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Eor's Hellhouse Mafia - Night 2 (totally cancelled)


Oct 28, 2001
I think that with thirty people playing, it's quite possible that a mafia will screw up and one of us will catch it. And with needing sixteen people to lynch, it may take a very convincing argument. But then again, in Trigun Mafia, Pythag was the scummiest player by far, with a really poor defense for his strange behaviour, got lynched, and was town. It did contribute one game-changing piece of evidence early on, I think, and that was that some of the bad guys were town.

We may get the same benefit here, and some of us who think we're in a random-*** role may have other relevant players. FOr instance, I think if Satan gets lynched as Mafia then Jesus is probably town. But it's also quite possible that Eor has gone to great lengths to mess with our heads, and put "enemies" on the same team.

I don't think Frozen's posts have nothing to do with the game. I think it's only natural that instead of flinging random accusations, that mediocre rightly said can just be brushed off, we try to figure out the nature of the game itself.

I have no evidence other than the size of the game, but I suspect that there is more than one Mafia. Hell, it is not inconcievable that I am among the few true town players and everyone else is just in a small mafia group. Mafias don't win until it's only their mafia alive, right?

And as for Kira, I agree that if his character was faithfully translated into a role, he'd be independent. But the "role" he plays is pretty townly in that he kills a million bad guys. So I think it depends on what kind of interpretation and each character has gotten for their role, and whether these interpretations are the same across the board or if some are faithful, some are opposite, some may just be arbitrary.

I've never played Mafia before, and the only game I've read was half the size of this. Is it really likely that there will be "power roles"? It makes sense to me that if you have a few players, they will mostly have some substantial power. But with 30 players, it would seem odd to have like six kills a night or something.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
If you checked your PM from Eor you get a name as well as your power. I'm not sure what happens on smashboards, but usually a story is formed using these names and what not. Then again i have to review the other mafia's and see what the main consensus is on this kind of thing, because i've seen that it differs depending on the forum.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
You may not have a named role if you can't find it in your PM somewhere.
That's true but you can probably infer that it's based on a role in a game. Like if you are called "healer" or something you can infer that you are a doctor if your abilities match those of a doctor. But, Eor could have made some like uber godly powerful roles and some weak *** crap roles that we've never even heard of.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
I just wanted to point out that roles like Jesus and Kira don't necessarily have to be in the game. Maybe Eor just put them in the first post to throw us off.


Oct 28, 2001
Eor has posted specifically in the Back Room that Jesus is a role in this, so I'm inclined to believe the others are as well. That's a good catch anyway, though.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
We really dont need one. No one has done anything serious so far.

In the manga/anime, not only can Kira kill people with his Deathnote, he can control their actions for a couple of weeks leading to their death. Obviously, the duration of how long someone can be controlled will be shortened if it is a feature that is included.

I'd have to guess that Kira is a cult leader. Maybe we can voluntarily join him by giving up our names or something like that. I wouldn't want to risk it though.

I think it would be best, even if we did deduce each other's roles, to keep it quiet.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
All the people I'm classicly suspicious of aren't even in this game. So, I'm gonna have to settle for KevinM

LOL What a **** <33

Don't do this to me again xD

Honestly, Day 1 lynchings are not a wise idea, since we have no information at all, and we could lynch someone really good as ender has just said... o_o
Hmm lets way our options.. lynch somebody and get some information... or not lynch anyone and let the mafia get a free night kill with no more information then yesterday

No lynches are generally dumb ideas

I agree that first day lynchings aren't usually very productive, but a no-lynch on the first day tends not to help too much either. It's usually a lose-lose situation for the town, honestly.

In any case, we should wait longer and see how the game plays out before we make any real decision.

Not true. It will definitely be a serious handicap, but the town can win even without real power roles if they play well.
Medi, you normally look for a lynch on day 1... though you don't rush it like you said, i'll be ****ed if we give the mafia a free night kill though

I am fine with no lynch, we probably have about a 1/7 chance of actually getting mafia, so why lynch?
No lynch is stupid see above

Vote: egruntz

Because he got to play Brawl, the ****er! And he voted for me :(, he must be mafia!

And ender, it's Day 1, we don't have any reason to vote for someone yet.
Agreed take our time folks
I agree with ender. First day lynchings don't seem like a very good idea.
First day no lynchs are even worse

hi guys. ya, i dont think we should randomly vote off someone either or else we will probably loose 1 townie from lynching and 1 from a night kill.
And gain information from the lynch, instead of having day 1 on day 2

KevinM sure seems to be trying to vote for everyone else in the whole game o.o;
Vote: Meowkitty007


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
remember guys dont reveal your role names because if there IS a kira char and he can only kill by knowing someones name then you wouldnt want to reveal it.

i dont see anything suspicious yet besides random voting, so still no vote, but kevim makes a good point that we would gain information from the first lynch but not lynching at all wouldnt give us as much info.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
Hey guys, just got done with finals today, so I can play now.
I hope Jesus is town, it would be weird having him as a bad guy...
Kira though, he really should be independent, and I think he should have to have a player's role name in order to kill them. That would make it so much more like the show, and so much more interesting.
Leonidas would be town, and probably a strong one at that. I don't really know who Scav is so I can't speculate on him.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
To the n00bs:
1) No lynches almost always=bad as then we start day 2 with as much info as we have now.

read only after you have read the prior about 20 thousand times and have that ingrained in your brain. I repeat, No lynch=bad.
It CAN be alright if the game begins to lag with no reason to lynch anyone, but there are alliances and such formed as information can be taken from the night kill then.

