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Enemy Controller: PRiDE has returned to us, now super hot!


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
You owe him money...Stop not paying him or i'll help him sue you plain and simple.

Its also funny that you think i'm kidding


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
explain this and put yourself in this situation. you want to buy shoes but you cant that day bc you have to go meet family. your friend says they will buy it for you. no matter how much you refuse the person does it and then says you owe them back even if you spent your own money on something else and decided not to get that pair of shoes. now being nice you may attempt to pay that person back. but lets even say your brother took some cash from you. are you held responsible for paying back someone that went against your will and paid for it when you said wait. your answer is NO but being a friend you may attempt. but inui has been going on about so i said forget it.
So, wait.

You bought shoes with the money. Not like, essentials, but shoes. Shoes.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
explain this and put yourself in this situation. you want to buy shoes but you cant that day bc you have to go meet family. your friend says they will buy it for you. no matter how much you refuse the person does it and then says you owe them back even if you spent your own money on something else and decided not to get that pair of shoes. now being nice you may attempt to pay that person back. but lets even say your brother took some cash from you. are you held responsible for paying back someone that went against your will and paid for it when you said wait. your answer is NO but being a friend you may attempt. but inui has been going on about so i said forget it.

You miserable, stupid, disgusting piece of trash. Why are you still here?

You stole the money and bought shoes with it instead of using it for the circuit it was saved for. You betrayed the trust of not just me, but the whole community. You are horrible.

I hope nobody welcomes you at any event. Stay away from us. You're garbage.

Just so you know, I am a forgiving king. I can forgive you and permit you to exist in this community again if you pay me back. Until then, however, you're my number one enemy. Don't show up at anything. Seriously.

You owe him money...Stop not paying him or i'll help him sue you plain and simple.

Its also funny that you think i'm kidding
Do you know something I don't? How can I sue him for $140? It wouldn't be worth any legal fees.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Inui, you got screwed. Get your money back tho man. Although you may be right about banning blue from nj events being a horrible punishment, losing 140 dollars is unacceptable on any grounds. Rofl at you being a forgiving king, you're really too much hahaha!

Chris- stop posting off of impulse. Take 5 mins to think before you hit the reply button. Almost every smasher has spent over 140 in tourny fees, so why the h3ll would you choose 140 dollars over being a part of this community? Breaking even( probably not even), and then being banned from the community,seen as a punka$$ theif by people you look up to and enjoy being around, all while being forced away from the game you love? All under an assumption that you wouldn't be found? Because trust me, almost every smasher could be found if need be. Also, how can you go into someone elses thread and tell them what they should post about?


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
Chris- stop posting off of impulse. Take 5 mins to think before you hit the reply button. Almost every smasher has spent over 140 in tourny fees, so why the h3ll would you choose 140 dollars over being a part of this community? Breaking even( probably not even), and then being banned from the community,seen as a punka$$ theif by people you look up to and enjoy being around, all while being forced away from the game you love? All under an assumption that you wouldn't be found? Because trust me, almost every smasher could be found if need be. Also, how can you go into someone elses thread and tell them what they should post about?
...I never said 140 exactly. It's the principle of it. If you read what I said, as shown below:

I dunno guys...if he really wanted to steal the money from us or w/e, why would he post here and still wanna go to tournies? If i got that money i'd leave the community pretty fast lol
I said that if Blue REALLY JUST WANTED TO STEAL SOME MONEY, he would just disappear after having done so. This obviously isn't the case since he keeps coming back to the threads to defend himself or have some kind of retort. The bolded part was a joke. I've never stolen from anyone. In fact I've been robbed a ****load of money but that's besides the point. Stop hassling me so much jeez.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
I'm not hassling you, I am just calling you out on the annoying way that you tend to post. I'm fairly certain you put almost no thought into them. You are my friend...so I'm telling you.

Obviously blue didn't wake up on the day brawl came out, devise some weird plan that would ultimately pay him 140 dollars right before he made his great escape. Him getting that money was purely circumstantial, and therefore him being banned from the nj community is an accepted punishment, not an expected one. Claiming that you would leave the community fast, after accepting but not expecting this result makes NO sense if you read the statistical parts of my post. It is in no way a beneficial trade.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
Blue, Lucas sent me every little thing you guys spoke about and it seemed like you were the bad guy and Lucas wasn't. You tricked him and cost him 140 dollars. Then lied and said you would pay him back. Then changed your mind after staying in his home and stuff? Your a jerk, a liar, and a thief if all this is corect. If inui broutgh the whole side of his story, then you do the same and try to fix your name. Resolve it your way otherwise, you'll be seen by many what i said earlier : Jerk, Liar, Thief.


