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Elements and Attributes Mafia - Game Over!

Apr 17, 2011
AM let me ask you this.

If Orb is scum, then why hasn't he been killing?
Ask yourself why scumDH hasn't. The point of the matter is that the last scum either has been running his face into protectives or is electing not to kill. While the former would be nice, it seems more like that it's the latter. I think anyone in this game would be smart enough to know not to run their face into the BadWolf/AM protect loop multiple nights in a row. There's 2 1/2 protectives and at least two roles that could harm the NK, three if Orbo is town. Scum had to wait to start shooting again because a night phase where both Ruy/Nabe come up with a clear would keep you from being able to reach endgame. At this point, scum is pretty much ****ed anyway, but in either case, but they would've long since been more ****ed if more clears were running around.

In short, it was to prevent more clears from existing.

As for the kill on Ruy, it happened on the night before Nabe's lynch and then banked on Nabe dying or on the night after, where they felt more assured in the fact that Nabe couldn't stop them.
Apr 17, 2011
AM, the ability I gave you stops the first Night action that occurs to someone in NAR, correct? Do you just want to just lynch Orb then me, and if the game isn't over by then just use water on BW while BW protects you? Do you think that's a safe plan?
The thing with this is that we can't both block DH while also protecting BadWolf. The plan falls apart based on that. Because of this, we need to lynch correctly in MyLo.

Swords is perfectly willing to die, which is flawed, but would allow DH to win and not himself. I don't think he makes a play like that as scum. And, again, Swords on play is my favorite. I would rather not steer the lynch here.

I know Orbo has also offered to kill himself but the thing that has me doubting him is that, while offering to die, he also pointed out DH's vote as opportunistic and then voted him in response. This, to me, seems even more opportunistic than DH's vote, given that DH was leaving the country and would not be able to respond. In this situation, he is voting Orbo as a possible lynch candidate when the only other choices are two people who will not be able to lynched today and a third guy who is likely not to be lynched today. Given that he was out of the country, he placed a vote where he realistically could and really on his only option. It could be scum trying to place a vote before they go in order to get a mislynch but it could just as easily be town trying to place a vote to get a lynch before he dies. Ryker has done both as either alignment in a lot of situations, and I don't think it's opportunistic.
Apr 17, 2011
ebwop: at this point, if you're town, what i need is analysis between dh v swordy that i can use. right now, i'm leaning dh. if you're scum, just vote yourself.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Hi guys guess who's arrived

I said a bunch of evil stuff because I like playing scum so much more than town. I think my replies might have been so evil that Gova was like, "Man this guy clearly just wants scum." and gave me town.

I find it pretty disgusting that your reasoning for not sheeping is due to self-preservation. That's really the big reason you're not willing to sheep someone?


FF, what do you think of PJB?
First post of the game, drives right into the PJB wagon. Given the flip and how hard he went right into, could be possible bussing.
How is that "Highly Generic"?
Jumping into Legolas's interactions with kantrip over somethign small, null imo.

What makes you think that the answer to his question was "Automatically Displeasing"?
Butting heads with foxy's defense of PJB, reads like DH is too sure of PJB scum in hindsight.
It's a pretty clear attempt to try and make it seem like nothing's his fault. "Since I'm town, everything that you're saying is just you misinterpreting stuff!"

If the only thing that came to PJB's mind is about self-preservation, then it shows that he's thinking with a self-preservation mentality. If he was thinking about scumhunting and the like, you really think he wouldn't have brought up anything beyond "I could get lynched because of it"?
DH still on PJB. drove this realllyyyyyy hard. it's the major wagon of D1 yes, but he's always only been on the major wagons.
Other than really dumb town, there's no reason to act with a self preservation mentality as town. I think that PJB has been around here long enough to not be that really dumb town.
More of the same.
PJB and Swiss, have you guys ever played a game together?
Not sure how this actually mattered, especially seeing as it was adumb doing most of the posting.
First of all I would just like to say that the fact that you can't check a person's individual posts is so amazingly annoying

Upon a reread, the more and more I dislike Hando. His incredibly wishy-washy stance on PJB looks bad on reread. Trying to ask people who their third scum mates is this early game comes as loaded, and the fact that he apparently had three scum by page 5 just comes off as him being rushed.

