Damn near 7 pages. I like all this ruleset talk but I think someone should let Mr. Wizard check out the MBR and discuss it with them directly and also let him ask any questions from him or james chen or anyone on melee it on me where you can actually talk with people while the community can voice their opinions. I'm sure it'd be good to have a commentator, a TO, a melee back room member and an excellent player discuss these types of things.
As for what I've read so far, wobbling being legal doesn't change the results much. Wobbles won't get top 3 because of it and low level ice climbers won't even wobble. The real issue is stalling, no one wants to sit there the full eight minutes when the games won, no one wants to quit out when the game isn't over. I heard time changes may come into play, that's not terrible because matches rarely go over 5 minutes, if anything 3 mins seems to be the average until top 12. Less in terms of good players vs. randoms.
I dunno, I always liked the wobbling until 300% rule after which, fsmash. It basically means get a synched grab where you know what your doing with ICs and you get a stock. Just one stock and that's what a good IC does with a grab anyways most of the time. It might be a ***** but it's not gamebreaking. I srsly think Evo organizers should be talking to MBR about this stuff and not...me. But I like MioM cause we can all collectively say a yes or no to something and it will be discussed in front of us.
This probably got replied to hell and the convo is over but
1) When Wobbling is allowed in tournaments, do the top 8 players end up being predominantly Ice Climbers? In other words, does Wobbling turn Ice Climbers into undisputed #1 character of the game?
2) Without Wobbling, are Ice Climbers ***? Let's think with an FGC example. Third Strike, unblockables with Urien and Oro seem unfair. But it actually makes them competitive and without them, they are not competitive anymore. Where does that fall in with Ice Climbers and Wobbling?
Icies are good with or without wobbling and are pretty underrepresented as it is anyways. Will Fly or Wobbles even come? If not I doubt a single icies will make top 8 and even then it might be an upset for either of those two or Nintendude or whoever to make top 8. RoM5 had wobbling and I heard Nntendude wanted to abuse the **** out of it but never really got the chance too against most good players. As for going for Nana and avoiding grabs, that's the usual ICs gameplan. And the grabs/nana KOs are what make ICs interesting to watch for me.
Oro unblockables are more like Ness' yoyo glitch. We allow it cause it's hard, he's *** and no one uses Ness. If someone actually pulls off a yoyoglitch in tournament it's hype and doesn't win him the game anyways.
edit regarding time: Just read what bones said on timer and I have to agree. The reason we have 8 minutes is cause we don't want people to time out. A match will probably be 3-4 minutes and if you see you have 1 minute left as fox on a big stage, **** dat **** you're running around shooting lasers. A higher timer for us means go for the kill, you can't stall for 8 minutes in this game and the daunting amount of time left will end up with shorter matches. Thing is, no one goes for time outs anyways and I doubt either will be an issue outside of HBox v. Armada which...you know...