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
Debug Menu
Filing a claim for a small courts fee would be around $30-$50, and then from there since it's a private claim (not a car accident like what happened to me) you can't be represented by a public defendant. So you hire a lawyer, lawyer fees would probably exceed that amount of money, so in the end you would lose money.

Not that a lawyer would take a case like this since it's pretty much nothing.

and before you say "Oh ophelia stfu you trash ez scrub u dun know u nerr been sued"

Well, I have been sued, directly and through my insurance company. Filing the claim takes about 3 months and also requires the court to approve.

So good luck suing for $140.

And good luck also proving it if you do manage to get as far to the court room, and no you can't settle since it's direct.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Inui, you got screwed. Get your money back tho man. Although you may be right about banning blue from nj events being a horrible punishment, losing 140 dollars is unacceptable on any grounds. Rofl at you being a forgiving king, you're really too much hahaha!
I can't feasibly get $140 back from him without it costing that much or more in time/effort/money.

I have his address. I can always do something some other time.
Blue, Lucas sent me every little thing you guys spoke about and it seemed like you were the bad guy and Lucas wasn't. You tricked him and cost him 140 dollars. Then lied and said you would pay him back. Then changed your mind after staying in his home and stuff? Your a jerk, a liar, and a thief if all this is corect. If inui broutgh the whole side of his story, then you do the same and try to fix your name. Resolve it your way otherwise, you'll be seen by many what i said earlier : Jerk, Liar, Thief.

My whip is at the ready for that pathetic coward. Where did he go?


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Why dont you take him to court and reannact a phoenix wright scene.

/Anti Logic

And Eazy he cant ban him from ALL NJ events just his events.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
And Eazy he cant ban him from ALL NJ events just his events.
Who would anyone let him attend anything at this point? It's been proven that he's both a liar and a thief. He lied to and stole from the leader of this state. EVERYONE should be on my side on this issue. I'd be on anyone else's side if Blue did the same thing to them.

Blue is finished with this community!

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
This dude stole 140$ and wont repay it costing him his rep? I make 500$ a week working.. and dis dude can't pay back someone 140$ he stole LOL. some people are just pathetic pieces of trash. you da man inui


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
your friend says they will buy it for you. no matter how much you refuse the person does it and then says you owe them back even if you spent your own money on something else and decided not to get that pair of shoes. now being nice you may attempt to pay that person back. but lets even say your brother took some cash from you. are you held responsible for paying back someone that went against your will and paid for it when you said wait. your answer is NO but being a friend you may attempt.
It wasn't your money, plebeian. It was money for the circuit.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
It was money for the circuit that I fronted because Blue wasn't there. He promised he'd just give me the circuit money we saved up when he got back, but he apparently just seized an opportunity to steal it. Oh well. That's what I get for trusting a twofaced tool like Blue.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
I mean, it sounds like Inui decided to be generous for the benefit of the circuit and Blue can't really pay it back so he's not paying it back.

So basically Blue's name will be drug through the sand until he quits smash pays it back. I'm pretty much down with that, as much as I dislike hating on people, you should just pay it back dude, even if it wasn't your money to begin with. Or make an agreement to pay back some of it, in payments or something.

This must have been going on for a while, I just looked in this thread.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Blue can pay it back. He could have all along. He made some nonsense up about his brother taking it because an opportunity for him to steal it came up.

He clearly took the money for himself and betrayed me.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2008
Woodbridge, NJ
you know what.....you are right....the whole community is right. what im doing is wrong and i guess thru the actions taken by lucas changed how i veiwed things. since the beginning i wasnt even at my own curcuit. and when lucas asked for his money back and called me a thief i got mad bc i couldnt force my brother to pay him back until he gave me back the money. now no one can really tell others finacial situation....but i did promise lucas that dont worry about my brother. i will let him owe me rather than owe him. so i would out of my own pocket started to pay him back.

