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Eor's Hellhouse Mafia - Night 2 (totally cancelled)


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
alright, Im done with my anarchy phase now... unvote: Eor
vote: Eor
because he beat me last game.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
Jesus: Town. Jesus does a lot of stuff. My original thought on this role (I proposed Jesus as a role in the Back Room thread, and Eor said Jesus was already in) was that Jesus would have to get lynched (crucified) and would then be resurrected. I would suggest to Jesus, if you are in a masonry with someone, do not trust them right away. You get brutally betrayed in the movie.
I agree with you that it's likely that Jesus will be town, but you have to take Eor's stance on religion into consideration. Although I don't think he hates Christianity or anything, he's definitely an atheist/agnostic.

That means there is a possibility of Jesus being independent, although probably not mafia.

Kira: Hard to tell. He's a Vigilante and a Serial Killer, both of which are common roles. But I think he's only really classified as a serial killer because he's such an effective vigilante. Either way, I think we'll have a lot of people dying at night. I doubt he'd be a straight mafia role since he basically spends the whole series trying to kill as many criminals as he can get away with killing. So he's either town or independent.
I rather disagree with you on where you've aligned this character, although not on his potential abilities. I think that Kira is far too self interested to be playing for anyone but himself. I'd be willing to bet he's independent. I really doubt he's mafia or town, although I wouldn't rule out either completely.

Scav is best known for his sssslllllllooooowwwwwww judging of WWYP contests. Scav's role probably makes him worse. My guess is that he can only vote on someone if he'd be the final vote, or if someone else has already voted for that person, or something to that effect. His slowness may also be portrayed in that he can only perform his night role once every five turns or something. He's probably town-aligned, and he's a nice guy. There may also be the role of WWYP contestant whose job it is to get Scav to use his ability on him, that is, get Scav to judge his entry.
While this is true, remember that Eor has also met Scav in person, so he's not limited to things we would know about from the forums. I'm doubtful that he's integrated any of his personal knowledge of Scav into the character, but it's not impossible. I hesitate to even guess at Scav's abilities.

vote: Mediocre

Only because of the large amount of attention he brought to himself. <3 knows that when he is mafia thats a route he tries to take. That coupled with the fact that after all of that no finger was pointed also raised one of <3's glorious eyebrows. <3 frowns upon the nuetral stance, The town stance is where we (you and <3) should all comfortably be. Worse come to worse you can remove your vote.
If you think that trying to figure out the rules of the game is scummy, so be it, but you've got a rather strange sense of what's suspicious and what's not.

I will absolutely agree that if I was mafia, this is definitely what I would do. I would make a post that was perhaps slightly helpful, but not enough to give the town any real edge. I would do this in order to establish my credentials, so hopefully people would be less suspicious of me in the future. Of course, if I was town I would do exactly the same thing, because slightly helpful is all I can do right now, when we've got so little information.

If you, Medi, can convice <3 to change his vote or can pick out someone more deserving please do.
No thanks. I prefer not to point fingers when I don't have any evidence to back it up. Nobody really takes it seriously, and it tends to land you in trouble later in the game.

I'll save my votes (and my accusations) for a little later in the game, when they might actually matter.

BUT you have good points and added things <3 didn't really think too hard on. Kira.... kira will have some sort of limits Something like "Can only target a person who double posts" or "Can only target a person if you know thier real name (thier characters name or role...)" It'd be a good way to let him or her flat out day kill, and a good ability for mafia if we try to reveal a cop to name mafia members...
I'd bet on this one (the one I've bolded). It would be an interesting limitation, and I think Eor was going for interesting roles when he made this thing. At least, that's the sense I've gotten when I've heard him talk about it.

We should watch for players who die off after they've revealed their names (although whether Kira will have a nightkill or a daykill, I don't know). If Kira does have a daykill, this would essentially eliminate nameclaiming, because you might avoid a lynch but you'd wind up dead just the same.

Hey, <3, what does FOS mean?