Put to be honest, I'm going to Vote: PJB. In addition to his play being spotty, there's also the fact that just about every player has commented on him, and some players have had some interesting actions with him (Gheb, Hando). His flip gives a lot of information to work with.
Says hando is being yucky(hando is an easy player to dislike) but ends up voting pjb because information?
Gheb, you do know how very little badfwolf gives us, right? I can't think of him posting once so far.
Tries to stop the wagon switching off.
Except for the fact that his play has been bad and the fact that just about every player has commented on him, compared to the nothing that we get form badwolf.
Generic answer, which is odd considering how scummy DH finds PJB.
Holy hell badwolf has not made a post since the 17th

@mod can we get a replacement for badwolf?
Empty post really.
Sorry guys, the next time i'll be able to make a decent post is just maybe, tomorrow afternoon.

As for now, Vote: PJB
Still hoping on the PJB wagon, even though he hasn't unvoted since?
Sorry guys, I've been really busy as of late. Some quick thoughts:

Foxy is pretty town
JTB's first post of the day reeks of opportunism
Gheb town
I need to look at swords more in depth
Does FF have any reads as of late?
Alright guys, sorry for not being able to do stuff (including go more in depth about my reads) over the weekend

Foxy is town because almost everything he's done here has screamed of the last couple of times I've played with Ran, where he was town. He was being mostly uncompromising wrt PJB, which reminds me of how I've seen him take a stance and just simply not let go, like what he did here with defending PJB.

I originally thought that JTB's first post was scummy because I found it suspicious that he immediately decided to vote Foxy and RR gambited, making it look like he was trying to get on a possible mislynch. After som rereading, though, it seems as though JTB had suspected foxy, so I can see him making that jump.

Gheb is town because I can see where he's coming at and his defense especially of PJB. Some of his defense points are so bizarre that I find it hard to believe he was trying to defend his partner.

And after deciding to take a better look at SD, I can see why people are thinking that he's scum. His soft-defending, flippity-floppity interactions with PJB are disgusting, his attack on gheb his half-***** (Indirect defense? really now).

However, I still don't think that Legolas mentioning Ff is enough to completely excuse him. FF has still played awfully and I'm perfectly fine with seeing him go.

Also AM, trying to get all of the inactives to comment on Swords before his lynch is just going to be a waste of time. Also, nothing I've seen of RR's play today is any different from his normal town play, IMO.
Foxy town isn't hard to say because it's ran.
He said gheb's interactions with pjb where interesting but then backs off and says they are probably towngheb being wrong? Backtracking off a statement without much gusto to it.
JTB was easy to wagon.
Swords was the major wagon.
last point idek.
Badwolf what the hell are you doing
Like seriously badwolf. AM is not a play today, and you're also taking a surface-level approach to this stuff. Don't do that
Not sure what this was if not filler posts.
Vote: Sworddancer
@mod Hando made this post in the social thread:

Could we get a replacement for him?

So he doesn't miss it.
Back on the major wagon, and null post in alerting the mod.
I'd much rather wait to see him claim, because there is a chance that is claim could be provable/useful (Like a vig role), and it would be a shame to see it go to waste.
Alright AM, we have a confirmation for Sword's role. How is that indicative of his alignment?
Not sure how the first quote is even content, and the second one is trying to steamroll a protectives lynch through.
So I probably should have realized that posting something while I was in the hallways at school probably wasn't a good idea.

Nothing so far that has been revealed about SD directly refers to him being town. There's stuff that confirms his role, yes, but nothing yet that confirms his actual alignment. Combined with his damning play today and yesterday, and you've got a reason for why his claim should not give him a free pass.
More of the same. DH doesn't like reconsidering his options this game.
Priorities, man.

Goddamnit guys this Swords wagon is falling apart just because of mod meta and apparent claims. We have one day left until deadline and at this point it's seems like it's going to be a no lynch and we'll be dealing with this exact same **** toMorrow
Tunneling isn't something I've noticed from townhorse.
@mod request votecount

Horrible. His reasoning is shoddy at best and his arguments are very poorly researched(He calls FF out because he was "trying to support his PJB lynch," despite the fact that he was trying to focus on the inactives? Saying that it's scummy that he mentioned Gheb? Seriously?). I can see where the hate is coming from.
Hating on JTB. This follows the trend of hitting the major targets and the easy ones.
Unvote, Vote: JTB
I feel ya.
Empty stuff. Why jump off the JTV train when he had FF still being pushed and at L2? trying to save his last mate?
Aight, I guess I'll go first.

