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Eor's Hellhouse Mafia - Night 2 (totally cancelled)


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
Alot of people don't really semm to understand the gaem echanics of a day one. So let me spell them out for you.







Althought to you it may seem bad to lynch someone without being sure that they are mafia, it is statistcly proven that the town has a greater chance of winning if someone is lynched day one, especially in a game this large. Also, Caps Lock is cruise control for cool.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
<3 said:
You guys are idiots... and you don't read. <3 has slipped before as well, back at the beginning of the game, and made a big deal of it himself for that matter.

You know what... <3 isn't going to try and defend himself, what happened is pretty obvious. If there are consequences they will happen, If <3 is lying they won't. <3 is not going to go into detail about his role and every (or any...) aspect of it for reasons spread far and wide throughout the thread. If you don't know what that means reread the thread until you can figure it out.

Man; how dumb are you guys? READ!
Lots of <3s posts sounds really strange to me. This one sounds like "You guys are just stupid, find it yourself, and even if it's not there keep looking until you find it."

FoS <3, but I would really like more time to read his posts and stuff in Day 2 unless something major happens either Day 1, Night 1, or Day 2.

<3 said:
flip isn't mafia.
evidence or it isn't true. XD

zomg caps locked post :O


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Who would you sugest?
Good question, i really have NO ONE to suggest to lynch right now, but we should lynch SOMEONE. I know this sounds like a wishy-washy answer, but who is there to lynch? No one is suspicious enough to get a lynch vote. Things are really looking dim, and i think the town should come to an agreement to lynch someone, before it's to late. It's starting to look like smashbot is our only answer, although i hate the idea of doing it.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
No matter what he say's he was "trying out" all he was doing was confusing the town.
He has caused strict division of opinion...
How dare he!
...and has misdirected the town by presenting us with false evidence.
I don't know how long he has been talking in the first person but I just realized the switch.
This is a textbook example of the perfect day one lynch, and a textbook example of a Lynch All Liers scenario.
Word. Great post spam, great post. Maybe we should lynch spam... he lied about reading. <3 has been speaking in the first person since his first in game post.

This is what <3 meant when he said you don't read. What you are suggesting here is that people shouldn't think for themselves, that the "evidence" presented had disclaimers front to back suggesting that readers take things into account is falsified and untrue (lies?), and that you don't read...

<3 said:
flip isn't mafia
That post was claiming flip wasn't mafia was a joke post. a sign of me getting fed up with stupidity. While <3 does believe flip isn't mafia <3 doesn't have strong evidence to support it.

Lombardi said:
At first he was like a fountain of accusations, spitting out suspiciouns left and right. Now however, he never votes for anyone and only says "Read read read!". Spam, you have also provided us with some new information. Since noone seems to be listening to my smashbot idea, I think we should probably do something about <3 soon. Considering innactives, defenses, and disagreements, five days is very little to lynch anyone.
Man lombardi you suck at this game huh?
<3 has been an advocate of reading since day one, though then he didn't feel the need to flat out say the word now many new people are joining the game and just aren't reading. Lombardi, and spam, are examples of people who started posting later in the game without too much background and kept going on from there, these two and others also seem to just skim through larger posts and make assumptions based on what they skim.
<3 has made one major post where he's accused multiple people... in that post he also suggested, similar to many posts before, that people take time to compose there own thoughts through reading material themselves; then people come up with their own conclusions.

A large portion of why <3 is posting the way he is is because he's fed up with people not reading... no one reads they guess... it's stupid.

TMW said:
I think answers to such questions would be extremely useful to the mafia. If there are townies that are largely suspected, the mafia could keep them alive so the town lynches them. If there's a townie that everyone trusts, kill them, because a trusted townie is very dangerous to them. And they'll learn who among them is suspected and who is trusted. They can do things like pushing for the lynch of their least trusted member, to gain our trust for the cost of the player who would likely be the least useful to them anyway.

