Gamma Ridley
Smash Journeyman
Thankfully, I'm getting a little more afluent in hex, so cross your fingers.yeah, the item holding glitch is finally fixable, but it requires some hexing skill. basically, in Tabuu, go to FitCharacter/MiscData[0] > Sections > data > UnknownO > and look at the offsets and values for the 0000 and 0001. then open the FitCharacter.pac in a hex editor and go to that offset. at about that offset (it can be a little off because of how Tabuu displays offsets, it doesn't include the Header data at the top), you should see 3 of the value number from 0000 and 5 of 0001 grouped very close together. the 0000 is the HaveN that holds items, and the 0001 is the HandN of the hand that the HaveN connects to. change them to match the new model, and make sure that the 2 bones are named correctly. and that should fix the item holding glitch.
with changing the bone references, make them match Goroh's model. the first 5 references are ThrowN, HipN, XRotN, YRotN, and TransN, in that order, and are the only ones i change. the X/YRotN bones aren't necessary, but if a model has them, then it can help with animating, and then changing the references for them are good. but really, just the ThrowN, HipN and TransN references are needed.
and i think Tabuu can open model files, i'm just unsure how. and if your computer can't open Tabuu, it's better to ask someone for help. it's almost impossible to find anything in there without the help of Tabuu, because it shows the data offsets that would take a long time to find otherwise.

Gonna go try this out....

Next, the TransN glitch...