oops, i knew there was something i forgot to do. Gamma, does Tabuu work for you? all you have to do to fix the TransN is this.
open the FitCharacter.pac file in Tabuu, and go to this spot; FitCharacter/MiscData[0] > Sections > data > Misc > BoneRef > and the first 5 that show are the ones you'll want to change. Tabuu will probably say 'No Model Ref Loaded', but that's okay. they're always the same references that go in the same order, and the first 5 are ThrowN, HipN, XRotN, YRotN, TransN. click them and change the BoneIndex number in the right window to match the new model, and then right click them in left window and click 'Open Hex View'. in the 'As Int' entry bar at the bottom of the new window, change the number to be the same as the number in the right window (you don't want different linkings going on). once those are changed, save the file, and you're good. you're most likely going to need to change the hurtboxes as well, and they're in the same Misc as the BoneRef is, and they're changed in the exact same manner, except that hurtboxes have 5 entries you can change, but the important one to change is the BoneIndex. just choose bones that seem good to put hurtboxes on, like one on the hip, one in each arm and leg, one for the head.
Gamma, that should help with the next 2 steps, bone and hurtbox re-linking.