It's the same sort of deal as just laying out every minor suspicion you have.
See, smartest player here.
<3 disagrees though only slightly at this point. <3 has a lot of faith in his current list perhaps that is clouding his judgment a smidgen. Normally the obvious answer is to just watch changes in players based on who is appearing on the lists... but what <3 planned doing this with specific characters in mind is inhernitly flawed since if these people indeed aren't mafia it is wasted effort, watching the whole of the community's changes isn't impossible but it is difficult because of those that remain inactive for long periods of time and those that don't post suspicions at all.
<3 is one who believes that when the town works as a whole actively posting suspicions and communicating we can't lose. with 30 people we probably out number mafia by more than 3, 3 of us to every one mafia, great odds eh?

Don't answer the questions unless you can come up with good logic for doing so.
TMW has made <3 reconsider them by posting specific examples of when the questions can be used beneficially for the mafia...

<3's current list consists of Most to least suspicious:
<3 believes there are only a total of 7 mafiats, he's listed 8.

take that as you will.


Smash Ace
May 8, 2007
Swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year

It seems pretty much like you didn't read that there is a DEADLINE. You are just taking your sweet time "Well, I'm pretty suspcious of him, and these guys aren't giving a good vibe. I think you should all read more". Okay, so I'm just guessing. You are looking for solid evidence on day 1 and telling people to read, while I am hopelessly trying to band the town together and lynch someone now so that day 2 isn't the same as today.


The list I made above is just ten of the players I could think of right now. Consider that AT LEAST 1 of those people is a mafiat. Now, using the list above me, I am just gonna throw out a weird little idea. I'm gonna put them in groups of what they've done:




Controversial (vibe/playstyle/roleclaim):

Conversative (No single target, but active and helpful):

Target arguemental(Has targeted specific people):

Now, we don't want to lose a conversative, because they are active and helpful. Bandwagoners are suspicous and not too helpful, but have taken sides and would offer some information if lynched. Then there are unhelpfulls ; They won't be too bad of a loss, but haven't done much in the game and won't give us much information if lynched. Then there are controversial players. They can go either way.

Bandwagoners are flipstar and OWM. OWM is more innactive though. Flipstar however has clearly done stuff and is a bandwagoner. In my opinion, we will get the most information and least loss out of lynching flipstar.

Now, this was just a roundabout and weird way of orginizing thoughts and choosing a lynchee. I don't know if it helped you or not, but for me it's either smashbot or flipstar, preferably flip from the reason I have above. It doesn't matter if you "Don't think there's enough reason to lynch him". It's lynching someone, and that's important.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
Hey <3, I'm pretty sure you already defended yourself against that post before and I explained to you that it was trap that your egotistical butt walked right into, I think you need to keep up with your reading a little bit more.

If you had kept more up to date with your reading you would have known that it seems like I found a major discrepancie in the fact that if eor followed the pattern in my role, then there should be no problem in telling us what the consequence of you first foul up was. But, just incase you feeling tired I'll requote it, just so you can make sure not to pretend like I never said it next time.

Not answering it reveals too much about the role.
I'm Calling B*llSh*t. My role restriction is significantly easier to abide by and even then the first time I break the restriction I only recieve a warning. Why would eor force you to recieve consequences for you first foul up and only give me a warning when yours is so much easier to mess up. It simply doesn't make sense unless of course you don't actually have a role that is restricted and therefore wouldn't know wether eor tended to give people a warning or immediatre consequences.
Also, you constantly seem to make refrence to how good you are compared to everybody else. But every time you do I keep wondering what exactly you have done to help the town? For instance, roght now wouldn't the most helpful thing for the town be if you presented the large argument that you refrence, so as to evert a no-lynch, instead of taking up precious time with your stupid whining about answering your questions or complaining about lack of reading.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
Seriously <3 I don't think you are mafia in the slightest but you need to tone down your posts. Also, stop telling people to read the thread, it is degrading and is getting redundant.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
That is true. I was sort of just using smashbot because he's just like an innactive.
Smashbot is innactive and dumb. Others are just plain innactive with the potential to contribute intelligently.
I'm Calling B*llSh*t. My role restriction is significantly easier to abide by and even then the first time I break the restriction I only recieve a warning. Why would eor force you to recieve consequences for you first foul up and only give me a warning when yours is so much easier to mess up. It simply doesn't make sense unless of course you don't actually have a role that is restricted and therefore wouldn't know wether eor tended to give people a warning or immediatre consequences.
He never said he received any consequenes yet.