I don't want to cast a vote just yet, seeing as this is my first Mafia game, and I don't even know what FOS means.... or even if it has anythin' to do with the game.
It doesn't really mean anything, according to the rules of the game. Pretty much it's just saying, "I'm suspicious of this guy," I think. I'm not sure what it stands for, though.

Honestly, it seems a bit silly to me.

My guess, though, is that Leonidas, Jesus, and Scav are all townfolk. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the Scav happened to be a cult leader or anything. >:(
If Hiemie was in, he'd definitely be the cult leader of the broom or something.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Alright, well from what I've read so far, here's what has come to my mind:

This game is huge. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge. Huge mafia games absolutely phail here, atleast compared to more mafia privy sites. I mean look at CSI Mafia; it has basically been ruined by inactivity. So yeah, Eor came up with the ingenious idea of instead of trying to avoid the problem by making a smaller game like I did, he's making one massive, crazy, unpredictable game that people will WANT to come play because it won't feel like a monotonous chore. That, coupled with the fact that he reserved the vast majority of spots for reliable players. :laugh: I can see this working out nicely, and we seem to be off to a good start.

Alright, as far as roles go, I've got a few ideas on the matter. First of all, I have a feeling that Eor may be trying to host a game that serves as a foil to what mine was. My game was small, his is large. My game had a fairly predictable setup as far as character alignment; therefore, judging by the name, and my hypothesis, it is likely that roles and character alignments are highly unpredictable. In accordance with this theory, the role of Kira has piqued my interest above all others. Why? Because of the potential dynamic I believe Eor brought into this game that we have yet to see here in SWF mafia games.


Again, Eor seems to be attempting to have a little Mafia renaissance here; trying to give the game a breath of fresh air and restore a bit of its color and flair. He obviously wants his game to be strikingly original, which I have no doubt it will be. He's certainly the man for the job of reinvigorating these games, if what he did which the unfortunately euthanized Thing game is any evidence of his capabilities. So, what better way to spice up a mafia game than by tossing in one of the most dangerous, nerve racking abilities of all? Daykillers keep everyone on their toes. People gain a sense of urgency because you could step away from the computer without a single vote on you, and come back 20 minutes later and be dead. Days cease to be the cozy little havens of sometimes tedious discussion, that let you kick back and relax until pressure came your way. And even then, you still usually ended up having plenty of time to wiggle your way out of things either due to significant disagreements or just plain ol' inactivity.

And I'm digressing. XP Sorry about that, but trust me I have a point here. Going back to the role of Kira. It's the perfect role for this new dynamic. As someone mentioned earlier, it is likely the whomever is Kira needs someone's role name to day kill them. Not only does this seem logical due to its canon, but check it out, it ties back to my original thesis of Eor trying to make a game that foils my own (whether he did it it intentionally or not matters not XP).

In my game, name claims (especially Eors) were pretty broken for the town. Because I made the game so predictable, the town had an incredibly easy time name claiming and the mafia were basically trapped. Though I did leave a few characters out for the mafia to potentially claim through some research, the fact of it is, it was just downright difficult for the mafia and incredibly easy for the town. A near game breaking strategy if you will. My guess is that Eor didn't like this at all, especially seeing as how his role caught a lot of flack for being overpowered, and that was just another addition. So, if Eor wanted to take nameclaiming down a peg, what better way to do it than to make an example of people who do it too readily and too easily by putting someone out there ready to kill you the second you do it? Nameclaiming generally takes a LOT away from the discussion in these games, causing entire trails to be abandoned because of a simple claim with no discrepancies. Eor is the type of person who, like me, would be irked by that, and as such, he probably wanted to find a way to either put an end to claiming, or better yet, find a way to FORCE people to get creative and false claim. Ya know, use aliases and such. That's how Death Note worked, and we all know how much Eor loves Death Note.

So, thoughts? Comments? Criticisms?