now without disgusting private family affairs a promblem came up making the delay that much longer 8 months to be exact. but by then he had already poised my name and labelled me a thief. that annoyed me bc i was attempting to pay him back so i got mad and told him i wont pay him back. true it isnt his fault for i did agree after the tourney was held that he was an idiot for hosting it but when i get home i will return what he spotted for the favor. im no thief. $140 is not worth this much drama plus i still showed my face i never hid in the shadows. i was unaware of what ppl thought of me bc i was trying to pay him back and let my brother deal with me and not him plus for the fact that inui has to move out and can surely use it. i was blinded by my own anger not actually realizing that when MRDC was talking to me on the phone he's right. that money has no place in my hands. it DOES belong to the curcuit winners. without a doubt even if i didnt ask for lucas' support i should have still returned it or at least continued to. i just hated that he put our business out in the open long b4 i returned from florida. ppl of smash plz excuse my long abscence and lack of trust and organization. my temper got the best of me and clouded my judgement. lucas was only looking out for me and i unaware of it screwing him over.

he did provide me better housing than everyone else this weekend by giving me my own bed in his room while others slept on the floor and shared beds in another room. im sry lucas. i should have acted better reguardless of how i felt you acted toward me i should have still kept in mind that the money didnt belong to me. i thought i was right only out of anger. i will pay you back your $140 i rightfully and respectfully owe you. and to the community i apologize bc if inui didnt not spot the cash you all would be in the dark about my appearance and i would have had to owe each and every one of you. the child in this matter was me not inui.

so i will man up and fix what should have been done long ago. you all had every right to side with inui and for those who supported me i respect you more...YES!..... you gave me the benefit of the doubt and trusted me and now i made you look like a fool for trusting me. not that i lied to you but i still couldnt see my errors. you i see as a real friend you didnt side with one person but protected and defended both ppl you may see and cool ppl. you all know me as a silly acting blue sonic mainer who tries to stay respectful and now you saw a misguided person not knowing the reason why ppl started to hate me. you have good friends that back you up lucas....as i should also be in there myself.

it's not that i wasnt a loyal friend but only a angry friend who was mad you claimed to the community i was a thief. you put our business out there which is wrong on your part but never as much as what i've done. sry NJ for my lack of understanding and hopefully my rep' wont be shot for what i call a misunderstanding on my part. and yes it would have been stealing not from inui...but from the community had i continued. im no thief and never stole anything a day in my life and especially NOT money.


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
you know what.....you are right....the whole community is right. what im doing is wrong and i guess thru the actions taken by lucas changed how i veiwed things. since the beginning i wasnt even at my own curcuit. and when lucas asked for his money back and called me a thief i got mad bc i couldnt force my brother to pay him back until he gave me back the money. now no one can really tell others finacial situation....but i did promise lucas that dont worry about my brother. i will let him owe me rather than owe him. so i would out of my own pocket started to pay him back. now without disgusting private family affairs a promblem came up making the delay that much longer 8 months to be exact. but by then he had already poised my name and labelled me a thief. that annoyed me bc i was attempting to pay him back so i got mad and told him i wont pay him back. true it isnt his fault for i did agree after the tourney was held that he was an idiot for hosting it but when i get home i will return what he spotted for the favor. im no thief. $140 is not worth this much drama plus i still showed my face i never hid in the shadows. i was unaware of what ppl thought of me bc i was trying to pay him back and let my brother deal with me and not him plus for the fact that inui has to move out and can surely use it. i was blinded by my own anger not actually realizing that when MRDC was talking to me on the phone he's right. that money has no place in my hands. it DOES belong to the curcuit winners. without a doubt even if i didnt ask for lucas' support i should have still returned it or at least continued to. i just hated that he put our business out in the open long b4 i returned from florida. ppl of smash plz excuse my long abscence and lack of trust and organization. my temper got the best of me and clouded my judgement. lucas was only looking out for me and i unaware of it screwing him over. he did provide me better housing than everyone else this weekend by giving me my own bed in his room while others slept on the floor and shared beds in another room. im sry lucas. i should have acted better reguardless of how i felt you acted toward me i should have still kept in mind that the money didnt belong to me. i thought i was right only out of anger. i will pay you back your $140 i rightfully and respectfully owe you. and to the community i apologize bc if inui didnt not spot the cash you all would be in the dark about my appearance and i would have had to owe each and every one of you. the child in this matter was me not inui. so i will man up and fix what should have been done long ago. you all had every right to side with inui and for those who supported me i respect you more...YES!..... you gave me the benefit of the doubt and trusted me and now i made you look like a fool for trusting me. not that i lied to you but i still couldnt see my errors. you i see as a real friend you didnt side with one person but protected and defended both ppl you may see and cool ppl. you all know me as a silly acting blue sonic mainer who tries to stay respectful and now you saw a misguided person not knowing the reason why ppl started to hate me. you have good friends that back you up lucas....as i should also be in there myself. it's not that i wasnt a loyal friend but only a angry friend who was mad you claimed to the community i was a thief. you put our business out there which is wrong on your part but never as much as what i've done. sry NJ for my lack of understanding and hopefully my rep' wont be shot for what i call a misunderstanding on my part. and yes it would have been stealing not from inui...but from the community had i continued. im no thief and never stole anything a day in my life and especially NOT money.
Fixed ~