Frankly, the dispute between the two of you isn't very interesting. I do (kinda) suspect <3, though not for any of the reasons spam has posted, but not enough to actually lynch him considering smashbot is still alive. I dont think spam is mafia at all. So I find the discussion to be stagnant, boring, and a little arrogant from both sides. >_<

We must kill someone today. A no lynch is a failure of a day.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
If the believers in always lynching don't pull off a lynch before the deadline, I won't be very happy about the hypocrisy.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
He said that revealing the consequences of his first error would give away to much about his character, while my character description suggests that he would have siply recieved a warning and therefore revealing that he recieved a warning would tell us literaly nothing about his character, therefor negating his previous statement.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone else recieves a warning or consequences for their first offense in breaking role restriction, but it's risky if your restriction could be determined by someone who doesn't know what it is specifically and is very telling about your character, so it's really up to the person.

Also, I had never intended to be as aggresive as I am being right now, in fact I think it hurts my argument. But, if there is one type of person that I can't stand it is someone who thinks they are much better at something then they actually are and preaches about how everyone should be as good as they are, I find that a lack of humility and sympathy is often the clearest sign of a lack of skill and talent. Also, I don't appreciate the baselss accusations he has made against me and against my intellegence, or his "holier than thou" attitude towards casual players. He justs makes me wildly aggravated, and I'm doing my best to control myself.

It also doesn't help that I feel like I'm arguing against Agentli all over again, it feels like a carbon copy, they both dodge questions and ignore points the exact same way. And, I think that if he does trun out to be mafia that my gut should be certified as a reliable method for determining mafia.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Ah, I read it not entirely within context, I see.

Do you admit to getting some sort of punishment, anything more than a written warning, when you made an error?

Going by your gut is good, and looking back on the games I've played I've never been wrong a single time except with Chill in Trigun mafia. I have a problem ignoring logic, however. I do find <3 suspicious, but from what I've seen of him in The Thing, I dont see him being mafia. In the Thing he always tried getting on everyone's good side and made good, rational decisions. He's taken the role of an inquisitor this time around. It's completely different from what he was before when he was the villian. So unless it is revealed that <3 has taken a vacation and it is his brother who has taken over his account for this game I find it hard to believe he is mafia. Anyone else, sure, but not <3.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
e·go·tist (g-tst, g-)
1. A conceited, boastful person.
2. A selfish, self-centered person.

<3 isn't better than everyone... sorry if that what it seemed like he was saying. <3 does read, you, spam, don't. *shrugs* this means <3 has a better understanding of the game as a whole than you ever can until you do.

As far as posting evidence...
1. Everyone <3 has accused of being mafia in his old post has since started posting a lot less... not much therefore not much can be said about any of them.
2. You wouldn't vote for who <3 suggests anyway... <3's ability is future sight, thats how he knows.
3. You could always not listen to <3 whine and play the game without making the thread about him.

I'm Calling B*llSh*t. My role restriction is significantly easier to abide by and even then the first time I break the restriction I only recieve a warning. Why would eor force you to recieve consequences for you first foul up and only give me a warning when yours is so much easier to mess up. It simply doesn't make sense unless of course you don't actually have a role that is restricted and therefore wouldn't know wether eor tended to give people a warning or immediatre consequences.
<3 ignored this and the rest of your post because it was foolish. Here you are asking <3 to either...
A. reveal his role
B. say he is lying.
lol, Since <3 is not easily pressured like Lombardi this obviously isn't going to work.
The rest of the post you are asking <3 to restate things that have already been said...
Is it possible, even remotely, that <3's role restrictions have different punishments than your own?

But every time you do I keep wondering what exactly you have done to help the town?
Hahaha, if you are wondering what <3 has done for the town reread the thread it's spelled out pretty clearly there. <3 laughed, literally, when he read that line.