Don't over quote people. We know it feels good to make big posts and look sweet but inflating them with quote blocks is just lame. XP See look, I can make big posts too, but without quotes! XD

@ Ronike and Jiano: That's hardly fair. Including one bulletproof townie is by no meaning gamebreaking. Gimme a break... :laugh:


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
So, is there a common ratio of Townsfolk to Mafia in these games? (One town to one mafia, one town to three mafia, etc.) You know, something that we can take advantage of, to know how many people we can expect to be evil?

Or is it completely random to the point that it'd be possible that there could be 29 Mafia and 1 Townsfolk?

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
It's hard to say in this game. I wouldn't be surprised it there were multiple/disproportionately sized mafias in this game.

But anyway, mafias in more conventional games typically only make up a fraction on the town. In say, a 20-25 player game you can typically expect 5-6 mafia. Games in the mid to lower teens usually have 3-4 mafia. The smallest conventional game setup, the C9 Newbie setup, contains 7 players, 5 of which are town and 2 mafia.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
it's not possible for the mafia the outnumber the townies, or else the mafia wins automatically.
Usually the townies highly outnumber the scum

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
There has never been a mafia game(on SWF anyway) that has had more mafia members than townies, that would be too broken with the mafia presumingly knowing everyone in their group.

I just looked back at Food Court Mafia, Trigun Mafia, Fire Emblem Mafia, and South Park Mafia II and none of those games had more than 5 mafia members(of a range from 14 to 24 players). I don't think it'd be crazy to assume that there are 4-6 mafia members in here, since this game has more players than the SWF mafia games usually do.

Also, I'm sure that Eor has many of his friends on SWF as roles in this game, as Scav's inclusion goes to show.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
frozenflame, just about everything you said makes sense to me, although I'm kind of doubtful that Eor made this game directly in response to yours. From what he's said about it, I get the feeling that he has been planning this for quite a while.

However, I don't think that we should put a moratorium on roleclaiming just yet. We have yet to find out what Kira's abilities are, so roleclaiming may still be a viable option, although because of the nature of this game it certainly won't be as powerful as it has been in past mafia games. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't decide we know anyone's abilities until we have some kind of proof. We shouldn't base our actions off guesswork, even if that guesswork looks like it makes a lot of sense.

Don't over quote people. We know it feels good to make big posts and look sweet but inflating them with quote blocks is just lame. XP See look, I can make big posts too, but without quotes! XD
I think this is aimed at me.

I don't quote to make my posts larger. I quote to clearly show who I'm addressing, and what in their post I'm responding to. It's a style I generally use when I'm debating or analyzing something on these forums. I've used it for years in the debate hall, and I think it will work quite well here, too.

I'm sorry, but I don't plan to change a posting style I've been comfortable with for years.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
There has never been a mafia game(on SWF anyway) that has had more mafia members than townies, that would be too broken with the mafia presumingly knowing everyone in their group.
Not true. If I recall correctly, Duke's Sicily, Italy mafia had more mafia players than town. They weren't conventional mafia groups, nor was the game itself conventional, but I believe there was indeed, more mafia than town in that game.

Picky I know, but I just thought I'd point that out. :)

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I think this is aimed at me.

I don't quote to make my posts larger. I quote to clearly show who I'm addressing, and what in their post I'm responding to. It's a style I generally use when I'm debating or analyzing something on these forums. I've used it for years in the debate hall, and I think it will work quite well here, too.

I'm sorry, but I don't plan to change a posting style I've been comfortable with for years.
Yeah, it wasn't meant to criticize the style, I mean, I used to do it in basically every mafia game I've played here. It's obviously appealing to more pragmatic players because it makes points and counter points easy to follow.

Here's the problem, not everyone who plays in these games here are motivated enough to read the behemoth posts that result. All the quotes really bog down the appeal of the post and make them discouraging to read, especially for less serious/newer players. Basically, if you were playing on any pure mafia site you'd be golden, but here you could run into problems. I don't have a problem with your style, and I'll certainly be reading your posts no matter how long. I just wanted to give you fair warning that if you want to get a lot of feedback, it might not be the best idea.