2) Don't take things at face value. Think about what you would do and say if you were mafia. You would probably continuously refer to yourself as town and make plans that at first seem good, but really will do no harm. For example, this whole "no role claim" plan. Which brings me to my next point.

3) Everything, I repeat EVERYTHING, we say is theoretical. Nothing we say is 100% true. The idea that Kira has a daykilling by role is possible, even probable, but not a sure thing and shouldnt be regarded as such until it is proved. Therefore, ruling out role claiming is a bad idea as role claiming CAN, not necesarrily IS, be extremely powerful for the town. See the trigun game for example.

4) Don't be afraid to go back and look at old mafia games for ideas and inspiration.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
If you ask me i think kira is most likely leader of the mafia, not an independent. Reason being, is that in the anime and manga,, Kira doesn't do all the killing, he has allies like Ryuk, Misa, Mikami, and Takada(is that the name?). For some reason it just makes more sense that he's the "godfather" of the mafia and not just an independent.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
nobody asked you.
jk. but i think he would be an independent. light really doesnt care for those people and he is cold and emotionally unattached. he is deff independent in what i see. this is just from the manga though, maybe in the anime he loves everyone. :D

k so we have the lynch thing down since we need the info and it kinda just gives the mafia an extra kill.

are there ppl not talking to stay off radar? or did they forget about it?


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I think that with thirty people playing, it's quite possible that a mafia will screw up and one of us will catch it. And with needing sixteen people to lynch, it may take a very convincing argument.
Well, we have more people, which means that we'll need more votes to get a lynch. However, it also means that there will be more votes that can be cast.

Really, it probably won't be much harder than usual to get a lynch.

We may get the same benefit here, and some of us who think we're in a random-*** role may have other relevant players. FOr instance, I think if Satan gets lynched as Mafia then Jesus is probably town. But it's also quite possible that Eor has gone to great lengths to mess with our heads, and put "enemies" on the same team.
While this is a possibility, I think it's rather unlikely. I'm of the opinion that if we find a protagonist of Death Note or something and he's town, the main antagonist of Death Note (or whatever) will almost certainly not be on the same side. I think that assumption is safe enough to bet on, although not completely without risk.

I have no evidence other than the size of the game, but I suspect that there is more than one Mafia. Hell, it is not inconcievable that I am among the few true town players and everyone else is just in a small mafia group. Mafias don't win until it's only their mafia alive, right?
That's right.

I'm really hoping that won't be the case, because I'll have no idea how to deal with it.

Is there anyone here who has played in this type of mafia game?

I've never played Mafia before, and the only game I've read was half the size of this. Is it really likely that there will be "power roles"? It makes sense to me that if you have a few players, they will mostly have some substantial power. But with 30 players, it would seem odd to have like six kills a night or something.
This is true.

You may not have a named role if you can't find it in your PM somewhere.
I remember Eor saying at some point that he thought it was boring when somebody didn't have a role. While this isn't absolute proof, I think it definitely hints that everyone (or at least most people) will have some kind of ability.

3) Everything, I repeat EVERYTHING, we say is theoretical. Nothing we say is 100% true. The idea that Kira has a daykilling by role is possible, even probable, but not a sure thing and shouldnt be regarded as such until it is proved. Therefore, ruling out role claiming is a bad idea as role claiming CAN, not necesarrily IS, be extremely powerful for the town. See the trigun game for example.
I think that roleclaiming won't be nearly as powerful in this game as it was in the Trigun mafia game. In Trigun mafia, there were so few characters that if you claimed a prominent town character, there was almost no chance that you were lying (about the nameclaim, anyway). Nobody would lie, because it was almost a certainty that someone would come out and counterclaim.

In this game, on the other hand, there's almost an infinity of characters to claim. Outside of the characters Kira, Jesus, Leonidas and Scav, nameclaims will mean hardly anything because the chance of getting caught faking one are almost nil. The four I mentioned are a lot more likely to be real if used in a nameclaim, because they are very likely to be in the game, and someone who is going to fake a nameclaim wouldn't want to take such a large risk of being caught.

Now, I'm not saying nameclaiming is worthless. For the four roles I mentioned, it's definitely a really viable option (although nameclaiming Kira probably wouldn't allay anybody's suspicions). For everyone else, it should be an absolute last resort. In addition to the usual risks presented by nameclaiming in all mafia games, it's also a lot less convincing. Plus, there's the added possibility of being targeted by the Kira-player because of it.

