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Enemy Controller: PRiDE has returned to us, now super hot!


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008


She's so amazing. :3

I'm so happy just to be blessed with her friendship.

She's addicted to Phoenix Wright now. :):):):):):):):):):)
At least you got her addicted to a good game series, instead of something awful like Fire Emblem or some other such nonsense.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Fire Emblem awful?

Who is this guy, and where did he get his tastes from

Fire Emblem is a good 100-150 hours of my life behind me

I beat Fire Emblem 7 THIRTEEN TIMES (13)

Sorta like how i've played through FF6 10 times

I've spent 2000+ hours in smash though


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Fire Emblem awful?

Who is this guy, and where did he get his tastes from

Fire Emblem is a good 100-150 hours of my life behind me

I beat Fire Emblem 7 THIRTEEN TIMES (13)

Sorta like how i've played through FF6 10 times

I've spent 2000+ hours in smash though
Thiocyanide - 1
People Taking Him Seriously - 0

FE is a good game; I'm just making fun of Inui's obsession with it. I've played through all the ones released in the States on the hardest difficulties without losing units, etc, spent a lot of time on them, but honestly the amount of time most gamers have put into games is nothing compared to the amount people like Inui have put into FE.

2000 / 24 = 83 days played.
/played on my Death Knight = 55 days
/played on my Rogue = 124 days
/played on my Paladin = 23 days

And that's just WoW. I really need to get out more.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
At least you got her addicted to a good game series, instead of something awful like Fire Emblem or some other such nonsense.
She does like FE. :)

Fire Emblem awful?

Who is this guy, and where did he get his tastes from

Fire Emblem is a good 100-150 hours of my life behind me

I beat Fire Emblem 7 THIRTEEN TIMES (13)

Sorta like how i've played through FF6 10 times

I've spent 2000+ hours in smash though
I beat FE 7 ~300 times. Not joking.

I've spent maybe more time playing FE games than on Smash games, and it's definitely more time on FE if you count debate time.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Fire Emblem is a good 100-150 hours of my life behind me

I beat Fire Emblem 7 THIRTEEN TIMES (13)

Sorta like how i've played through FF6 10 times

I've spent 2000+ hours in smash though
Thiocyanide - 1
People Taking Him Seriously - 0

2000 / 24 = 83 days played.
/played on my Death Knight = 55 days
/played on my Rogue = 124 days
/played on my Paladin = 23 days
I beat FE 7 ~300 times. Not joking.

I've spent maybe more time playing FE games than on Smash games, and it's definitely more time on FE if you count debate time.

I mean really guys??? Come on


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
It doesn't matter if I'm a nerd. I like myself. I also found a fellow dork to be in love with who's actually gorgeous. I'm really happy right now. :)


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Nah, Texas. Why? I've already chilled with her in person three times and we both have plans of traveling a lot. I'm going to HOBO 18 and staying at her house for five days next month.
Do you think you can get "Woopie" while your at her house for the 5 days?


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
lol, wtf Inui you're supposed to like little boys like Jman, Xzax, and Doom, your screwing up man XD

She's really cute though, I'd Keitaro Time her!! Even if she shields!!


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
malcolm is the funniest smasher and comentater by far omg. each move in this game creates an explosion in his little heart that comes out as a hilarious comment.

u guys shoulda seen him air dodge all of keitaros lazers.

anyway im actually happy inui found a girl to like. cuz posting things about wanting under age boys.
NOT COOL cuz im one of them


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
So, it's official.

Blue stole $140 from me.

He is a scumbag.

If he ever attends something I'm at, I'm destroying him. Everyone else should back me up on that. He's human refuse.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
He needs to not show up to anything I'm at (which is everything).

He chose $140 over being able to go to events and being my friends. His loss in the end, really. It's a shame.

He's treacherous human refuse.

He's been a guest in my home countless times. I defended him when people trash talked him. I trained with him just two days ago and he got to stay in my room all away from everyone else before the tournament. He didn't have to pay venue fees. I treated him really well.

And this is how he repays me.

He is garbage.

I value my loyalty and honest above all things. He is both dishonest and unloyal. Intolerable. I am extremely kind to my people. I am generous to my friends. I defend my crewmates.

Once I am betrayed, however, I will show far more anger and cruelty than the amount of kindness and happiness I can show.