Then again Eor did go out of his way to recruit more reliable players, so who knows. XP


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Just a reminder (I believe I've posted it before, but eh): No Editing is allowed, at all. For anything. Double posting is perfectly OK, you will never get anything against you for it. Triple posting or quadruple posting is ok too, as long as you have a reason to post.

To vote, type Vote: (Name) in Bold. Otherwise it won't count.

I'll be doing Votecounts, listing who is voting for who, but not until I feel like votes are more serious.

16 votes required for someones death, it's always one more then half, or rounded up if in fraction.

Again, No editting. This is a biiiiggg no no. If you do it too much you can get mod killed. No editing, that's the biggest rule there is.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Yeah, it wasn't meant to criticize the style, I mean, I used to do it in basically every mafia game I've played here. It's obviously appealing to more pragmatic players because it makes points and counter points easy to follow.

Here's the problem, not everyone who plays in these games here are motivated enough to read the behemoth posts that result. All the quotes really bog down the appeal of the post and make them discouraging to read, especially for less serious/newer players. Basically, if you were playing on any pure mafia site you'd be golden, but here you could run into problems. I don't have a problem with your style, and I'll certainly be reading your posts no matter how long. I just wanted to give you fair warning that if you want to get a lot of feedback, it might not be the best idea.

Then again Eor did go out of his way to recruit more reliable players, so who knows. XP
Yeah, that's what I was thinking as I was reading this post.

Either way, I doubt the players who don't read into those posts will get very far. Not in this game anyway.

Not true. If I recall correctly, Duke's Sicily, Italy mafia had more mafia players than town. They weren't conventional mafia groups, nor was the game itself conventional, but I believe there was indeed, more mafia than town in that game.

Picky I know, but I just thought I'd point that out. :)
I don't see it like that at all, I actually appreciate it. Don't hesitate to point out what people consider "the little things." I can't find said thread, but yeah, that made me realize that there could possibly be more mafia members than townies.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
hi guys. ya, i dont think we should randomly vote off someone either or else we will probably loose 1 townie from lynching and 1 from a night kill.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
if you guys vote for people or even fos you should post WHY

axemang >:|

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
We can't randomly vote people off in a crowd this big we need 16 votes that isn't just going to pop up over night.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
i agree as well, if we randomly kill some almighty powerful townie the game basically ends there


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
Vote: egruntz

Because he got to play Brawl, the ****er! And he voted for me :(, he must be mafia!

And ender, it's Day 1, we don't have any reason to vote for someone yet.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I agree that first day lynchings aren't usually very productive, but a no-lynch on the first day tends not to help too much either. It's usually a lose-lose situation for the town, honestly.

In any case, we should wait longer and see how the game plays out before we make any real decision.

And frozenflame, my feelings about the people who don't read my posts are these: if they don't bother reading other people's posts, they probably won't last too long. Plus, if they wind up voting for me or acting without reading I've said, it'll hurt them in the long run, not me. It's their loss, and I'm not going to change my posting style to accommodate them.

Glad to know you'll be reading my posts, though.

i agree as well, if we randomly kill some almighty powerful townie the game basically ends there
Not true. It will definitely be a serious handicap, but the town can win even without real power roles if they play well.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
well, i havnt played mafia in quite a while and the last time I did I was actually running it, so I dont remember what to do since we dont want to lynch people. we just wait and maybe a mafia will say something stupid or something?


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
All the people I'm classicly suspicious of aren't even in this game. So, I'm gonna have to settle for KevinM



Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Yea that's why i included the word basically, the chances of the town winning go down by a lot, but it's still possible to win. Hopefully people in this mafia are active so we can figure things out fast to minimize the lose of townies. Hopefully Eor set up a doc/cop to help us out, but we still don't know what roles he's using. Hopefully we don't have some stupid roles like suicidal townie or insane doctor


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Well yea i know the roll I HAVE but other people's roles in the game. No one is stupid enough to say "oh hey guys guess what i'm a freaking doctor who wants to get saved"

Naturaly People are going to keep their roles secret, so that they won't be targeted by the scum. Plus since we are not allowed to communicate outside of game unless scum/mason, we'll have to figure out things by outselves
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