yea, i know what u mean. i get bored sometimes too. if/when i get sick of drilling i usually try to see how well i can combo a cpu. and i try different weighted characters to practice combos. also, i try to think up creative movement and combos because i think mixing things up is a major part of samus gameplay. so i try to think of different moves/movements/combos. i practice being unpredicable.
i dont really have a set drilling routine tho. i usually just pick something: wavelanding everywhere, ledge game, missile spam, or swd. also, if a get bored, sometimes i try another character to try and understand them better. figure out their best appoaches, ledge game, and flaws.
oh, s2j recently posted a practice he does. 3 IC's on a team, no friendly fire, on yoshi's story. helps with timing lcancels. idk, not terribly helpful for samus, but i still had some fun with it.