I have been betrayed. I have been crossed. There will be consequences.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
so why is this so sudden/random like today monday? did you talk to him on aim/fone or something or would you rather keep it to yourself?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey

Sesshomaru010101 (9:44:13 PM): your choices were
Sesshomaru010101 (9:44:37 PM): keep me as a friend (and i can be a VERY good one and i defend you for months when the rest of the community **** talked you) and stay in the community and give me the money
Sesshomaru010101 (9:44:39 PM): or dont
Sesshomaru010101 (9:44:43 PM): but you are choosing $140
Sesshomaru010101 (9:44:44 PM): over that
Sesshomaru010101 (9:44:53 PM): you made your choice...and now you will have consequences
Sesshomaru010101 (9:45:01 PM): DIRE consequences should u come near me
JerodgenBlue (9:45:21 PM): i will face them IF they come
JerodgenBlue (9:45:25 PM): i doubt it
JerodgenBlue (9:45:41 PM): i stand my ground for once
Sesshomaru010101 (9:45:50 PM): uh huh
Sesshomaru010101 (9:45:56 PM): good luck standing your ground against me
Sesshomaru010101 (9:46:07 PM): you won't be standing for long lol
Sesshomaru010101 (9:46:12 PM): ull be embracing that ground instead
JerodgenBlue (9:46:12 PM): my whole time in EC was bullshiot
Sesshomaru010101 (9:46:24 PM): it's bull**** because you make it bull**** because you ARE bull****
JerodgenBlue (9:47:13 PM): no i tried to do my best to support my crew and you all just trashed talked me even b4 that
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:22 PM): i always defended you
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:25 PM): wtf are you talking about
JerodgenBlue (9:47:27 PM): no you havent
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:31 PM): ........
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:32 PM): go to hell
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:34 PM): i know what i did
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:46 PM): "no you havent"
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:46 PM): rofl
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:50 PM): now IM a liar?
Sesshomaru010101 (9:47:58 PM): nah trick, im the most honest cat ull ever know
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:05 PM): way more honest than u
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:08 PM): id never trick someone for months
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:12 PM): id man up and pay a debt
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:16 PM): or be front about it and just say no
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:19 PM): but ur a coward
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:22 PM): COWARD
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:25 PM): not facing it right away
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:34 PM): now you will be MORE of a coward
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:38 PM): and not show up to anything im at
Sesshomaru010101 (9:48:42 PM): because...you can't face me