A tip, Don't ask questions that have already been answered. It is a waste of time especially if you ask <3 cuz it's rare that he'll answer. He'll tell you, and everyone in the thread that now. If that is hurtful to town then we already lost... Don't hint around that <3 hasn't helped, give evidence that he hasn't helped. It's wishy-washy, half hearted/butted (:)) responses like this that upset <3 and gets him calling people names that make them sad... awww... poor babies...

Also... tom should have been on that list. Lombardi bringing him up from seemingly no where has made <3 that much more confident that Lombardi and tom are both in fact mafia.

Spam_master brought up this post (correct <3 if this isn't the post you meant then spam) saying it fragmented thought(thinking individually is bad!), and made false and baseless accusations, <3 is curious if townies agree with that.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Also... tom should have been on that list. Lombardi bringing him up from seemingly no where has made <3 that much more confident that Lombardi and tom are both in fact mafia.
I can see why you think Lombardi could be mafia, but what are all of your reasons for Tom? I know inactivity is one thing.


I think <3 was joking around with that future sight thing.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
e·go·tist (g-tst, g-)
1. A conceited, boastful person.
2. A selfish, self-centered person.

<3 isn't better than everyone... sorry if that what it seemed like he was saying. <3 does read, you, spam, don't. *shrugs* this means <3 has a better understanding of the game as a whole than you ever can until you do.

As far as posting evidence...
1. Everyone <3 has accused of being mafia in his old post has since started posting a lot less... not much therefore not much can be said about any of them.
2. You wouldn't vote for who <3 suggests anyway... <3's ability is future sight, thats how he knows.
3. You could always not listen to <3 whine and play the game without making the thread about him.

I'm Calling B*llSh*t. My role restriction is significantly easier to abide by and even then the first time I break the restriction I only recieve a warning. Why would eor force you to recieve consequences for you first foul up and only give me a warning when yours is so much easier to mess up. It simply doesn't make sense unless of course you don't actually have a role that is restricted and therefore wouldn't know wether eor tended to give people a warning or immediatre consequences.
<3 ignored this and the rest of your post because it was foolish. Here you are asking <3 to either...
A. reveal his role
B. say he is lying.
lol, Since <3 is not easily pressured like Lombardi this obviously isn't going to work.
The rest of the post you are asking <3 to restate things that have already been said...
Is it possible, even remotely, that <3's role restrictions have different punishments than your own?

But every time you do I keep wondering what exactly you have done to help the town?
Hahaha, if you are wondering what <3 has done for the town reread the thread it's spelled out pretty clearly there. <3 laughed, literally, when he read that line.

A tip, Don't ask questions that have already been answered. It is a waste of time especially if you ask <3 cuz it's rare that he'll answer. He'll tell you, and everyone in the thread that now. If that is hurtful to town then we already lost... Don't hint around that <3 hasn't helped, give evidence that he hasn't helped. It's wishy-washy, half hearted/butted (:)) responses like this that upset <3 and gets him calling people names that make them sad... awww... poor babies...

Also... tom should have been on that list. Lombardi bringing him up from seemingly no where has made <3 that much more confident that Lombardi and tom are both in fact mafia.

Spam_master brought up this post (correct <3 if this isn't the post you meant then spam) saying it fragmented thought(thinking individually is bad!), and made false and baseless accusations, <3 is curious if townies agree with that.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I really don't see why people aren't more suspicious of egruntz. I think it's fairly obvious that he's lying about his role. Every time someone comes up with a reason or strategy to lynch him with minimum risk for the town, he tells us something new about his role that makes it impossible. He's deliberately cloudy about his role in order to allow for this strategy.

First, he attracts attention with that "Sparta" nonsense. Then, when he's pressured, he claims that lynching him will hurt the town. When he's pressured further, he claims that he'll kill somebody who lynches him, but doesn't specify who, presumably in order to scare everybody off so no one person can make the possible sacrifice. I point out that if he's town, he'd be willing to cast the final vote on himself, but then he comes out with the bit about killing the first and last person who voted for him, making that strategy impossible. Finally, he's given numerous hints throughout the game that his role is Leonidas, but has been unwilling to actually come out and say so. Why would he do this, except so that he can claim that he was faking if anyone actually comes out and claims to be Leonidas?

