I personally think that Sakurai is going by number of separate character movesets this time around. Since Pokemon had 6 in Brawl, I believe that they will have 6 again.
I second this, I was also impressed by the responses in quotes especially this one,
It could also mean that some characters may have been shifted to DLC as a result of time restraints.
If Mewtwo isn't confirmed in the final roster before the 3DS title release date, then he could probably / definitely be guaranteed DLC plus any other cut characters!

Edit: Also thanks for the link @ Gnarleysquid Gnarleysquid :mewtwopm:
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
@ Gnarleysquid Gnarleysquid
I doubt that Sakurai would look at an empty Pokemon slot and not think of Mewtwo.

So I personally think that Sakurai is going by number of separate character movesets this time around. Since Pokemon had 6 in Brawl, I believe that they will have 6 again.
Fitting, because youshouldalreadyknowthis you carry 6 Pokemon on an in game team. As I said before, Jigglypuff is most likely to return, and if no newcomer was locked in, the last rep will certainly be Mewtwo. Besides, the other theorized reps are highly unlikely:

Zoroark: Not popular enough. The marketing push in BW fell flatter than a pancake and my puns suck

Genesect: Popular theory before being shown as a summon.

A Trainer/Champion: What's the point of having a trainer fight with just 1 Pokemon?

Another small to human human sized legendary: Darkrai, Keldeo, Meloetta and Victini are summons. The trios from BW wouldn't fit.

Unless Sakruai trolls us more, Mewtwo is practically locked in. It's just a waiting game now.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Fitting, because youshouldalreadyknowthis you carry 6 Pokemon on an in game team. As I said before, Jigglypuff is most likely to return, and if no newcomer was locked in, the last rep will certainly be Mewtwo. Besides, the other theorized reps are highly unlikely:

A Trainer/Champion: What's the point of having a trainer fight with just 1 Pokemon?

Unless Sakruai trolls us more, Mewtwo is practically locked in. It's just a waiting game now.
True true, I was thinking back to any hand-held game that allowed a PKMN to follow you in the game but it not actually being apart of your 6 Pokemon team...was there any game like that?...Man I can't remember.Trainer would most likely 'summon' for moves but anyways Sakurai's gonna have some fun with his teasers & leaks most likely but let him have it, all that's left is when...

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
@ Gnarleysquid Gnarleysquid
Sakurai's comments on Greninja are very interesting.

He says that Greninja was chosen to fill an open slot, which probably would not have occurred had Mewtwo not been on the roster already.

I doubt that Sakurai would look at an empty Pokemon slot and not think of Mewtwo.

So I personally think that Sakurai is going by number of separate character movesets this time around. Since Pokemon had 6 in Brawl, I believe that they will have 6 again.
Well, keep in mind that Mario had 5 characters in Melee, and only 4 in Brawl.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Well, keep in mind that Mario had 5 characters in Melee, and only 4 in Brawl.
I understand that.

Sakurai's statement makes me believe that Pokemon will be getting six again, however.
Adding Greninja to fill an open slot wouldn't happen without Jigglypuff or Mewtwo, probably.
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