JerodgenBlue (10:00:36 PM): i was almost tempted to show this whole community this convo
JerodgenBlue (10:01:01 PM): but im no female like you and reveal private conflicts
JerodgenBlue (10:01:34 PM): but thank you for this laugh about your the leader crap that was pure idiotic gold
Sesshomaru010101 (10:03:09 PM): it's ok, i'm already way ahead of you
Sesshomaru010101 (10:03:22 PM): i'm going to wreck you, dude
Sesshomaru010101 (10:03:24 PM): you're done
Sesshomaru010101 (10:03:30 PM): you have betrayed the wrong person
Sesshomaru010101 (10:05:46 PM): your influence is nothing compared to mine
Sesshomaru010101 (10:05:52 PM): you are dirt beneath my shoes
JerodgenBlue (10:06:15 PM): then clean it off and move on
JerodgenBlue (10:06:18 PM): im done with you
Sesshomaru010101 (10:06:39 PM): i'm sorry, insulted dirt. dirt is useful to this world. you're not.
JerodgenBlue (10:07:39 PM): hey jump to the real world for once and stop living this game fantasy
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:00 PM): real world: you stole $140 from me, you are a liar, you are trecherous
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:04 PM): this isn't about the game anymore
JerodgenBlue (10:08:07 PM): trash my gamer tag all you want
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:07 PM): it's about WHO YOU ARE
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:11 PM): which is garbage
JerodgenBlue (10:08:13 PM): who i am
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:36 PM): ill finish that for you since there's some delay here
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:40 PM): "is trash and a liar"
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:44 PM): oh ok, got it buddy
JerodgenBlue (10:08:49 PM): you know nothing about the real person i am bc you were always a ******** fool crazed about a **** game
Sesshomaru010101 (10:08:51 PM): glad you're confronting your problem
Sesshomaru010101 (10:09:45 PM): you just showed the real you
Sesshomaru010101 (10:10:23 PM): you led me on for months, tricked me, betrayed me, didn't man up and pay that debt, and you did this after you came into my home as my guest just a few days ago and even got special treatment
Sesshomaru010101 (10:10:29 PM): you're horrible.
Sesshomaru010101 (10:10:35 PM): plain and simple.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:00 PM): i would NEVER steal from any of you and i would NEVER lie to you
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:03 PM): i tell it like it is
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:07 PM): and when people say **** in the sbr
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:12 PM): about ksizzle/shadow/whatever
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:14 PM): not being a top player
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:16 PM): i jump on them
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:21 PM): i do the same thing for dm
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:22 PM): keitaro
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:23 PM): you guys are good
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:25 PM): i got ur backs
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:30 PM): ur good players, good people, everything
KelvinTooGood (10:13:34 PM): yea u tell me
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:38 PM): i only talked **** about NJ back then
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:44 PM): because i felt betrayed BY NJ
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:47 PM): and got mad
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:50 PM): it's cuz i care so much
Sesshomaru010101 (10:13:57 PM): and have so much loyalty and honesty
Sesshomaru010101 (10:14:01 PM): towards my state and people
Sesshomaru010101 (10:14:04 PM): that things like
Sesshomaru010101 (10:14:11 PM): wyatt leaving for nonsensical reason
Sesshomaru010101 (10:14:14 PM): really sets me off
Sesshomaru010101 (10:14:18 PM): you understand right?
KelvinTooGood (10:14:22 PM): yes totally
Sesshomaru010101 (10:14:22 PM): this is a very big part of who i am
Sesshomaru010101 (10:14:28 PM): honesty and loyalty...are what i am
KelvinTooGood (10:14:42 PM): yea i kow youd never lie and are always blunt
KelvinTooGood (10:14:45 PM): know*
Sesshomaru010101 (10:15:48 PM): betrayal...dishonesty...gah!
Sesshomaru010101 (10:15:53 PM): i hate people like him
Sesshomaru010101 (10:15:56 PM): twofaced worms
Sesshomaru010101 (10:16:04 PM): if only people would just be themselves all the time
Sesshomaru010101 (10:16:07 PM): i have my negative sides
Sesshomaru010101 (10:16:10 PM): but i dont hide them
Sesshomaru010101 (10:16:16 PM): if i have a thought, im gonna say it
Sesshomaru010101 (10:16:20 PM): instead of being a *****
Sesshomaru010101 (10:16:22 PM): it's how i roll
Sesshomaru010101 (10:16:34 PM): what you see is what you got
KelvinTooGood (10:17:14 PM): yeah. i agree and wouldnt blame you for any of this
Sesshomaru010101 (10:17:42 PM): betrayal and dishonesty by themselves throw me into a rage
Sesshomaru010101 (10:17:45 PM): both combined?
Sesshomaru010101 (10:17:46 PM): roflmao
Sesshomaru010101 (10:17:50 PM): my anger's MAXED
Sesshomaru010101 (10:17:59 PM): it's like...
Sesshomaru010101 (10:18:00 PM): ok
Sesshomaru010101 (10:18:06 PM): i offer my friends
Sesshomaru010101 (10:18:11 PM): pure honesty
Sesshomaru010101 (10:18:16 PM): and unwavering loyalty
Sesshomaru010101 (10:18:24 PM): i dont expect that to be **** on
Sesshomaru010101 (10:18:26 PM): like blue did
KelvinTooGood (10:20:07 PM): i feel bad. try to get the money
KelvinTooGood (10:20:10 PM): sue him!
KelvinTooGood (10:20:20 PM): youve been playing phoenix wright
KelvinTooGood (10:20:21 PM): lol
Sesshomaru010101 (10:20:32 PM): rofl
Sesshomaru010101 (10:20:37 PM): it cant really go anywhere
Sesshomaru010101 (10:20:40 PM): nothing's in paper
Sesshomaru010101 (10:20:41 PM): but it's fine
Sesshomaru010101 (10:20:48 PM): i can survive without it
Sesshomaru010101 (10:21:05 PM): i have a lot of pride as a host
Sesshomaru010101 (10:21:12 PM): i wasnt going to back out of what i promised at that event
Sesshomaru010101 (10:21:13 PM): so i didnt
KelvinTooGood (10:21:29 PM): yeah that was nice of you


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
at least you learn from your mistakes

aw this is like the deep side of inui cute! :3

XD lol

yeah too bad u can't sue


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey

I don't really keep things to myself.

I'm open about everything and just say what's on my mind.

I have no issues with being deep or personal or talking about myself. I like myself overall. I have no problems talking about myself because I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of that isn't tolerable.
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