By itself, none of this evidence is particularly compelling, but it establishes a clear pattern of deceit and deception. In my opinion, egruntz is the scummiest person in the game right now.

<3, I think your superior attitude and your unwillingness to repeat yourself really hampers your arguments.

Personally, I find your constant refrain of "read, read, read" to be far more annoying than it is helpful. Many players do read, but not everyone has the amazing memory that you seem to possess. Sometimes, people forget things, and would like to be reminded. Those players that don't read are unlikely to be swayed by your repetition.

That brings me to my second point. People aren't likely to be convinced by arguments when the main proponent of the argument insists that the reader find support for the arguments on their own. Obviously, the support (if it is there), is going to be in the thread, but people may not remember it, or may not associate it with the argument even if they do. If you want to convince people with your reasoning, you sometimes have to be willing to repeat yourself.

For these reasons, as well as others, I find your playstyle very irritating and unproductive. Obviously, you're the one who has to decide how you want to play, but I think you would greatly benefit yourself by following my advice in this regard.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
<3 isn't better than everyone... sorry if that what it seemed like he was saying. <3 does read, you, spam, don't. *shrugs* this means <3 has a better understanding of the game as a whole than you ever can until you do.
How about you provide some evidence that I don't read, and considering the fact that you can't possibly have any idea what I do or don't do and when I'm not tipping my full hand I'm pretty sure that your accusations are simply baseless attempt to discredit me because I'm attacking you.

As far as posting evidence...
1. Everyone <3 has accused of being mafia in his old post has since started posting a lot less... not much therefore not much can be said about any of them.
Then you force those people to post.

2. You wouldn't vote for who <3 suggests anyway... <3's ability is future sight, thats how he knows.
If you presented a sound and convincing argument I would, but I don't think your gonna attack anyone unless you have too. I'll explain why I think so later.

3. You could always not listen to <3 whine and play the game without making the thread about him.
I'm going to accuse anyone I want, and I'm always listening to everyone. I'm sure you'd love for me to leave you alone. Unfortuantely for you until I see some evidence that you aren't mafia or someone becomes more suspicious to me, I'm gonna be on you like whitney houston is on coke.

<3 ignored this and the rest of your post because it was foolish. Here you are asking <3 to either...
A. reveal his role
B. say he is lying.
lol, Since <3 is not easily pressured like Lombardi this obviously isn't going to work.
The rest of the post you are asking <3 to restate things that have already been said...
Is it possible, even remotely, that <3's role restrictions have different punishments than your own?
Guess what, you could always say something like "the power of my role was reduced" or state how you were restricted in any other non-role-specific fashion. I'm not looking to make you tell me your role. I realize that currently not enough people find you suspicious for you to be lynched but I wanna make sure that I have enough constricting statements made by you that if you are lying you won't be able to even breathe later in the game.

Hahaha, if you are wondering what <3 has done for the town reread the thread it's spelled out pretty clearly there. <3 laughed, literally, when he read that line.
That's strange, I reread the thread every other weekend while I brainstrom soundtracks and it seems like even with all your posting there have been no real results. I know how you say you've helped the town but so far I'm under the impression that you have actually hurt it.

You forced the conversation to linger about lombardi even after he had roleclaimed and no counterclaim was presented, you attacked an abnormally large group but did not heavily focus on any single person aside from putting mediocre at the top and thus drawing people into smaller factions each with its own indivdual prime suspect but noen with the majority to lynch, you discourage casual players instead of incuraging them to do the best they can and helping them stay up to date so that they can form their own ideas (your method just incourages them to not follow the game and become inactive or become sheep to major players because they can't invest the amount of time you recquire of them due to real world obligations). You present the topic of questions which besides helping the mafia stay under the radar haev taken away time from dicussions involving suspcion. Everything you've done has seemed to do nothing but waste time.

And, now instead of picking a person and actively pushing for their lynch you are still taking up time, even with a dealine baring down on us. If your so into helping the town so much why don't yu start now by helping us get somebody lynched even if it is me.

