T___T this is how i read it.
DFEAR: Listen carefully, XALTIS. MLG conquers and controls everything it rests its eyes upon. It leads an army so massive it shakes the ground with its march, so vast it drinks the rivers dry. All the God-King MLG requires is this: a simple offering of CASH and MONEY. A token of XALTIS's submission to the will of DFEAR.
XALTIS: Submission. Well, that's a bit of a problem. See, rumor has it that the Poltergustians have already turned you down. And if those philosophers and... boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve—
TheJoey: We must be diplomatic XALTIS-.
XALTIS: (cutting him off) And of course falco mains... have their reputation to consider.
DFEAR: Choose your next words carefully, XALTIS. They may be your last as king.
[XALTIS turns and ponders the offer, looking at various falcos around him, the last of whom is Tommy G.]
XALTIS: CASH and MONEY...? [draws his berd and points it toward DFEAR, whose back is to a large well. The falco mains draw their berds and point them to the other trolls.]
DFEAR: BERD... You're a BERD!
XALTIS: CASH and MONEY... You'll find plenty of both down there. [indicates the well with his berd]
DFEAR: No man, falco main or troll, no man threatens DFEAR!
XALTIS: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city's steps! You insult tommy g. You threaten my falcos with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, DFEAR. Perhaps you should have done the same.
DFEAR: This is blasphemy! This is madness! [XALTIS lowers his berd looks toward Tommy G, who nods.]
XALTIS: [facing DFEAR] Madness? YOUR NOT BERD!! [kicks the DFEAR into the well]
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