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Enemy Controller: PRiDE has returned to us, now super hot!


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2008
Look behind you!!!
It is my turn to chime in on this debacle. (hope I spelled debacle right and if so, TAKE THAT INUI's VOCABULARY!!!! THIS MEANS WAR!!!!)

if someone took $140 from me, I would kick them in the head cuz im broke. I agree with Kelvin in his Lie, Cheat, and Steal paragraph. (EDDIE GUERRERO!!!!)

and if you do sue, then take it to JUDGE JUDY!!!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
rofl at first ur like omg ur seph? lets MM!!!

then u didint want to.

now its on again. hype it up. whens the next thing ur going to


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
you know what.....you are right....the whole community is right. what im doing is wrong and i guess thru the actions taken by lucas changed how i veiwed things. since the beginning i wasnt even at my own curcuit. and when lucas asked for his money back and called me a thief i got mad bc i couldnt force my brother to pay him back until he gave me back the money. now no one can really tell others finacial situation....but i did promise lucas that dont worry about my brother. i will let him owe me rather than owe him. so i would out of my own pocket started to pay him back.

now without disgusting private family affairs a promblem came up making the delay that much longer 8 months to be exact. but by then he had already poised my name and labelled me a thief. that annoyed me bc i was attempting to pay him back so i got mad and told him i wont pay him back. true it isnt his fault for i did agree after the tourney was held that he was an idiot for hosting it but when i get home i will return what he spotted for the favor. im no thief. $140 is not worth this much drama plus i still showed my face i never hid in the shadows. i was unaware of what ppl thought of me bc i was trying to pay him back and let my brother deal with me and not him plus for the fact that inui has to move out and can surely use it. i was blinded by my own anger not actually realizing that when MRDC was talking to me on the phone he's right. that money has no place in my hands. it DOES belong to the curcuit winners. without a doubt even if i didnt ask for lucas' support i should have still returned it or at least continued to. i just hated that he put our business out in the open long b4 i returned from florida. ppl of smash plz excuse my long abscence and lack of trust and organization. my temper got the best of me and clouded my judgement. lucas was only looking out for me and i unaware of it screwing him over.

he did provide me better housing than everyone else this weekend by giving me my own bed in his room while others slept on the floor and shared beds in another room. im sry lucas. i should have acted better reguardless of how i felt you acted toward me i should have still kept in mind that the money didnt belong to me. i thought i was right only out of anger. i will pay you back your $140 i rightfully and respectfully owe you. and to the community i apologize bc if inui didnt not spot the cash you all would be in the dark about my appearance and i would have had to owe each and every one of you. the child in this matter was me not inui.

so i will man up and fix what should have been done long ago. you all had every right to side with inui and for those who supported me i respect you more...YES!..... you gave me the benefit of the doubt and trusted me and now i made you look like a fool for trusting me. not that i lied to you but i still couldnt see my errors. you i see as a real friend you didnt side with one person but protected and defended both ppl you may see and cool ppl. you all know me as a silly acting blue sonic mainer who tries to stay respectful and now you saw a misguided person not knowing the reason why ppl started to hate me. you have good friends that back you up lucas....as i should also be in there myself.

it's not that i wasnt a loyal friend but only a angry friend who was mad you claimed to the community i was a thief. you put our business out there which is wrong on your part but never as much as what i've done. sry NJ for my lack of understanding and hopefully my rep' wont be shot for what i call a misunderstanding on my part. and yes it would have been stealing not from inui...but from the community had i continued. im no thief and never stole anything a day in my life and especially NOT money.
I couldn't even get through half of this post because the grammar is so atrocious.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
i figured we can at least chill XD can't other non crew mates chill?

+ i wanna see trevor and izumi sometime soon XD


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
umm no disrespect to anyone but there is a huge difference between lazy typing and horrible grammar.
Lazy typing is saying U instead of you, or typin instead of typing. Writing grammer is a simple misspelling, one that can not be justified.

When the amount of effort needed to spell a word correctly is equal to or less than the amount needed to misspell it...I think it's safe to say someone needs to work on thurr ryten skilzah.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Not true Lucas!

Well I am assuming Kai is straight, if not....it went right over my head.

In general however I have a pretty nice gaydar.
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