A tip, Don't ask questions that have already been answered. It is a waste of time especially if you ask <3 cuz it's rare that he'll answer. He'll tell you, and everyone in the thread that now. If that is hurtful to town then we already lost... Don't hint around that <3 hasn't helped, give evidence that he hasn't helped. It's wishy-washy, half hearted/butted (:)) responses like this that upset <3 and gets him calling people names that make them sad... awww... poor babies....
Evidence has been staed above and also I suggest that you start backing up a few more of your accusations with evidence. Also, I'll ask whatever questions I want about whatever I want, and so should everybody else, and if you have any inclination whatsoever of how you should play as a townsmen you and everybody else should answer them (unless you think answering them will help the mafia) and you'll just have to deal with your aggravation.

Spam_master brought up this post (correct <3 if this isn't the post you meant then spam) saying it fragmented thought(thinking individually is bad!), and made false and baseless accusations, <3 is curious if townies agree with that.
Although this post is rife with fragmented thinking I would like to see wher I refer to it as false and baseless.

I also enjoyed the part where I was a very skiled and intellegent player in your opinion when I wasn't accusing you of anything, but as soon as I attacked you I suddenly stopped reading posts and commited various othe attrocities in your eyes. It appears as though instead of placing a OMGUS vote you prefer to use OMGUS Charcter assassination and OMGUS liable


Aug 19, 2001
Love never blows up and gets killed.
We must kill someone today. A no lynch is a failure of a day.

I don't agree with this. We don't have to lynch today. what if we lynch another townie? a valuable one? I don't think we are in any position to tell mafia apart from our townie brethren.

forget about the lynch for now. we have plenty of time to narrow down our options to who the true mafia members are.

id rather do that than lynch one of ours and then lose another during the night kill. that's just sloppy on our part.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
You didn't really ask any questions but...

Used the word seemed... said what you were doing was not smart for an intelligent player. Most players now would agree this whole tangent is dumb, but you know... whatever.
Kind of upset that by you asking questions is <3 wasting time but... whatever.
<3 made it clear that he doesn't want "casual player" if casual means you don't read...
<3 can't force anything it is up the community to decided what to talk about, not any individual player.
Guess what, you could always say something like "the power of my role was reduced" or state how you were restricted in any other non-role-specific fashion.
Could... but not going to. "It reveals too much about the role." that explains it perfectly.

Spam said:
...and has misdirected the town by presenting us with false evidence.
You didn't call it baseless... sorry.

Definition: FALSE
Synonyms: baseless, bottomless, causeless, chimerical, empty, false, flimsy, foundationless, etc.

base·less (bās'lĭs)
adj. Having no basis or foundation in fact; unfounded.

your posts are getting annoying to read and more annoying to respond to... Don't think anyone is really convinced by your constant badgering without any results. Keep asking <3'll keep responding though... Don't have anything to hide spare the role.

For the record you still aren't very high on <3's suspect list. there isn't much evidence against you, just the stuff already posted here http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?...&postcount=525 and even that is admittedly weak. <3 has no intention of getting anyone to vote you, if you'd like to vote mediocre or OMW jawsome, otherwise there are 29 others you can convince.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I think we should stick to looking for a lynch.

Things to consider for me are

If Lombardi role-revealed and said he was Jesus Christ.. why isn't he dead by Kira.. raises the question of is Kira in this game, or is Lombardi really Jesus.

OWM still has really suspicious play style and it's really pissing me off.

<3 is shaking up the game leaps and bounds, but so far what he's said is solid.

Smashbot is a worthy lynch candidate

Gamefreak, you're play style is really weak and inconsistent. I'm not sure what you're trying to pull but it never seems to have a post that just fits right for me.

Spam: I only FOSed you because at first i thought you were satisfied with just lynching him based on messing up his role, no hard feelings, i have no other basis for the FOS.

Medi: Your posts always seem to be somewhat suspicious to me, but i have no reason to look into a lynch just yet.