I'm the wind element. Each night, I have the ability to make someone's night action first in the NAR. I used it on AM N1 (Because he was the most townie out of all of the people comfortable with using this ability) and Swords N2.
after this point all dh has done is chime in his NA's and dropped votes.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I don't see scumswords, and he's got a hell of a lot of posts to quote. Do you think there's an issue with having two protectives AM? in that case I'd probably go towards badwolf since his seems the more powerful of the two and he is lacking a bit playwise.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
deadlines in two days, hold if in-case am or swords has something to say.
5 alive today, I die then mafia either no kills it to mylo or we end up in three man, most likely with you, am, and dh. am/bw protect circle makes it so as you two are unkillable iirc am's version of your power. In which case it should be GG.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sorry for absence, now that I have a source of income I'm not limited to the internet being my primary source of entertainment.

Ehhhh, I still think it's DH but I don't think AM is willing to reconsider.

I have nothing else to say.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Ask yourself why scumDH hasn't.
It's true that there's at least one missing link with both cases, but at the very least with DH scum Night 2 is explained. With Orbo scum there's two unexplained Night kills (Night 2 and Night 4/5 assuming that Night 3 is explained by scum no killing due to fear of being tracked). With DH scum only Night 4/5 is left unexplained. Occam's razor.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I'm dying tomorrow in all likelyhood if dh isn't scum and a NK doesn't win the game so I don't get why you aren't fine with inverting the order between myself and DH.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
kinda irked that dh is here to answer questions and claim results but does nothing in the meantime. No scumhunting, no pushing.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Vote blocking. Even though you probably don't have that ability, the possibility that you do scare me ****less. I do not want to be the one that loses this game.

Plus, it's like AM saids, you say that you're okay with dying toDay, but your current play doesn't indicate that.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I'm fine with dying. I'm better with scum dying.
Also why wouldn't there have been any voteblocking earlier in game?
Seems like we're trying to use NA's to win this game instead of day play.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Yes but on Day 4 I said that you should target AM while Nabe magnetized you so that we could clear you. Yet you didn't follow that plan. Why?

Because at that point I was probably falling really behind in the thread, and I wasn't able to catch up, so I wanted to send something in to make sure that I didn't waste my action that night.

kinda irked that dh is here to answer questions and claim results but does nothing in the meantime. No scumhunting, no pushing.
That's because I really don't have time right now (It's 11:30 here in hungary and I'm leaving tomorrow), coupled with how far behind I've fallen (What swords said above? That was the first time I had heard about his plan) leaves for a pretty bad combination.

Though if you really wan some, I find your blantant OMGUS on me (including only bringing up that whole magnetism event event thing after I had voted you), and, like just about everyone else has been saying, your self preservation grody.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Show my self preservation? The magnetism wasn't even confirmed till Nabe died. I apologize for forgetting about in, but you've been nonexistant the whole game.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Show my self preservation? The magnetism wasn't even confirmed till Nabe died. I apologize for forgetting about in, but you've been nonexistant the whole game.

Because after I voted you, putting you at L-1, you then immediatley started pushing me. You've also been trying to convince swords to also put me at L-1, as well as trying to convince him to switch the order of hwo gets lynched to day.

Also, the way you phrased that post where you brought up the magnetism makes it seem like you had already remmebered the mangetism once nabe died, and yet only brought it up when Ivoted you, as justification for voting me.

It's midnight. I need to get some sleep


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I was holding off on voting because I wanted to see where AM was going, but if it's going to be "me or the ugy I think is scum" then I'm definitely not going to vote for myself. I've been trying to convince swords? I talked to him about it a couple times on this page. Two days from deadline. That's a scumtell now?
I've been saying "if not nabe, then darkhorse" ever since I came into the game.
Enjoy your sleep though.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Orbo you have quite clearly been playing the self preservation game. You want DH to be lynched before you. You want to live until the next Day.
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