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
please edit by using the enter key to create paragraphs, at that point I will read it

edit: ^^what the heck, why aren't you on aim if you're on a computer


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
you know what.....you are right....the whole community is right. what im doing is wrong and i guess thru the actions taken by lucas changed how i veiwed things. since the beginning i wasnt even at my own curcuit. and when lucas asked for his money back and called me a thief i got mad bc i couldnt force my brother to pay him back until he gave me back the money. now no one can really tell others finacial situation....but i did promise lucas that dont worry about my brother. i will let him owe me rather than owe him. so i would out of my own pocket started to pay him back.

now without disgusting private family affairs a promblem came up making the delay that much longer 8 months to be exact. but by then he had already poised my name and labelled me a thief. that annoyed me bc i was attempting to pay him back so i got mad and told him i wont pay him back. true it isnt his fault for i did agree after the tourney was held that he was an idiot for hosting it but when i get home i will return what he spotted for the favor. im no thief. $140 is not worth this much drama plus i still showed my face i never hid in the shadows. i was unaware of what ppl thought of me bc i was trying to pay him back and let my brother deal with me and not him plus for the fact that inui has to move out and can surely use it. i was blinded by my own anger not actually realizing that when MRDC was talking to me on the phone he's right. that money has no place in my hands. it DOES belong to the curcuit winners. without a doubt even if i didnt ask for lucas' support i should have still returned it or at least continued to. i just hated that he put our business out in the open long b4 i returned from florida. ppl of smash plz excuse my long abscence and lack of trust and organization. my temper got the best of me and clouded my judgement. lucas was only looking out for me and i unaware of it screwing him over.

he did provide me better housing than everyone else this weekend by giving me my own bed in his room while others slept on the floor and shared beds in another room. im sry lucas. i should have acted better reguardless of how i felt you acted toward me i should have still kept in mind that the money didnt belong to me. i thought i was right only out of anger. i will pay you back your $140 i rightfully and respectfully owe you. and to the community i apologize bc if inui didnt not spot the cash you all would be in the dark about my appearance and i would have had to owe each and every one of you. the child in this matter was me not inui.

so i will man up and fix what should have been done long ago. you all had every right to side with inui and for those who supported me i respect you more...YES!..... you gave me the benefit of the doubt and trusted me and now i made you look like a fool for trusting me. not that i lied to you but i still couldnt see my errors. you i see as a real friend you didnt side with one person but protected and defended both ppl you may see and cool ppl. you all know me as a silly acting blue sonic mainer who tries to stay respectful and now you saw a misguided person not knowing the reason why ppl started to hate me. you have good friends that back you up lucas....as i should also be in there myself.

it's not that i wasnt a loyal friend but only a angry friend who was mad you claimed to the community i was a thief. you put our business out there which is wrong on your part but never as much as what i've done. sry NJ for my lack of understanding and hopefully my rep' wont be shot for what i call a misunderstanding on my part. and yes it would have been stealing not from inui...but from the community had i continued. im no thief and never stole anything a day in my life and especially NOT money.

Hmm... This is surprising. I don't really even know what to say.

So, you're going to pay me back for real this time?



Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2008
Woodbridge, NJ

Hmm... This is surprising. I don't really even know what to say.

So, you're going to pay me back for real this time?

yes.....but i will leave EC and start my own crew. i have a few already accepted to join me so i wont mooch off this name any further. and i will always main sonic......BEST SONIC F***'N MAINER IN THIS COAST!!!! im gonna get back with things and train much harder. so yea excuse my lack of mind


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
I make 140 dollars in about 3 hours of work.

.... Just wanted to remind everyone about how wonderful I am. lmao


do it the Bronx Tale way. Forget the 140 dollars. Its 140 dollars to get Blue out of your life. Although it is a lot more fun with him around.
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