Vote: OWM

His play style is inconsistent, he bandwagons a lot, he lurks for the majority of the game, and is generally more of a suspicious character then any other person I have notes on.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
If Lombardi role-revealed and said he was Jesus Christ.. why isn't he dead by Kira.. raises the question of is Kira in this game, or is Lombardi really Jesus..
There is the possibility that Kira has to wait till night to activate his ability(like alot of people in mafia games). But that is assuming that Kira is in the game.

To Gamefreak: Most day ones, if not all of them, usually end up with a townie getting lynched. It's really hard to try and lynch a mafia on day one with lack of info.

Also, do we have enough active people to lynch somebody?


Smash Ace
May 8, 2007
Swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year
This is bad. We got two people arguing and oblivious to everything else. Then there is one guy going for egruntz, and another going for OWM. We are absolutely scattered 4 days till the deadline.
Now, as for me, I didn't like egruntz's quickness to vote for <3. Medi placed a solid argement against him, and then immedietly, egruntz just takes the other available suspect. I really don't know about <3. We don't have time to poke anyone with sharp sticks, we gotta kill someone and stick with it.
Voting egruntz is a gamble. It can get us seriously screwed, BUT egruntz could be mafia and will get us alot of information for day 2.
Smashbot on the other hand would be safe to lynch, but less beneficial. No suspition of him right now, but he's not a big loss.
The way I see it, our options are egruntz and smashbot. I think that Spam and <3 need to stop arguing and save it for day 2 and gamefreak needs to pitch in with this lynch.
To tell you the truth, I don't want to put the first vote on egruntz. Smashbot is our best bet I think.
Vote: Smashbot226 ...I'm sorry if I already voted for him, it just seemed like we didn't get anywhere with it so I kinda forgot.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Unvote, Vote: <3
Hey egruntz, mind explaining why you are voting on <3?


I agree with you that Spam and <3 should stop bickering until day 2. But I don't quite agree with voting on smashbot. Sure he hasn't posted anything useful and is annoying as hell, but that doesn't give us any reason to lynch him. We also don't know what his role could be and it could be something useful(I am not saying that smashbot has one, but there's that possibility). OWM on the other hand is more suspicious considering he has been bandwagoning and lurking throughout most of the game. The only suspicious thing that smashbot has said was that "Yay Bandwagon! Vote: whoever it was" post.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
You know, I'd be completely willing to place the first vote on egruntz, or the last, if people would be more comfortable with that.

Vote: egruntz

If anybody else has a vote sitting on egruntz, take it off and recast it, so I'll be the one who dies if he's telling the truth about his role.

That said, I'd be willing to cast a vote against smashbot if it looks like he's close to being lynched and egruntz isn't. I know what I said before about no-lynches makes this seem like I'm contradicting myself, and I am. I no longer think no-lynches are a wise option, and I acknowledge that my previous position was ill considered. No lynches have their merits in certain situations, but are generally a bad idea. Anyhow, I think smashbot is the person who the town would miss the least, even if he doesn't turn out to be mafia. He's unpredictable and unhelpful. There are a few people I think are more likely to be mafia than he is, but no one who carries so little risk for the town.


Aug 19, 2001
Love never blows up and gets killed.
if you guys strongl support a lynching that bad then so be it.

though I would rather wait for a lynch, if a smashbot lynch acquires enough votes, I too will vote for Smash bot for two reasons:

1. he adds little to the game

2.is the safest option, for he is either a mafia, or just a useless townie. Yes a sacrifice, but not much of one.

If I see 5 more votes for smashbot before the deadline I will change my vote.


Oct 28, 2001
I would be willing to vote for smashbot or egruntz, but right now I think egruntz is the better option, he's posted more and I think he has a higher chance of being mafia. And I don't really buy his "hey guys maybe I'm Leonidas and if I die I take down mafias with me what's that you're voting for me oh I kill townies too if I get lynched yeah forgot about that haha looks like I'm SECURE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME."

Vote: egruntz


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Erg, I've been wrong the whole time.
Unvote: axemangx/replacement
Vote: Smashbot

Ergruntz sounds like a good option too. I dont believe anything he says anymore. He said that two people who voted for him would die if they did. Two? I find that highly unlikely. I thought he was just lying before in order to save himself from getting lynched, but I just dont think he's trustworthy anymore.