So, no, don't take nameclaiming off the table. However, most people should consider it the last option, and use it only if it's the only possible way they might avoid a lynch.


Apr 23, 2005
well from what i've read thus far, i certainly have no idea who could possibly be who, i do however have a vote at least.

Vote: tmw_redcell

something is peaking my suspicions


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
nobody asked you.
jk. but i think he would be an independent. light really doesnt care for those people and he is cold and emotionally unattached. he is deff independent in what i see. this is just from the manga though, maybe in the anime he loves everyone. :D

k so we have the lynch thing down since we need the info and it kinda just gives the mafia an extra kill.

are there ppl not talking to stay off radar? or did they forget about it?
The anime ending is different from the manga ending, it kind of gives a sense that light was brainwashed by power and stuff like that.
Hopefully throughout the course of the game we'll be able to figure out who is what. Like if we find out someone was named "mikami" or something it's obvious that light is in cahoots with some other guys. Does anyone mind to tell me who leondis and scav are? Are they anime characters o something, i've never heard of them before, are they popular?


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
ya redcell is posting a lot and big, which could be to appear as a townie, or he COULD be a townie. care to share with us why he might be mafia? not fos or anything, but just a reminder to everyone lets not get into a blame chain


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
@ flipstar, leonidas is that king from the 300 movie.
scav is an admin here at SWF who is a cool guy, so i think he would be a townie. maybe he was a jerk to eor though, and could be a mafia.

also someone said it before but nameclaiming will be hard with such a huge number of characters to pool from.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
Does anyone mind to tell me who leondis and scav are? Are they anime characters o something, i've never heard of them before, are they popular?
Leonidas is from the story of the 300 Spartans, although I think the version used in this game is the one from the recent movie, "300". I haven't seen the movie, so I really have very little idea what his role would be. Others have said he's likely to be town.

Scav is a supermoderator and administrator on this very forum. I really have no idea what his abilities might be.


Jul 1, 2007
The Scav role definitely means that you're sided with the Mafia. Reason? Very simple: Late WWYP scores.

A lot of people sure are voting for me :laugh:


Well, I am just now done reading up. I have never seen Death Note so I have no idea about the characters or their alignments. But from posts about Kira I figure he's either Independent or Godfather.

Jesus is probably the ultimate townie lol and Leonidas is most likely town, and who knows about Scav because I don't know him.

To be on the safeside, I think it's best we avoid name-claiming...at least for a while. Especially since it's possible that we'd be daykilled for it!

And I'm never one for a No Lynch hardly. I say we keep discussion going as long as possible and then make an educated lynch. I've been in Mafia games where Day 2 is a repeat of Day 1 and it's NOT FUN.

Well, I'm not really suspicious of anyone at this point, and basically just wanted to let you guys know I'm here!


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
No defense at all?

vote: egruntz
creating a bandwagon or something?

I wouldnt accuse someone just because they didnt defend themselves. not vote still but do you have any other evidence? i dont remember anything very suspicious


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
I'm getting suspicious of <3 because of the sudden random voting out of nowhere like he/she's looking (sorry. dont know yur gender.) but just posts whoever she/he feels like on very short reasoning. But I wont vote, as <3 might have a good role. I might though. Still thinking.


It sure sounds like <3 is trying to create a bandwagon. Why are you suspicious of him again?!

Egruntz probably isn't taking it seriously since on Day 1 there are a lot of jokes votes, that's all.


Oct 28, 2001
There really is no reason to defend against early baseless accusations. That makes them useless, since a person can just shrug them off and it's not like they'll convince anyone else. When the baseless arguments convince people, that puts suspicion on them, not the person being voted for.


Me either, cause it's true. Unless the town's really ignorant, which I've seen in a few cases.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
so if people dont really defend themselves how exactly do we go about figuring out who to lynch?


First you need to accuse him of actually doing something. I'm still confused while several people have voted Egruntz..what did he do again?

Wait, why are you making fun of a class? o_o
Lol, it's something that happened in a recent Mafia game that I'm still irked about. I had proven myself over and over and killed 2 Mafiats for the town and then they lynched me and the Mafia won. It's not important though, let's not get off-topic here.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
so if people dont really defend themselves how exactly do we go about figuring out who to lynch?
Eventually, people usually get bored and frustrated enough to go with whatever tiny suspicions they have. Once enough people feel this way, you tend to take them seriously, because there's a real possibility they'll lynch you if you don't.

It's a stupid process, really, but it seems unavoidable. It's really the best way to go about things, but only because all the other methods are even worse.


Oops, in that second sentence I meant to put *why instead of *while.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
It's good to see a lot of activity already, after getting used to CSI mafia, this sudden huge amount of posts is weird. Hell, there's actually quite a few mega-posts, which is pretty crazy, since we have almost no information to discuss yet. We have 30 people in this game, it's going to be a while before we have any meaningful discussion happening, and keeping track of people is going to be a pain.

Let's get the whole "no-lynch" thing out of the way. Only if there is some rare circumstance should we consider no-lynching. The lynch is the towns main weapon against the mafia, that is all I have to say about that.
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