Ergruntz, reveal everything. Now.


May 7, 2007
Hey <3, do you know if egruntz is town or not? I don't think he flat out said "I'm town" or whatever, but from his role claim or whatever are you able to tell? Just wondering your thoughts on him.
I still want to vote smashbot.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Ergruntz sounds like a good option too. I dont believe anything he says anymore. He said that two people who voted for him would die if they did. Two? I find that highly unlikely. I thought he was just lying before in order to save himself from getting lynched, but I just dont think he's trustworthy anymore.

Ergruntz, reveal everything. Now.

I think he said that he could choose between either the first person who votes on him or the last one who votes on him. But either way, that seems unlikely. I am more willing to vote on egruntz but not so much on smashbot. Sure he is unhelpful and barely posts, and we would barely get much info since he practically has no aliances.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
spam-master said:
And, I think that if he does trun out to be mafia that my gut should be certified as a reliable method for determining mafia.
Unless, of course, you are mafia. >.o

<3, the thing about the re-reading is that not everyone has enough time to go through 66 pages of posts ( i have 15 posts per page) to find a specific detail. It's a real time-saver if someone just told them outriight, imo.

My thoughts on this post: http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=3517380&postcount=525

1) you spelled role "roll" XD
2) I think the disjointedness comes from the fact that "The following (everything under this line) was written at 6:10am"
3) I understand the argument against Mediocre, but I don't get the thing against Tom
4) The KevinM accusation seems like a grasp in the dark to me
5) In the section about OMW, you said "Assuming Mediocre and KevinM are actually mafia" so you don't really have anything on OMW..... yet.
6) spam's little slip-up seems to be like he startted writing the post, did something else, then finished it with unvoting.
7) ???
8) Profit!

I answered some of the questions at the bottom of that post before, so yea.

New Years Eve! =D Bw=e back in 3-4 days.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
No, I'm just interested in <3's theory about Kevin not being able to lie. XD Check out the evidence in his post thing.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
I would like to see an updated vote count as well.
I wouldn't think voting <3 right now is a good option, because he actually puts the effort forth in this game to try and induce conversation. Even if he were mafia, we're more likely to find more proof later due to his activity and long posts.
And egruntz, though it is possible that he has lied since he conveniently forgot some info about his role, isn't a good Day 1 lynch, because if he is telling the truth then we will lose someone, most likely a townie. It would also be a bigger sacrifice, because he would be unnightkillable if he is who he says he is.

I will place a vote on Smashbot since we need a Day 1 lynch for info, and there is a possibility that he is mafia and they told him to back off, the reason why we haven't heard from him in a while. He doesn't give any defense, so in that respect he is unhelpful, and that obvious bandwagon and other useless posts don't help his case. If he comes back and gives a defense, I will unvote him.
Vote: Smashbot


Jul 1, 2007
Erg, I've been wrong the whole time.
Unvote: axemangx/replacement
Vote: Smashbot

Ergruntz sounds like a good option too. I dont believe anything he says anymore. He said that two people who voted for him would die if they did. Two? I find that highly unlikely. I thought he was just lying before in order to save himself from getting lynched, but I just dont think he's trustworthy anymore.

Ergruntz, reveal everything. Now.
Erhm, I have. You say that I'm lying, and you want me to reveal even more? Thank just makes no sense. I've revealed everything about my role. Seriously, read.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
Erhm, I have. You say that I'm lying, and you want me to reveal even more? Thank just makes no sense. I've revealed everything about my role. Seriously, read.
You've never actually nameclaimed, and if you ought to either claim Leonidas or let everybody know that you're not him.

If you are Leonidas, you might as well claim. Kira can probably already kill you if all he needs is a name (you haven't made it too hard to figure out) and I don't see how it would help the mafia.

If you're not Leonidas and you claim you are, somebody else might be willing to counterclaim, and we'll know you're lying. One mafia down.

If you're not Leonidas and you tell us "I'm not Leonidas", then no harm done. Nobody will know your role, and we can all get off this subject and move onto more productive things with the time we have left.

I really can't see any negative consequences for the town resulting from any of these possibilities.
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